The New Age - Superhero RP



Original poster

1970's to 1980's - The Dark Age

"Towns are being plagued with theft, murder, and villainy there seems to be no hope. The officials say there no way of knowing who's doing this or even if it's a mass act. We urge people to stay inside as much as possible and travel in groups. Everyone here hopes you can survive these dark times. Good night."

After a country wide broadcast people began to panic. Taking head to what the news women said everyone stayed home or traveled in large groups. Still no one was safe. Large scale murder broke out and soon no one left home. When they did it was quick rides to the store. Businesses went bankrupt and soon the economy crashed. And still these mysterious figures were unknown.

1990's - The Golden Age

"I can't believe it...Yes it seems that crime has gone down. Eyewitness reports show some people with power, yes powers, saving people from a burning building and even stopping a robbery. This is unbelievable. Though at the same time some of these people with these powers are attacking cities and small towns. We can only hope that the hero's save the day."

2000's - The New Age

The old hero's have died off and new ones are arising, but the same goes for villains. In the great city of New York hero's and villains alike are flocking there in hopes of making it big. These people have grouped together to form secret. The villains group is known as Viper, they tend to leave a large V wherever they hit. The heroes of New York still have no name but everyone knows of them.

Welcome to The New Age! This is a superhero based rp full of action. It's still a work in progress but, I hope to have the sign up thread up this month or next month. If you have nay questions let me know.
I would love to do this.^^
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Sounds fun I'd be in :)
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I'm interested.
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Reactions: Lulunopia
Interested! :D
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Reactions: Lulunopia
I would be interested! ^.^
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Reactions: Lulunopia
Could be interesting
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Reactions: Lulunopia
I was just talking to a friend about how I really wanted to join a superhero RP but there weren't any on Iwaku! I'm super interested!
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I love this! Super interested!
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Interested. May I inquire as to whether you've got a techie on the roster yet?