The House On The Mountain

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"I'd be a little pissed if you didn't love me by now. I'm only really putting up with my family because of you. Considering I killed my parents, it's clear I don't entirely like my family. You are the only family I really have, or at least the only person I consider my family, to be honest. The others are just idiots I was unfortunately born to share blood with," he shrugged bitterly, though, like Louise, grew conscious of his own words and how they sounded, and was quick to shrug off the atmosphere created with a prolonged kiss.

"Y'know, I might take River up on his offer to teach me to read better," continued Cameron after pulling back from the embrace, turning to the toaster to finish up with breakfast. "It'd probably be helpful and less embarrassing-- Lucy did try, but gave up because I was an 'idiot' for not immediately picking it up in two days. How she's going to cope with a kid is beyond me, she has no patience... When we have kids, I know you'd be great-- and I would, I think-- i-if we do have kids, obviously. I'm not pressuring you for 'em, I just... yeah, it's a thought for the future, really."​
"You know I would love kids. Not to toot my own horn, but I think we'd be amazing parents..." she admitted, as a flustered smile grew on her face. "I would love to hear you playing with the kids in the yard, you know? Giggling and happy.... what would you want to name them?"

"You planning on having more than one?" Came Rosemary's voice, as she walked through the front door of the home, a smile on her face. "I guess I should introduce myself, huh? My dad said it was okay to stop by whenever, so...."
Silently angry that he had to stop his happy gushing to welcome the stranger in, Cameron at least managed to push back his annoyance to offer a warm smile in the girl's direction. He had never really had a serious discussion about children with Louise before, and of course he wanted to genuinely develop it and show that he was interested in making it a reality one day, but apparently, that had to wait until they were in private again. Given the house was near capacity, and had visitors from the likes of Rosemary and Terry constantly, privacy seemed like it was a rarity in the home.

"Oh-- Oh, you're Rosemary," he murmured after a moment of working out who he had and hadn't met yet, figuring out it was Rosemary by default. "My niece, huh? This is a little awkward-- you're just like your Dad described, really. Aren't you dating Terry? He's sort of my nephew, though I guess you're not blood related, so-- sorry, I'm babbling awkwardly, I have a tendency to put my foot in things, I... sorry. I'm Cameron, I don't know if Milli or the others mentioned me...?"​
"Oh, no, Lucy mentioned you a lot, actually. I was thinking I'd never get to meet you, though... And who is this? Your girlfriend? Oh, thats so sweet! Look, there's no reason to be scared of me. I mean, I'm a measly witch in a house of vampires, I won't- nor, probably, could- hurt you. This is Terry, we're together, yeah..." She explained carefully, her tactic when it came to meeting anyone.... the whole working with kindergartners might have helped with that,
"Don't listen to her, she can be batshit crazy. When her favourite TV series ended, for example. She was moody all day, and I of course had to deal with it, because I'm the ever-doting boyfriend who gets sucked into everything she does. My own fault, really. I'm a sucker for a compliment and a smile," grinned Terry, shushing away one of the neighbourhood's stray cats that had decided to follow them down the sidewalk, from their house to Axel's, before closing the back door behind himself and shrugging off his jacket. Time had been kind to the half-vampire, incredibly so. For years, he had suffered with aches and pains, and had long since given up hope of leaving his wheelchair, or even walking without the aid of a stick. Now? He was pretty much back to the person he had been before the accident, mentally and physically. Just being able to walk was a miracle, so being back in the gym and having a job there, as well as being able to physically sweep his girlfriend off her feet during his usual acts of romantic passion were, in his eyes, pretty unbelievable.

"It's good to meet you guys, anyway. We've definitely heard a lot-- you're not as small as I expected. My Dad made you out to be this mouse of a guy who flinched at every little noise," mumbled the halfling, grinning quietly to try and diffuse Cameron's palpable nervousness, while also peering over him to keep an eye out for his twin. He hadn't seen Seth in awhile, and he was obviously desperate to see how he was, given the troubles his brother had gone through in his life. "Though I bet he also told you made up stuff about Rosemary and I. He likes to fabricate things."​
"Oi, everyone exaggerates a little now and then. Listen, Axel said excellent things about you, everyone has. Though, it's true that we were told a lot about your anxiety, and I just want you to know that I'd love to help if I can? I mean, Terry can tell you I'm an excellent listener." She cooed, while wandering back to said man's side before offering a kiss with a soft giggle.

Much like Terry, Rosemary's past eight years had been fantastic. She had her dream job, dream home, and dream boyfriend. They weren't the most perfect couple, no couple was, but they certainly had the least rocky romantic life compared to the rest of her family, so she couldn't complain. Not to mention, it was pretty obvious how infatuated they still were after eight years on account of her googly eyes towards Terry every now and then.
"...They told you about my anxiety? What... What fucking right do they have to talk about something that's personal to me? Th-They're fucking cowards. They wouldn't tell me to my face that they thought I had an issue, but it's okay to talk about me behind my back, thinking I wouldn't show up-- let me guess, it was Lucy right? She's always had it out for me. She'd be glad to see me dead, I'm sure, like my parents. I bet she wishes I perished with them."

"...Dude, chill. It wasn't even a huge discussion. They mentioned you had anxiety issues, and Rosemary's rad at listening to people. She can even get you some fancy herbs to help you out. No need to get so personal, alright? Chill out." Terry politely remarked, his eyebrow raised in slight concern for the raving vampire opposite him, though he didn't find any of the comments weird, nor did he take issue with Cameron's switched personality. If he had anxiety issues, then the frenzied display didn't seem that worrying. Besides, Terry did understand that being talked about wasn't the nicest feeling, especially over something that was personal. "Lucy clearly cares about you, it's sweet actually. I'd like to have Seth care about me. I don't even know how the guy is, I haven't seen him in months."​
"I can make you a yummy tea to help, if you'd like? And I can even add some blood to help, if you'd like. I keep a heavy supply of pigs blood just in case Terry gets sick again. Look, you're family, so I'm not afraid to help you- nor should you be afraid to get help." She reassured, before offering a smile, before stretching out and wandering towards the livingroom in search of her father.

Meanwhile, Louise was awkwardly left to tending to her locks, all the while nervously biting her lip. Once Rosemary was out of the room, she whispered a quiet; 'she was nice' before smiling softly herself. "Your family could be worse, you know?"
"They're insufferable. What makes them think I'm going to take them up on that offer? I only just met them, and they're patronising me? Like hell am I going to run to them and eagerly run my tongue off. I'm not a cause for concern. I... I really want to break their necks, you know? Lucy first. If I have to kill anyone, I'd gladly kill her right now-- we can do that. I want her dead. I don't think I could be genuinely happy if she remained alive. She's single-handedly ruined my life. If I'm anxious, it's definitely because of her," he seethed slowly, holding his hot cup of tea close to his chest after sinking back into his seat, all the happiness he had been full of only moments prior completely deflated now after being enraged by what he saw to be Lucy's continually negative presence in his life. "I.. could slip some tablets into her drink, or... something that makes it seem natural. I don't want to go down the unsubtle route."​
"She's pregnant, Cameron! You can't kill her. Besides, in a way, without you, you and I wouldn't be together?" She offered, any excuse to get Cameron off this idea being suddenly vital. "Look at me, I... I wanted to end the whole murder thing at our parents. I don't think I could live with myself knowing I let you kill not only your sister, but the unborn child. Not everything needs to be answered with death, you know? Look, let's just have breakfast and go to the beach, get out of the house. I want to play in the sand for a bit..."
"She'd be a shit mother, Louise. She treated me awfully when I was a kid, I imagine that she'll be just as horrendous. I'd be doing the kid a favour-- though am I supposed to care? I don't care about her, what part of that are you struggling with? If my parents deserved to die, then she deserves it too because she was as much a problem in my life as they were. I... I know you want to play happy families with everyone, but I won't stay here another second. I want to leave, now. I-I can go pack. We have enough cash to last us a few months, anyway. We don't need to manipulate my family-- I'll go and get our things. Maybe you can phone us a taxi?" He suggested in sudden panic, handing the phone with the number already on the screen, ready for her, while downing the rest of his tea in a few gulps. Ever since arriving, all he wanted to do was leave again, especially since seeing just how happy his girlfriend seemed to be around his family, the people he pretty much hated with everything he had. Leaving and getting her away from them seemed to be logical. He didn't need anyone but Louise, after all. "We'll crash at a hotel tonight, get moving out of town by morning."​
"Cameron, please, just- what can I do to convince you to calm down?" She whispered, her hands knowing just where to go to carefully grab his cheeks and hold them in her hands. "Do... I need to have sex with you? Will that calm you down? Because I really don't want this to be a fuss. We could use them in the future, if something goes wrong, and we need to have that cheerful family vibe. Like, what if we have a baby? Wouldn't you want to get some help now and then? Listen, I seriously think we should go out and enjoy the fresh air."
"Don't offer to calm me down with sex, that's just stupid and... I wouldn't want you to do that. It wouldn't mean anything. I'm happy to wait until we're married, like we planned. I'm just pissed off, that's all. I don't like them, and you... seem to defend them more than you defend me. I'm paranoid, 'anxious', whatever. But it feels shitty to lose my girlfriend to those assholes. They flash a smile and speak to you nicely, but they're not good people, especially Lucy. She... She was a bitch to me growing up. You know that more than anyone. You know she incited bullies to torment me on my way home from collecting groceries-- I still have the fucking scars. She said it was supposed to be teasing, like a joke, not physical, but it still happened, didn't it? If... we ever had a child, the last place I'd bring it to would be here-- but yes, let's go and get some air, alright? I do want to leave when we get back, though. I-I'll end up going mad if I stay another second."​
With a defeated sigh, she got to her feet from the chair before reluctantly turning away. She wandered towards the stairs, thanks to her photographic memory, and slowly made her way upstairs. After all, she was real sick of Cameron's bitterness and unwillingness to talk and try and work it out. She chose to keep it to herself, though.

"Okay, yeah. Sure. I just wish i could actually talk to your family. Like... If they get married, they're my family too. I know you don't want to, but I want my kids to have grandparents and family to rely on."
Offering a non-committing grunt to effectively end the discussion, because he hardly agreed with her point of view on it, Cameron chose to remain downstairs to finish up breakfast while his girlfriend did otherwise. It was probably fortunate he remained there, given Seth had been listening in to the conversation intriguingly, and he had realised that Louise was probably easier to talk to than his quick-tempered uncle.

"...You wanna kill Lucy, huh? Well, not you, but Cameron. That's definitely interesting-- and you guys killed my grandparents? Shit. That's savage," the halfling drawled casually, leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs-- though at least ensured his voice was low to prevent anyone upstairs hearing him. "...Hey, I'll keep the secret if you want me to. I like you, you're sweet. But you can't kill Lucy, okay? She's my auntie, it'd suck if she died. She's the only one that's decently polite to me."​
Stumbling back in horror, she would have definitely fell back down the stairs if her hands weren't gripping hard on the railing. With her head low, Louise whispered a quiet 'excuse me' to at least be sure she was on the floor.

"I.... D-Don't.... Don't tell anyone, please? I have n-no intentions of killing anyone, and we only killed our parents so we could be together... Cameron detests Lucy, a-and I can't seem to change his mind! So...."
"Hey, Louise, I'm not a snitch. I've done shitty stuff in my life, so relax. I haven't killed anyone. I've stolen things, got way too hooked on weed-- hey, it's alright. I like you, I said that. Tell you what, in return for my silence, maybe you can just hang out with me, yeah? It's sorta sad I'm blackmailing you to be my friend, but I don't have many-- I get where Cameron's coming from. The family ain't the nicest. Oh, because I took some drugs in the past, I'm the bad guy 'round here? Not that I want 'em dead, I'm not that mad," he babbled to himself, fiddling with his long jumper sleeves and cursing himself for doing so, even if he then reminded himself that she couldn't see him, and so his self-perceived pathetic fumbling wasn't an issue.

"...I mean, you're... what? My auntie or something like that? I ought to get to know 'ya, don't I? I'm Seth, by the way. Terry's brother, Axel's son-- I doubt that means anything, huh?"​
"O-Oh, Cameron and I aren't married yet..." she reassured, as her cheeks ignited at the thought. "You don't need to blackmail me to be your friend, Seth, I-I'm always open to try and meet new people. Cameron, on the other hand, is pretty set in his ways, you know? But... it doesn't matter. I love him, no matter what! I can't blame him for not liking your family, I just wished he would be a little bit more free thinking." She explained, while nervously fiddling with her hair. With a wary smile, she felt the doorway in search of her bedroom.

"If you want to be friends, what would you like to do?"
"I get it. They've always sort of judged me-- which I get is warranted, because I've not been an angel, but I definitely understand, but that's what families do, I s'pose-- look, I just thought it'd be nice to hang out or something. I really don't get on with anyone here, not much. Literally. My Dad called me a whore the other night, like, that's nice huh? I don't even sleep with many guys," he lamented openly, plopping himself down on Louise and Cameron's bed -at least, for as long as they remained in the house- and kicking his shoes off with a long sigh.

"I mean, shouldn't they mind their own business? Doesn't mean I want you to kill them, though. I'd rather have my family alive, even if you offed my grandparents before I even got to meet 'em."​
"... I'm sorry. I just- we knew that we could never be together as long as your grandparents are alive. My parents are dead, too, a-and... I miss them, sure, but I'm more excited to start a life with Cameron. I don't understand his hatred towards Lucy, and I'm trying my hardest to try and connect with everyone, but it's hard, you know?" She babbled quietly, before sighing and easing back in the bed herself.
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