The out wish list

Daisy awoke early the next morning going and doing her daily things, they were harder for her today though seeing how she was still in pan from the previous night.Once out in the yard, she walked over to Kaya and spoke. "Hey, thanks for last night, I was in a lot of pain and I appreciate it, you a good sister." Daisy patted her head and then stuck a chunk of bread that she had taken into the deep deep pockets of their uniforms. "don't eat it too fast I don't know when I will be able to take another. Daisy walked away not wanting to start anything.
"thank you so much. i was so hungry did you get some for yourself"she said as she scarfed down the bread. "and you must be quite about this, we cant talk to eachother, you remember what happened last time. dont you?'' Kaya said wiping her mouth, and dragging the rubble acrossed the yard.
Daisy smiled. "Yes I remember and I did get some for myself." Daisy lied, she had not eaten today, she continued to work though, as best as she could, trying to keep her head held up, it was hot and hard for her to work.
"are you lying Daisy? my mother showed me how to tell when people are lying. I have some bread under my pillow" she whispered so no officers would hear " when we go to sleep i shall give it to you. you have earned it" she said with a slight smile on her face
Daisy smiled at Kaya. "Thank you Kaya, I appreciate it." Daisy turned and glanced at an officer and then went back to work. "Now go back to work, Kaya I don't want you to get in trouble."
"okay Daisy" she said as she turned her back to Daisy and the officers standing at a fence watching all of the people working like hawks stalking there prey. Kaya drug a sender block to the other side of the yard as it was going to be used to build a new "shower" room. the gards said there wasnt enough room in the one for all the people they need to put in there. he said "everyone here is dirty and needs to be cleaned " as he chuckled. it looked like a race between all of the 'campers' were dragging brick to save there own life's they all had some sort of hope. one man went to the extream's as to try and pick up the block and carry it thinking if he did he would live. but he wasnt strong enough. he picked it up, began walking and his weak legs gave out as he calapsed to the ground breaking both his shrivled hands under the heavy 60 pound block. almost like lifting a house to them. and the officers did not care. they laughed one went to help. the man who yeld at Kaya screamed. then backed off. the camp "nurse" helped and the man was labled to weak and fragle to work. they killed him that night Kaya saw it out her window. firsy they beat him she couldnt watch anymore. she crawled in bed with Daisy and cryed silently as she listened to a gun shot. (( this was random but i dont know why))
Daisy continued to work as always and noticed when the older man fell underneath the block. Daisy wanted to run over and help the man, but found that it would not be wise, he was too weak her should have known better. Daisy felt like her heart was hardening she had began to stop caring for others. Earlier in the day, she saw a small girl, much like Kaya, being beaten and screamed at, Daisy just snickered and pulled Kaya over to her, so that she couldn't see it. She knew that seeing all of this was getting to Kaya, so Daisy had decided that night that whatever happened she had to live. That night when she heard Kaya crying and the gun shot, Daisy rolled over and faced Kaya holding her close to her body to comfort her. "shh, they will hear you crying, you must be hushed, Kaya, don't worry, that will never happen too you, I won't let it." Daisy held Kaya tighter, hoping that she would be okay, and make it through this.