The Ill

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Viktor shrugs, "What's done is done, now we can just move forward. And try to keep it from happening to others."
"Yeah" Ivy tried to think of something other than her family.
Luna ignored the two, well, she tried to. Her 5 senses were rather sharp. Her short dark hair hung depressingly over the cool tone of her eyes. She began to softly bite her bottom lip. This was one thing she did from time to time.
Viktor closed his eyes again and rubbed his temples. Ugh, another headache. He grimaces before laying on his side.
Ivy looked at the two. She figured something was wrong but wasn't sure what. 'Maybe it was something I said....Oh well...' She thought on what she might do cause for now she wasn't really tired.
Viktor stands up and puts his sword on his back. "I'm going out into town, anybody's free to join me. Do we need any supplies or anything?" He strides over to the door and leans against the frame looking for any response.
Hannah blinked awake, glancing up at viktor. "I will come with you." She said quietly as she stood. "No one should go out alone." She left her weapon behind, since the ill was destroyed, and moved to join him. She glanced back to see if anyone else would be coming. (Forgive me, I work nights so I sleep until five or so.)
Viktor nods, "You sure you're up to it, you took the most damage in the fight?" (Forgiven, and my I'm in and out of the house randomly so I can't promise availability except for this time and later for a few hours.)
Luna saw it fit to dismiss herself. The idea of going out into town seemed nice at the time but she refused to do it in a group, even knowing how strict Hannah was when it came to sticking together. She grabbed her weapons and fastened them to her person. Luna would disappear before they realized using her ability. Coating herself in a small bolt of lightning she almost literally vanished from the motel. Only those with extremely good perception would've notice her move and even then, they'd probably just see a small spark. If she was lucky they wouldn't even notice she was gone. Luna looked back at the motel before letting out a long sigh and beginning to walk the streets alone.

The night sky would have been beautiful for most people but this night was different. The bright moon was covered by dark grey clouds that began to release the contents it was carrying. The sound of heavy rain began to spread every part of the small town and bullied it as the dominant piece of sad music. The only other sound that was heard was the sound of heavy boots storming down an abandoned alley near the mill district. The only district that every other resident stayed away from. The mill extended the far back of the established town and was once the main source of income for the families until an event that destroyed most of the mill and killed twelve people. Shortly after people swore they had seen ghosts and spirits, something to scare children. Thought Marcus as he continued on ahead to his destination. HA, ghosts. people believe in those but I have seen worse. They have no idea what is in store for us all..His thoughts at times got the best of him. They were his only companion from when he started his mission and it did help to keep his mind from the thunder storm that was currently happening over head.

A large blast of thunder shot down behind a dark object, illuminating it. It was the end of the old mill as pieces of it had been laying around, rotting away almost forgotten that this place once existed. Marcus reached his destination. It was a small hole in the ground that someone had already dug up. What was at the bottom of the hole was a wooden chest the size of a bear claw. Marcus stretched down with his slender arms and retrieved the box from its resting place. They must of dug it up already, they can not touch it so they send the monkey to do their work. Marcus knew he was an errand boy but it did pay well and he was a man of exquisite tastes. When he rose his brown coat and undershirt were completely soaked. His wild blonde hair stayed the way it had always been no matter what weather condition he was in. The only light was coming from his crucifix that dangled between his pecks. Marcus would not say he was a believer but it always helped to ease his mind with the dealings he was given. His employers were watching him at this very money and the thought sent chills up his spin because he could not see them. It was just that feeling, the feeling of despair that cloaked him. Marcus shook it off, he had made it to the destination and retrieved the object asked. Now he would have to give it to his employers next victim. The part I hate the most. Marcus thought as he turned around and began his march back the way he came. Another flash of lightening came into view as if the sky was telling Marcus not to continue with the task at hand.

Ah, it is only a job. Nothing more. The greed of people is the thing I am going to miss most. Marcus thought as a bright smile came across his boyish face.
Hannah rolled her eyes a bit when Luna vanished, but decided not to press the matter. How much trouble could she get into in one night? She went wit Viktor out onto the town, frowning a bit when she saw it was raining. She grumbled under her breath, then slowed a bit when she saw a man in a brown coat walking towards them down the street. She was about to dismiss it as someone talking an evening walk now that the ill was no longer here, but then she realized. None of the townsfolk knew the ill was gone yet. She could feel something just oh so slightly off about this man. "Sir." She called as she stepped towards him. "May I ask, what are you doing out in these parts after dark? Don't you know a demon has been killing those who wander after nightfall?" She knew she probably shouldn't be bothering with the man, he was no longer in any danger. Still, there was something about him that bothered her a bit.
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Viktor stood behind her on her right. His eyes looking behind the fellow, just to the left of the man's head.
The night was empty and Marcus knew he would not have to run into anyone with the scare of the Ill rumored around town. He would slip away from the town unnoticed, or so he thought. It was a little surprising to see two strange persons walk down the same road he was on, on a night like this? Marcus did not pay much attention as he had what he wanted until the young woman stepped over the bounds of courtesy and began asking her inquiry. Marcus knew the Ill were running a muck in the town, to set a distraction or at least that was what he was told. Marcus was already irritated by the rain and the sound of her voice so he quickly replied. "I did not know there were Ill see I am not from around here." The same could be asked about yourself, he thought as he surveyed the two some more to see that they were carrying weapons. He smiled as he realized what they were. He pointed at the weapons. "It seems that i have nothing to worry about now with the two of you here." He nods and continues on. "Now I was just leaving." He finished, the wooden chest held close to his chest. It was time to leave..
Ivy just asked to stay with Luna. "If it's fine with you Hannah of course?" (Sorry School curfew at 9pm. Can't promise my time either.)
Luna walked the streets quietly. There wouldn't be any people outside due to the threat of the Ill. Also the sky seemed to open up a few moments ago ' Great...' Luna thought. Of course she wasn't carrying an umbrella of anything of the sort. Her wet hair clung to her pale cheeks. It was cold. Her clothes began clothes that were already tight and short wrapped her body even more firmly as they got drenches. Luna would be considered quite attractive if it weren't for her depressing facial expressions. Seeking abit of shelter for the moment Luna began to sniff the air. It took a moment due to the rain but her sensitive nose would sort it out. "There" She began walking once more eventually entering a nearby bar in town. The second Luna walked through the door all eyes were on her. She paid it no mind knowing she didn't exactly looked as if she belonged here. Luna found a seat directly in front the bartender and bit her lip nervously. She never had the chance to drink before. ' Whats the worst that can happen?' She thought. " T-The stuff in the red bottle" She stuttered grabbing the bartenders attention. There was no real reason she chose it other than it looked pretty to her. The bartender grabbed the bottle requested and turned to see a soaking wet, petite girl. "Hey aint you a little young t-" Luna cut the bartender off with a menacing stare. The bartender sighed. " Fine have it your way. This stuffs pretty strong though. " He warned as he poured the contents into a shot glass for her. Immediately, Luna grabbed the glass, hesitating before drinking it in one gulp. Lunas eyes widened as the disgusting liquor hit her tongue and simultaneously scorched her throat. She began to cough as if she were choking causing some of the adults in the bar to laugh a little. " A-Another " she motioned to the bartender who had a tiny smirk himself. Honestly Luna didn't want anymore but in a weird way this was making her feel a little less depressed. So she would continue to drink.
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Viktor turns away, he shivers in the rain and turns around heading back indoors. Guess I'll spend the night here.
Viktor walks inside and sits down by the window. He stares out at the rain forlornly and rests his head on his arms. Pshh. Rain. Stupid weather, I hope we get sent someplace drier next mission... Not too dry though, don't want to go to a desert. Hmm. Dessert. He looks around for his pack and pulls it over rooting through it for a few seconds. He pulls out a generic sugary treat and starts eating it as he listens to the drum of the rain.
Hannah followed Viktor, sitting across the room from him. "Thank you, by the way." She said quietly. "If you hadn't caught me when that Ill threw me, I'd be hurt much worse than I am." She glanced over at him with a rare smile on her face. She wasn't one for long conversations, but she had to thank him.
Viktor turns and nods to her. "We're a team. It's what we do for each other."
She returned his nod. "Yes, we are." She agreed. "Tomorrow we can return home, and wait to be summoned again." She had to admit, she missed their simple home. An old house with plenty of rooms for everyone. They didn't get to spend much time there; it was never long before they were summoned once more. It wouldn't surprise her if their fortune teller appeared again tonight, telling them they had to go somewhere else. For now though, they were free to do what they wanted. She sighed and leaned back against the wall.
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