The Lost Soul

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
He smirked. "Yeah, okay. Sure." He held the bottle but didn't drink it. Once again, he was waiting for her to leave.
Rained rolled her eyes at seemingly reading his mind. "It's not that, pervert." She turned to leave.
"That's what I would say, too," he replied, his smirk practically audible.
Raine huffed and turned back to him, looking like she was about to smack him. "I have never nor will ever be engaged with someone in that way, or anything more."
"More than sex?" He whistled. "Didn't even know there was such a thing. It sounds like you have a boring life, then," he replied.
Raine rolled her eyes. "As in love. I am not interested in either."
"Oh yeah. Well, why not? Is it cause you've isolated yourself, or…? What's the deal, spellcaster?" He didn't expect her to be honest, but he could always ask the talking animals around here.
Raine crossed her arms. "And why should I tell you?"
He shrugged. "Well, this is what I get for trying to learn about people. Okay. Thanks for the potion," he replied, ready to shut the door.
Raine sighed and nodded to Ebony who meowed back before turning to leave.
He turned back, holding the potion up, examining it close to his face. "She's just full of sunshine and giggles, isn't she?" He asked no one in particular, but mostly the cat.
Ebony waited until she was gone and the door was closed before responding. "Are you truly curious on why she desires no human connections?"
His eyebrows shot up into his hair. "She doesn't have any human connections? There's a difference between avoiding love and not getting involved with humans, period."
Ebony nodded. "The ones of her coven only know her by chance as well." He almost spoke to himself. "Do I tell the stories or not…"
He was silent, eyebrows still raised, waiting. He subconsciously swirled the potion around in the container.
After a long moment, Ebony chuckled. "Sit and I will tell you."
He stared at the cat for a long, uncomfortable minute before saying, "fine. As long as the stories are good." He moved to sit in the chair.
Ebony chuckled. "Let's start at the beginning. It isn't uncommon for witches and wizards for have human partners. Raine's mother was a witch, her father was human."
He remained silent, only nodding once to show that he was at least kind of listening.
Ebony sighed a little. "Later came a love interest for Raine. She was deeply in love with him. But he would betray her, and drag her father into it as well."