The Pheraxis Saga: Lichdom OOC/Interest Check

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I thought you were talking about real, proper alchemy at first. I know nothing of Full Metal Alchemist, and I really have no idea what that Alchemy actually can do. It's been in another rp that I'm part of on another forum, but I don't really know for sure how it works. Just so you know that if someone had it in this, not all of us would really know what was going on.

I had planned for Orrib to be able to magically collect people's blood within his aptly named book - the Blood Seal - which he can later use in very, very powerful spells and runes that he has written down in the book which requires huge amounts of blood. Is that okay? I had thought that the balancing element would be the amount of blood actually needed to use them, as well as the fact that he cannot use them without the book, as well as taking a lot longer than regular spells.
Well, all classifications of magic are open to interpretation, to an extent. The beauty of magic is that everybody uses it differently. It's just that the different classifications follow certain guidelines that mark them as a given classification. Hemomancy is marked by control of blood, Alchemy is marked by transmuting matter into other forms of matter, Necromancy is marked by dealing with death and the dead, and so on.

By the way, in case you hadn't planned to already, it would be a good idea to collect all the CSs that drop in and gather them all in the first page, preferably down the bottom of the first post, then mark them in spoilers with character names and the names of the players controlling them. That way, we can return to the sheets for character reference without having to dig through the potential heaps of pages that the sheets might get buried in.
Yeah, I have a plan in mind for gathering profiles.


Name: Psykano the Huntsman
Race: Human [Heavily modified with technology and sorcery]
Age: 29
Calling: Antimage
  • Twin Scythe, nullifying magic attacks, made from demon's claws.
  • Holy Tattoos, offering limited protection to low level sorcery.
  • Eyes of the Witch, which allows him to see traces of magic as long as it is strong enough and was cast recently.
Affiliation: Mercenary, taking work mostly for the Ivory Inquisition.
Psykano abhors magic in all forms. He believes it is yet another tool to inflict pain upon a word already filled with weapons and violence. When fighting magic practitioners, he fights with zeal and fervent hatred. In other situations, he remains joyous, rude, and full of mirth. This is a facade, to show that he doesn't care and to portray a character of a dim, unthinking mercenary. In truth, he cares nothing but to end the lives of every magic user, taking no pleasure in mundane activities. The true Psykano shows when the blood of sorcerers drips from his blades.
Not much is known about the Huntsman, even to himself. The massive amount of surgery and enhancement applied to him has caused him to lose most memories of his childhood. One thing he does remember, however, is the cult that took his orphanage, and the foul demon they summoned from it.

He lived in an orphanage, to which the name has been long lost to Psykano, another fact that causes even more pain to him. He remembers living a hard, yet content life. The caretakers were strict, but just, only giving out punishments when needed. He had many friends, yet he remembers none of their names or their faces, only that they existed. He didn't know his parents, nor did he care to find out.

One day, a group of robed men appeared at the orphanage, claiming to be monks out for a good cause. They wished to take the children on a trip to their monastery to be able to relax on their day-off. Unbeknownst to the excited children, they were a cult that worshiped some vile demon. They were to be sacrificed. After being bound and gagged, the children were taken to their summoning circle. When their blindfolds were taken off, they saw the bodies of their caretakers, their throats slit.

The cultists began to chant, the circle started glowing. One by one, the cultists stabbed the hearts of the orphans. When thirteen were killed, the portal opened and the demon made its way out. Suddenly, the door burst, armored men and women stormed in and killed the cultists. The portal closed, the demons outstretched hands left behind as the demon shrieked with fury. Its claws were claimed as trophies, which were later given to Psykano as potent weapons. The heroes who rescued him and the remaining orphans revealed themselves as Inquisitors of the Ivory Inquisition.

Psykano admired them and aspired to be like them. He begged them to take him with them. He offered his mind, body and soul to the Inquisition. Hearing this, they subjected him to an experimental procedure: to turn him into an antimage, an anathema to magic. He survived the dangerous experiments and rigorous training, becoming a dangerous warrior known as the Huntsman.

Is this okay?

Name: Dyamier Bale

: Werewolf (Cursed)

: 31/171

: Mercenary/Hunter

  • Magical Greatsword (The Sword will be described in story, but as for its magical property I will pm the dm about this.)
  • Hunters Longbow
  • Fur and hide armor
  • Ring
  • Vials of elixer.

Affiliation: Trained Mercenary. Dyamier associates with anyone willing to pass him some coin, but he has his limits. Dyamier follows somewhat of an honor code, He will sometimes take a job for less money if it promises for a greater challenge, or better entertainment.

: Dyamier is a very strong willed man with a hearty love for the challenges in life. He is cheerful in a tavern, and fierce in a battle, but over all he has a natural charisma about him in the way he tells stories. Dyamier can be considered brave and overzealous. A great many things are unknown about the man but it is said that he only appears for a day and by night he vanishes again, a constant traveler and topic of discussion among the inns of Pheraxis.


As long as I can remember I have wandered, maybe it was for the best that id forgotten all about family or home, or friends. After all, I am not really one to deal in such things. By night I am always away. You see the villages don't have a place for someone like me, not at night, and I prefer it that way. If nothing else at least by being alone at night I have learned to apprecite the way the sun shines on this dreadful world, but despite all of that, this is the story I remember.

I was very young, a wee lad really. I hadn't even gotten my first pubic hair. The world was full of adventure, and my pa; a hearty man with a profession in the lumber industry always made it a point to keep me working. Ma was not very different, she was a kind woman that didn't hesitate to help anyone if she were able to. Every night it was the same, dinner and then pa might read about something or another. it didn't much matter what he read; but I preferred the fantasy stories.

One night the wind was as strong as could be. Pa braved the cold and went to fetch the cattle; he was adamant about things like this. Ma was obviously worried sick, and so was I after Pa was gone for a few hours. I was barely old enough to do much but I reassured Ma by leaving the house and searching for him. What I found will likely scar my mind for the rest of my life. I found Pa, but he wasn't the same.

Pa's body was a mangled bloody mess with pieces missing and large claw marks. I hardly had any time to breath let alone hold back the bile that built up in that moment, but something pushed me forward. Ma let out a scream from the house and I bolted for the door. I was far too late to do anything however. I arrived and seen the creature. It was furry, and it stood on all fours much like a human but giant in comparison. Ma screamed and I tried to rush to her need, but the creature had other plans. I watched as its large maw ripped out Half of Ma's shoulder and then he ripped her in hald as all of her insides spilled upon the floor. The devils golden eyes found me.

I was too scared to run, my body was frozen and I knew I was going to die. I knew I would be just like them soon, and that this creature would get away. I clutched the cross Pa gave me and prepared for it. The Monster lunged in and like that out of instinct alone I held up the cross as it embedded itself into the creature; the same time its large fangs bit into my shoulder. The pain was something I could never forget even now when I rubbed at the scar on my shoulder, but what happened next got me believing in Gods.

The Monster fell over as parts of its body seemed to smoke out. Its body was growing weak now and its form was changing. Before long there was no monster, only a young girl shivering on the ground. My first thought was to beat her, to take the beatin stick and crush her skull; to serve her some kind of justice, but the eyes that stared up at me... They were not the same as the monsters. She was human, just like them and she was afraid. A soft whimper left her pale pink lips. "Im so sorry" as tears ran like rain.

That was a time in my life I learned something, and soon after the reason it all had happened became more and more clear. There was no cure for my curse, no way to rid myself of it, and I was forced to leave, but before the raids came and paid there condolences, before the inquisition got involved and burnt my house I discovered something about my parents.

Deep under the house they had a fairly large tunnel which lead to an even bigger chamber. By the wall markings it was all part of a cave. I couldn't help but follow the clues. What I found in that cave was what designed my future. The truth I found in that chamber was what decided who I am even today. Yes I learned from my tragedy, I grew from it and there is more than what I am telling you, but perhaps the rest of my origin is a story for a different day. Don't you agree Kyra? (This is the basics but I want to leave some fun for in character if you'll allow that.)
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@Cheesecake Accepted! Reminds me of Antimage from Dota
This seems like a fun idea~
And hey there's some other people here I know too xP
totally didn't stalk you guys here

I call dibs on a Diabolist, if you'll have me~
This seems like a fun idea~
And hey there's some other people here I know too xP
totally didn't stalk you guys here

I call dibs on a Diabolist, if you'll have me~
I think several people can be of the same Calling at the same time tho :P
I think several people can be of the same Calling at the same time tho :P

I know, I just telling everyone what I'm making because reasons xP

Question for @solReaper though. What exactly can a Diabolist do aside from summoning demons and using demonic fire you mentioned earlier? do they take on the abilities of demons or something?
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Question for @solReaper though. What exactly can a Diabolist do aside from summoning demons and using demonic fire you mentioned earlier? do they take on the abilities of demons or something?

They can, yes. It all depends on their physical fortitude and how much pain they can withstand before dropping the magic.
Masochists would make amazingly powerful diabolists.
@solReaper I'm gonna go on a trip and it will be a few days before I find Internet. Sorry in advance if I'm not able to join when this starts.
I would like to add that Callawyn also uses a Recurve bow with an arrow rest and Celtic knot-like decorative designs along the front of it's length.
I wasn't sure if this story was still accepting characters or not but on the off hand that you are, here is mine. Please let me know if she'll work or if there is anything I need to change.

Appearance: Lorna stands about 5'5" with waist length wheat colored hair, pale pink skin and golden eyes. Upon first seeing her many people think she is much younger than she is because of her height and youthful looking face. Her body however is very much that of a womans, possessing both curvy hips and an ample chest. Her ears and tail are the same color as her hair with white. tips. All across her body she is adorned with swirling red tattoo like markings, the most noticeable of which are in the middle of her forehead. She is able to take two forms, one that is more or less human looking, but with her ears and tail showing and a the form of a slightly larger than normal red fox. While in her human form she can hide her ears tail and tattoos at will.

Name: The name she is known by at the brothel is Madam Vixen, but her actual name is Lorna Kin
Race: Kitsune
Age: 100 years old
Calling: Witch
Equipment: She has a workstation in her private rooms at the brothel where she mixes various potions that she uses. To this end she can usually be found with a few potion bottles tucked in the belt of her robe like dress, as well as a 'poison' ring or two adorning her fingers. She also carries a fan with spring bladed tips that she uses to conjure wind, a long necked pipe as her connection to fire, a choker that has a small gem like container that holds a bit of blessed water, and embedded in the cuffs around her left wrist and ankle she had various precious stones, which can be interchanged depending on what kind of magick she is working.
Affiliation: Lorna is a neutral party. She acquires and sells secrets to whomever will pay her the most, though she does tend to favor Syndicate over the Inquisition.
Personality: As the Madam of a brothel, publicly she is very engaging, flirty and always has a sensual air around her, even though she looks no older than a human of 20. Though they are not the main source of her income, her customers are important to her and she prides herself in being able to make sure that each and every one of them enjoys him or herself at her establishment. behind closed doors, away from clients, she is is a bit more quiet and reserved, preferring to spend most of her time working on various potions or reading. She doesn't really have what most people would call friends, but she is rather fond of a couple of her girls and boys. One of her biggest pet peeves is for someone to mistreat one of her dolls, which is what she called the girls and boys that work for her. If this happens and she finds out, which she always does, the person responsible will usually find themselves at the wrong end of Lorna's magical knowledge. She knows that not everyone approves or likes what she or her dolls do for a living, so when a client is kind or extra generous with her employees, she usually rewards them with discounted visits or other types of special treatments.
Biography: On the surface, Lorna appears to be the Madam of a very successful brothel, but what she really specializes in is secrets. From an early age, Lorna learned the value of finding and trading secrets. Her mother was a spy for Inquisition in exchange for letting her and Lorna to live. Though they lived a rather poor life, inspite of her working for the Inquisition, her mother was finally able to save enough money that she no longer needed to rely on the meager pay the Inquisition gave her. When she tried to break away from the organization, they killed her and then came after Lorna, but she was able to get away from them and after and long and exhausting journey found herself in a town about 20 miles away from the one she and her mother had called home. She had been 20 years old, the human equivalent of 15. It was there that she was found by an old kindhearted Madam named Rose that offered to take her in in exchange for Lorna using her exotic looks to bring in more customers. Not having any other options, Lorna agreed. It was during her years working for Rose that she learned she had a natural gift for witchcraft. One of the other women at the brothel was a witch and she offered to teach Lorna all that she knew. It was after her dedication into the craft that the first tattoo like mark appeared. Thankfully she was able to hide them from her customers using skills natural to kitsune. As she gained more and more knowledge and skills, the markings grew in number until she was left with the markings she carries now. Though she has some control over various elements, her talents lie more in the making of potions and enchantments, which also includes the odd curse from time to time. She worked for Rose for 30 years until the old Madam passed away, leaving the brothel to Lorna in her will. It wasn't until after Rose's death that she started using her 'dolls' to collect secrets to sell. She's been doing so for the last 50 or so years, making her age the equivalent of a 30 year old human woman.
I'm guessing that aside from buying, finding and selling secrets, Lorna can also protect them, yes? If so, she would be very useful to Orrib, and he has a lot of gold and other nice things just laying around.
Wonderful! Thanks @solReaper! And yes @Andalais she can also keep secrets safe if persuaded nicely. And if someone where a regular customer, whether it be for her Dolls or her secrets, I'm sure she would be more then happy to accommodate, and perhaps even stash some personal items and valuables for that person.
Wonderful! Thanks @solReaper! And yes @Andalais she can also keep secrets safe if persuaded nicely. And if someone where a regular customer, whether it be for her Dolls or her secrets, I'm sure she would be more then happy to accommodate, and perhaps even stash some personal items and valuables for that person.
I trust a bag filled to the brim with gold counts as good persuasion?
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That would most assuredly count as good persuasion, and would be very appreciated. Though she would be just as likely to secret said bag away in exchange for a favor owed, especially if she knew and 'trusted' the person who would owe the favor. She's very flexible in terms of payment for certain people.
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