The Princess and the Outcast

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Akari waited on a bench and sniffed a tulip as she did. She loved the royal garden. There was always so much beauty in the simplest things. The prefect place to finish off the last details of their wedding. Akari smiled to herself.
Sebastian looks up at his sister and shrugs. "I was getting my sword back. I got stabbed, wrapped myself up, got into a fight, wound opened again, and something about a personal army that I wasnt paying attention to. I get free food, though" He shrugs and pulls his sword from under the bed "And I thought I told you to stay at the inn until I got back."
he walked into the garden and noticed her sitting on the bench, he walked up and leaned down kissing her on the lips dragging her attention away from the tulip. which he then proceeded to sit down on the bench next to her. " you called for me?"
Akari turned to him blushing, "Um...yeah. I wanted to talk to you about the final details of the wedding." she said pulling out a small notebook, "Um...We should get our marriage license soon. I mean the wedding is coming up soon and we need it before hand." he said shyly looking up at him.
" alright, then were do we go to get these marriage licsenses " he said inspecting his sword, but then putting it away and he leaned back on the bench looking at her raising her face so that she made eye contact with him. " You never look me in the i scare you? "
Akari blushed more, "'s just. We're getting married. You always teased me when we were young." she stuck out her tongue at him playfully.
He catches her tounge and chuckles letting it go " your right, but look at us now....your going to be my beautiful wife..." he said holding in his blush as best as he can but still staring right at her
"And you'll be my stubborn husband." she giggled, "Once we go to city hall that is."
" Yeah yeah, i may be stubborn but atleast im protective " he said nodding and chuckling " well im ready whenever...except if im not in the castle...then im probably at war"
She frowned and kissed his lips tenderly, "I don't want you to go." she whispered gazing into his eyes.
" I protect you....and everyone else you care for...its what i was born for...its what my family line always was and always will know that " he didn't like to scare her with his hole he could die anytime scheme " ...But if i dont return...once....i want you to promise me you will move on..." he said holding her chin up still.
"No." she shook her head, "Because you're not going to die." she said frowning. She tilted his chin up, "Promise me you'll comeback no matter what."
He thought long about it "....i promise " he could feel his mind practically yelling at him, he never made promises he couldn't keep.
Akari kissed his lips tenderly. A tear making it's way down her cheek as she thought about losing him, "There...your promise i sealed with a kiss." she said softly.
He chuckled " Alright " He said standing up holding a hand out for her to take " Lets spend the rest of the day together than "
She accepted his hand, "Let's." she said standing up, "But you have to take that armor off."

Night falls and Akari takes the opportunity to sneak away from the castle. Unknown to her someone was following her.
Akari went to get the dagger she had lifted off of Jerkman.
Sebastian follows from the rooftops, watching her. 'What is this? A princess out of her castle? How intriguing'
Akari made it to the falls and climbed into the secret cave behind. As she thought. The dagger was still where she left it, untouched. She put the dagger in her pouch and used some water so wipe her scratchings away.
He enters the cavern "Nice place you've got here."
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