The Lost Soul

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He shrugged. "Honestly? Don't know, don't care." He figured that something must've happened to where he wanted to forget. There was no way he would just let something happen to him. He was kind of hung up on the fact that the witch never had guests. For as many rooms as she had up here, she could've been hosting as many people, or creatures, as she desired. "I think the better question is who are you?"
The largest one nodded a little before giggling once again. "We are garden pixies, yes yes. I am known as Enla." The other pixies giggled and repeated her name for a moment before quieting down. "You are an odd one. Why would witch save you?"
He wasn't sure whether he considered the name strange or not, as he had little to compare it to. "If you're asking me, I don't know why you are. Unfortunately, I don't know everything, let alone what she was thinking. Also, I'm not odd; I'm awesome."
Enla giggled and twirled in the air, doing another flip. "Definitely odd one." The other pixies giggled and nodded. Enla returned to the window crack, giving a mischievous smile, "Do not wander too much while you are here, odd one."
Like a schoolboy, he responded, "you can't tell me what to do. I can wander and get lost if I want to. Besides, why do you even care?"
Enla shrugged a little, moving away from the window. "Call it a friendly warning, yes yes." The other pixies nodded before descending to the garden below.
He shut his window before flopping onto his bed. He wouldn't be bothered by the little creatures. Even after talking to them, they didn't tell him too much that he didn't already know. He was still curious about the witch not having other guests, though.
It was quiet for a long time after the pixies went back to work. After the long while a scratch came at his door, and after a second a small meow.
He guessed it was the cat from earlier that day. Coal, was it? Or was it Ebony? Whatever. Why could everything here speak? He rolled out of bed to crack open the door. "What?"
Ebony let out another meow up at him. "Finding your room comfortable, I imagine?"
He looked at the cat, unamused and uninterested. "Why?"
Ebony flicked his tail. "Because you are a guest, of course."
"Yeah, speaking of that, I heard your caretaker doesn't get all that many guests. Care to explain why?" He leaned on the doorframe, not opening his door any farther.
Ebony shrugged. "Not many request or need to be guests. The less that see inside a witch's home the better."
He glossed over the fact that not only could this cat speak, but it could also shrug. Lovely. "Why is that?"
Ebony chuckled a little, his tail swaying. "You wouldn't want one potentially messing with your potions, would you?"
"You mean the plants? I don't think the majority of people that would walk into the ground floor of this house would think much other than 'obsessed with plants'."
Ebony let out an odd-sounding laugh, ending with a purr. "Yes, master's plants. They are quite valuable, more than you might think."
"They're plants. I really don't think most people would come in and want to steal the plants. Just sayin'."
Ebony snorted. "Were you this naive before or after your memory loss. Other witches, hunters, many other creatures. There's plenty who would steal them."