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Drych Lake

Quentin stood and turned, relieved that someone had taken some initiative. She heaved a great sigh before Estelle suddenly went down. Jasper wagged his little tail disarmingly. Truth be told, Quentin suspected Jasper was going to win MVP in these three events. She picked up a discarded ring and chugged slowly over in the directions of a very dazed Gramps.

That was when Rhoden re-emerged in her peripheral vision. Well, crud.

Rhoden already had Jett strung up in a watery tentacle. Quentin did not much fancy being next to suffer that fate. Her look was apologetic as she said to Gramps, "No hard feelings?"

Quentin tossed the ring at him, but her attention was already elsewhere. Her eyes were focused on Rhoden. Her sunglasses had slid down her nose and she would have been much happier if Rhoden would fall over and give up. How much stamina did this dude have? Her limbs were searing with burning exhaustion from everything and the voyeuristic swimmer hardly looked like he was breaking a sweat. Then again, maybe he was and it was impossible to tell, what with all the water soaking him. So yeah, maybe he was tired too, but if he was, he had a great poker face about it. Plus, swinging around a nearly-naked Jett like that did not really suggest fatigue.

Quentin was through fooling herself. Rhoden outclassed her in basically every way, except maybe ingenuity in a pinch, and right now she did not even have another trick up her sleeve. She looked at the remainder of the Pride standing: Marcus, Nani, Lute, and Jett if someone could wrest the daredevil loose. The water mage reasoned that a pirate like Nani would be basically okay in a watery attack. Lute was probably a lot less resilient, and the same with Jett. Marcus was probably the strongest one there who could stand toe-to-toe with Rhoden at the moment, so what could Quentin do?

She slicked her hair back and took loud, meaningful steps across the deck. Every footfall thumped against the wood with deliberate intent. Rhoden's eyes locked with Quentin's. No plans, no tricks, no hopes - all Quentin had was the belief that the next person who should take a hit from the water manipulator was another water manipulator. She curled a few fingers in a beckoning taunt.

"C'mon, brah. You want another kiss from me? Pucker up, big boy!"
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Drych Lake

Rhoden barely even flinched at Nani's ring, simply batting it away. He was suspended on top of a column of water, one which reached up to his shoulders, and down the length of his arms. Coming to an abrupt stop in a large blob past his hands. The water surrounding him churned faster and faster up the column.

He looked a little uncomfortable at Quentin's shout although he soon recovered himself, that smug grin returning. "Well well well, if you're requesting, then who am I to refuse?" Jasper yapped, darting to the very front of the ship and sitting just between the rails. Jett found himself being pulled away from the ship entirely, although the water which coiled around his body writhed and whiped around so much it threatened to bash the daredevil across the ship at any moment.

Rhoden laughed. "Boom."

Suddenly the water he was syphoning and controlling erupted forward at a terrifying force, slamming into the deck of the ship and causing it to rock and tip somewhat violently - and putting it in danger of capsizing entirely. Effectively, a massive water cannon. With one goal - to wash every single person off that ship, friend or foe. With the exception of Jasper, whose position rended a creature of his size completely hidden from Rhoden's attack.

After all, if they were in water, they would be sitting ducks to his magic.

All those who had been ringed out certainly found themselves swept away at any rate, unable to hold on to anything to prevent themselves from tumbling into the drink. At least the rings that bound them floated on water, so people who were unable to swim so well were fine.

Although Syed had to try and kick Moira over a couple of times so it was her head above the water, not her legs.

Drych Lake - nearly overboard

Ruff ruff ruff! Jett sighed as yet another attempt failed to tame the rascally pooch. He glared at Jasper when out of the corner of his eye he noticed a huge gaping hole in the lower decks. Wasn't that where Syed pulled the cannon out of the ship? Alright! He knew what he wanted to do. The daredevil brought his legs close together and began swinging even more violently.

As the water tendril came dangerously close to the side of the ship, Jett flung himself right into the hole. The watery shackles loosen and he rolled toward the closest cannon. Without warning the whole ship rocked violently and nearly capsized. He gripped the chains securing the cannon to the floor boards. Unexpectedly a coil of rope slipped pass and Jett caught it followed by two floats.

"Dyn I love you! Now I have another yo-yo."

It was a miracle Jett managed to keep his footing as he scrambled up to the helm of the ship. He burst through the door behind Rhoden and flung one end of his improvised double-headed yo-yo outwards. Rhoden seemed amused that Jett missed him completely that was until the water mage heard an excited ruff coming from Jasper.

"Wasn't aiming for you," Jett said with a smirk.

Seconds later the pup latched onto the float. He immediately threw out the other end. As Jasper tried to jump for the other float, Jett twisted the rope. The ring flipped up and stood like a hoop ready for the dog to pass through. The recruit didn't get to see that happen because a huge blast of water sent him crashing back through the door.
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Drych Lake: Spa Ship

Rhoden was a master at controlling magic.

That was the only way to really describe the man's talent as he summoned a great, crashing wave to surge over the large ship, powerful enough to almost topple it over and send all of those standing upon, sans Jasper, to go flying off the side of the ship, dunking into the water or skidding harshly on the ice still mooring the large ship. As Marcus fell, he straightened himself up, bracing as quickly as he could for his own landing into the sea, and channelling his magic as well as he could. Instead of falling into the water feet first, his descent was stopped upon the soles of his feet cresting the water's surface – a step of ice holding himself upright.

This was certainly one way to practice ice magic, being thrown into the thick of it.

But, he suspected, defeating someone like Rhoden, who was a master with his own magic, with a particular magic field that Marcus wasn't fully honed in… was not going to be a likely option. He had to do a bit better then that.

"Nani, Lute, Quentin," Marcus called out to the three remaining Guilders nearby him, his eyes glancing over his companions to make sure they were okay. As he did, Jett was busy fighting a one (still naked) woman war against both Rhoden and Jasper. "Do what you can to distract him. I'll try and get him from behind."

As quietly as possible, with confidence in the knowledge that Rhoden, as far on the other side of the ship as possible (and with Jett distracting him to boot) couldn't see either Marcus or the others in the angle they were at, the wind mage pushed off from his dissipating steps of ice, soaring above the water's surface with the might of wind propelling him forwards, to sharply coast around the bottom sides of the ship, circling his way towards Rhoden's back. At the same time, Lute, Nani and Quentin were suddenly thrown back up and onto the ship from their watery trap thanks to a powerful gust of wind pushing them up and out like a geyser, each one dripping wet from head to toe, and Lute noticeably shivering from the cold. He was still naked, afterall.

"Ruff!" Jasper rolled from side to side, trapped in the ring float that Jett had coyly set up before he had been blasted away by one of Rhoden's tendrils.

"Eh?" The swimmer's brow lifted up, not expecting to see three of the Guilders reappear so soon after he had just removed them. All of them still ached and looked miserably from the strength of his attack… sputtering out water all over the ship's deck, but he couldn't fault their determination in the slightest. That was admirable.

But even so, they couldn't have much left now, could they?
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Drych Lake

Wait, so that was it? One hefty smack upside the head and the old geezer was out?

That left two contenders on the opposing team, and Lute was determined to bring them down. He was trying not to imagine his next course of action seeing that he was naked and thinking of how to cover himself while attacking was… well, distracting, to say the least. Nani threw a ring overboard and told Jasper to catch it. Fail. In the meantime, Lute made all sorts of disgusted noises as he watched Jett being dangled around. Unfortunately, the recruit was far too high for him to reach so… He just better keep his lunch in and not puke on the deck.

Then, a big ass wave. A tsunami, more like. Lute's sarcasm had run out by this point; he basically just stared at Rhoden as he floated above in his almighty water column and summoned like Poseidon's snot on them. He was butt naked, wet, and cold plus he fell on his face again before getting swept away and then crashing against the mast. Even a real comedian wouldn't laugh at this series of unfortunate events.

"Distraction. Sure," Lute raised a thumb at Marcus and then groaned. Maybe he should invite Rhoden to count the goosebumps on his arms. He staggered up and tripped over a broken barrel. If Marcus needed drama, hell, Lute was going to provide a hella lot of drama. At this point he was just winging it.

"You…! You can steal my clothes, you can take away my visual innocence but you!" Lute extended his arm in a dramatic flourish. There were bruises starting to form on the underside of his elbow, "but you will never take away my dignity!" Was that distraction enough or…? No, he wasn't going to do Quentin's butt wiggling, not even if the Gods themselves parted the heavens and gave him a decree. All right, continue acting! "This ends now!" With a rather cliché line that was uttered in a rather cliché and hoarse tone, the virtuoso charged at the water mage, heavily highlighting his sound blasts with declarations like "Take this, and that!"
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa- At the lake!

With the ship nearly tipped over, Nani could only slide down with it. She pulled out her sword, still in its holster, and stuck it in between a crack in the deck to prevent herself from falling. "Oi, how're we s'pose ta take him out? He's got a knack for being quite smug ya know." She pulled herself to a more balanced position until the ship was back in place. Thankfully Jett had taken care of the fuzzball. So that was one less problem.

"Become a distraction. Well, easier said than- actually..." She saluted Marcus and made her way to one of the cannons on the side. "That guy needs some clothes." Nani mentioned aloud as Lute ran out to do his job. Running around naked should've been pretty distracting as it was. "There we go, keep yer eyes on the naked lass annnnd fire!" Nani fired the cannon at Rhoden and watched the multitude of rings fire at the water mage. "Sheesh, is this thing endless?"

Just her luck, a few moments after she said it, the cannon stopped working. "Of all forsaken-" Nani rushed to another cannon, and kept at it until either there were no more cannons to fire from or Marcus and his idea ensued to trap Rhoden. "Any minute now would be nice. Ya know, before he washes us off the boat!"
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Drych Lake

Not only had they managed to get back on the boat, he also Lute stomping towards him, as nude as the day he was born! He was shouting... something, and looking mighty angry while he was at it. But to Rhoden... this was like when he'd sneak around the hot springs. But in full daylight, and without the steam!

"Mother of the Gods..." Rhoden muttered, transfixed on Lute's... derierre. Or as much as he could when the virtusuo was running right towards him, he was much more interested in the back than the front. He moved one hand forward, his index and thumb at a right angle, and started... sizing it up. "A good solid seven, possibly an eight out of ten..." While Rhoden preferred both the more covert passive approach as well as the superior part of the anatomy, he couldn't fault Gramps' dedication to his cause either.

Next thing he knew though the feminine figure was shooting sound blasts at him, attacks which chipped and blasted away at the column which supported him. As soon as the water broke contact with him it simply fell back into the lake, only to be taken back in by his magic once it rejoined the water below him to reform his column. And then came the rings. Here Rhoden was, admiring the view, and they were throwing shockwaves and rings at him. Well, whatever.

He moved his column from side to side to avoid the cannon and shockwave fire. "Now, this was not how I expected to spend the day, I must admit." He held his hands out, his fingers extended, although the gesture was mostly a theatrical one. And slowly, the various rings which floated in the lake closest to him began to be pulled towards himself, eventually even moving up his column and to his awaiting arms. "And your preserverance is wonderfully charming. But I'd really like to get this over with."

Water whips extended from his column, each with a ring held in it's tip. Like some kind of laid back kind of smug posh octopus man. Offense and defense in one neat and tidy package... although at this point he had forgotten about a certain someone.

The whips lashed out, aiming to ring out anybody in their path. The more Nani fired the cannons, the more she was simply arming him! One ring was slashed through the air, and through sheer dumb luck - or lack thereof depending on the point of view - managed to catch Captain, thankfully shrinking as it bound the poor bird and left him rolling on the deck. The others... the others would really need to stay on their toes to avoid this.

Meanwhile, as he floated in the waters, Syed whispered. "Break his contact..."

Drych Lake

And off the side of the ship they went, washed away under Rhoden's deluge. And back on they went as the result of Marcus's gust. Quentin was beginning to feel like Jett's yo-yo. All this sloshing and slinging about could not possibly be good for someone.

The water mage was on hands and knees, collecting her breath, when she saw Lute start throwing everything at Rhoden. Never having really found out what Lute's specialty was, Quentin was pretty impressed. She wished she had as much energy as the virtuoso seemed to right then. Nothing would have pleased Quentin more than passing out right on the deck. Of course, with the thunderous cannon fire, that was not terribly likely, and the fact that Rhoden was arming himself made it all the worse. Just for a moment, Quentin had to wonder if Penelope was watching this with amusement. Seemed like the sort of thing a witch would do.

What rotten luck. Jett and Lute were two naked babes, glistening wet, and they were not the most important thing right now. This was definitely a witch's work.

Quentin got onto quivering feet and hastened to the other side of the deck to face Rhoden. Within reach of Lute, the water mage gestured with her arms and hands like she was pushing and pulling something hefty. In fact, she was; the water at the base of Rhoden's watery spire sloshed back and forth. Even at her best, Quentin would never be able to dismantle something like what Rhoden had going on, but at the very least, she could slow him from moving around easily. The water resonated back and forth in the lake. Much like how one can feel resistance when passing one's hand from side to side in the tub because the water is still moving in the opposite direction, so too could Rhoden notice a disturbance underneath him. A grunt of exertion escaped Quentin's mouth. Her smaller arm muscles made this unnecessarily much more difficult. Her face contorted into a concentrated frown. She gave Rhoden an accusatory look. She wanted his attention. Anything that would get him to forget about Marcus would do.

A whip lashed out. Quentin sprayed up just enough water from the deck in front of her to blunt the momentum. The ring clattered to the deck harmlessly. There was no way she could keep this up for long. Here was an effortless one: she blew a kiss in Rhoden's direction. It was not lost on her how asking for a kiss had distracted him before. She also winked at him. Quietly, though, she braced herself for impact.
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Drych Lake

Well, that didn't work; Rhoden seemed perfectly unfazed. He actually looked a bit smug, now that you mention it… Wait. Ewwwww. Was that dude checking him out? Nuh-uh, compadre, nuh-uh. Anyway, was Marcus going to take much longer because to be honest Lute was getting really tired. Getting electrocuted and then tossed around on a ship was far from energizing, and utilizing his abilities to chain attacks one after another was starting to drain him. Let's also mention that seeing what little he could tear from Rhoden's construct reform quickly like it was nothing was disheartening.

"This wasn't how I envisioned today would go either, you spa managing pyscopaths!" Lute barked back and inhaled heavily as the leftover rings from earlier flowed up to their enemy's waiting hands. Oh great. Tentacle things. "Caaaaaap! Don't worry, Nani! I got him!" the virtuoso yelled and ran forward to catch the trapped bird. He did manage to do so, but not without dangerously sliding across the deck and grazing past several of the water tendrils. Lute ducked for cover behind some boxes and shivered. Quentin was trying to engage Rhoden again. With luck, he could swoop in there and maybe deal some damage on that smug pervert Jr.!

Disregarding the cold and the narrow chance of success, the virtuoso left his hiding spot and ran for Quentin… and immediately got clocked upside the head by one of their opponent's tendrils. "Eeek! I'm down! Wait! Wait, not really!" Lute managed to roll to the side as he was about to get a loop over his head, but he was still in danger. So was poor Cap, to be honest, since the white-haired man was hugging him tightly.
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Drych Lake

Sporting a split lip and a blackened eye, the naked Jett didn't look as fab as he did when he woke up that morning. He staggered back up the deck clutching his bleeding left arm. Assuming he took care of the doggy then only that not-as-awesome-as-Gnar-Man water dude was left.

"Come on, Gnar Man! You got this."

His voice was cut off by the sound of QT's attack deflecting the incoming attack. Some water sprayed onto his face and he swore loudly. He clutched the lower half of his face. Through his pain-filled daze he heard Lute yelling and he pulled his hand away. Ah crap! How was he supposed to help in this state? An excited bark brought him back to his senses. His yo-yo! Jett squealed happily when he saw the float drag across the ground. He leaped for it only to miss spectacularly after tripping. Grimacing the daredevil sat up on his haunches. Actually that bump gave him an idea! Jett picked up the item in question, climbed up the side of the ship closest to Rhoden and yelled.

"Oi! I bet you can't catch me whether I'm on land or in the water."

To make sure he got the man's attention this time, Jett chucked one of Marcy's sticks at the Swimmer's head. Honestly he wasn't sure whether it will hit. Still he braced himself to scramble back on deck or jump overboard whichever was easiest. It never occur to Jett that jumping into the lake would give Rhoden an advantage.
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Drych Lake: Spa Ship

As the last remaining standing members of the Guilders continued to wage their war above deck against Rhoden, using everything they could with which to distract the tenacious butt loving spa co-owner and swimmer, Marcus' form darted across the lower sides of the ship, zipping around its massive bulk at incredible speeds, from its back to its front. As he reached the front of the ship, he found himself positioned behind Rhoden's tower of coagulating water, honed into a column of water that surged upwards on the inside and rained down like a fountain from where Rhoden stood. Unleashing a burst of wind in front of him, Marcus stopped his forward momentum, to ensure he didn't overshoot his passing.

This was precisely where he wanted to be.

Another great gust of wind, extended outwards from his staff who's tip was positioned towards the sea underneath him, propelled him directly vertically up. In the blink of an eye he had risen from near sea level to the top of the ship's railing, only just slightly under the tip of Rhoden's platform. Upon reaching the correct height that Marcus desired, he extended his left arm out towards Rhoden's pillar, his palm throbbing an intense, emerald hue.

Rhoden, with his concentration so focused on Jett, Nani, Lute and Quentin, couldn't react to stop what Marcus was doing before it happened. There simply wasn't any time.

Rhoden's column of water was absolutely destroyed, as a great cyclone of wind tore through its centre and destroyed it, raining water all over the deck. Rhoden too, was blown forwards from the surging wind, sent toppling forwards and slamming onto the wooden deck, skidding to a stop in front of Quentin, as Marcus pushed himself with another spell of wind to land atop the deck as well.
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa- At the lake!

"Go down already!" Nani noticed that her tactic wasn't working quite well, but it still kept him distracted. Just a little more time for Marcus. It was all he needed- And then Cap was hit. "Captain! Hold on buddy!" As the ring shrunk in size, the bird wriggled in panic. Before he could hit the deck, and before Nani could run to his aid, Lute had got him. Nani sighed in relief. "Thanks Lute!" That was fairly short lived though considering Lute was in harm's way, with her bird. Boy she was tired of that Rhoden.

Nani rushed to Lute's aid and stood in front of him as another of those watery tendrils rushed towards them. "Oh no you don't!" She planted her foot and used her sword to deflect the ring that was thrown as well. When the tendril hit, she used all of her strength, plus the newfound manly strength of hers to take it on head first. This caused her to be knocked backwards, but it was worth protecting her bird companion and Lute of course. "We might want to get down now-" Another tendril started to come at them, only for it to pause and fall like a bucket of water. "Well then..."

That's when she noticed Marcus attacking Rhoden. The pirate cheered him on and took the entangled bird from Lute."You okay bird? You're not hurt are ya?"

A little dazed and startled Cap whistled and responded. "Tough bird." But Cap was still a drama queen, and pretended to be oh so distraught.

She smiled and then watched the fight reach its peak as Rhoden fell on the deck. "Alright Q.T.! End him- well, ring him. Same thing! Just do it so we can get this stupid thing over with." Looking at Lute again, Nani rolled her eyes.

"Oi...you really need clothes..." Deciding to be 'courteous' or 'gentlemanly' Nani offered her shirt to Lute until they were able to take a break and get changed at the Spa again. It wasn't like she needed it after all.
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Drych Lake

Rhoden lay on his back, somewhat dazed. One minute he was dominating the water, and the next... he was on dry land. Or rather, damp deck. Not enough to draw the water up at any rate.

"Ha..." He smiled, rubbing his face. "Clever chaps." He sat up, allowing his hands to drop to his sides. His dependance on skin contact for his magic was always a strength, allowing him a greater control than most. But it was also his greatest weakness. He had been outmaneuvered. Like a chess match.

He didn't even mind being caught like this. "Ah, here I am ladies and gentlemen. I lost, what more can I say?" He then simply... sat there. Waiting for his fate. Checking out the view from a closer viewpoint. Even as Quentin shoved the ring roughly over his head - bonking him with it in the process. This guy was increadibly difficult to faze.

There was a sharp whistle signifying the end of the challenge as Aria and Amy finally crossed the line - signalling that this whole nightmare of a challenge was over. And then there was Pen, who as much as she had distanced herself had remained floating above them all on her flying goddamned staff. However this time... she simply snarled, her top lip curling in fury. She span, and flew back towards the spa this time without another word. No announcements. Nothing.

And here they were, floating in the middle of this lake like a bunch of corks. Aria began to steer their boat back to pick up some of the group, Amy still stubbornly refusing to move, although she looked marginally less grumpy than before. To the trained eye. However, there was no way they could get everyone in their group on their little six-seater.

It was a good thing then that a few row boats arrived, manned by other spa staff, who looked a little uncomfortable their task. They proceeded to pick up anyone who was ringed out in the waters, unlocking them from their brightly coloured bonds with keys. They also had a couple of blankets for the less... covered members of the group. Talk about prepared!



"Fuckin' hell, I can't believe this lot did it," Moira exclaimed, her ring simply... falling from her, damaged. If she was given another half a minute, she probably would have broken the thing entirely, right off herself. "Makes me kinda mad. Why the fuck does it make me mad? ARGH!"

Syed ignored her. "Oh man, I thought we'd had it! Oh geez I'm so glad..." he exclaimed, relieved. Thanks to the people they had only met yesterday morning, along with Marcus and Lute, they had managed to win. Thank heavens for that. His smile faded though as once more the regret set in, and he began shifting uncomfortably as he was released. He didn't help things, of course. Getting cocky with his stupid dangerous magic.

Who knew what the final challenge would be?

Drych Lake Spa - Deck



Meanwhile, a little girl cheered as once more the Pride came through. Luckily, being sat on the deck as she was, she couldn't see the details. Which was definately for the best. "Um... Penelope...?"

Pen landed seamlessly, her knuckles white from her death grip on her staff. She averted her eyes from Janie, trying her best to hide her red rimmed eyes. "Close your eyes and go to your room, Janie," she said quietly. "Some of them are naked." Janie screamed and did as she was told after that.

This wasn't working. This really wasn't working. She loved her friends, she really did, but... it wasn't enough.

Time for a change of plans.[/hr]
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Drych Lake: Spa

"Pheeeee-ew!" Estelle breathed a herculean sigh of relief, stretching out her entire body after she stepped back onto solid ground from her boat ride with the others. She was glad to be out of her bonds, able to move and flex around some more, and most definitely glad that the last trial was now over and she no longer had to be out and on the water. She really wasn't at all competent on there at all, not like she was on more stable footing. She turned around, her eyes glancing over and inspecting Nani, Jett and Quentin. She had been more impressed with them, and the way that they had acted during the whole trial then she would have thought possible. For rookies they had done remarkably well, and if it wasn't for them, it was difficult to say whether or not the Pride could have pulled through and won at all. She grinned.


"Thank the gods that's over," Amy uttered from beside Estelle, huffing her way towards the Spa. Other then the occasional healing she had given to her friends whom needed it, Amy had been content to do not much of anything on the boat. With a shake of her head, she sternly continued walking, the end of her staff clanging every so often atop the ground. "I need a drink."

"Ooh, yeah! Lunch!" Estelle quickly followed after, losing her train of thought towards the rookies and hurrying after Amy without saying anything. "I wonder if they have any more sandwiches! Need to build back up our stamina, right?"


"Are you all alright?" Asked Marcus, waiting beside the waterfront for Quentin, Nani and Jett to step off their boats. "You guys were phenomenal out there. I was really impressed. None of you are hurt too badly, I hope?"


"Just their pride, I think," Aria tittered from beside Lute and Jett, working one of her illusions around the two so that it made the duo appear fully dressed. Of course, the illusion was only optical in nature towards the other so they were still very much naked and able to feel the wind and cold against their skin, but it would be better for them, she thought, if they could at least walk about with some dignity in tact. Although, when it came to Lute… she planned to do no end of teasing on him for that. "Sorry I couldn't help you guys out more on the ship, but…"


"Nah, you did your part!" Tobi affectionately slapped the back of Aria, laughing as he walked forwards with his hands behind his head. "And it gave the rookies a chance to show us all how they could do, eh? Wouldn't help them all too much in the long run if we always held their hand, now would it?"
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Drych Lake Shore - We won!!!!

"Poor Capt. Would some fruit or sunflower seed make you feel better?"

"Fruit will be good." Captain squawked in response.

Jett laughed but he continued hovering close by to the pink feathered bird. The brave thing had taken a ring for the team and that was really awesome. He smiled as best as he could to cheer the parrot up only to wince when his lower lip brushed against his teeth. Judging by what he felt and how slurry his speech was, his split lip was starting to swell. He muttered darkly as he clutched that side of his face.

He noticed Marcus the moment he and Nani hopped ashore. Reluctantly the rookie remove his hand and attempted to smile. Only half his face responded. He hoped he wouldn't scare the mage off. Even he dreaded looking in the mirror. "I'm good. A little ice is all I need."

"I – what you did on the ship was totally awesome!" Jett exclaimed. "It was like magic. Are you a mage like Gnar Man? I mean – woah!"

Clothes seem to appear out of nowhere. The amazed recruit tried to touch the material. He blinked in confusion as he felt his fingers graze his bare skin. He tried touching the sleeve of his shirt again with the same result. Magic? He knew there mages around, but he had never talked to any before joining the Guild. Gnar Man was the first one he'd ever met.

"Are these real?" Jett asked.
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Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa

"Woo! We won! Two out of three." Nani cheered and let go of Cap so he could stretch his wings. She crossed her arms and looked over at Marcus with a grin. "Ships? Water? I was in my element! Piece of cake." Though she couldn't help laugh about their pride being gone. "These ladies might've. Not I. My pride is in tact, heh, not like I tried to seduce that guy like Q.T. here." She laughed again before watching as Cap decided to land and perch himself right onto Jett's shoulder- considering he did offer food.

She then patted Jett's back and pointed to him. "Speedy here could use the healing. Looks like he took a beating." She walked ahead, humming a pirate song. "Wonder what they'll try to throw at us next. Princess looked quite upset. Eh, whatever it is, we'll just win that too! Hopefully it doesn't involve those rings again." She shrugged, not having a care in the world about it.

During their little lunch break, she had been slightly behind by the time Estelle started to inhale food. Geez, where was it all even going!? This was what she got for finding clothes first... Nani whistled to Cap and as he not so sneakily swooped down to grab the sandwich in her hand (it was an easy to make and quick snack food or something), Nani swiped the full plate in front of Estelle. In her defense, it wasn't like there weren't other foods on the table- that everyone else had been trying to eat. "As I always say! Take what you can,"

"And give nothing back!" Cap finished before perching on the table happily eating the fruit Jett promised him. Captain was really going to enjoy these new people if they kept offering him food.

Nani laughed and ate, enjoying the short time they had before the next and last game took place- unless of course Estelle decided to attack her for the lighthearted thievery, which of course Nani was fully prepared to plead her case! ...And of course use Captain since she adored the bird so much.
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Drych Lake Spa

When Rhoden had been blasted onto the ship deck by Marcus, he was completely at Quentin's mercy. Nothing gave the dark-haired water mage more joy than to slam the ring down over the swimmer's head. She levelled a finger in front of his nose...and then hesitated. Rhoden gave her an inquiring look, tinged with that perennially undaunted expression. Finally, Quentin settled for, "I thought it was the gentleman who gives the lady a ring, not the other way around."

She turned her back to him, holding her nose in the air as she strutted away. It was a win-win; Quentin got in her quip and Rhoden enjoyed the view.

Marcus was ever the gentleman, even with his significant lady lumps, and helped Quentin and the other rookies onto the shore. Ignoring the jibes from Aria and Tobi, Quentin replied, "Not hurt but definitely tired. If I'm honest, though, that was kind of fun."

"My pride is intact, heh, not like I tried to seduce that guy like Q.T. here," laughed Nani. Quentin looked wryly at the pirate from over her shades.

"I like to think that I'm adjusting nicely to trading certain bits in for certain other bits," Quentin said with a smile. "Besides, he's not my type."

"I'm good. A little ice is all I need," said Jett from behind. The water mage turned, wondering why Jett sounded so funny. When she saw the daredevil's fat lip, she blinked in surprise. Hopefully her expression was not terribly obvious behind her shades. Still, that looked kind of brutal. She turned to face Jett and was about to say something when a slight breeze reminded her that she was squelching around in soaking wet clothes.

"Are these real?" Jett added. Quentin answered, "Of course they are! I felt them myself and just 'cos they're only a handful unlike Marcus over here doesn't mean I--oh, you mean the clothes? I don't know. They seem pretty real to me."
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Drych Lake Spa - Lunchtime!

Gnar Man had gone off tangent, but he missed the chance to quiz his fellow Cuttersbury Guilder about it. At the back of his mind he mulled over what Quentin wanted to say. He glanced at Marcus for a second wondering if the other had any clue. The breeze kicked up once more and the daredevil shivered. Pensively the beaten up recruit inched slowly behind QT hoping to be completely sheltered.

"Hey hey! I think we should get changed. I don't WANT to fall sick."

His nose twitched and he quickly covered his mouth. Half swearing and half sneezing the poor newbie dashed back towards the inn with Captain in toll. Jett did not remerge till 20 minutes later with an ice pack firmly pressed against the right side of his face. He greeted Nani cheerfully as the stolen bird returned to the pirate.

"You wouldn't believe the yo-yo, Capt picked!"

He held out a metallic object painted in black and white whirls. Grinning he plucked a plate of assorted cut fruits and placed it before the bird. He grinned with boyish delight as he observed the now pink parrot enjoying the treat.

"Any idea where we'd be headed next?"
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Drych Lake: Spa

Marcus had originally been about to explain to Jett that, yes, his displays aboard the ship, and even Aria's conjuring of clothing for himself and Lute were as a result of magic, but the ever excitable daredevil had run off ahead as he enthusiastically began to speak to person after person within the Pride. Marcus sighed with a happy, if not impressed smile. Even with the breaks they had been given in-between the first and second trials, he was amazed at how much energy the rookie still had. It was impressive.


"Wait, you idiot," Cried out Aria futilely from behind, extending out a hand to try and stop the dashing daredevil, but failing completely. "I can't maintain my illusions that far away-"

Jett was gone. And the sounds of people screaming, and some others even cheering from within the Spa, signalled the fact that Jett was now freely parading him(her)self in the nude once again. Raising a palm to her face, Aria breathed a deep sigh, her head shaking in perfect timing with Lute and Tobi in unison.
This group was never not interesting.



"Hey!" Estelle scowled as the Pride sat about a table for their second helping of lunch and snacks. She had been busily picking up sandwich after sandwich with an absentminded hand as she quickly and recklessly chewed upon and swallowed them, and after Nani moved the plate to herself and Estelle's hands grabbed thin air, she blinked in confusion at the plate's strange disappearance until she noticed it again in front of the former pirate. "No stealing, Nani! Geez, Tobi, I thought you were supposed to be training her!!"

"I am!" Tobi called back defensively with both of his arms raised. "Still, you were hogging them all…"

"You what?!" Estelle looked ready to throw a spoon at the marauder.

As the Pride ate with affectionate energy, Marcus, at the far end of the table, calmly and quietly drank a cup of tea. Ignoring the loud and rambunctious energy emanating from Estelle, Nani and Tobi, he turned to his closest companions and pushed the long locks of hair in his face behind his ear.

"I wonder…" Marcus began, attracting the attention of those nearest. "We've accomplished two of Penelope's trials so far, correct? I wonder what this last one could be…?"


"Ooh! Ooh! Paintball! I call paintball!" Trixie cheered with her arms in the air, a half nibbled portion of cheese on her plate.


"Hopefully not something so messy again," Lute sighed. "Why can't we have a nice relaxing gameshow quiz? Like Family Feud, or something?"

"Hahaha, I can't imagine it being anything quite as simple as that," Aria added.
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Drych Lake Spa - Restaurant

"I don't care, we'll win it." Moira appeared behind them, a fresh glass of alcohol in hand. "Ain't we kind of won it anyway? I don't remember if she said best o- FUCK!" She snarled, the glass in her grip having shattered from her rediculous strength. But she was so thirsty and also kind of withdrawing oh gods she hated this. Urgh! Meanwhile Syed stood a little behind her, hugging himself with his eyes unfocused in thought. He hadn't eaten a thing.


"Hey!" Tau popped his head around the door, staff in hand as always. "You guys are wanted out front. Last one, you know?" He seemed to hop on the spot a little. "Uh, good luck!" He flashed them all a thumbs up and a wink, before dissapearing again. Moira had no idea what was going on anymore. You what?

Drych Lake Spa - Front

The Pride congregated at the front of the spa as requested, the path back up to the top of the valley where the first fight with the Varren took place stretching up ahead of them. The spa itself stood between them and the lake. And sat on a rock before them was Penelope, her elbows resting on her knees, her staff held loosely in her hands.

"Ey, let's get this on with then!" Moira yelled as they walked toward her. "What is it?"

"I bet you're pleased with yourselves," Pen rotated her staff, her eyes focused on that rather than the group. She looked almost... sad. "Humiliating my friends. Turning them against me. I had my own husband tell me I should just drop this." She stood up, her hands clenched. "Like hell."

She span her staff, a purple magic circle appearing under her feet. From the speed of it's appearance, it was clear to anyone with even a basic knowledge of how magic worked that it was pre-prepared. Then she clicked her fingers, once, twice, three times. Three of their group found themselves consumed by that same purple glow - Marcus, Amy and Syed. A frog, a swine, and an otter respectively.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Moira exclaimed, hands clenching into fists as she brought them back to withdraw her greatsword.

"Neutralising the biggest threats." She turned towards them, her expression very much different from before. She had this odd look, the look of someone both furious and determined, but carefully managed. "I am going to prove your guilt even if it kills me. I owe it to her."

"Your final challenge... will be me. No rules. Draw!"

And with that she span her staff, another magic circle appearing under her feet. The sheer volume of magic eminating her was so thick that even Moira felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. With a swing of her staff, her magic spread across the ground which surrounded her, making the grass which surrounded her grow long and thick and full of thorns, travelling towards the Pride. With another she clicked her fingers, her property-altering magics changing Captain into a penguin of all things.

"What the FUCK are you on about?!" Moira bellowed, snatching Syed up quite roughly and throwing him on her shoulder. Mainly for convenience, since their curse was still a thing. She held her greatsword before herself, running forward in a charge...

"Don't you dare act all innocent with me!" She stamped a foot on the ground, but the gesture was not merely one of a temper. Rather, another spell began to form...

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