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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: Let the Battle Begin

Nani snickered before frowning up. "Oi, I'm no one's pet! I don't need ta be 'trained'." Her usual lighthearted demeanor returned and she grinned. "Besides, don't think of it as stealin' think of it as...giving back to the people. Me being the people of course." She winked playfully and continued eating. Though moments later, Tau called them out.

When they were out, Nani could only pay attention to how upset Penelope was. "What is her deal? She must have some personal vendetta against you guys or somethin'!" She crossed her arms and looked at a few of the Pride, somewhat waiting for someone to answer. If anything, she may have hung her pirate hat up to be in the guild- but she was just a tag-a-long of the Pride group! Nani had nothing to do with personal vendettas! This was not her battle to fight and going against some upset fairy princess for no reason was not going to sail with her. "I'm no idiot, I am not rushin' in and attackin' Princess. Especially if I have ta end up like those three." She crossed her arms and looked up at Cap. "We're gonna watch the others, cool?"

Before Cap could respond, he found himself plummeting to the ground, even as he tried to flap his wings harder. Instead of his usual pretty bird sounds, his voice came out in annoying honks- which only made him panic and honk louder. "Captain! You weasel, what the hell did you do that for?!" Nani moved her now short, round, and frantic penguin to the sidelines. "Look Cap, I can't understand yer honkin'. Just stay put and outta the way. Remember, if ya gotta scram, don't fly and don't run. Slide." She patted Captain's head before pulling out her sword.

"And now. Now this has gotten personal." Nani flinched when she was cut by the thorns hidden in the grass, but that would be the last thing that made her stop! She just used her sword to cut up the thorns into bits and pieces. "You turn Captain back into a parrot! I don't know what your problem is, but it sure as hell has nothing ta do with me or my bird!" She didn't necessarily charge like Moira did, but she did follow in pursuit being a lot more observant about the spells the crazy lady was making.
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

"Oh snap!" exclaimed Quentin, startled when she saw three of the Pride get warped into animals. Had she had time to stop and think about it, she might have wondered why she was not invited to the animal party. Had she had a lot of time to think about it, she might have even been insulted that she was not made into a newt or something. Not to blow her own horn, but had she not been pretty important in the lake challenge? The nerve!

As the other members of the Pride ran in all directions, Quentin scooped up Marcus, even though she was closer to Amy. Picking up a pig and running with it, however, was a cumbersome proposition, even if she did sympathize with Amy's plight. After all, she had been there before.

"What did we do? What did I do?" shrieked Quentin, holding Marcus in her hand and making a run for it. She was pretty sure that Penelope was about to do something crazy like shoot lightning from her fingertips. If anyone had any clue what Penelope was on about, Quentin would have loved to hear it. She ran back toward the path on which the Pride had approached the spa and glanced suspiciously at the ground, wondering if the Varren brigade was going to make another show-stopping appearance. Reflecting on it, how did they figure into all of this?

Quentin had gotten enough of a second wind to ready herself for the next challenge. She even brought a cup of water in a little canteen for the event. Admittedly, she got a few sideways looks from the staff when she took it; she chalked that up to them admiring her hair. She uncorked the canteen but cried out, "Give us a chance to answer what we're supposed to have done!"
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

Estelle could only stare in complete stupefaction at what had just happened before her eyes. One second she and her friends were there, ready to take on the final trial that infuriating spa owner, Penelope Stevenson, would set them. Only for things to spiral so madly out of control…

Marcus, Amy and Syed… before Estelle's horrified eyes, Penelope had transformed all of them with a snap into different creatures. She had turned Marcus into, of all things, a frog… Horrible thoughts were sent running through Estelle's mind as she imagined herself questing with her friend, now transformed into a frog. Her mind bringing up images of things that could never be. Not only had Estelle and her friends been transformed into their opposite gender against their will, Penelope had the temerity to humiliate her friends by turning them into these animals!

Penelope probably had a reason for doing what she did, and feeling the way she had. These trials, these spells and the anger pulsating from her all made that abundantly clear. For some reason, Penelope had grievance with the Pride, and whatever it was, it was no doubt great.

But Estelle didn't care anymore. She had had enough. Transforming her into a man was one thing. The two trials before this was another. But what she had did to Marcus… that pushed her last straw.

If anything, Estelle was glad that Penelope's third trial was what it was. Because Estelle had been looking forward to hit back at the sorceress for a long time now.

With a raging scream, Estelle's sword was drawn and ignited at the same time as she charged undeterred straight towards their foe. Unafraid of the encroaching thorns, Estelle simply swiped her fireblade out across from her, cutting them apart length wise and scorching the remainder. She continued tocharge forward in one fluid motion, rearing her sword up to attack Penelope.


As she did so, the rest of the Pride scrambled about them, searching for particular vantage points with which to attack and defend from. All doubted a head on attack would work, but if Estelle could succeed, all the better. Tobi lifted up his gunblade, and hoping to buy Estelle the time and distraction she'd need to close the gap between her and Penelope, Tobi fired – his shotgun powered weapon aimed directly at their adversary.


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Drych Lake Spa – Front

Jett was eager to begin the third challenge. Well he was till the lady went all mage on them. Seeing Marcus, Amy and Syed transform into animals took his confidence down several notches. Now here was an opponent he didn't know how to fight. Heck he'd get his ass whooped even before he can even fling his yo-yo. She was dishing out magic faster than he could ever run.

Nervously he looked round for some affirmation from the rest, but everyone was already swinging into action. Even Nani whom swore she'd avenge her parrot. Seeing Gnar Man grabbing the amphibian mage, the rookie stepped in front of the Pride's cleric. It was the least he could do without messing things up.

A flash of metal distracted him. Jett watched as Tobi ready his gunblade. Seeing where the awesome sword was pointing, the newbie then turned to look at an all too familiar red headed swordsman dashing towards Penelope. Next he focused on the staff in their enemy's hand.

"Will taking the staff away help?" Jett asked the sow suddenly.

It was a silly question, but she had more experience than he did. She was technically a mage too, right? There was an eighty percent chance he was right. After all he remembered she and Marcus carried staves around. Jett continued staring at Amy hoping for some indication he is on the right track.
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

Moira unlike both Nani and Estelle, simply charged through the thorns like a rampaging bull. Syed, perched somewhat clumsily on her shoulder, started making some quite loud agitated sqeaks and grunts for his small size. Right in Moira's ear hole. Whatever, calm your... whatever otters have, she had this.

...Why were her feet no longer on the ground? She had barely even started!

Her knuckles white from their grip, she found herself being pulled up by her greatsword like it was a helium balloon. "GAH! FUCK! WHAT DID YOU-?!" she screamed in that wierd low voice, kicking her legs in an attempt to pull the floating sword back down. This thing was important to her! She couldn't let it go, she couldn't!


Pen immediately turned her attention to Estelle - her enfuriated yell made sure of that. She was a whole lot faster than the berserker, her anger poetically mirrored in the flame of her sword. However, before she was even halfway, Pen heard a gunshot.

With a swing of her staff, the bullet turned to petals mere inches before it struck, reforming as a bullet the instant it fell to the floor by her feet. Pen didn't hesitate, however. She clicked once more swinging her staff towards Estelle. Before the swordsman even knew it she suddenly found wheels on her feet and her admittedly short fringe falling into her eyes, causing her to lose control of her momentum. Pen simply stepped to one side as she shot past.

"Tell you why? Isn't it obvious?!" Pen shouted at them all, noting many of them hesitating. "How long to you plan to keep up this act?" She span her staff again, swinging it towards Nani then Quentin. Nani found her sword turn into a feather duster, while Quentin's lovely hair turned into an afro much like Marcy's. She watched them all closely as she acted, their expressions of confusion and offense and anger. Or that seriously joking around look Tobi had but he was just wierd from the start. "Wait... are you serious?!" Pen's expression only became darker. "And you really trust your lives with people you know so little about?! Are you really that naive?!!!"

She sat upon her staff, rising into the air herself. "How many of you are hiding a dirty little secret, hmm? The Guild's ultimate hypocrisy, preaching honesty, transparency and the value of life with one hand while asking no questions of their agents with the other. The very people who are supposed to uphold their ideals!"

"Fuck off with your high and mighty bullshit!" Moira bellowed. Syed had gone silent.

"Tell me. How many of you have been to a town called Waterbridge?"

Suddenly, Moira too went quiet. Her eyes widened, her pupils contracting. It was an alarming reaction for those who knew her, for the formidable berserker to show genuine fear. Syed shrunk back, his little ears flattening on his head. "No... no fucking way...! SHUT UP!!!" She let go of her sword, dropping down to the floor with enough force to cause it to shake. She charged forward again with her fists bared, "SHUT UP!!!!"

"Bingo." With a click of her fingers Moira came crashing to the ground, her head inflating massively and weighing down her body. Her sword returned back to it's normal properties, fell back to the ground and embedded itself into the floor beside her.
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: Let the Battle Begin

Nani saw Estelle and Moira get knocked aside or in Moria's case up, as if it was nothing and when she stopped the bullet going towards her the pirate tried to move just one step faster to get at least a little closer. Though when she thrusted her sword out it turned into a feather duster, Nani acted fast and tried to punch the sorceress. Unfortunately that didn't work out either. Instead, she landed in the grass and was once again pricked with thorns. "Aye, I'm gonna have a miserable time pulling these off me..." She mumbled as she stood, pulling one of the thorns off her arm.

For the moment, Nani had paused in her fighting, holding the wooden part of the feather duster in her mouth. Despite being in such a heated battle, she paused to start taking some of the thorns off her butt and legs. "Loo- la-y, I wa- o-ly 'ere wif 'he weir- one o'er dere." She gestured to Tobi. ("Look lady, I was only here with the weird one over there.") It was kind of hard to understand the pirate with a feather duster in her mouth. "I just ca-e wif 'he 'ide 'cause dere was a 'ission." ("I just came here with the Pride 'cause there was a mission.") Thankfully, Nani took the duster out of her mouth because she was finished. She wiped her arms off one final time before looking at Penelope.

"I recently just learned about all that honesty and value and helping others bologna so, I have no idea why yer panties are in knot and you have a stick up yer arse, kay? So change my Captain back into his normal parrot self!" She charged forward, putting the feather duster where her sword should've been. If she couldn't use her sword, she was definitely going to use the next best option: her fists. Hearing about a place called Waterbridge didn't stop Nani from trying to hit the sorceress. Trying and failing at that. "I dunno, I might've sailed there? Might owe people money too... None of that matters though does it?"

Again, in her attempts, she was knocked onto her butt. Nani hugged and pushed hair out of her face. One of these guys had to have some better idea.


Drych Lake Spa - Front

Quentin looked up suspiciously. Her cute bangs were gone and her hair felt very heavy and frizzy. Gingerly, she patted the mushroom of an afro on her head. She held up Marcus in front of her face.

"Marcus..." she sniffed, "how bad is it?"


"Don't sugar coat it. Give it to me straight!"

"Ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit."

"You always were a gentleman," Quentin said before depositing the frog in her pocket. She stood up and waved a hand in the air like a pupil with the answer to a question.

"Keep up what act? I'm new to this whole thing. Like, I joined these peeps yesterday, so can you chill for a sec, lady?"

"Wait... are you serious?!" exploded Penelope. "And you really trust your lives with people you know so little about?! Are you really that naive?!!!"

Quentin looked sideways at the other members of the Pride. Whatever the heck Waterbridge meant, it obviously was something big, given the way Penelope was ranting on about it and Moira was screaming like a cow giving birth. Quentin held up both hands in a non-offensive gesture and called out to the sorceress, "Can't we settle this some way other than smacking each other about? I don't think you'll feel any better for beating us up! I mean, I don't think a lot of us have anything against you, except maybe turning us dudes into dudettes and all that, but still. We can...we can solve this somehow if you just put down the staff!"

"Uwaaa!" Trixie squealed as thorns shot their way. Before she could even properly freak out and scram, Supersis-bro had come to the rescue and singed the viney tendrils nearby her to bits. "Haaa, thanks, Supersis, I--oh." Then she was targeted by the sorceress herself and sent off. Lost cause.

The prankster groaned and yanked at her shortened hair as Penelope and Moira raged on about whatever. "Geez, why does everyone hate us. First those carny freaks, and now this chica!"

Her hands reached for the pouches along her belt, but froze there. Stink bomb? Confetti popper? Splat bomb? Seeing her sudden transformation and Tobi's bullet manipulation, she could just chuck the bombs and their effects right back at them. Maybe a flashbang? Gah! She'd have to wait until Penelope was fully distracted to risk something like that.

Despite Quentin trying to talk Penelope out of battle, the others were still going at her; even Trixie knew reasoning with someone that upset who wanted to fight was useless. So she did was she did best: whip out her double uzis and start unleashing rapidfire at the sorceress. While firing, she dashed about in annoying non-patterns. Hopefully it'd throw Pen off...!


Seeing as Amy was absolutely useless now - as she had been in the other two games, admittedly - the cleric-turned-pig chilled out in an unused space by herself. Her stubby little legs sprawled out so her chubby stomach rested on the ground. She seemed pretty pleased with herself. The gem atop her staff beside her glowed a warm green. It was as if she was smiling under that snout.

That was, until Jett approached her and stared. And stared and stared and stared. And asked something too, but it wasn't like pigs could talk back anyway so it didn't matter.

Amy finally looked up at him, twitched her nose with a subtle snort, then dropped her chin to the ground to rest her head again.

Drych Lake: Spa – Front

Aria watched with disbelief as her friends charged ahead to battle Penelope, angry emotions clouding their minds as they desperately retaliated against the sorceress with the hope of beating her. One by one, however, Penelope was able to rebuff them, and in some cases make their situation only that much more embarrassing and wrong.

Illusions? Was Aria's first thought. She couldn't imagine that a person, no matter how skilled of a mage they were, could be able to control and manipulate reality to such an extent as Penelope could. No, it all seemed a bit too much… too fantastic and improbable to be real. So of course her first imagining was that all of this was simply an elaborate illusion. Or at least, she hoped it was… even with a niggling doubt in the back of her mind screaming that it wasn't.

If Penelope could do the things that she could like this, how were the Pride ever to be able to defeat her? She was… she was invincible!

"If only we knew why this is happening," Aria grunted behind a grimace. As Penelope's rants continued, she managed to reveal something. A name. Waterbridge.

…Waterbridge? That was a town Aria had been to once before, on a mission with Xan. But… she couldn't remember ever having encountered a woman like Penelope there before. Was she connected to their mission in some other way then? Was all of this happening… because of her?

Moira's shouting and screaming seemed to hint that perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps it was her that held some connection to the flying sorceress instead…? Aria felt equal parts relief and guilt for such a thought.

They needed some way to try and talk this out, perhaps. Because this… whatever was going on here, it didn't seem to Aria like it would work. She huddled down and kept her distance from the raging fight, looking up to where Penelope was flying and then closing her eyes. After the day's events, her magical stamina was running low. But this was starting to become the crucial point. If the Pride didn't give everything that they had, then… then who knows what might happen.

To Penelope's (and the rest of the Pride's) surprise, a giant golden birdcage materialised within the sky, trapping Penelope inside of its confines. Hopefully that would give her pause.




Drych Lake: Spa

"Hmm… what do you think, Rhoden? Marcy?" Gramps asked, the old man lying his arms down on the side of one of the Spa's railings that helped overlook the confrontation between Penelope and the Pride. He had tied to his head about a half dozen ice bags. "I know that this is necessary and all for Pen… she has so much anger and hatred within her. Anger and hatred that needs to be let out, but… is this the right way to do it? I wonder."

Gramps scratched the underside of his chin, stroking his whispy beard. Behind him, in the shadows of the Spa corridor, Harvey Jr sat shivering. Jasper sat on his lap, ears low, a soft whine coming from the puppy's muzzle. Neither were at all comfortable with what was happening.

"My own son's a Guilder, y'know. They're not all bad… but they do have their faults, admittedly. Hngh…" Gramps folded his arms across his chest, considering the matter deeply. "I just… I just hope this doesn't make things worse for Penelope… that would simply be horrible…"

Drych Lake - Spa

"What guilt!? Whose guilt!? Did someone murder a guy and fail to inform me!?" Lute growled, unsheathed his sword then began hacking at the brambles. The significance of the members who had been ensorcered escaped the virtuoso at first, but he realized soon enough that things were going to get a little bit harder without Marcus and Amy to buff the group. This lady wasn't just mental; she was also a rotten cheater! In any other opponent this sort of injustice would have inspired the Guilder to fight back with a greater amount of ferocity, but against a mage like Penelope? Even Lute could see that he would be wasting his energy trying to bring her down with just force.

Look, with all these thorns growing out from the ground, Lute was glad he wore boots and long pants. Even if it made him look like a fashion crime, at least he wasn't wincing or bleeding from the scratches he received as he waded through the undergrowth. Also! "Waterbridge!? WATERBRIDGE!? I ain't been nowhere three skips from Thaum, woman!" Moira's head grew large and he was caught between laughing or gasping in horror. Lute chose the latter in case giggling kicked him in the ass later.

Then, a birdcage?

Things are happening too fast! In any case, he needed to move! Maybe a sound blast? Delilah shook her head; like Aria, Lute was near to having his mana reserves emptied. He would have to settle for the straight ol' charge maneuver… Though the Gods knew how that ended for people as graceless as he. Lute bypassed Nani who was trying to get back at her feet, raising his sword above his head… Then getting blocked by a wall of thorns. Needless to say Lulu uttered yet another memorable shriek as he fell into the brambles.
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

A cage?! Pen's eyes widened in shock at the apperation. Much as Aria had theorised, she was unable to see through her illusion. After all, words were one thing. Magics which directly affected the senses were another entirely. She didn't know who had cast it either, having not been on the recieving end of any of Aria's tricks before. And to make matters worse, the youngest had started making pot-shots at her, and thanks to her trapped position she had nowhere to run.

"Are you trying to silence me now?!" she screached, only becoming more hysterical as she recoiled from the bullet spray. One bullet was one thing, but a whole load of them? "I knew it! I knew you would do this!!!" It became too much, her balance on her staff was slipping. Talk about insult to injury as she unexpectedly fell through the bottom of the cage, falling some distance before she hit the ground. Hard. The blow clearly winded her a little as her staff clattered onto the ground beside her, although she snatched it up again as fast as she could. What kind of cage was that?!

She coughed, pushing on in her fury. "Fine!!! I will make it simple enough for even you to understand!" She yelled breathlessly, that purple glow returning. She span her staff, pointing it towards Trixie and turning her pistols into squeaky rubber chickens. She stepped backwards swiftly, directing her attention to Lute as he spectacularly failed a lunge in trademark fashion. Next thing the poor man knew he was a goat, just like his beloved family pet.

She turned back to the group as a whole, bent over slightly with her chest heaving. She pretty much looked demented at this point, and was pushing herself a lot harder than she probably should have been. "Watergate is where my mother lived and died. She was killed by a massive blow to the head, in some disgusting back alley. The same day she left, a local primary school teacher vanished. Others said it was coincidence, but I knew better."

"I managed to find him. Who knew he had a talent with electricity magic, hmm? It turns out Mr Dyjani is with a new crowd these days, one of whom matches the description of a tourist who was terrorising the locals the week Mother died. But it wasn't until I actually met you that I knew for sure. When I felt my mother's curse which binds the two together. She was the most celebrated sorceress of our time, there's no questioning it. It places them there, with her, on that day."

"Do you understand, now?! Does it get through your thick skulls?! And still you defend them!"

By this point, some of Pen's older spells were beginning to fade. The thorns were beginning to regress back into grass, Nani's feather duster was beginning to turn back into a sword and Estelle already found herself relatively back to normal. The penguin Cap was turning a lovely shade of pink again. Pen didn't seem to care, advancing upon the bound couple like a woman posessed. Syed seemed to shrink down, making odd otter noises in a desperate need to communicate when he was unable to do so.

"Sh... shut up," Moira gasped, attempting to push herself up despite the astronomical size of her head. She looked like some horrendous carracature. "Leave... leave him the fuck out of it..."


"He wasn't there."


Meanwhile, Rhoden didn't respond to Gramps' wise words. He watched cooly over the group, unable to intervene thanks to the lack of water designed to inhibit Quentin, his own tiredness and Pen's wishes.

But he didn't take his eyes off the group even once. Sometimes, actions speak louder than either expressions or words. Especially with a man like Rhoden.

He wished the teacher's collegue never forwarded Pen that stupid novelty mug.[/hr]

Drych Lake Spa - Front

One snort. One snort! Jett scratched his head in bewilderment as he tried far too hard to interpret what Amy was trying to tell him. His mind backtracked to his words from before then he slapped his forehead. Of course! Ms. Amy was a genius. A freaking genius! Getting a mage's staff would be the best way to stop the spell casting.

"Ms. Amy, you've got to be the smartest woman ever!" He exclaimed loudly. "I mean wow. I-I'll not let you down. Promise."

Turning to run off to join the fray, the daredevil gave the contented sow a mini salute. "And don't worry. I'll be back to stop anything from hurting you."

The recruit dashed off to put as great a distance between him and fighting group. He had a plan! He was going to run from behind and tackle the mage lady. Let's see if she can predict that! No bang, no flash, no nothing. The words he heard danced in his mind. What the crap! Was this lady accusing one of the Pride? She had to be nuts. Guilders aren't thugs. They are supposed to help people. Yeah this lady was cuckoo.

"Lady, you are bat shit crazy! You didn't see them kill her, did you?" He gave a shuddering breath as he continued sprinting. "She cursed them yeah, but that's it. You didn't see anything! Seriously the rest must like you so much they agreed to help you."
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: In the field, confused

Nani flinched when Lute rammed right into a thorny wall. "Aye, that's gotta hurt..." She stood and stepped back as she noticed the bird cage. "Yeah, that's a good plan." Nani was still confused as hell about Penelope and her raging. She did however, wander over to goat Lute's side. "Well, looks like it's story time." She debated literally sitting there and listening to the story, but she figured she'd need to be able to escape quickly if Penelope escaped.

"Lass, you need to calm down before you kill over or something. Ya look like yer gonna explode." She quieted down just as she began her spiel of why she hated the Pride so much. Something about her mother's death. It made Nani think of her own parents. Both of them were retired pirates and happily resting and probably arguing about who was the better pirate. That or whatever they liked to do nowadays. But of course, now was not the time for her own personal musings because Penelope was the one having some traumatic experience. Nani may have needed to work on her sympathy cards.

Instead of accidentally making her more upset, she just patted Lute's head and then crossed her arms, keeping quiet. As she suspected, this was obviously pretty personal. "Sweet." Nani smiled when her blade returned to normal and then laughed as Captain practically hurled himself at her. "Awesome! You're a parrot again! Still pink, but beggers can't be choosers eh?"

Captain chirped and squawked happily, taking his rightful place on Nani's shoulder. He too was obviously happy that he was back to normal...somewhat. Nani turned her head to the others, wondering what they planned on doing because Nani had no clue.
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa - Front

"Djawww, what da!?" Trixie let out a disgruntled sigh before chucking her toy-turned weapons ahead towards the sorceress. They completely missed Penelope, but still made loud "huuuuooooo" noises as they crashed on the ground. "Those were my favorite uzis, lady! You owe me new ones...!"

Despite Penelope deftly countering everyone else's maneuvers, she still managed to focus on Boss and Sparky. With the way she approached them, she was most definitely planning to do something bad, so so so bad to them. She had so much magic in her, Trixie had no idea what to even expect anymore. Other than more lies because she knew her friends weren't killers. "Just cuz some bad guys looked like them doesn't mean you can take it all out on us! Okay!"

With the thorns fading away, Trixie had a clearer shot to the trio. Like Jett, she took off towards them immediately - and being closer, she reached them earlier. "So stop yelling at them! Stop it with the mean tricks and things! It's totally not what a good spa host lady person does, okay!" The prankster charged between the trio - thankfully there was still some room to intervene. She had her arms out in a defensive stance, with a round object clenched in one hand. A smoke bomb. Or a flashbang, or something. She didn't really pay attention to which one she pulled out.


Now that Jett had left her, pig Amy flopped onto her back and began rolling around.



As usual, Marcy kept her nose high while she focused on filing her nails. It had already taken her far too long to fix up her hairdo after the previous... catastrophe, so she spent no time dawdling in perfecting the rest of her glorious image. As the others quietly pondered Gramps' words, Marcy extended her hand before her, keenly eying the details of every little cuticle. She spoke with casualness.

"We've seen what these guilders are capable of and how they act, how they treat Penelope - both during her hospitable and hostile stages, as we see now." She blew on her nails. "Penelope love will have her justice here - or she simply won't. But perhaps this skirmish is necessary for both sides to release their frustrations?"

Marcy shrugged, afterwards withdrawing a miniature mirror along with a tweezer from her cleavage. She began to fine-tune her eyebrows. "Besides, it's as you said - I doubt they would bother trying to harm her beyond her own pride, poor girl. Seems as though the majority of them are either naive or truly not at fault either, however. Surely you agree with this, Harvey baby? Rhoden?"
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Drych Lake - Spa

Huh. True to his inquiry, someone did murder a guy. Funny how his worst assumptions end up correct! One of these days, Lute will take off the mantle of a Guilder and take on something less dangerous… So long as it doesn't involve getting your clothes zapped off of you- a dirty glare towards the Spa for this one- then he'll do it. Maybe fortune telling? Also, Penelope turned him into a goat.

"Baa," Lute grumbled. Wait, that was for sheep. The virtuoso jumped up and around Nani as the sorceress fell down. She even began explaining the situation, which was kinda stupid since she could've done that way earlier and the Pride could've explained but hey! People who think they're all right, high and mighty don't listen until they're either paralyzed or six feet below the ground. Anyway, her words seemed to imply that either Moira or Syed did somebody in… But Lute couldn't care less. Sure it was unnerving to hear his companions getting accused of that heavy a crime, but the trial could wait until later! Right now, Penelope was trying to zonk them all and if they didn't stop her, they'd all be corpses in due time. The problem was that she probably wasn't using all of her powers yet. A sorceress as skilled as this one could probably use some really unfair magic that could, like, petrify them or whatever.

Lute baa-ed or whatever noise goats made when Nani patted him. He wanted to nibble on something. With Penelope advancing towards Moira and Syed, Jett and Trixie running forward to intervene, he should do something as well! The goat skipped nearer to the group, pulling on the remainder of the thorny vines in hopes of tripping the sorceress. She made him fall on his face several times now, might as well return the favor.
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Drych Lake Spa – Front

Focus Jett. The recruit kept reminding himself about Penelope's staff, but it wasn't very effective. His mind kept dwelling on her "oh so dramatic" revelation. Whether the Dyjani person and accomplice were guilty or not was kinda irrelevant. The guys or ladies or animals were currently his allies and more importantly the rest seemed to trust them. What really mattered – like really mattered – was what this smug lady did. She freaking toyed with the entire group for her petty 'revenge'! He hissed loudly as his temper began rising once more. Seriously focus Jett! You promised Ms. Amy you'll get the staff.

"I don't care about your stupid revenge! You are just a selfish spoiled – Aiyeeeeeee!"

Thick thorny vines embraced the fuming daredevil as he pitched into the retreating creepers. Multiple scratches covered the exposed areas along Jett's body as he fought to untangle himself. The recruit took several steps back as soon as he broke loose. With a single minded determination the rookie charged forward once more. Swiftly he dug into his jeans pocket and slipped his finger through the looped end of his yo-yo string. Luck better be on his side! He planned to tackle that pissy missy even if he had to vault across the disappearing vines surrounding her. Seriously he didn't trust that they had changed back to grass again. Surely the whole thing had to be a trap!
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Drych Lake: Spa

The situation only grew more and more chaotic the further it developed. Following Aria's successful illusion that helped bring Penelope to the ground, the wicked sorceress managed to unleash yet even more of her spells to afflict the group, even going so far as to enlarge Moira's head and transform Lute into a goat. As she slowly advanced towards Moira and Syed, the origin of her hatred, she explained just what it was that filled her with such rage. Filled her with such grief. And Estelle… Estelle couldn't believe a word she was hearing.

Syed and Moira killing someone? At least, that was what Penelope insisted, although the evidence seemed suspect. Her mother had died in the midst of a back alley… killed, in fact, from a savage blow to the head. Estelle would have scoffed at the thought of such a thing, but it was Penelope's next words that made her flinch.

"When I felt my mother's curse which binds the two together. She was the most celebrated sorceress of our time, there's no questioning it. It places them there, with her, on that day."

Estelle knew that the magical bond that tied the pair together was powerful indeed. Mighty enough that the two were magically tethered to one another and unable to move apart over a certain distance without forcibly snapping back. Whilst Estelle's knowledge of magic was meagre, she knew about this thanks to a lecture from Marcus shortly after meeting the duo that for magic such as that to be created, it would need to be from someone incredibly powerful and well trained. And considering Penelope and her own magical expertise… perhaps it was true. It sure didn't feel like a lie. The way she spoke… the way she acted and fought, and the way in which the rest of the Spa behaved as well… Estelle had no doubt that what Penelope was saying was true.

Or at least, what she thought was true.

Estelle still couldn't believe that either Moira or Syed could be behind such a barbaric act. Moira had an awful temper, this was true… and her own past as a Guilder was incredibly shady, with the woman constantly getting herself into trouble and scolded by Largo and Marise, but even so… she couldn't believe they could ever do such a thing.

And yet Estelle couldn't bring herself to fight Penelope anymore. Even despite everything that had been done to them so far. Transforming their bodies, forcing them through these ridiculous trials, hurting them even now... because Estelle's thoughts went to her own mother. If Estelle was in Penelope's shoes, she was sure she'd act in the very same way.

"Enough." Estelle spoke coolly, stepping in front of Penelope's path towards Moira and Syed. Her sword was sheathed, lying down on the ground a short distance away. She looked directly at Penelope. "I don't know what exactly is going on… but I won't let you hurt my friends anymore. If you want someone to hate… if you want someone to take all your hurt and anguish out on, then make it be me. Do whatever you want to me… just let the others go."
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

Quentin stared in shock as the tale unfolded. Syed was a murderer? That was hard to believe. The dude was like the most timid guy Quentin had ever met. Sure, Moira was kind of hot-headed but she did not look like a killer. The Guild would not have been so lenient about letting in two killers, surely! The water mage watched the situation continue to develop at arm's length, uncertain of what to do next. When Estelle offered herself as a sacrificial lamb, Quentin scratched her head. She wrinkled her nose and held up Marcus.

"Do you know what she's doing?"

Marcus's eyes filmed over in an amphibious kind of blink. Quentin was not sure what that meant, but she gingerly approached Estelle. Not quite sure what emboldened her, Quentin stood behind the swordswoman and stood straight.

"No," insisted Quentin. "You won't have to stand alone, Estelle. Marcus and I are behind you."

Lute bleated loudly behind the water mage somewhere. Quentin bit her lip to keep a straight face and stared straight down her shades at Penelope. Her normally casual features hardened.

"I don't know what that kind of loss is like. My parents are retired and raising chickens. I do know, though, that you can't bring back your mum with these spells and trials and shrieking and all that rot. What do you even think you're accomplishing?"

She sat Marcus on her shoulder and clenched her fists. "I don't know them real well, but I like these people. They've been good to me. The least I can do is stand with them. I owe it to them."
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Drych Lake Spa - Front

Pen continued to stride forward, staff held high. Despite the shouts and the insults, despite the goat's attempt to trip her. Which worked, to an extent. The glow in her staff vanished as she stumbled, and by the time she was back securely on two feet several of the group stood before her. While some, like the littlest of the group, were clearly in denial, others...

She faltered. "...What?" She considered their words. "I know this won't bring her back. It's justice. Now get the hell out of my way." None of them did. As resolute as ever, both old friends and new ones alike. Pen's face distorted, her staff beginning to glow. She couldn't believe this, she couldn't believe after all she had said!

"I said get out of my way!" she screamed, spinning her staff once more and swinging it towards Estelle. That was, at least, until something suprised her and curled itself rapidly around it, snatching it from her grip. Jett's yo-yo. The staff clattered to the floor near Pen's feet.

"No... no, Estelle."


Moira groaned, pushing herself up. Thankfully her head was beginning to shrink. "You ain't got nothin' to do with this. None of you have. Not even Sy, he weren't even there at the start. It's me. It's just me. I'm the one who dragged you all into this shit. You're the ones who should go, not me. I deserve all I get. I'm the one who pushed her."

"I lost my temper. I mean she hit the floor, but I thought the woman was fine. I even went back once I realised she'd cursed me so I could yell at her and maybe she'd undo it. I didn't hit her that hard, definately not enough to crack her head or anythin'. But she was dead." She walked forward, keeping her hands in the air. "I dunno what happened when I was away, but I panicked. Packed his bags and dragged Sy right out of his home. It's my fault."

Pen stared at her unblinkingly. Her fists trembled as she glowered. Snarling, she curled up her lip in disgust. She hated it. She hated every word that come out of the pig's mouth. But... she clicked her fingers, a purple glow returning Syed to a more human form. He didn't say a word in response to her glower, simply giving a single apprehensive nod.

So Pen stamped forward, pushing Quentin into Trixie to get by and punching Moira square across the jaw.

"Fuck you to hell you disgusting bitch," she spat.
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: In the field, confused

So, obviously it appeared that the very strong and angry one known as Moira and the very tall and sparky one known as Syed had some dark past behind them, along with magic tainting them. Nani had sailed long enough to know that magic was pretty brutal when it wanted to be. "So Guilders are just a bunch of ruffians tryin' ta clear their names?" Nani mumbled quietly to Captain before taking a seat in the grass right next to Lute. Her parrot moved to rest on her knee as she did so. "Heh, and here I thought I was a special little case. Turns out these guys have their own crimes too." She pet Cap as he curiously eyed goat-Lute.

Other than mumbling her random comments, she listened to what was being done. Her brow raised when Estelle stepped forward. She was the group leader, right? Or was that a team effort too? "Self sacrifice? A little too hasty dontcha think? You've got an entire crew ta back you up. As noble as it is, and as smart as it is not ta fight, there as such things talking your way outta stuff. Trust me, I've done it plenty of times." Quentin was proof that she was right too. He and apparently frog-Marcus were there to back her up. And of course, so was the rest of Estelle's crew. Nani watched them all be noble and nice, but she kept her butt parked in the grass. One because she would much rather state that she had her back...from right where she was sitting. And two because Moira pushed everyone's act of kindness down. "Uh oh..." Nani whispered and watched the bulldozer of a woman make her way to the front lines. She put herself right in front of the enraged cannon- the cannon being Penelope of course.

She decided that her bits of narrating would soon start to annoy Penelope...or someone, but that didn't necessarily mean she would stop. The punch to the face looked pretty brutal. Well, brutal in a sense that it was surprising. "Oi, the princess can pack a punch too? Man that's one lethal lass." That, or she was insane and enraged enough to actually punch Moira... Nani would bet her life savings that Moira could easily punch the woman out of her clothes if she wanted. Obviously, that too wasn't appropriate right now, and Nani would've just taken her money back anyway.

"Now that we've got that settled...And you've got quite the hit in...Can we be put back to our normal genders? Being a guy and all is fine, but I like my feminine charm much better." This was said a little louder, just in case no one had been paying attention to her rambles in the first place. To think that the situation was so emotion heavy and traumatic, Nani was sure taking things lightly- Then again, she took a lot of things lightly.
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