The Old Cat House

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Hearing the cat mew at her she looks at it smiling. She sighs grabbing her case beginning to walk out the room. "Its probably trespassing anyway." she says to herself. But she had a sudden thought wanting to go back and look at the field. Instead she sighs and goes on down the hall straight to the stair. But then she stops at her tracks hearing the front door being banged on. 'He does know it is unlocked right.' Then she starts to panic. ' What if its the owner of this home, what will i do then they will probably punish me for trespassing....right? They can't I'm just a young child...thirteen to be exact.' she thought to herself. So she decides to run to a back window.
The small cat decided that discretion was required and she scooted under the bed in the room and peeking out to see, she waited to see what would happen. Usually the Folk would send people on there way if they had bad intentions or they would just leave on there own. This said something for the girls case too, because the Folk hadn't even shown themselves at all. Yes things were adding up in the girls favor rather nicely. Plus, as was want for all felines, she was becoming curious now that danger was not a major motivator.
The cat man looked around skeptically and set his bag down next to a coffee table. "Hello?" He called out, cupping his mouth so his voice would possibly reach some soul deep within that could be hiding away to himself. Or in this case, herselves.
"Is it possible I can jump out?" She whispers, questioning herself. She quickly looks out, then comes back in seeing the bed. 'Too high, have to hide under the bed.' The quickly slides under the bed, covering her mouth with both hands and closing her eyes hoping not to make a sound. 'Maybe when he is distracted I can run out.' She thought to herself.
When the girl slid under the bed she almost ran over Sharell who panicked and flew out from under the bed, out the door, down the steps and out the front door....or would have except she ran face first into the cat man. All he had a chance to see coming his way was a blur of fur about the size of a cantalope. It hit him in the chest then panicked again and flew back up the steps where some crashing sound of something falling to the floor in one of the bed rooms could be heard and a yowl as it obviously came close to hitting the cat more thuds...something rolling... then silence.
He just blinked and laid a hand on his chest. Did he just... Hallucinate? Or did a fluffy ball just fly at his chest? He made a face of being severely weirded out and slowly walked up the stairs. "Hello? Is anybody in here? I'm looking for a place to stay..." He paused as he crested the stairs and looked around. One of the doors was open, so he walked over and leaned his head in.
The girl looked to the side, still with her mouth covered. She could hear the sounds of his footsteps. She dared not to make a sound, not knowing if she could trust the man or not.
When the furry cat-man looked in the room he found a bed, a round rug on the floor in front of the bed, chair, dresser, wardrobe and small desk for writing on and two windows, as it was a corner room. It looked like the linens and drapes had been freshly changed, no dust or cobwebs could be seen, which was odd compared to the rest of the house that he had walked trough so far. Even fresh flowers were in a vase on the small dresser by the door.


In a room not so far down the hall Sharell crouched under a bed eyes wide in fear and panting. 'This day is NOT turning out so good!' She thought as she tried to slow her rapid breathing.
So today was officially the wierdest day of his life. He had the odd feeling several things were watching him, and whenever he went to move he SWORE he heard something moving. With a huff he just went back down the stairs and relaxed in what looked like a living room, on a sofa. He took his ink pen and his notebook out of his briefcase and began sketching boredly.
Carly hears the man going back down stair, and she starts to crawl out from under the bed. Going back to the window, she starts to climb out of it, trying to make her way down. She looks over seeing an orchid wall and moves over to start climbing down on that until she felt her feet hit the ground. She sighed in relief and began to walk, but she stopped at he tracks and looked back up at the room. "My violin!" she gasped. "I have to go back and try not to make a sound."
He growled and put down his half finished sketch, going back up the stairs. "Who's there?! I know someone's here!" He looked back in the room he had been in earlier and slowly approached the bed. "What's this?" He saw the end of something, and when he pulled the blanket off he saw the violin case. "A violin..." He muttered. "Somebody's definately here." He bent down and looked under the bed.
There was the sound of ... a pair hooves walking in the area of the kitchen and a screen door opening and bang- banging shut.


Sharell finally calmed down enough to stick her nose out from under the bed and look at the door.
'Two in one day! This must be some kind of record.'
She thought as she sneaked out a bit for a closer look at the cat man. While also keeping a wary ear open for the cat girl in the room at the end of the left hall upstairs.
'I',m going to have a nervous breakdown yet!'
If she just ran off and waited for them to leave then she wouldn't have all these problems but the little cat was admittedly stricken with the strongest case of curiosity ever put on record...or off record for that matter.
Jerry just made a sandwich and was headed back to the woods, she could tell from the smell and the time of day. She, herself was getting a bit hungry too.
She hoped no one was in the room and starts back up the orchid wall, when she finanially gets back up to the window she gasp and hangs outside on the window with her strength, hoping not to be seen nor to fall. 'What do i do..?' She thought to herself. 'I don't want to be seen, oh man i hope he leaves so i can grab it run.'
He lifted the case and opened it, then set the case down and inspected the violin. It looked very recently used and well taken-care-of. "Is somebody here?" He looked around and sighed. Assuming it was just mere coincidence that the case had kept it in good condition, he put it back in the case and took it downstairs with him, where he returned to the sketch he'd been drawing, ears twitching.
The young girl heard the man leaving and had climbed back into the room. She had noticed her violin was gone and started to worry. She took a breath and decided to come up with a plan to distract the man. So she walked out of the room and tried taking her chances. Taking a deep breath she slammed the door closed making a quick leap into another room closing it quietly, but leaving it crack to she can look out just in case in goes inside.
"That's it!" He angrily slammed his sketchbook down and stormed up the stairs. When he slammed the first door open, no one was there still. When he slammed open the door across the hall, he froze, eyes wide.
The girl stood there shocked, not knowing what to do. 'What do i do now?' she questioned herself. 'He has seen me.' She felt to afraid to say anything, or at least do anything. Feeling as if she was frozen.
"Is that your violin?" He said incredibly calm, in shock. Someone else ACTUALLY being there helped him alot. She was there... Wasn't she? Or was he hallucinating? He reached out and laid a hand on her cheek.
This is just crazy! Sharell yowled and ran out of the room past the little girl through the cat man's legs and down the steps though the parlor and out into the kitchen heading for the back door. Paused at the wonderful smell coming from a dish on the floor and was torn between leaving and eating.
The girl stood there frozen, now feeling fear. She didn't say a word, feeling more nervously now that the cat was leaving. 'Look at what i got myself into now,' she thought. 'What going to happen?' She shook from his touch and started to shake a bit.