The Peace Maker

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Ivish nodded and smiled sympathetically, "i completely understand i know how hard it must have been." He shuffled his feet a little, "I'm glad your okay." He smiled at her and tried to change the subject to something a little less depressing, "so what did you have planned tomorrow."
Emmica looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Well, mostly cleaning. We have a lot of rooms to put back together and things need to be avaliable quickly. Also, I was going to check the gardens and see if they need any tending to." She said as looked into her room for a second.

She shuffled from one foot to the other shyly as she looked at teh ground once more.

" like to come in? You must be tired right? you can sit down in here while we talk if you want."
Ivish nodded his head and smiled embarrassed "i would yes." He stepped inside and still kept his eyes on her face, he noticed the open book "so what are you reading?" He wondered why he had accepted, he had wanted to talk to her but he was embarrassed by what little she was wearing.
Emmica looked to the book and walked over to it before picking it up.

"Nothing really, it was just some fairytales that I used to read as a little girl...They comfort me when I'm upset." She said as she looked up at him.

She motioned to the chair as she moved to her bed and sat on it quietly.

"Please sit there, and feel free to use the foot rest alright?"
Ivish sat obediently, and glanced at the book "what is your favorite fairytale?" He asked quietly, he'd never been read a fairytale. His father thought it a waste of time, and didn't care enough about Ivish to bother anyway. He wished that his mother had been alive, but she wasn't and as his father and brothers told him all the time it was his fault.
Emmica smiled a little more and started to flip through the pages of her book absentmindedly as she spoke.

"I don't have one...I love all the fairytales I read...Would you like to hear one?" She asked quietly as she looked up at him.
Ivish smiled back softly and nodded, "yes." He looked at her 'if you had to pick a favorite or the one you read the most, read me that one." He leaned back into the chair and waited for her to start reading.
Emmica looked down at the book and started to flip through the pages, turning to the story near teh end of the book. It was about a young prince going on an adventure to find his true love and he meets many who he thinks might be the one. He travels with a close friend who is a fairy and she uses her magic to help in on his way. In the end he eventually realizes that his friend was his true love all along and they live happily together for the rest of their lives. She started to read out loud, her voice soft and gentle as she spoke the words from the pages.
Ivish smiled and closed his eyes as she read, he visualized the story in his head and watched it play. He had never understood the fuss of fairy tales having never heard any, but now he knew why others loved them. They were a world where anything could happen and there was always a happy ending, if only his life where like that. He turned to look at Emmica and smiled when she finished, "thank you i know no why people enjoy those tales so much."
Emmica smiled at him and closed the book, standing up from her bed and walking over to one of her many book shelves to put the novel away.

"You're welcome...I'm glad you liked it, there aren't many who do." She said as she turned to look at him.

She really didn't know what to say now, she was honestly lost on words. It would be pointless to talk about the speech since Darren had told him everything, and she honestly had nothing else on her mind other than her own wandering emotions.
Ivish felt himself falling asleep again, so he got to his feet and walked over to her. He smiled and kissed er hand, "thank you for reading that to me i bid you goodnight." He headed for the door and called back over his shoulder, "and i wish you only sweet dreams."

He headed to his room and decided he'd unpack his things tomorrow, he changed and slid into bed. He was asleep in minutes and for once, his dreams were happy.

Rue awoke some hours later, it was pitch blark and there were no sounds at all. She got out of bed, grabbed the lantern the book the knife and a coat. Then she walked to the door, opening it softly she stuck her head out and listened for any sounds of movement. She heard nothing and so she slipped out, closing the door behind her. She tiptoed down the hall making less noise than a mouse, she gasped quietly at the cold when she stepped outside. She was glad she'd thought to bring a cloak, she hurried into the stable. The horses weren't afraid at having her there, in fact they were happy about it. She gave them a pat before she got to work, she lit the lantern and placed it and the book on a hay bale beside it so she could see. She made sure you couldn't see the light through the windows, and then started to practice.

By the time dawn approached Rue could successfully unsheathe her dagger in mere seconds, she could cut and lunge with it. It was impressive for one night but she knew she had a lot to learn still. She quickly gathered her things said goodbye to the horses and snuck through the castle back to her room. She wasn't seen, and so she slid her things under the bed and collapsed on it in relief.
Emmica blushed as he kissed her hand and said a small good night to Ivish in return, having lost the volume in her voice when he grabbed her hand gently. She then went over to her bed adn slipped under the covers, cuddling close to her pillow and drifting off into a peaceful sleep. She slept until early morning, waking just as the sun began to rise. She got up slowly, stretching and yawning as she did, and got dressed into a fine deep purple dress. It was high collared and detailed in gold, and had a few layers to it. She adjusted her long sleeves for a moment before tieing back her hair into a bun and leaving her bedroom quietly, hoping not to wake the others.

She walked to the library quietly, taking her time to look over the halls and designs of the castle. She eventually made it and quickly made her way over to a large painting in the back of the library. It was of a women wearing a crown, and smiling warmly at nothing. In fact, it held a close resemblance to Emmica.
Rue had despite her lack of sleep, gotten up early to watch the sunrise. It was something she used to do every morning with her mother, and she still did it every morning no matter how tired she was. Sometimes Ivish accompanied her but he was tired this morning, so she was alone. She had watched the sun rise from the window in the library, it had a beautiful view of it as the sun rose over a large mountain. When all the fighting stopped, she promised herself she would watch the sunrise from the top of that mountain.

She wiped away a few tears, as she thought of her mother. She was so lost in the thought, she jumped when she heard some one else enter the library. She turned to look and spotted Emmica, "good morning Emm are you feeling better this morning?" She followed her gaze to the portrait on the wall, "she looks just like you is that you're mum?"
Emmica turned to Rue and smiled calmly, though she still seemed a bit sad. She nodded her head silently before looking back to the portrait. She looked at it silently a little longer before she spoke softly.

"Did you sleep well Rue?" She asked as she walked over to the young girl and joined her at the window. She smiled a little more as she noticed that Rue had been watching the sunrise.
Rue smiled sadly, "it's a lovely picture." She lowered her head and added quietly, "i wish i had one of my mother." She was silent a moment before she looked back at Emmica, "i slept okay thanks did you?" That was a lie, she'd had a nightmare which is why she'd woken up when she snuck out.

Ivish awoke as the sun's rays hit him square in the face, he yawned and pried himself from his warm bed. He quickly got dressed and frowned when he realized he'd missed the sunrise. He knew normally Rue didn't mind if he missed it, but he thought she might be a little unsettled at the new castle. He decided to look for her, he knocked on Emmica's door just in case Rue was in their. He thought she might be because Rue liked her, and he wanted to see Emmica as well. Getting no answer, he started to make his way to the library.
Emmica smiled down at Rue, feeling a little sad that she did not have a picture of her own mother. She was lucky enough to have many in her life time so she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. She then looked out the window for a second as she spoke, enjoying the veiw of her kingdom in the early morning.

"I slept well, though I honestly wish that I could have slept longer, I always am wide awake as soon as the sun is up." She said with a little laugh as she looked back to Rue. "Anyway, we have a lot to do today, in fact I was going to get Ivish's new office put together, would you like to help?"
Rue smiled and nodded in agreement, "yes so am i." She looked out the window again, "I'm always wake early to watch the sunrise." "It's something my mum and i used to do together." She turned her attention back to Emmica, "of course." Rue glanced at the stables then looked back at Emmica, "do you think after wards we could maybe go riding together?" She hoped they could, they wouldn't be attacked if Emmica was there. She knew Ivish would need a lot of convincing, and pleading to agree to it.
Emmica smiled down at Rue and nodded her head. "Of course we can go for a ride, if fact, let's make it a picnic...I think it might lighten the mood around here, and maybe if a few of the villagers see us having fun, and Ivish being his true self, then they might open to him a little more." She said as she motioned for Rue to follow her out of the library. "If we finish his office quickly we can get everything ready before he has a chance to say no." Emmica said with a mischevious smile.
Rue grinned and followed happily after Emmica, "a picnic sounds great." It did sound great, she hadn't been on a picnic in the longest time. She couldn't wait to get out there on a horse, so she was going to get this office done in record time. She turned to look at Emmica, "do you know any good spots?" She was unsure whether it would sway the villagers, but there was no harm in trying.
Emmica thought quietly for a moment as she lead they way to Ivish's new office. "Well there is this very lovely field, nice and open, and plenty of trees where one can sit under the shade. It's a very nice spot, and some of the villagers know about it, but most are usually working so they don't bother to go." She said as she walked down the hall with Rue. "Is there anything you can think of that we should take on the picnic? Like items we eat and enjoy out there after we ride for awhile."