The Peace Maker

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Ivish was about to reply when she took his hand, he smiled at her and gripped her hand softly. He turned to Rue smiling, "Rue go on ahead and prepare two horses, Emmica and I'll grab the food."

Rue gave him a kiss on the cheek, "yes!" She grinned at them holding hands and started for the door, a thought occurred to her and she turned back to face Ivish "two horses?" She asked, thinking she misheard him.

Ivish nodded and grinned, "yes two, go on I'll explain later." Rue gave him a curious look then hurried off before he changed his mind. Once she had gone Ivish turned to Emmica, and grinned at her.

He held her hand lightly, "i was wondering if you'd help me with a surprise for Rue, as you know she loves horses but hasn't one of her own." "I hoped you could accompany her to town so she can buy one, she knows a good horse when she sees one." He shifted uncomfortably, "I'd go with her myself but i don't want to stir up the villagers."

He started to walk towards the door, pulling her gently along with him "i know with you there they'll leave her be and she won't be taken advantage off." He stood and awaited her answer.
Emmica smiled deeply and nodded her head as Ivish told her about is plan. "Of course Ivish, I'll be glad to do that with Rue. I certain she'd just love to see it." She said softly as she looked at him.

She held his hand gently and tilted her head to one side quickly. "So why do you ask to have only two horses prepared?"
Ivish shrugged, "well since we are going out anyway i thought today would be an ideal time for her to purchase her horse, and then she could ride him home after the picnic." He smiled a little, 'and besides she needs a horse to ride this afternoon."

He said a little mysteriously and continued walking, as a thought crossed his mind he turned to her and grinned "don't worry you can share with Rue if you like, or she can share with me. You won't have ride with me." He kissed her lightly, "though it would be nice." Smiling he released her hand, and started down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Emmica blushed deeply as he kissed her and teased her rabout the horses, making her pout at him bas he walked away from her. She huffled a bit, a bit embarrassed by they fact that he so openly kissed her and trotted after and toward the kitchen where their food had been prepared for them.

"Ivish~ why you..." She called to him as she chased him down the hall, her tone a bit whiny as she was a little flusttered.
Ivish laughed and gathered up the food, thanking Arty he headed off to the stables. He stepped outside and walked over to Rue, she was being very patient but he knew she was desperate to know.

Rue had already prepared two horses and was waiting patiently, she helped Ivish secure the food to the one of the horse's saddle and then waited for him to tell her why they only needed two.

Ivish grinned and mounted one of the horses, he looked to Rue "I'll tell you after the picnic okay?" He then turned to look at Emmica, he held down his hand to her "so Emm are you riding with me or Rue? Or by yourself?" He asked grinning.
Emmica trotted after him, following him through the kitchen and out to the stables. When he offered his hand to her she paused for a moment, looking between the free horse and him. She eventually gave in and took his hand, knowing that she might as well just let Rue ride alone since she would be the one to do the most exploring while they rode.
Ivish's grin grew wider as she took his hand, he gently pulled her up behind him into the saddle. Then he spurred the horse on, which may have caused a lose of balance. They walked the horse to the front of the castle, then Ivish stopped and looked over his shoulder at Emmica "which way?"

Rue grinned and mounted her own horse, she wondered how things were going between those two and she also wondered why they only had two horses. Was it simply a ploy so that Emmica would ride with him? That seemed likely, oh well she'd find out soon enough. She followed Ivish around to the front then waited for Emmica to explain the way.
Emmica hopped up onto the horse behind Ivish and put a hand on his shoulder so she wouldn't lose her balance. When he asked which direction they would be going she pointed away from the village and off towards a thin forest.

"That way, the field we'll be having the picnic his just beyond the trees." She said, smiling a bit as she started to think about the picnic.

It would be nice to get out and relax, and hopefully make Ivish a little less tense, if he did become less worried then the people wouldn't either, it was like a stare down between too stubborn donkeys and Emmica had to make them both relax. She already got her people to cool off a bit, now it was Ivish's turn.
Ivish looked over at Rue and returned her mischievous grin, he looked over his shoulder at Emmica "hold on." He said before he took off at a gallop, trying to beat Rue to the path entrance who was already ahead. He had to admit it felt good to be out of the castle, even though he was a bit wary having no guards around.

As Rue pulled ahead of him and beat him to the path, he laughed "okay i give you're faster." He slowed his horse to a walk and admired the trees and flowers that now surrounded them. He was quite relaxed being in this beautiful place with Rue and Emmica, especially Emmica. In fact he hoped to get her on her own at some point today, to ask her about his trip this afternoon and a more pressing personal matter.

Rue grinned and whooped in triumph when she won, she too slowed her horse and gazed happily at the surrounding trees and flowers. She breathed in the sweet scent of it all then turned to Emmica, "are there many animals in here?"
Emmica squeaked in surprise and quickly clung to him so she wouldn't fall off the horse. She couldn't help but smile as they raced to the path enterance, a joyful laugh slipping out as Rue and Ivish were neck and neck. When they slowed down Emmica let out a small giggle before she started to look around at the lovely forest around them. Even though she had only been gone for a few days Emmica had missed the lovely plants of her home. Emiica looked at Rue as she asked her questioned a dn smile.

"Yes, very many. One of out kingdoms main trades is fur and animal bone. We have a law that forbits anything being wasted when a hunter kills an animal so that way more use is put into an animal, as well as value. We also have many types of bugs as well, some even as big as house cats! If I know this forest, and I assure I certainly do, then you will probably run into plenty of animals today." She said.
Rue smiled excitedly, "excellent." She loved animals, and was excited to see some. She was also glad of this law, she despised people who hunted for fun. "Do you have any unique fauna?" She hoped so, Rue loved learning about new things.

Ivish grinned when Emmica squeaked and grabbed him, he'd have to gallop more often. He listened to Rue and Emmica's conversation with interest, but found himself daydreaming. Something he had a habit of doing lately, he found himself looking ahead to his trip back to Dartith. He was worried how his people were holding up.
Emmica though for a moment quietly as she thought of all the animals that lived in her kingdoms forest.

"Well, there is the red back deer, They all have bright red fur on their backs and the bucks actually have to very long horns instead of antlers." She explained to her as she looked around the trees for a moment. "However, I don't believe they will be around until summer."
Rue nodded as she listened, they sounded interesting. She laughed when her stomach growled like Emmica's had done earlier, "so how far are we from the picnic spot?" She hoped she didn't sound bored with her surroundings, she was far from it. She was anxious to start exploring, but she couldn't ignore her hunger.

Ivish joined in Rue's laughter, he too was hungry and wanted to eat before exploring any further.
Emmica laughed along with the too before looking at the path ahead of them.

"We are almost there, it's just past those trees." She said as she pointed to a break in the trees.

As they passed it the forest opened up into a lovely field, full of wild flowers and tall grass. Large trees dotted the field, providing shade for any picnicers, and a gentle breeze blew playfully over the landscape.

"Pick a spot for us to set up guys." She said to them sweetly, wanting them to choose where ever they liked best.