The Hellheim Cronicles

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Lilly grins back. "That depends on what you mean by anything."
Gizmo grins, "oh i don't know..something maybe we don't do very often.." he walks his fingers up her arm.
Lilly giggles. "Maybe...Let's see what you got."
Gizmo chuckles, he scoots up to her and kisses her on the lips, in his human form.
Lilly returns the kiss.

Malvolia sits in her room relaxing.
Gizmos hands work at her sides, pulling away her gown. He continues to kiss her, enjoying the moment.
Aria cuddles up to Malvolia, "hey cutie...i love you.." she nuzzles her with her cheeks.
Lilly returns the kisses and enjoys it as well.

Malvolia giggles. "I love you, too. How's Gracie been?"
Aria sighs, "she's...she's like doc said, she won't talk. awake, but won't talk...." she says sadly. "can we stay on something different? happier?" she pouts.
(so what's your favorite relationship?)
Gizmo chuckles, "your favorite color, a purple bra...?" he pokes her nose. "you're so cute..."
[Lilly and Gizmo, for sure.]

Lilly giggles. "Hey, I don't hear you complain when I wear it."

Malvolia looks down. "Sure. But we should go visit her. Ummm...How about the little princesses that will be here in a few months?"
(wait...really?! out of all of them? i'm not judging or anything...)
Gizmo chuckles, he wraps his arms around her neck and holds himself abover her. "course not...they make yah look hot..!"
Aria smiles, "i'll be taking care of them, i can;t wait to see their cute little faces!!" she snuggles her. "GAH!!!" excited.
Lilly giggles. "You think I'd be hot in anything. Even like this."

Malvolia giggles. "What do you think they'll look like?"
Gizmo smiles, "course! you're beautiful and a amazing person. i love you, for you." he puts his forehead onto hers. "your the greatest call a man could ever ask for.."
Aria smiles, "well, short and stumpy, like their mother! then, one has black hair the other blonde. m..what else" she puts a finger up to her lips to think.
(out of all our characters?)
[Yup. Out of all of them.]

Lilly blushes. "Oh, you!"

Malvolia smiles. "I'm sure they'll be precious!"
Gizmo brushes her hair, smiling calmly. "we're going to have the greatest, most cutest kids ever.." he kisses her cheek. "and.." nervous. "we can become a family." he blushes faintly.
Lilly smiles. "You bet! I love you, Gizmo."
Gizmo smiles calmly, "i love you too Lilly..." staring into her majestic, green eyes. He forgets what he was doing in the first place.
(i have to say, maybe mine to...)
Lilly Cuddles up to him. "We'll be one big, happy, crazy family."
Gizmo snuggles her back, being wary for her stomach. "yes..yes we will." still nervous. "so...if we're a family..."
Gizmo looks back into hers, "if we're a family, i want to always be around, right?"
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