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O cool so Eleena can get even MORE speed.
Rigaldo the Silver-Eyed Lion King, my favorite Claymore character. Also appropriately fast.

Basically, sacrifice one stat point for the rest of the match in order to get +2 for that stat on that turn.
Lol, couldn't use this on Fortitude or Galina'd die.
Rigaldo the Silver-Eyed Lion King, my favorite Claymore character. Also appropriately fast.

Lol, couldn't use this on Fortitude or Galina'd die.
I also posted the line where he was overcome in speed by Claire going 'MORE, MORE, MORE!!!'

It's a triple play.
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Reactions: Azathoth
You don't need to though, Azathoth?

There's an action called Defend, which allows you to add +2 to Speed or Fort for defensive purposes that turn. It's just that no one uses it, because they're battle-hungry dicks. Then again, if someone put up 'Defend', everyone else will probably just meta-game and go 'hurr durr my character uses this turn to prep up their attack' or something like that.
You don't need to though, Azathoth?

There's an action called Defend, which allows you to add +2 to Speed or Fort for defensive purposes that turn. It's just that no one uses it, because they're battle-hungry dicks. Then again, if someone put up 'Defend', everyone else will probably just meta-game and go 'hurr durr my character uses this turn to prep up their attack' or something like that.
Where are these thing, why haven't I seen them? D:
You don't need to though, Azathoth?

There's an action called Defend, which allows you to add +2 to Speed or Fort for defensive purposes that turn. It's just that no one uses it, because they're battle-hungry dicks. Then again, if someone put up 'Defend', everyone else will probably just meta-game and go 'hurr durr my character uses this turn to prep up their attack' or something like that.
Wait wait wait let me get this straight.

If Eleena puts extra effort into Defending, she gets +4 more speed?

Even if it's only for defense...
Reaching 20 speed is not a dream....
I can make it a reality.

It's all what I've learned from the skype chat. So yeah, that's a thing.

Watch as Eleena goes 20 speed...only to fail the perception check necessary to see the attack the first place.
Oh Right, I got skype now.

I should join that chat.

... Dunno how and where though.
Ugh, I'd have to use Skype.

Anyhow. Guardians and Goetians, how are we going to start this sparring thing? I'm thinking RJS and Jakers could do a collab where Natalya suggests a sparring match with Halberd, then when you've posted Galina and Eleena can say that sounds like a good idea and go for our own.
Whatever works for me.

We gonna bug Asuras to do the rolls, can someone else do it... Or should we just flip a coin [or internet equivalent] to decide who wins, and write it out from there?
Or maybe, instead of doing that, you can go have your character write their wills instead. It's not all about battle, you know~

Need to get dat drama in there as well.

Oh shit, just realized. What if Tycen was Efrida's third angel? That's why he's rarely present, and why he's so fucking OP. Also why there's no Aesil beef with Guardians...yet.
Well as long as nothing is at stake I don't mind losing.
Oh shit, just realized. What if Tycen was Efrida's third angel? That's why he's rarely present, and why he's so fucking OP. Also why there's no Aesil beef with Guardians...yet.
Guardians retarded. Or Aesil faction was always in charge.
Sacred Wings now grants a +2 to both Might and Speed.
You are a good person.

Also, putting my +1 for Lyssa in Fortitude.
Anyhow. Guardians and Goetians, how are we going to start this sparring thing? I'm thinking RJS and Jakers could do a collab where Natalya suggests a sparring match with Halberd, then when you've posted Galina and Eleena can say that sounds like a good idea and go for our own.
Me and RJS have got something up, we just need to do the actual fighting tomorrow, when Suras ain't busy and we're both awake. I'll PM you what we've done so far, if it helps you and Meira do your collabarus.

THE BATTLE BETWEEN SPEED BEGINS, in which you can't actually see what's happening in the fight because of how fast they're going. Rito pls

*Edit: Or I'll wait for Aza to PM me, seeing as I forgot about his PM settings xD
Someone wanna be a good people and tell me how to join the Skype chat?
Or maybe, instead of doing that, you can go have your character write their wills instead. It's not all about battle, you know~

Need to get dat drama in there as well.

Oh shit, just realized. What if Tycen was Efrida's third angel? That's why he's rarely present, and why he's so fucking OP. Also why there's no Aesil beef with Guardians...yet.
Not sure Galina has anything to leave, other than her blades.




I changed my temp name so that should bring me up.

Das my avatar.
You don't have to go to someone's profile to start a conversation with them, just click on their avatar and it's the option next to profile page.
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