The Nobody and The Key-Wielder(Angel of Castiel and Himura)

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Rosa felt her mood sour even more when she felt her keyblade hit metal. A metal arm. What the hell? This is not Fullmetal Alchemist. Exis, being the guy that he is, knew just what to say to make her angry at him. This it was not surprising to see her flipping him off for the comment of Xaved killing her by accident. Since her attention was on Exis, she was horribly surprised by metalman pushing her back.
Which caused her to stumble back with her arm doing windmills to regain her balance.
"I am Xaved, master of metal! You really hope to stand a chance with a weapon made from that very same metal?"
"No... No. You are just a metallic asshat who stole a good idea from an anime!"

She yelled at him while pointing at him accusingly at Xaved before Exis said something to her. Something about her ears... Uh-oh. She covered her ears just in time to save her eardrums from being destroyed by Exis's engenius plan.
Though it still was disorienting, thus when he had grabbed her arm and started running, it took a lot of her concentration to not fall and have him literally drag her toward Cain.
Once in the room, he through her little brother over his shoulder before kicking down the back door and revealing the horde of Heartless that were outside. The blast was still keeping her semi-out of it, so she could only watch as he cursed before getting the Nobodies to attack the Heartless. While the two were fighting, he jerked her into run again and didn't stop until they were what seemed to be far away from the fighting and the house.
Shaking her head, she felt focus return to her while Exis had dropped Cain on the ground, who made a small whimper.
"Holy... crap... have some... tact, woman! Sheesh..."
He panted out before Rosa huffed and crossed her arms, a small pink dusting her cheeks.
"How was I supossed to know he had a metal arm?"
Rosa murmured as she pouted, she was bested by a refrigerator. A refrigerator with a metal arm and horrible acting skills.​
"That's not... the point!"

Exis stood up, dusting off his cloak.

"Don't go picking fights you can't win," he said. His tone was neither commanding nor sarcastic, oddly enough, and he looked at her with a serious expression. "This is not some game. This is the real world. Every moment, you're putting your life on the line, so don't go getting yourself killed over your damn ego. Hell, if you weren't a god damn Keyblader, you'd be dead already - if not because of the Heartless, then because of me."

The look in Exis's eyes as he spoke was stern, and a little deadly: a stark contrast to his usual cocky attitude. Realizing this, he blinked, and the serious look all but disappeared.

"And what do you mean, 'metal arm'? This isn't Amestris, you know. He was just wearing plate armor or something." He began walking ahead, expecting the other two to follow. "Now stick close. With him around, we have no choice but to go into hiding. It probably won't work as planned, but... in the long term, it's better for me if you stay alive. Also, pay more attention to your brother; that's the last time I save his ass."
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"Since when did you start caring about our well being."
Rosa responds sarcastically as she grabbed her brother's small hand in hers. Now, she wasn't trying to be a pain in the but to Exis. For some reason, he brought this side out of her. Maybe it was him being a dick, but she could also feel the sharp pain coursing through her. So that was making her cranky to.
Though upon hearing Amestirs, she felt her eyes light up. Even if he was correcting her, he was talking about Fullmetal Alchemist. That instantly got her attention.
Cain on the other hand was keeping up well both physically and mentally. The pace was not as rushed as before, so he wasn't stumbling to catch up. He did not know for sure, if they were humoring him by going slower or if his legs had gotten longer so that it was not much of a problem. He hoped it was the latter, because then he could always catch up and not be winded when he did.
"You know Fullmetal Alchemist?"
Exis scoffed. "I'm not doing any of this for your sake. I thought you'd already been able to figure that much out. The only reason you're alive is because of that Keyblade of yours. Think of it as... bait on a fishing hook."

Suddenly, a couple of Heartless popped up from the ground. Not really bothered by it, Exis summoned Exodus to dispose of them.

"Heartless. That means Nobodies aren't far behind," he noted. Taking a look around, he spotted a house that still looked intact enough not to fall apart. "Come on."

Exis led the other two inside the house and shut the door firmly, moving a small cupboard in front of it for extra security. The stairs leading to the second floor were quite rickety, but Exis managed to make it up them safely, urging the other two to follow. He entered one of the rooms with a window facing the street, and took a peek outside. A few Heartless scoured the area, wandering around in search for a little more prey. He couldn't help but find it odd that they had lost Rosa's scent. Maybe it wasn't worth staying after all. Still, he decided he'd wait a little longer, so he sat down on a nearby bed.

"Fullmetal Alchemist?" he asked, finally responding to her earlier question. "You mean that anime from Amestris? Yeah, I heard of it. So what?"
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"And you think I'd help you why?"
She questioned while crossing her arms before the Heartless showed up. By now they weren't terrifying. Just annoying. Then Exis grabbed her arm and started dragging her to another house. Cain staying glued to their side as he looked around nervously. She did not lift a finger to help him push the cupboard in front of the door. She was angry at him again.
Rolling her eyes, she followed him up the stairs with Cain trailing behind her. The room he had went into was a bedroom. So she sat on the bed that was on the wall, away from the window as she stared at him looking out the window.
"Well, that anime is awesome and you are no where close to the same league as awesome. So it was shocking you knew about it."
Rosa replies as her brother tugged on her skirt to get her attention. When her turquoise orbs rested on him, he looked upset with how she was treating Exis now.
"He is being a dick. "
"But Rosa.."

Cain pouted and the older girl felt her resolve crack. He had a face that made it almost impossible to not do his bidding. That was also why she said it was possible for him to rule the world. If he tried, he could do it with that face. One pout and the world was screwed.
"I'm not helping a dick Cain. It's like negotiating with serial killers. You get screwed over the majority of the time."
Suddenly, the sharp blade of Exodus flew right past Rosa's face, barely inches away from her cheek, and dug into the wall behind her.

"Shut up already. I've got enough of a headache as it is," Exis sighed, putting a hand to his headphones. On the side, there was a small knob, which he turned to crank up the volume of the white noise he was listening to. It soothed his nerves, which was something he really needed right now.

"You're helping me whether you like it or not, by being alive. It'd go faster if you'd fight the damn Heartless, but this world's almost gone so there's not much point in that now." He lay down on the bed, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes to relax. "Besides, it's not like I need you. Your existence is just a convenience. A shortcut to my goal, if you will. If you go over the top, believe me, I won't hesitate to chop your head off. And then where exactly is brother dear going to go after that, eh?"

"Look, you can hit me around all you want, I don't really care that much. I'm no stranger to pain. But if you go around picking needless fights with my colleagues, I'm gonna get in trouble. Do something like that again and you're dead. I won't even need to do it; the other guy will. I'll just let him."

He yawned and turned to his side, as if he was about to go to sleep. "Anyway, pay attention to the time; there's a clock on the wall. We're leaving in twenty minutes."
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Rosa grew quiet upon feeling Exis's blade pass by her head. Even she wasn't that stupid. She watched him with narrowed eyes as he upped the volume of his headset.
For the first time his world's actually sunk in. Her world was almost gone... And it was because of the Heartless. She couldn't make it better either. She was attracting them. With the... The Keyblade.. Was that the thing that she kept summoning.. The brunette didn't even know how she did it. Staring at her hands as she flexed them, watching how they moved, Exis's voice was faint to her ears.
Her turquoise eyes gazed over at him as he turned on his side.
Rosa muttered enthusiastically as she stood up and shuffled over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers. Looking inside, a small relieved sigh escaped her lips. Quickly she took out some clothes and walked out of the room. She came back a few minutes before putting a set of clothes in his hands and leading him to a bathroom. She waited for him to finish changing before pushing him into the room with Exis.
Then she went into the bathroom and didn't come out for a few minute in a graphic tee and jeans.
As well as a towel that she used to dry her hair. Sitting back on the bed, she picked up her brother and sat him down in her lap before drying his hair too.
"Can't let you get sick now can we~"
She hummed softly with a small smile on her face for her brother.​
For a few minutes after that, Exis felt alone with just his thoughts and the white noise to accompany him. He had to think about his predicament. There was no way he could bring Rosa with him anywhere, even if he were to defect from the Syndicate. She was simply too hard to handle. Besides, all he needed was a Keyblade, not her. Having no heart to speak of, he could never attain one himself - as if it was that simple, even if he did have a heart. However, if he could find someone who possessed a Keyblade and would listen to him...

Who was he kidding? If someone like that existed, the odds of Exis ever meeting them were next to none. Especially with all the worlds disappearing lately. Chances were this annoying brat was the only Keyblader left.

Then, a sudden realization came to him. He'd heard somewhere before that Keybladers were able to pass on the ability to control a Keyblade to another, usually someone they'd known for a long time. A 'Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony', if he remembered correctly. If he could get the Keyblade on a more manageable person...

Exis had an idea.

Tuning the sound of his white noise down, Exis turned to face the two siblings before him.

"Hey, you want the kid to be able to protect himself, right?" he asked Rosa, while looking at Cain. "I mean, right now, he's basically dead weight to you. If he can't learn to protect himself, he'll drag you down and you'll both get killed."

A slight hint of a mischievous smirk crossed Exis's face. "Why don't you try letting him hold your Keyblade? I've heard if you do that, the person you give it to gets the ability to summon one of their own, if they're lucky. Might as well minimize your chances of getting killed, right?"
Rosa stared blankly at Exis, just blinking as her eyes rested on his face. His lips twitching in what seem to be smirk or at least the forming of one.
Then her fist came in contact with his cheek. He did say she could hit him how much she liked to.
"That was for earlier by the way. And no. He is too timid to be a.. Whatever the hell you've been calling me."
With that she crossed her arm and looked at Cain who looked sadden. Like he had liked the idea, but his sister had a point.
"Besides, I'm not going to let you use my brother as a pawn in your schemes.."
She adds while throwing the wet towel at Exis's face as she stuck her tongue out at him childishly. After which she hugged her little brother who was pouting.
"If you want to minimize my chance of getting killed, teach him magic. I don't that there can be a... A keyblade and not some form of magic."
Cain perked up at hearing magic. His eyes bright as he looked at Exis, for the first time, he had a large smile on his face.
"Can you Exis? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
He pleads with his hands clasped together in front of him as he inched his way over to the older male. Meanwhile, Rosa was smiling at the two. It was nice to see her brother was able to get so cheery about something that was so simple.
"Look at that face. Isn't he just adorable~"
The brunette cooed as she wrapped her arms around her brother in a hug while burying her face in his hair, grinning.​
Exis was used to Rosa's violent tendencies by this point; he pulled his head back just enough so that the punch only grazed his cheek. He was about to retaliate at least a little when she threw the towel at him, which he caught and flung across the room.

"God, you really are like a kid, aren't you?" he muttered under his breath. Looking at the two siblings comparatively, he got the impression that the shorter one should actually have been the older one. It would have been comedic if it wasn't so irritating.

When the little kid came up to Exis with his request, the Nobody just sighed.

"It's not that simple. I don't know that much about magic, but you probably need a staff or something. And besides, the magic I know is too much for a kid like you to handle," he explained hastily.

He was really getting tired of all this. At this rate, just complying with the girl's demands simply would not do anymore. But that's when he realized something. His magic. He scolded himself mentally for not thinking of this earlier. A wide grin spread across his face again.

"Actually, there is one useful spell I've got. It's just perfect for your sister; should fix her right up," he said, and clicked his fingers.

Nothing apparent happened at first. Everything was as it had been before, but when Rosa would try to speak, she would find that she could not utter a single word.

"Now then. Let's get down to business." In the blink of an eye, Exis moved to snatch Cain away from his sister while her guard was down, kicking her lightly enough to separate the two, for good measure. He proceeded to point Exodus at the younger boy's throat.

"Here's how it's gonna work. You're going to give him your Keyblade, and we'll see if he really can summon one. That simple. Why not, right? But if you fail to comply..." he brought Exodus closer so that the blade was mere centimeters away from Cain's throat. "Well, like I said, you're only a convenience. Now, boy, hold out your hand. And you, approach slowly."
Rosa shared the same pout with Cain when Exis said that he wouldn't teach him. Then it all happened so fast. One minute her brother was in her arms on the bed, the next she was on the ground and he was being held by sword point by Exis. She opened her mouth the yell at the white haired jerk but nothing came out.
Not even a peep. Her eyes went wide in shock as her brother shook underneath Exis's grasp. Fear evidently laced in his eyes as well as tears. He was only a kid after all. Rosa made hand motions to her brother to which he would communicate to Exis.
"She says she doesn't know how to and she tried to tell you that before."
Cain sniffles as he briefly looked up at Exis. Rosa on the other hand was waving her arm around as she tried to summon her keyblade. But to no avail. Her keyblade was no where to be seen. Throwing both her hands into the air, she shook her head and walked a little closer to the window. Staring down at the street that had gotten even more dense with heartless since the last time she had seen it. Fortunately, most of them were too dumb to look up. Or something like that.
Looking over her shoulder, back at Cain, who was shaking like a leaf. She moved even more toward the window, close enough to it that if the heartless did look up, they would see her. The brunette tapped her finger against the glass like she was pointing to something out there. Which she probably was. Whatever it was, it made her panic a little bit more as her taps became more frequent and her eyes shifted back outside.​
Exis firmly maintained his position, making sure not to give the boy a chance to slip out of his grasp. However, he couldn't help but sigh heavily as Cain interpreted the muted Rosa's movements.

"This just keeps getting better," he grumbled sarcastically, his grin fading to be replaced by yet another frown of annoyance. He didn't doubt that Rosa was telling the truth; with her brother's life in danger, why wouldn't she? In reality, it was probably Exis's mistake in assuming that summoning a Keyblade was as simple as summoning his own weapon. It sure looked that way, but perhaps it was not so.

When Cain looked up at him, for that brief moment, Exis felt as if someone had just punched him in the gut. He looked down to check if the boy actually had, but he hadn't. The Nobody was not at all familiar with this feeling, but it was really irritating, like a voice in the back of his head telling him to stop. Was this... guilt?

As if, Exis assured himself.

Exodus disappeared, and he let Cain go with a slight push. "Well that's one option down the drain," he noted. It was at this point that he noticed Rosa's incessant tapping on the window. He immediately interpreted it as a sign of trouble, and rushed over to the window, Exodus in hand.

Some of the Heartless that had been aimlessly wandering around had now taken notice of Rosa standing at the window. As if they were telling each other of her presence, more and more began to look up along with their comrades. More and more of them began to gather outside the house, as if preparing for an attack or something. It was strange... but Exis didn't have time to think on it, because a sliver of white became visible among the crowd.

"Shit, we gotta go," Exis decided. Without even waiting for a response, he extended a hand. Seemingly out of nowhere, shadows began materializing out of the ground, wrapping around one another to form some sort of dark portal shining with an eerie blue light on the inside.

He was about to make his way for the Dark Corridor before he remembered something. His cloak. It protected him from the darkness present within these corridors, but Rosa and Cain remained unprotected. He knew to keep them from getting tainted, there was only one thing he could do.

Groaning in frustration at his situation, Exis unzipped his cloak. Underneath was simple black clothing: a shirt and pants, as well as plain black boots. He threw the cloak right at Rosa, before clicking his fingers again to remove the Silence spell.

"Put that on, otherwise this place'll kill you. It's big enough so you can put the kid in there as well," he ordered. He turned to face the portal, and found himself frozen for a second. He had to admit, the passage he'd gotten so used to using on a daily basis now appeared rather intimidating to him. There was no telling what could happen to someone infected by Darkness. However, he was a Nobody with no heart to speak of. He couldn't turn into a Heartless yet again, so what did he have left to lose?
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Rosa felt Cain rush to her side when Exis let him go. Her younger brother clasping onto her like a koala to a branch. She ran her fingers his hair as she felt the parts of her shirt where his face was at, get wet. His shoulders were also shaking, but he was quiet. The brunette shuffled away from the window as best she could with Cain's weight being on one of her legs.
Then she saw the darkness come out from the ground. Forming some kind of portal or entrance of dark clouds. A blue light shining within the middle of it. Her eyes stuck on the blue orb as a shiver ran up her spine. This was not safe.. Then a black coat slammed in her face. Pulling it off she looked at it and then to Exis.
She mumbles while placing it on her body, making sure it covered Cain as well. That was when she stepped closer to him.
"Wait, what about you? Won't it hurt you?"
Rosa asked curiously as she looked again from him to the portal. Her heartbeat sped up whenever her gaze rested on the portal. For some reason, she could feel the darkness. Feel it move within the dark entrance that she could see.
"I.. I don't want to go in there.."
Cain whimpered while hugging his sister tighter. She only patted him on his back from the outside of the cloak.
"You'll be fine.. I promise."
With that, she seemed to make his worries disappear. She promised. His older sister was many things. But the one thing she wasn't, was a liar. Not to her brother or when she promised something. She always kept her promises. Always. Even if they were stupid.
Or trivial, or made so long ago that the other person forgot. Her promise was her word.
"Wait, what about you? Won't it hurt you?"

Exis sighed as Rosa brought up the very question that raced through his mind. He had to keep telling himself that there was no way this would ultimately kill him, but even so his confidence swayed.

"Yeah, probably," he said what he truly thought. "Maybe not right away, but this is gonna come back to bite me in the ass later."

He glanced over his shoulder at Rosa briefly. "What? You worried or something?" he mused, a mocking grin across his face.

Just then, a Lesser Nobody smashed right through the window. It spotted Rosa and was about to make a beeline for her, but Exis stepped in between just in time, and brought a swift end to the monster.

"Let's just go," Exis said, before diving right into the portal.
"What? You worried or something."
Rosa shrugged as she pursed in her lips.
"Not really. I just want to get stuck in that death trap and have the only way out die."
She answered honestly, though she was... Kind of worried for him. She just didn't want him to know. Though before anything else could happen, she could feel glass hit the leather cloak and fall to the ground from the Nobody smashing through the window. It was was coming straight at her, then Exis was standing in front of her and the nobody was gone.
"Let's just go."
He says before jumping into the portal. Taking a deep breath, she place her hand on where Cain's back was before walking into the portal of darkness. Rosa could feel a cold breeze on her face and she finally realized.. She had closed her eyes as she had walked into the portal. Opening one turquoise orb to see more darkness, swirling everywhere in clouds of purple, blue, and black.
Opening her other eye, she looked around for Exis. Not seeing him anywhere near her. Did they get separated?
"Now where's that idiot gone?"

Exis looked around, but saw no sign of the cloaked girl or her brother. All that existed around him was a swirling mess of darkness, completely uncontrolled. The dark corridor had never reacted this way before; he didn't understand it. Was something tampering with it?

Already he could feel the effects of the darkness. It wasn't for now; just a simple uneasy feeling. However, he knew he had to find the Keyblader before it escalated any further.

Meanwhile, wherever Rosa was, something began emerging from the shadows. At first the figure was faint and unrecognizable; it appeared human, and was about the same height and build as Exis. It approached her slowly, like a predator hunting its prey, and as the distance between them closed it would become apparent that the figure was cloaked the same way she was, except its hood was up. From underneath, all that could be made out was a slight hint of shining red eyes.


But then, as if it had all been a mirage, the figure vanished. Then, the dark clouds began to lift somewhat to reveal Exis.

Exis quickly caught sight of the robed girl. "Hey, Rosa! Get over here already!"
Rosa was looking around when she saw a figure heading her way. She felt her breath get caught in her throat as a sense of fear overwhelmed her. Gulping loudly, she started backing away.
"R-rosa.. Why.. Why are you shaking?"
Cain's small voice asked as he felt her trembling like a chihuahua. The brunette nervously laughed as she watched the red-eyed stranger disappear and be replaced by Exis.
"I forgot Exis's face looks just like a Justin Bieber."
She mumbled before quickly going over to said male's side. Still a little freaked out from what she just saw and not willing to talk about it. Cain poked his head out of the coat and smiled up at Exis.
"Where'd you go?"
He asked before his sister shoved his head back in the coat.
"Shush you.. Now can we get out of here? I rather not stay here any longer then I have too."
Rosa states before hooking her arm with the white haired Sydacite member, in an attempt to not lose him again. Looking around with her eyes, she was still a little skittish and wanted to leave. Now. Yet she didn't see anyone else around him. Not that it made her feel any better. She knew what she saw.
"... Exis.. Can other people come here too?"
The brunette asked quietly, despite not wanting to admit that she had been scared. If it was another armor wearing fridge guy, Cain might get hurt and Exis wouldn't be able to fight them off for long.​
"Yeah, yeah."

Exis looked around, relieved that the clouds of darkness were starting to organize. Soon enough, they moved about to form a more clear-cut corridor, at the end of which a light shined.

"That way. I'll just drop you off at the safest place, I guess," he decided, and began walking towards the light.

"Anyway, what do you mean other-" he was saying, but was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain in his chest. Exis felt the surge of pain spread throughout his entire body, and he fell to his knees, clasping his chest.

"Ack! Shit... not already..." he grunted. Forcing himself back up, he began to hobble towards the light at a much slower pace. "You two... go ahead of me... dammit..."
Rosa felt Exis's arm fall to his knees, almost taking her with him. She felt her eyes widen as he forced himself up. It seemed like he was in a lot of pain. She placed one of his arms over her shoulder.
"I'll try not to let you hit your head again."
With that, she began to half carry and half drag him closer to the light. It was faster than what he would have been able to do in his condition. Though it was very taxing on her already tired body that Cain was clinging to. The brunette was puffing by the time it was only a few feet away. Exis was a lot heavier than she remembered. Just as she entered the light with both boys, her ankle gave out.
Thus the first step into the new place was more of a fall.
Cain had can out of the cloak and landed beside Rosa and Exis on her other side. Her cheek pressing onto a street tiles as she gasped for air.
The girl's chest was hurting from an entirely different than Exis's. The lack of oxygen being her reason.
"Damn..You're... Heavy.."
As soon as Exis went through the portal, he felt a great relief all over his body. The fall to the ground was painful, but nothing compared to the relief granted to him by the light. All that was left was a dull pain in his chest, where his heart would normally be.

As soon as he was able to get up, he wasted no time in closing the dark corridor behind him. It evaporated in a cloud of darkness, letting the light shine down upon the three individuals.

Exis took a look around. It seemed to be a perfectly normal street, albeit deserted. The large castle known as the Hollow Bastion loomed overhead, as visible as the morning sun in the sky. It seemed like it was quite early here in Radiant Garden, which explained the lack of people.

The first thing Exis did after that was check to see if his headphones were intact. They were. With that out of the way, he looked to his left to find Rosa and Cain lying on the ground, with the former gasping for breath.

"Hey, get up. Just because you escaped doesn't mean you have time to be lying around."

Well, he said that, but in reality Exis felt like collapsing all the same. Today had been far too much of a hassle.

Aside from that, the Nobody was genuinely surprised at Rosa's earlier actions. Why help him instead of escape earlier? He guessed it was because she thought she could use him for her own gain, which he found ridiculous. Or perhaps it was just the fact that humans weren't as heartless as Nobodies? Either way.

"And uh... thanks. I guess."
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