The Game of Thrones Season 7 Thread

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Haha the curly black hair can fool you. Slow it down and you'll see it's Asha er Yara and Ellaria Sand.

LOL! Wow, that's definitely not Jon. I'll have to watch it later today. My hubby's going to get a kick out of that though. I kept telling him it was Jon and Sansa. Way off the mark there!
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Haha XD

Here for easy findings ^_^

I do wonder who's having a chat with Littlefinger :D
Haha XD

Here for easy findings ^_^

I do wonder who's having a chat with Littlefinger :D

I think that's Jon. Everyone's been talking about that scene, mostly fan theory people who think Littlefinger's going to be the one to tell Jon who his parents really are.
mostly fan theory people who think Littlefinger's going to be the one to tell Jon who his parents really are.
I was thinking Jon as well! But how would he know Jon's real parentage? *thinking* It would explain his smirks, though I figured they were more because Sansa was confronting Jon in front of the bannermen. Which I do agree with Jon she shouldn't have done.

JEEZ they both really need communication lessons.

I wonder what happened to those ladies who were taking care of Lyanna when she gave birth o_o I mean, they could have totally leaked news. Or they were loyal to Targaryans. Hrmm *thinking some more*

I think if anyone would know about Jon's parentage, it would be Varys.
The only thing I didn't care for in this episode was Cersei's Queensguard armor. The gold of the Kingsguard and the Targaryen armor (seen on Gerold and Arthur in that flashback) were 300% better imo. It is just armor though, and in the end doesn't matter on the appearance I suppose.
Okay, just watched it!

First of all - I LOVE THE SCORE WHEN THE DRAGONS FLY. The music is so so soooo so good. Almost makes me want the dragons to live.
Second - Loved Cersei's scenes. Agreed that the golden armour for the Queensguard looked much better.

I didn't really like the Arya and the Lannister soldiers scene. It was kinda weird. IDK how to explain it. I got some weird vibes from it. Kinda didn't feel really GoT-like. Idk how to explain it, lol. Took me out out the show for a bit, tbh. Glad she killed the Freys though.

Also Beric + Jorah in the same episode = happy me. Although Jorah's seen better days ;(.
I didn't realize until the Hound was burying the bodies that the corpses were the man+girl he stole from like in S3 or something. That was pretty sad tbh. IDK if I could ever kill my kid like that. I'd tell them to eat my body first LMAO.

One thing that kinda doesn't make sense to me is that how the heck is there no one in Dragonstone?
Stannis seriously took every single person in there? I would think that there'd be like a small regiment left to take care of the castle...

Also explain something to me guys.
Why does Jon knowing his heritage matter so much? I'm pretty sure he's still gonna go by Jon Snow even if he knows he's half Targ. If he didn't take the name Stark, which he identifies with so much more, I don't see him becoming Jon Targaryen anytime soon.
IDK, I feel like it's kinda too late for anyone to jump ship off Team Dany as well. I could see something like Varys betraying Dany to install Jon on the throne because he's half Targ but not this late into the show.
I don't really see what difference it makes if Jon knows he has dragon blood or not tbh.
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Why does Jon knowing his heritage matter so much

Because it gives him a legitimate claim over Winterfell, and a possibly legitimate claim over the Iron Throne, depending on whether or not Lyanna and Rhaegar were married.

There's a lot of fan theories about the possibility that his heritage will cause a rift between him and Sansa, which doesn't really interest me. Most of that is pure speculation. Then again, so is the idea that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married when Jon was born.



But like idk. He àready has de-facto lordship over Winterfell and he doesn't seem the type to want the Throne. Don't see why the fact hés a Targ would cause a rift between him and Sansa - he already "has" Winterfell but I'm sure héd give it over if Sansa asked. I mean, he already offered Winterfell to Sansa iirc.


Unless Sansa's secretly Robert (COUGH COUGH LIKE ME) and the thought of Jon being half Targ makes her want to pick up a warhammer.
I want Sansa to meet Tyrion again.

And I want her to realize that Tyrion was probably the best a man ever was to her. Before marriage and after marriage. It would be nice to see her acknowledge that.
The importance of Jon's lineage has little to do with him learning of it. Yeah, he might have a little bit of "omg my whole life has been a lie" before deciding it doesn't matter because he is who he is, so he shall stay Broody McBroodlord regardless. What matters is other people learning his lineage. You have to remember that this is a world/time where people think bloodlines are super important and that people of certain bloodlines are inherently good/bad/crazy/etc. Also, the father's blood is thought to be more important in this silliness.

Jon will likely go with the whole "I'm still Ned's son in every way that matters" route, but the lords of the North may see things differently. Jon is the grandson of the Mad King, the man who killed Ned's father and brother, and those who aren't old enough to remember it directly have surely heard the story. Some may want him dead simply for being a Targaryen. Others will possibly say he has no right to Winterfell because he isn't Ned's son.

I expect to see conflict brewing, with Littlefinger agitating for Sansa as the only true Stark in Winterfell and thus the rightful ruler of the place. I doubt it will turn fully against Jon because he earned a lot of respect for being Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and for winning the Battle of the Bastards, but it'll still be a lot of trouble for him... until Bran shows up, is rightfully declared the true lord of Winterfell by right of being the last living trueborn son of Eddard Stark, and possibly sees to Littlefinger being killed by way of exposing his traitorous ways via using his greensight to see the past.
God damn I wish I could see the later episodes now! >.<

There's really two main things I feel the need to note/say though atm.

1. Why the hell was Dragonstone completely abandoned? Like, no one at all?
2. So...We got some British dude playing a Lannister soldier, and people are mad cause... he's, famous?

I'm sorry, where was the outrage for Eddard Stark being played by Sean Bean?

IDK, I feel like it's kinda too late for anyone to jump ship off Team Dany as well. I could see something like Varys betraying Dany to install Jon on the throne because he's half Targ but not this late into the show.


The show still has two seasons to go, a lot can happen in that time. And this is a show where loyalties and betrayals happen constantly.

Like... really, have you even seen the show? XD
IDK, I feel like it's kinda too late for anyone to jump ship off Team Dany as well.

Wait? Who says everyone's on Team Dany?


It'll never happen, but I'm hoping Arya kills everyone and takes the throne.
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I feel like everything is leading to Dany taking over the throne. But... Hrm. I mean that seems too clean and planned for Game of Thrones!


At the moment, Sam's proven to be the most useful fellow ^_^. You gotta love the fellow, he has priorities and he is fulfilling them.

Also, love that sig pic. And that leery smile of Tormund. XD
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But that's kinda diff tbh. Sean Bean is an actor. Ed's a singer. And Sean's playing a role,
not a cameo. I know other bands made
cameos but none were as idk overt as Ed. I'm not
mad but I did recognize him immediately lol.

And IDK MAN. 2 seasons left and they need to wrap up all the storylines... Idk if there's time to make Jon Illyrio and Varys' Targ. I don't see them betraying Dany, who has an army, is allied with both Dorne and Highgarden, has three dragons, for some
half-Targ in the North. Likewise, I don't see the Northern bannermen ditching Jon and declaring for Dany/Cersei. I mean, yeah, GoT has plenty of backstabbings but they don't happen without reason.
Also, love that sig pic. And that leery smile of Tormund. XD

That smile is creepy AF, but it's so Tormund you can't help but appreciated it. lol
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- Sansa outright undermining her brother in front of a court of Lords: feels fucking bad man.
- I didn't know Euron Greyjoy was so into leathers....
- I sometimes forget how glad I am that a mostly tertiary Thoros of Myr found himself all the way here onto TV.
- Part of me wanted the Hound to just go 'luljk' after the fire scene.
- Regarding the Sheeran cameo: I think it could be argued that of all people that have made appearances in the series, he has the biggest current non-GoT pop culture presence. Mileage may vary on what that does for your 'immersion'. I didn't mind it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't guffaw a bit (I blame it on his face...)

Conversely, without all that, Sheeran had a perfectly normal performance.
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Wait? Who says everyone's on Team Dany?


It'll never happen, but I'm hoping Arya kills everyone and takes the throne.

That would never happen.

Dorne, The Ironborn and Dany haven't done anything to piss Arya off, so she has no reason to be going after them. All three of them would have to find a reason to fight Jon Snow as well for Arya to go after them.
And even if all that happens, and Arya successfully kills everyone? She still has no motivation (nor grounds) for taking the Iron Throne.

I feel like everything is leading to Dany taking over the throne. But... Hrm. I mean that seems too clean and planned for Game of Thrones!

Always expect the unexpected with Game of Thrones, it's how the show thrives. :P

But that's kinda diff tbh. Sean Bean is an actor. Ed's a singer. And Sean's playing a role,
not a cameo. I know other bands made
cameos but none were as idk overt as Ed. I'm not
mad but I did recognize him immediately lol.

And IDK MAN. 2 seasons left and they need to wrap up all the storylines... Idk if there's time to make Jon Illyrio and Varys' Targ. I don't see them betraying Dany, who has an army, is allied with both Dorne and Highgarden, has three dragons, for some
half-Targ in the North. Likewise, I don't see the Northern bannermen ditching Jon and declaring for Dany/Cersei. I mean, yeah, GoT has plenty of backstabbings but they don't happen without reason.

Sheeran is also playing a role, he didn't just walk up, break the fourth wall and start singing. And he did the role just fine, I've never seen Sheeran before but he for me he blended in fine. The issue just seems to be that people recognized him, which is a bit unfair if other famous people in the show (or famous people pre-GoT) get a free pass. If his performance was lacking I'd get it. But no one's actually complained about his performance, just his presence.

As for the 2 Seasons? It really depends on context. Some of the support Dany has is because she's believed to be the only Targaryen left, that can change with news of Jon's heritage. And Jon is doing enough bold actions as ruler that he might not even need bloodline issues to bring him down.

He's forcing his subjects daughters to fight, he diverting all their resources to a threat most of the lords likely don't believe, he's openly working with and trusting the Wildlings (though, sending them away from the others was pretty smart on his part), and politically is playing favourites with houses that betrayed him.

He can very easily end up pissing off his subjects enough to cause a revolt, despite the respect he's earned for himself. That being said, these are Northeners, they tend to be more honorable, loyal and practical than any of the other Kingdoms. So they aren't as susceptible to political drama and games as the other houses. But even they have their limits.

- Sansa outright undermining her brother in front of a court of Lords: feels fucking bad man.
- I didn't know Euron Greyjoy was so into leathers....
- I sometimes forget how glad I am that a mostly tertiary Thoros of Myr found himself all the way here onto TV.
- Part of me wanted the Hound to just go 'luljk' after the fire scene.
- Regarding the Sheeran cameo: I think it could be argued that of all people that have made appearances in the series, he has the biggest current non-GoT pop culture presence. Mileage may vary on what that does for your 'immersion'. I didn't mind it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't guffaw a bit (I blame it on his face...)

Conversely, without all that, Sheeran had a perfectly normal performance.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention Greyjoy! XD
He was pretty entertaining to watch at Kings Landing... Also he does rock those leathers pretty well.

Sansa undermining Jon wasn't cool. And her playing the "Joffrey didn't let people question him" card is bullshit.
Like no, you're free to question Jon! JUST DON'T INTERRUPT HIM DURING A PROCLAMATION TO DO IT!!!

Like seriously, I get she has more political experience than Jon, she that was just stupid on her part. She knows exactly what Jon's issue with it was and she's playing dumb about it. Plus, this is the North, it isn't the same kind of Game as Kings Landing. It has similarities, but there's a reason a big part of Season 1 was Eddard Stark being completely appalled by the how Kings Landing operated, because that wasn't how the Northern Kingdoms operated.
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention Greyjoy! XD
He was pretty entertaining to watch at Kings Landing... Also he does rock those leathers pretty well.

Sansa undermining Jon wasn't cool. And her playing the "Joffrey didn't let people question him" card is bullshit.
Like no, you're free to question Jon! JUST DON'T INTERRUPT HIM DURING A PROCLAMATION TO DO IT!!!

Like seriously, I get she has more political experience than Jon, she that was just stupid on her part. She knows exactly what Jon's issue with it was and she's playing dumb about it. Plus, this is the North, it isn't the same kind of Game as Kings Landing. It has similarities, but there's a reason a big part of Season 1 was Eddard Stark being completely appalled by the how Kings Landing operated, because that wasn't how the Northern Kingdoms operated.
Word! I like Sansa now but that wasn't cool of her. >.<

As for Ed Sheeran, not sure why so many people (not here but YouTube and elsewhere) have such a big deal about it. I thought it was a fine cameo, the whole scene was fun and his song just enhanced it imho.
Word! I like Sansa now but that wasn't cool of her. >.<

As for Ed Sheeran, not sure why so many people (not here but YouTube and elsewhere) have such a big deal about it. I thought it was a fine cameo, the whole scene was fun and his song just enhanced it imho.

I also wasn't expecting Sansa to start bickering with Jon that quickly. Expected it to at least take 2-3 episodes.

I also am rather interested in that Sheeran scene. Like, it seems like Arya was planning to kill them and now she's like "Well shit, these are decent people, now what?". Might be a nice bit of redemption (or falling) for her in the middle of her vengeful murder spree.

I said it would never happen. X_x Just like Brienne and Tormund will never happen. Stop destroying my dreams!


*Slurping noise*

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