The House On The Mountain

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"...What did you think I'd look like? I mean, I'm curious. If Lucy chatted about me, which I find hard to believe in itself, then I wonder what impression she gave of me to make you surprised, I guess... I had a growth spurt, if that helps. I was a titch at fourteen, Lucy knows that. She constantly bullied me for it-- maybe bullying is too strong a word, but she made me feel like shit for it, so... I... maybe I look different to how she remembered, but it isn't that surprising," he mumbled to himself, shifting up off the chair to root around in the fridge. When he usually felt riled, he obviously went straight for blood... though attacking River for it wasn't an option. The next option, and probably more acceptable, was something sugary, which he soon found in the form of some leftover cheesecake.

"I won't lie, I wouldn't have come for another few years if my parents hadn't died. My house burned down, then Louise's father suddenly died too so we... really had no reason to stay in that village, you know? So we decided we'd pay a visit. Lou always wanted to meet everyone properly, so here we are. I'm just glad to be here," smiled Cameron falsely, realising himself that it probably wasn't the most convincing, though he didn't bother to cover it up with further gushing, instead choosing to eat his cheesecake and let it slide by.​
"I, uh... Dude, that's a bummer. No one told me that anyone died, so... Do you want, like, a hug?" He offered, though the stiff limbs he offered out were evidence of his discomfort in the topic. "I mean, I guess it's good that your parents died? It means that our 'family' or whatever can really be whole? Milli talks all about it, that we need to be closer, but... I think the fact that we all live, like, right next to each other is sort of ridiculous... I love everyone, but I really want to move out one day."

As he spoke, the teen absently pushed his spoon around with a raised brow, before getting to his feet with a yawn.

As he did, Louise's panicky footsteps could be heard as she took her time down the stairs, all the while a frown grew on her face. After all, there was nothing more terrifying for someone who was blind, to walk down unfamiliar stairs that were particularly slippery. It wasn't until she was certain that she was on the bottom of the stairs did the messy girl offered a huff.
"Oh god, I don't need a hug, it's honestly fine. I'm totally okay with it now. It was sad and all, but it... worked out for the best--" He began with a faint smile, deciding in that moment, with no real reason as to why, that he definitely preferred River to his own blood relatives at this moment. Talking to Lucy just made him angry. He could at least hold a conversation with River and feel genuinely happy, though that was perhaps the boy reminded him of himself - the social awkwardness especially resonated in him.

However, the relaxed vampire jumped up the moment he heard the tentative footsteps of his girlfriend, rushing to the kitchen's entrance to meet her and gently lead her to a chair. "I... I was going to bring the tea up, you didn't have to come, Lou-- I was chatting with River, not that you'd know him. He's my sister's stepson; Matty's son. He's real nice, so you don't have to worry or anything-- look, I was gonna treat you to breakfast in bed, hon. I have to sort of... apologise for some things that happened this morning. I called my sister a slut, more or less. She was being a bitch, though."​
"Cameron, what did I tell you about being nice?" She scolded, her frown only growing further as she took his hands in hers quickly, for some form of comfort after the terrifying walk down the stairs. "I was getting worried when you didn't come back to bed, so I wanted to make sure you were okay, or hadn't left again. It's sweet, though, that you were going to do that- you still owe me, though."

"Should, I... Leave?" River asked weakly, as he carefully took his cup of tea and made sure to avoid touching Louise, that instantly being his first thought, oddly enough. "I mean, I should probably say good morning to my dad, and you seem to need to talk..."

"Who is this? River? O-Oh my, um... I wish I looked better meeting you! I'm so sorry!" Louise squeaked, once realizing there was another person sharing the space. Granted, outside of her rat-nest hair, she looked far nicer than she did the night prior, caked in mud and dirt.
"Don't be dumb, you look beautiful. River's soaked through, so it's not like he could judge. Besides, I look a mess right now, Louise. I'm practically covered in bruises. Climbing the wall yesterday was a fucking dumb idea, huh? My idea, obviously. I can't think anything without it being idiotic," he sighed heavily, moving the cup to her hands helpfully before retaking his chair and returning eagerly to his baked cheesecake, humming to himself lightly in approval. Sharing a table with his girlfriend and River, someone he genuinely rather liked, was much better than feeling angsty and angry while occupying the space with his sister and her husband. "River, you're fine, really. I mean, you'll have to get changed, or you'll catch your death, but I'd like to talk more. We could go out to that library, even if I can't read that well. I never went to school, and Lucy didn't do a great job teaching me-- a-anyway, it was nice meeting you, again..."​
It took River a genuine minute to realize why Cameron was so tentative towards Louise, his eyes widening as he shot a glance towards the man. He then physically slapped himself once figuring out just how blind Louise was, and offered a nervous smile.

"I mean, yeah. It's pretty boring, r-really. I just sort of, like, build a fort and sleep there. I could help you read, if you want? And, uh... I'm sure they have braille books, Louise. I don't want you to feel out of place...."
"That sounds fun, right Lou? I mean, I don't want to sound nasty, but River's the only one I really like right now. That's such a childish comment, but my family and I aren't really... on good terms. Mostly just me and Lucy, I suppose. I said some mean stuff I probably shouldn't have said, your Dad really has never liked me for whatever reason-- I like you, though! Maybe your sister could come with us? You guys aren't in school today, are you--"

"We should go in because we have a test, but Dad said we can have the day off today 'cause, y'know, I feel really sick," moaned Rain dramatically as she wandered into the kitchen, shooting Cameron a happy grin whilst completely ignoring her brother. After all, his disappearances at night did personally hurt her. He was her best friend, as well as her twin brother, so him heading out and not returning until morning pissed her off, and if there was one thing she was good at, it was holding a grudge. "Besides, I want to be around if Lucy goes into labour or whatever it's called-- oh, and my asshole brother will probably catch a cold because he was out all night and looks like Death. Dad's fucking pissed at you, River, you know that? And all for what? To fawn over a girl you won't have a shot with? Jesus dude, that's stupid-- you could have at least brought me along! We could have, like, hung out or somethin'."

Glancing away from his twin, River offered a quiet - and admittedly pathetic - sorry as he finally realized it was best to shimmy out of his soaked hoodie, especially at his sister's harsh gaze. Offering a weak smile in attempt to at least get his sister to do the same, he dropped the attempt when receiving no happy response.

"I... I'm not going to the library just over a girl, okay? And, I have you know, that girl seems to at least talk to me. That's important to me. Just... I'm not going to get cold, I'm fine. I'm... Going to go take a nap," declared the male twin, as he awkwardly hurried past his sister, his cheeks red in embarrassment once being called out. After all, he knew what he did was horrible, but he also knew it was for the best. His health was important, and staying in the house for very long wasn't good.

"... Anywho... Where's that breakfast?" Louise eventually offered, after a long moment of silence. "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm pretty hungry, and you promised me breakfast, Cameron. It's the least you could do after last night.'
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"...I didn't even do anything bad last night, not intentionally. I told you that it was a bad idea spending time around them, Lou. You're the social butterfly. I dislike people. Hate them, actually. I like you, you're all I really need," muttered Cameron as he obediently stood to try and get some breakfast together, opting for some simple cereal. He would have knocked up some pancakes for her, or a fry-up, but that would just prolong the time spent in the kitchen, when he did want to venture outside under the excuse of 'getting to know the town'

"Oh! Considering my brother's being a total ass, I could show you around? I have nothing better to do, to be honest. My life's pretty sad. I've got literally no friends outside my family, and my 'boyfriend' isn't the greatest-- so I'd be glad to take you guys out!" Rain grinned happily, deciding that she could be petty and not invite her brother along. Besides, she realised he would probably decline anyway. "I remember you both, so it's not awkward. My memory's pretty great. I met you for, like, two seconds Louise, and I remember you, unlike my ignorant brother, so... yeah, it's not awkward. I'd rather hang out with you both right now. You're family, so..."​
"... Rain, can you quit being so petty?" Pleaded River from the other room, as he awkwardly peeled off his soaked clothes and into pajamas, anything being better than what he was wearing previously. "First you say I have no chance with the girl at the library, when you admit your boyfriend isn't really that great, then you have to be mean? Stop... Stop acting so childish..."

"Let's just go together, hm? It can be romantic..." Louise offered weakly, at her weak attempt to simply avoid future drama.
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"I thought you wanted to get to know my family, Louise. Rain and River are my sister's stepchildren, so my family. Families bicker; argue-- but I agree, I'd rather go with you alone. It'd be romantic and you know I want to start being more romantic with you. Frankly, I find it ridiculous I have to wait until our wedding day just to... I don't know how to say it without it being crude. Make love? W-Whatever, you know what I mean," grumbled Cameron quietly, at least thankful for the twins' bickering. The last thing he needed was advice on his love life by a sixteen year old girl, after all.

"It's been eight years, Lou. Isn't that enough time to prove I love you, that I'm not using you or whatever? I... I just want to be a proper couple who can actually be that intimate with one another..."​
"My mother would have wanted us to wait..." she replied cautiously, her hands squeezing Cameron's tight. "P-Plus, I'm scared. I'm scared of what will happen, and I know I can't raise a child... why not get married, then? Like, in the next few weeks? I would love an extensive wedding, but..."
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"Because I want to have a nice wedding, Lou. I don't want it to be over in five minutes just to get the certificate. I... want it to be special, but that requires money and time, and right now, we don't have enough cash and I don't want to have to wait months just to have sex with you. Yeah, it's romantic to wait, and I'm certainly not forcing you to change your mind, but... I just... if the one thing holding you back is the potential consequence, you don't have to worry. I-I mean, jeez. There is such a thing as protection to prevent these things, Louise... Not that I'd know where to even get my hands on something like that," he joked, if only to cease her worrying so much about it. If she was always going to worry about the consequences of their actions, then he knew that hardly anything in their lives would be accomplished.

"...You didn't worry about the consequences when we killed my parents, and that was the best thing we've done, because it meant we could be together. If you had worried, I'd still be stuck in that house with my mother yelling at you to leave me alone," he reminded softly, thankful for Rain's timely exit from the kitchen. "So... So really, you don't have to constantly worry."​
"I don't understand why you're so desperate for us to have sex, Cameron. I-I'm not ready, and you need to respect that. Just- can't you accept that? I want to have sex when I'm ready, I don't want to rush into it like my mother. I want it in a romantic setting, where you and I can be somewhere comfortable and alone... Not in your family's guest bedroom. Look, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I'm not ready, and I don't want you to hate me for that..." She babbled out, her eyes brimming with tears as she fiddled with the bottom of her nightgown. After all, she was raised with rather conservative ideas, hence why the idea of the man she desperately wanted to marry being mad at her wasn't something she wanted.
Despite his mouth twisting into a disappointed frown, Cameron managed to easily wipe any disappointment from his tone, instead checking to make sure they were alone before pulling her close into his embrace. "Hey, it's really not that big a deal, h-honestly! I was just... hoping we could, but... I can totally wait two decades if I have to. You're right, it ought to be special and romantic, so... yeah, I'm definitely not going to push the issue, I promise. Right, just sit down and I'll make you some toast, and another cup of tea. Then we can head out to the library or something, get you a few of those braille books..."​
"It won't take two decades, Cameron, don't be silly." She scolded him, before pressing her cheek into the man's chest, the thought of simply enjoying the quiet together being enough to immediately lighten her mood, offering the other a smile as she rubbed the tears from her eyes.

"Look, I really am sorry. What... What can I do to make it up to you? I mean, I can try and make you some food instead? It probably won't taste good, but I can make a mean bowl of cereal on my own," she teased, though moved to sit down nonetheless before carefully crossing her legs, her lips pursed.
"I mean, I guess the only thing I ask is a romantic bath later? We can light scented candles, I love those. And some nice bath bombs, and... it'll be perfect, right? I guess that's all I want, really," admitted the vampire as he pecked her forehead lovingly before obediently moving to the kettle to prepare the second batch of tea. Granted, the one thing he wanted from her was to promise they could leave at the end of the day, steal some belongings and head off to the airport to travel somewhere new... but he figured she would only reiterate that building a bond with his family was of the utmost importance, not making a run for it.​
"That sounds amazing!" She admitted, her smile only growing as she carefully waited, her vacant eyes still seeming to lock on her boyfriend. While the shower that night felt amazing, compared to the long time they had been on the road without even a chance to wash up, she literally could want nothing more than a bath, especially once that smelled nice. For Cameron to be there was the cherry on the perfect cake Louise imagined.

"I'm sure everyone'll let us use some candles. Milli said he collects them, which I suppose isn't very safe... but it's probably safer for him to have it than me. Picture me having a candle collection- our house would set on fire, by accident..."
"By accident? Is that a slight nudge against me for setting my house up in flames purposely? It had to be done, Lou-- they deserved it, really," mumbled Cameron with a small chuckle, genuinely smiling to himself despite the reminder of what he -and Louise- had done. After all, he didn't regret a single thing, or even mourn his parents sincerely. Rather, he felt it was simply something that had been coming their way for a long time, and he was the right person to add the final nail to the coffin. If he hadn't, he knew that the likelihood was that he would still be at home, told to stay away from the girl he had loved for years.

"I'm just teasing, really. I know it was something you had to do, but wouldn't it be funny? I mean, not funny, but- I'm sorry..." she murmured, once realizing just how awkward her ramblings became. "Anyway! Yeah... a nice bath, with a rose candle... it would be lovely. I love you, you know that, right?"
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