The Mercy of Inhalla - Dragon Riders of Partheus

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Ugh, city traffic is the worst. My typically three hour trip there and back turned into five hours…I hate driving that long. BUT, I now has my handy dandy home protection, and I knows how to use it. XD Thanks for the understanding, guys. NOW FOR THE CRITIQUE!!!

@Raiden ~

I like the runic symbol addition to her Fabricated Library. But I think that there should be a limit to how long the spell lasts…so that she must be hit multiple times before she can learn it. We'll say it fades after 12 hours. Does that sound fair?

I still think the String Cortex ability is a little powerful. How long does she have to chant? And I don't think she'll be able to do the amount of damage that takes away half a person's life (judging by how you worded it, that's what I'm getting) with one touch. Not at first, anyway. With training, certainly.

You still have that she maintains her own defense while attacking in Precision Strike. Mind changing that?

Good balance with the partially crippled. That'll really come into play during the IC. Thank you for that. <3

Ah, and a beautifully balanced Bio. Kallydrana watches over her. <3

Hmmmm…now you have too many abilities. Since we have a dragon who uses ice, would you be okay with getting rid of Hailstorm? You can also make it to where she'll be able to conceal footprints with training. ^^

Beautiful balance. I like the fact that magic use tires her out quicker than the others.

If you can make these minor changes, you'll be good. I'm really liking this pair.



Who else needs theirs checked? I know Leatrix and Cora, but is there anyone else??
Well I don't really remember ever getting the true stamp of approval on my Ihana and Kalli... Are they alright?
Can my dragon have like no abilities. Or can they be unrelated to Kuwala cuz thts whats stumping me.
Does anyone know how to center align a bimg? Or center any image while being able to adjust its size?
@girlabot I think I adjust my image in the center... I don't know if this is helping, just click on the image and click the align center, it will make your image placed in the center.
@Ananfal - Could you re-post them together? I don't remember which page they're on. T_T

@ShiroKiyoshi - The abilities don't have to be related to your rider. It was just something I preferred. What are your char's abilities??

Hubs wanted smoothies, so we went and got some. But I'm home for sure now. No more driving for me today. <3
Name: Eile Mizer
Nickname: Green Murderer.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Place of Origin: Taval

Height: 5"3
Weight: 120
Hair: Green
Eyes: Green



Scythe: Crow Scythe: A double edge Scythe Eile had won from a bet. True to it's name, the scythe looks like's a crow's beak.

Sabre: Wayfinder: This is a single edged Sabre that Eile was given from a dead warrior of her family.

1. Calculating- Eile is always figuring out the advantages and disadvantages of any situation she finds herself in. That don't mean she has a plan for all situation. Eile is more able to rationalize the situation if going into something will benefit her goal or not.

2. Ruthless- Stand in Eile's way and get cut down. She has no problems sacrificing or killing others if they become a nuisance to her goal. On the flip side, Eile will give no quarters to her enemies.

3. Confident- Nothing scares this girl. On the contrary, Eile is more likely to do missions if no one is willing to step forward. This has lead her to be an unwilling leader if a job has to be done.

4. Curious- Oh. That's shiny. Her mind knows no bounds as Eile is willing to look for something to interest her.

5. Whimsical- I want this. No wait, I want this. You just can't seem to find out Eile's true motives or emotions are. She could be angry at you for one second, then happy in the next second.

Magic 1: Fabricated Library: By absorbing a projectile magical spell, Eile can use that spell as if she knew the spell herself. A runic symbol appears on Eile's hand when she is hit with a spell. The spell does not stick past the end of the battle. But the knowledge of the spell will remain and given enough time, Eile can permanently learn that spell if she is hit with the same spell multiple times before the 12 hour time limit is up. The runic symbol also symbolizes the spell she is actively trying to learn.

Magic 2: String Cortex: By tagging her enemies with magic through melee, Eile can inflict moderate damage with a snap of a finger, killing anyone seriously injured and injuring anyone in peak health. The beginner version of the attack forces Eile to chant a long, difficult spell while she touches her enemy to tag them. The final version of the attack allows Eile to bypass the chant and tag her enemy through a melee attack as well as increased damage if Eile chants instead of bypassing the chanting, though the attack still has to connect to tag them.

Skill 1: Fencing- Skilled in the art of swordplay, Eile can perform fancy blade maneuver with one handed swords. While Eile can do fencing with all one handed sword weapons, any other swords that is not an Epee, Saber, or Foil will upset her timing slightly.

Skill 2: Scythe Mastery- Having one of the more exotic weapons at her disposal, Eile has quickly learned how to make use of the Scythe's range and attacking power. While not as fancy as her Fencing skills, her time using the Scythe has allowed Eile to know how to fight and defend with the Scythe.

Fencing Skill 1: Tri Ace Slash: A fencing counter attack. The first slash is a parry that knocks the enemy weapon out of effective blocking range while the 2 slashes is the follow up slash.

Fencing Skill 2: Precision Strike: A single slash that dances around the enemies defense to strike the enemy. It is mainly used to quickly disarm an enemy via strike to the hand/wrist.

Fencing Skill 3: Un, Deux, Troi: A six hit combo slash attack. The user dances around the enemy while slashing at the enemy.

Scythe Skill 1: Hook, Line, and Sinker: A two hit strike as the user impales the enemy with the scythe and slams them into an object to dislodge them. The object to dislodge the enemy can be anything ranging from a boulder to another person.

Scythe Skill 2: Dance of the Damned: A five hit combo. The user slashes the enemy from the four cardinal directions before smashing the enemy into the ground. The cardinal direction is in orientation with the human body as the head is north.

Scythe Skill 3: Crow's Dance: A six hit combo launcher. The scythe seems to dance around the user's body as it slashes multiple enemies five times before knocking one enemy back with the sixth strike.

Skill 1: Tracking: Living on the road for quite some time, Eile has quickly learned how to track animal. She can tell through footprint roughly how far time wise her prey is. She has gotten to the point that she can track humans as well.

Skill 2: First Aid: Making use of medical herbs, Eile can perform emergency first aid. Eile learns the art for the times where magical healing is not an option. (It's basically equal to modern day First Aid.)
1. Murderer: Eile's ability to kill an innocent is a double edge sword. By killing the right people, many lives can be saved. The flip side is that by killing the wrong innocent, more people will chase after her.

2. Focused: The only thing important is the mission. Eile can focus on what needs to be done.

3. Protective: If a person somehow manages to befriend Eile, Eile is more then willing to protect what she holds dear.

4. Bold: No one wants to jump down that deep dark hole? No problem. Someone needs to say that this dude's uncle is dead but don't know how to say it? Got it covered. Nothing seems to faze this adventurer as Eile is willing to brave any danger.

5. Blunt: No beating around the bushes. Quit the sugarcoating. Eile just says things as it is and goes on.
1. Self loathing: She despises herself. Not because of what she has done to others. But because it became necessary for her survival to do what she needs to do.

2. Murderer: Eile's ability to kill an innocent is a double edge sword. By killing the right people, many lives can be saved. The flip side is that by killing the wrong innocent, more people will chase after her as Eile will be living with the weight of all the lives she took.

3. Flashbacks: Being a murderer forces Eile to remember the deaths she personally has caused with extreme vividness.

4. Partially crippled. A bad cut on Eile's left leg never healed right as it left her with a slight limp for the rest of her life.

5. Goal-Oriented: The ends justify the means. Nothing is safe if it means reaching a goal.
Taval. A resort town that favors the rich and test traveler's luck in games of chance. Here in this town is where Eile Mizer was born. The Mizer family was one of the two powerhouse vying for control of the city. The other powerhouse would be the Tarjan Army. Life growing up in Taval was hard since violence sprouted out in the poor part of Taval. Fights and death were common place in the town as the Mizer family sought to throw the Tarjan Army out for being the cause of the huge rise in crime.

Likewise the Tarjan Army didn't care about the people in town unless they were harboring information about certain winged lizards that legend spoke of. For the most part, Eile had tried to keep out of the Tarjan Army's way as the fights between Eile's family and the army heated up. Out of necessity, Eile underwent training that the Mizer family went through so she could better defend herself up until the age of 16.

On the night of her 17th birthday, Eile was at a bar, watching three drunk members of the Tarjan Army placing bets on who would get laid that night after a game of cards. Eile, against her better judgement, came into the Tarjan Army member's card game asking to join one game. She placed herself as the prize if the Tarjan Army member could beat her at a game of poker. They took the bet and placed some gold down as well as the Crow's Scythe. Eile's target for the night. Five rounds into the card game and Eile won.

She was busy collecting her winnings when the three men attacked her. Now forced to defend herself from her own mistake, Eile took the Crow's Scythe and swung it at her attackers. Eile's surprise is obvious when she decapitated the three attackers in one strike by luck at first. Eile took a closer look at the Scythe and found that the scythe was double edge. Something she didn't anticipate. The bar erupted in a panic as the Green Murderer now left the bar as quickly as she could back to her place. The new day came as Eile left the city to take a look at the scenery as she had done fairly recently. She came back to find Taval a fully fleshed battleground. The green haired girl ran through the battleground as Eile realized that most, if not all of the people that were dead where her family.

Eile knew her time was limited. She was more then certain that if she was not recognized as one of the family member of the Mizer family, the Crow's Scythe on her back would instantly single her out instantly as the person who killed three of the Tarjan Army personnel. One of the Mizer family member saw Eile. "Eile. You have to run. The Tarjan Army is exterminating the entire Mizer family. We can't have you, the last surviving member of the Mizer household dying or sold into slavery. Take my sword, Wayfinder. May it guide your path." the member gasped before collapsing to the ground dead.

Eile took the sword. "Thank you. I'll be sure the Mizer family lives on." Eile muttered as three Tarjan Army personnel found her. Quickly pulling out the Wayfinder, Eile quickly fought the three personnel. After a long bout, Eile killed the three attackers, but not before the alarm was raised on her. Eile turned to leave when one of the army personnel Eile thought she slain slashed her left leg, crippling it. Eile quickly made sure the man was killed properly and quickly bandaged the wound with the offending army personnel's clothing. With no choice and injured, Eile was forced to flee south as members of the Tarjan Army chased after her. The green haired girl managed to lose her pursuers in the woods before beginning her life as a wanted criminal of the Tarjan army.

To support herself, Eile took on bounties, kill contracts, and treasure hunting missions, murdering innocents and corrupt individuals alike as her reputation preceded her as the Green Murderer. Here Eile has lived like that for three years as Eile performed various bounties and kill contracts to support herself. One day, at a local bar in Port Syran, Eile was looking at the job request wall as usual when she spotted an unusual request.

To the person calling themselves the Green Murderer.
I request your aid with obtaining treasure beyond your wildest dream.
I will be waiting for you at the forest your new life began.

Eile looked at the request more closely. The only people who would have known that particular forest would be the Tarjan Army personnel that chased her that fateful day and herself. Even then, the Tarjan Army believed that she had died in that forest. How would would anyone know she was still alive. Eile weighed her odds and took that chance as she started to make her way to that forest. After a full week of traveling, Eile reached the forest and started to search the forest for her mysterious requester.

Three days into the search, Eile spotted a person leaning against a tree. Eile made her way to the person as she asked if the person was the requester. The person announced herself as the requester and stated her name was Aki. Aki went on to ask if Eile ever believed in dragons. "Dragons are relics of the past. I have more important problems to deal with then finding some bones of a giant winged lizard." Eile stated as she started to walk away from Aki.

"What if I told you the treasure you seek can destroy your enemies? If you wish to find out more, make your way to Silver Tail island."

Eile turned around to find that Aki disappeared. Looking around, Eile could not find any traces of Aki as her words rang in her mind. Those words echoed in Eile's mind as the green haired girl thought long and hard about the words Aki had mentioned. After a week debating with herself, Eile had made up her mind to at least see if what Aki said held some grain of truth as she started to make her way to Silver Tail island and this elusive treasure.​

Name: Remilia
Gender: Female

Remilia as a hatching.


Remilia as a juvenile/young adult.

Empathic: Unlike Eile who is ruthless to anyone, Remilia is sympathetic to the plight of another being.

Loyal: Loyalty is at a premium with this dragon if you manage to befriend them.

Optimistic: This dragon wishes the best in everyone she meets, even if they don't wish the best for her. Nothing can darken this dragon's sense of hope.

Cheerful: Always happy to see someone, the perkiness of this dragon is near infectious.

Curious: Curiosity killed the cat. This dragon wants to know, see, and taste everything.


Magical Concealment: Remilia can conceal her presence with the might of magic. Onlookers will say that she vanished from sight, when in reality, Remilia just bends light in such a way that it hides her. Footprints can't be concealed until the skill is mastered.

Magical Crucifixion: Using the power of magic, Remilia can unleash multiple (10) small rays of non elemental magic to attack her enemies, which explodes on contact with her enemies.


Aerial Combat proficiency: Being a creature with wings, Remilia's combative skills in the air is above average for a dragon of her species.

Battlefield tactician: Taking full advantage of her sense of smell and intelligence, Remilia can make quick choices that can affect the battle she is currently in.

Sharp minded: Information is power and when you can pick out information from the smallest detail, the more powerful you become.

Magically gifted: Magic comes easier to her then to others. It allows her to perform her magical ability with more ease. It does not reduce the effort needed to use the magic.

Timid: It's hard for her to meet someone new and she gets startled easily if she don't know the person.

Naive: Things can go pear shape and it's all due to being ignorant to how the world works.

Poor Ground fighter: Due to her expertise in the air, her ground attacking prowess is left something to be desired. She can easily wipe the floor against humans, but against anything her size and she will need help.

Magical Fatigue: While using magic is easy for Remilia, it tires her out much faster.

This should be round 3.

Edit 1: Made that history edit so it makes sense
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Well @Mowkie He only has one magical one and two "physical" ones.

Magical Healing

Martial Arts and Practiced Medicine
@ShiroKiyoshi - PM me, and we'll brainstorm. <3

Lemme do Leatrix, and I'll get to you, Raiden. ^^
@Mowkie you just successfully make me jealous >.< I wish I was married~
Hahahaha! It's not always this amazingly perfect thing, though. We fight like any other couple. But the loves is worth it. <3

You'll get there one day, Azula. <3<3<3


@girlabot ~

Hehehe, you forgot the word strong in his weaknesses. It just says "particularly dragon."

You're good, dear. I see no problems. Do you feel satisfied now? Or do you think you'll be changing the char any more?

@Azula ~

You've balanced Leatrix well, and changed everything I asked. Thank you. ^^ Do keep in mind that Lake Waconiba is a large body of water with water dragons swimming around every now and then as well as various other water creatures. Perhaps that'll be something Aki will help with. ^^ She'll also be able to see the mountains in the distance, so it shouldn't be so bad.
@Raiden ~

The magical abilities are now beautifully balanced. Thank you. ^^

Aha! Dancing around an ENEMY'S defense. I gots it now. XD

And you took out Hailstorm. That means your dragon is also balanced. Good. ^^

You are officially ACCEPTED! YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!

@Mowkie yep, needs to send my boyfie some signals :3

Soooo Leatrix is okay? *dancing* Yes sure, would love to get some help from Aki~ I will make my dragon soon, just wait! XD
Yes, Leatrix is accepted. Now, you just gotta make your dragon. ^^

Just be sure you're ready for it...ready to know every little thing about that person...because not everything is awesome.
Ihana Sikka

"It means beautiful and pure, or pure beauty. Ironic, don't you think?"


"Old enough to get married... Not that anyone would want to marry me anymore anyways."


"Not that it matters anymore. At least if I was a man, I would be able to live a somewhat normal life..."

Place of Origin:
A small town not far from Lortania.

"Everyone knows everyone around here... And they certainly know me, the resident freak."


"At least this is average... I think."


"A bit on the thin side, but I think that's a good thing."

Long black hair that flows down to her waist.

"Probably my best feature now... Not that anyone cares."

A deep sea blue.

"They change color sometimes... Did you know that?"

Ihana now has three claw marks slashed across the right side of her face, narrowly missing her eye and mouth. However her beauty is now lost.
View attachment 77287

Untrusting- Ihana has been betrayed by the people closest to her, leaving scars upon her heart that make her wary and untrusting of others, but for good reason.
Sympathetic- Her own tragedy has left her sympathetic to others, understanding their pain and wanting to ease their suffering even as her own is never-ending.
Quiet- Ihana only speaks when she has something to say, which isn't often. She prefers to remain silent until an opportunity to speak presents itself to her.
Emotional- She often has mood swings that switch rapidly between anger and sadness, and her emotions are stronger than most others. She finds them hard to control.
Violent- Ihana isn't afraid to hurt someone if she has to. She'll do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, whatever it is. She doesn't flinch at the sight of blood.

Skills & Abilities:
Charm- Ihana's special ability is her charm. Whenever she wishes, her power can spread through her body and make her irresistible to whomever she targets. The attraction can be stopped by a strong will, but otherwise will force the target to slowly walk towards her, unable to flee or fight. This ability uses Ihana's own energy, thus limiting the amount of time she can activate the ability before using up too much energy and collapsing.
Daggers- Ihana's preferred weapon of choice are her daggers, both throwing and sparring blades. She can hit a bulls-eye with a dagger at 25 feet, and dual wields two long daggers (almost machetes) when fighting close up. She has a set of seven throwing knives hidden around her body in various places, just in case.
Bow and Arrow- Despite perferring her daggers, Ihana was forced to learn the bow and arrow, something that she excelled in. Her accuracy is great even in low visibility conditions and she can shoot while moving or mounted.

Ihana can fulfill several roles in a group. Not only can she be a front line fighter due to her special ability, but she can also act as a spy or assassin with her daggers. She can even cook, although it's not gourmet level.
Ihana is very physically fit along with being agile and flexible. These attributes combine to give her a quick-moving and dodging fighting style.

Because she is so emotional, Ihana is sometimes too upset to see the logic and rationale behind things and could make bad decisions. Ihana is also easy to rile up, since a few choice words could send her off crying. Both of the weapons Ihana favors have limited ammo (she could run out of arrows or throwing daggers) and isn't very skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

Brief History:
Ihana was once a beautiful girl whom everyone adored. She was called princess, and everyone in the small town where she was born agreed that she was the most beautiful girl there. Many joked that a foreign prince would cross the mountains one day and upon seeing her, would sweep her into his arms and take her away to be queen in his kingdom. In truth, Ihana secretly wished for this herself, for she wanted to escape the small town she had grown up in and see the world. However, this wish was not to be as one day, when she was exploring past the confines of the town limits, she was set upon and attacked by some sort of wild beast. She didn't get a good look at the animal, but her shriek of pain upon being slashed caused the creature to flee, leaving her alive but scarred for life. Her beauty now marred beyond all repair, even her own family found it hard to look upon her. It was clear to Ihana that once her beauty had been ruined, she was unwelcome in her town. She still wandered about, feeling both pain and vicious pleasure at causing people to flinch away from her when she let her scars show instead of hiding them behind her hair. However one man she met didn't flinch away... and from that night she had strange dreams, dreams about dragons and islands and other things too confusing for her to figure out. Finally her curiosity and itch to get away overwhelmed her, and she set out for the island she saw in her dreams.

Dragon is coming.


(as an adult)
View attachment 77499
As a hatchling, Kalli looks much different. Although her coloring (black and purple) remains the same, her appearance isn't quite so... menacing. Her spikes are small and a bit blunt, and her wings are a bit too large for her body. Her mouth is almost always slightly open, giving her a bemused expression as she observes the world around her. The bone ridges on her head have already started to grow, although they look more like horns then the eventual crown they will be.

Curious- Kalli is extremely observant, noticing little details about the world that often pass by others. Unfortunately, she also has a habit of asking why these things happen or how, or what that is, or who is that, and so on and so forth... This characteristic, while a bit annoying, also means that she learns a lot.
Intelligent- Kalli's habit of asking questions leads her to become very intelligent, due to the knowledge that she gains from the world around her. She's quick-witted and smart, making connections faster than others and drawing conclusions that are usually right.
Annoying- Kalli is definitely annoying! She isn't mean-hearted or cruel, but her endless questions can be a bit overwhelming to anyone not used to the small dragon. She can also be rather childish at times, thus managing to annoy even those who could put up with her never-ending questions.
Brave- Kalli is never afraid of standing up for what she believes in. She doesn't rush blindly in, but she does step up when times get rough. Kalli knows when it's time to push forward and when it's time for her to stop, but she never hesitates when it's her turn to be brave.
Lonely- Kalli knows that just her appearance is enough to put people off before they've even met her, and this fact hurts her. She doesn't make a big deal about it, but she's slightly bitter about the fact that she was cursed to have an ugly exterior when she had such a beautiful interior (her rider's words, not her own).

Flee- Although her rider is able to make everyone come closer, Kalli's ability is the exact opposite. Using her appearance and her magic, Kalli can force her target to run away from her in fear until she stops or they lose sight of her. While fleeing, they dare not stop or attack anyone else due to the fear rushing through them. This effect can also be resisted through force of will, although fear is always harder to resist than charm.

Kalli's greatest strength in combat is her poisonous breath, which hurts enemies for a short amount of time after they've been hit, fatiguing and tiring them as well. If the enemy dies while afflicted by her breath, there is a small chance that they will become undead and serve her until the magic in them runs out.
Kalli's poisonous breath, while strong, can only be used against an enemy once in a while, taking a certain amount of time to recharge after her previous usage. The amount of damage dealt is little, although adding up over the amount of time the poison lasts. The chance of creating an undead ally is extremely small, however, and they never last for very long.
Although she is undead, Kalli can be killed by severing the head from the body or by destroying the heart. These are vulnerable areas that Kalli will protect at all costs, instinctively stopping whatever she was doing in order to defend herself, including obeying orders and protecting her rider from harm.
Another weakness is her emotional pain. Just like her rider, it doesn't take much to drive Kalli into a fit of despair.
Kalli's wings are too large for her body, causing her flight skills to be average at best. She's a bit ungainly in the air, and she prefers to keep her claws firmly on the ground.
There you go, @Mowkie!
@Raiden ~

The magical abilities are now beautifully balanced. Thank you. ^^

Aha! Dancing around an ENEMY'S defense. I gots it now. XD

And you took out Hailstorm. That means your dragon is also balanced. Good. ^^

You are officially ACCEPTED! YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!

Gewd. Now let me sleep. *ZzZzZzZz*
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@Ananfal ~

I think you should get rid of her skill with the bow, as she's good with daggers and throwing knives. Which gives her both close and long range. Bow and arrow is a bit much, I think. Also, you only gave her one magical ability. Would you like to add another?

If she's good with her daggers, she's probably pretty good at hand-to-hand. Just make her weak when it comes to longer ranged…say the farther the target, the harder it is for her to see and hit. Or if you'd prefer the ranged, just get rid of the close-up daggers and keep the bow. Make her physically weak when it comes to a tussle. Whichever you would prefer.

Opposites attract. I like the flee vs charm thing. Awesomesauce. But again, she only has one ability. Wouldn't you like a second?

Hmmmm…I think she would have more strengths than just her breath weapon. Perhaps she likes to use her tail? Or her wings have sharp barbs that can poison the body when slicing skin. Yes, that would be pretty cool. ^^ You seem to have made your dragon a little too weak. I find that cute. Just add a strength and an ability (with limitations, of course), and you should be good to go with Kalli.
@Mowkie I hath finished thine profile with speed of mercury in the infirmary, but to no degree less it hath been done.

Not even sure if that's the right, but I'm done! PAGE 2
Hehehe, you forgot the word strong in his weaknesses. It just says "particularly dragon."

You're good, dear. I see no problems. Do you feel satisfied now? Or do you think you'll be changing the char any more?

Crud, I noticed that before and edited, but I must not have saved. >> fixed. I probably won't add any more; I was just in that phase of constantly thinking about your character and how things would affect them and coming up with 1000 small, irrelevant details about their life. Hah.
Coolness, I'll get these chars up soon.

@ShiroKiyoshi ~ Going to check now!
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