The Monsters Inside Us

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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-slams head into desk- im so desperate guys, my heart is having a marathon and i need to put something down. ill reply to @Gulliver , please dont kill me
By the way, can ANYONE other than the characters see the "follow" creatures?
No. And the characters can only see their own.

...until said otherwise.
Im considering how I should lurk around ^^
Thats no good, here, have a stain. It will get you back up in no time at all...
And then youll disappear into the darkness ^^

Ill get a post up.
Sorries T^T It's just that all of my RPs have come to a sudden halt, like an accident on the freeway. I guess I should wait until summer break to complain... >.>;
... -Snuggles- :I
I know, I'm no help. But, I love you D: You should put together your RP Resume and look for some others who want to RP with you, so that way, you always have something to post on OnO
PFFFT, not perfect! You realize how long it's been since I've replied to Arbitraitor? There's plenty of good RPers. You should go find a user called Verin. They've got good grammar, they're not too demanding on post length.
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