The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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Because we are starved of Stars...

From: Original

Name: Nikki

Age: unknown, not even by her

Gender: female (in her true form)


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Alliance/Position: The Stars

Skill Set/Powers: Shapeshifting (into anything that she seen, save for non-living objects and the undead, but SHE CAN replicate the clothes being worn, so long as she does not replicate as the clothes alone; her mass always remains the same, no matter the size of what she shapeshifts into)

Personality: Kind, cheerful and mischievous, yet never malicious.

Bio: Nikki is an infernal doppelganger which seems to be without a master. She hardly has any recollection of her memories as it is, and all she can remember, when she tries to think of it is maddening pain. Unlike what seeing an infernal being may usually suggest (provisioned someone manages to see her true form), Nikki is not bent on destruction or other malicious intents. If anything, she enjoys entertaining people with her tricks, dances and games, simply enjoying seeing the people smile. She strongly opposes the use of violence, preferring flight over fight, which for a doppelganger is not that difficult, considering the vast array of options.
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Reactions: Archmage Jeremiah bring in Etrian Odyssey characters for Stars...again...

EDIT: You know the saying, "Oh my Stars!" or "Thanks the Stars!" Yeaaaaaaaah, it'd be funny if people would use that in the Stars' names. :'D
Go for it. The core of role-playing... or anything really, is you do it if it makes you happy. But not at the expense of others...

...Now that we've gotten that out of the way...

Ooh...this'd be some sinister theme music:

Well, while we're showing off music...

I believe this should be, and in the case of Sha'lit, will be used at least in reference to the Guardians as a whole. In exposition via a legend, for instance. Or a general theme of the Divine. ^_^

Two of my favourite WoW songs...that I never knew actually meant something in English.
Speaking of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, add Raem and, perhaps, Mio, to the blacklist, they're someone that can feed off of memories and make people forget and is like a literal monster god. Er, Raem that is. Mio's just a blob of light that's reflection looks like a girl.

Aaaaaand have his battle theme too because whhy not
Why do I get the feeling that the IC will be posted while everyone in the Eastern Time Zone is sleeping? It's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep because of this nagging feeling ajglkdshgdkhsl
Why do I get the feeling that the IC will be posted while everyone in the Eastern Time Zone is sleeping? It's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep because of this nagging feeling ajglkdshgdkhsl
I'm also in the same time zone. ^^
I'm going out to feed on flesh, but I promise to dive right into the premise as soon as I get back. It's looking superb already!
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