The Lost Soul

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He raised an eyebrow at her. "You sound pretty sure of yourself. What happens if I never get my memories back?" He demanded. "You're going to be stuck with me for quite a while~." He winked at her.
Raine rolled her eyes a little. "Then if they never comes back, you'll be leaving once you're back on your feet. Simple." She started eating.
He snorted. "I can get on my feet with or without my memories, thank you very much. Also, I am so hungry." He began to do the same, scarfing down the food.
Raine rolled her eyes again as she continued eating. Coal and Ebony exchanged a look before they both moved to a cat tree in front of a window, Coal settling on the top and Ebony on a bed near the middle. Once she finished she stood and took the three plates to the kitchen sink.
He chose to ignore the raven and the cat as he ate, leaning back on the chair and lacing his hands behind his head. He belched loudly, didn't say 'excuse me,' and most certainly didn't say 'thank you' for the food.
Raine found her eyes rolling once again. Of course, she'd get stuck with one of the rudest people, that's what she got for helping someone. She sighed and turned to him. "Alright, shall I show you around upstairs?"
He sighed, once again being overdramatic. "Right after I got comfortable?" He stared at her for a moment before finally groaning and hauling himself up out of the chair. "Yeah. Lead the way."
Raine crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. She shook her head a little after he got up and walked to the stairs. Once up there and facing the hallway, she snapped her fingers. Numbers appeared on the doorways. "There. Now come on, I'll show you to your room."
His eyes widened, and he shook his head. Magic threw him off every time. Probably because it wasn't supposed to be real. "Ooookay…" He glanced at the numbers, honestly just expecting them to shift into some different, strange language. "What number is mine?"
Raine looked back at him and was admittedly amused by his reaction. She nodded further down the hall. "number 7 should suit you well." She started walking towards it, stopping in front of it and opening the door. It was a simple spare bedroom.
He didn't trust it, but he wasn't about to tell her that. "Sounds good." He walked in and shut the door behind him, going about the room and inspecting it. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he was definitely looking for it.
Raine nodded a bit in satisfaction before moving to another door and disappearing into the room behind it.

The room was oddly ordinary. Like the witch had been expecting a human guest or something. The only thing that didn't make it completely bland and ordinary was a planter on the outside of the window, the plant inside it giving off a calming scent of lavender and chamomile.
For now, he looked past the plant and out the window. This was an incredibly long hallway, and he wondered if what the window revealed would show what lay on the outside of the house or if it was completely different. He was indifferent to the smell of the plant, which was the smell of the room. It was fine, and it didn't bother him, so he would probably end up keeping the plant.
Looking outside was like it was the one room of the upstairs in the small house. He could see that the garden in front of the house expanded to the back, and he could see little shapes moving amongst the plants. Every once in a while one would pause and he would feel something looking at him. After they seemingly realized he was human, the shapes moved up the window, giggling. They looked humanoid with various types of butterfly wings on their backs.
So the window did show what was, well, supposed to be outside a window in a room that would be placed like this one. He watched the little things in the garden, squinting at them, trying to figure out what they were. However, he decided he didn't want to know after he felt something looking at him. He glanced behind him and around the room before looking aout the window again. He jumped back with a yelp after seeing the…things…on the window.
The seemingly young women and girls with butterfly wings glowed slightly, with sparkles coming off of them when they moved, giggled at his yelp. They knocked on the window and seemed to be talking, though it was too quiet for him to hear. Unless he opened the window.
He made a face at them, although it wasn't on purpose. He didn't trust them at all, whatsoever. On top of that, whatever they offered, he didn't need it. And they sparkled, so that put them even higher on the 'do not trust' list. "What do you want?" He asked them, not opening the window. For some reason, he expected to hear their response despite not being able to hear what they were saying right now.
The creatures giggled again and a few looked like they were talking. Finally one of the largest of the creatures up to the window and tilted it's head as it inspected him. After a long moment, it smiled and did a little flip. "Yes, yes! The witch has a guest!"
He didn't quite understand what the biggest one said, and he couldn't understand why they were acting so…happy. Based on what he had seen of them, their job was to tend to the garden or live there. Either way didn't seem like much of a life to him. He opened the window to the smallest increment that he could. "What do you want?" He asked again.
The largest one giggled and peeked through the gap he had made. "The witch never has guests. This is an exciting time, yes yes!" The other creatures giggled and nodded. "Who are you?" multiple voices said. It was still a little quiet and high-pitched, but he could hear them now.