The Feud

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"I agree that it can be pointless, but there will alway be fighting among clans. And sometimes our kind latches onto something and refuses to let it go." Jakob says "in fact in my cla its expected and encouraged that we have nothing to do with our rivals. Personally I vould care less bit I have to think of the wellbeing of the whole clan. We are attacked so we have to retaliate. If we dont we appear waek to those that try to invade our territory."
Emily let out a sigh at that. She frowned as she thought about that. She didn't like what was said one bit. However, she kept up her nice demeanour.
"I just don't see why we have to feud over every little thing. I can understand if one attacked the other, but if it was something as simple as a little tiny accident? Please!"

Emily sighed again. She shook her head.
"I had to get away from it, for a while at least. "
She looked at him.
"I'm sorry about that, Jakob. That topic just gets me worked up is all. I apologize."
She gave him a faint smile. He seemed like a nice guy. She'd hate to offend him or anything like that.
"Thats the thing, for it to last this long whatever started it must have been pretty bad. Though I do think keeping a feud going when neither party knows what started it is pointless I also can kind of understand why its not just dropped." Jakob says to her as he finally feels well enough to stand.

"I just thought of something, maybe no one living knows why the fight started but something that important should be recorded somewhere. Does your clan have an archive or other place they keep records of important events?"
Emily nodded. She listened to him. She blinked and sighed at the end. However, she heard him ask about archives. She stood up. She frowned a bit for a moment. She shrugged.
"They might. However, I was never allowed to access them. They said I wasn't old enough. But, that is the thing. How old do you have to be?"
She sighed again and shook her head.
"Then again, they may be hiding it from me, the archives I mean. Although, I am not sure why if that is the case."
She looked at him.
"What do you think?"
She paused to allow him to respond.
"Sounds like they may not want you to see the history of your clan. Which is a little strange since that information includes important things from the past." Jakob says remembering the first time he went into his families library and started studying his clans past. "I have not seen anything about my clans fight yet but I am sure its got to be in there somewhere. I started studying about three years ago and it feels like it will never end.
Emily sighed a bit. She nodded in response. She looked at him again as she spoke.
"yes, I agree. It is strange. Really? Three years, you say? That's a long time to a human but not very long to us vampires. Even so, it sounds like you've truly studied for a while. "
She nodded again and continued.
"I'm sure that you will. At least, I hope that you do."

Emily took a breath. She was quiet for a moment or so. Anyway, she changed the subject a bit.
"Are you alright now? Do you wish to head back on your own? Or would you prefer an escort?"
She paused for a moment and continued.
"I'm not going to be heading back home anytime soon anyway."
She waited for his answer.
"I spend at least a few hours a day in the Archives. Though since we live for ages I will eventually get through all the books."

"I think I should be fine on my own, though if you wish to walk with me that would be fine. Its nice talking with someone that is not conserned with clan duties and things." Jakob says "becuse of my families status in the clan I dont get much time to just hang out."
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Emily blinked. She thought about that for a moment. She took a breath before she spoke again. She gave a faint smile.
"Well, we are can take our time then. There's no need to rush then, correct?"
She nodded. She agreed with him about that last part.
"Yes, it is nice, isn't it?"

Emily gave him another faint smile. She wished more male vampires were like him. He was nice. He even seemed rather kind for a vampire in a way. It was nice. She thought that anyway. She found herself wishing that they never had to go back to their clans, that they could just stay there forever. Anyway, she cleared her throat and spoke again.
"Well, what do you say?"
"That sounds good, especially since I dont really know where I am. It would be easy to track my home but it would be kind of rude to just leave you out here." Jakob says smiling "have you found a place to live yet?" He adds walking over to her. "If you haven't then maybe tomorrow night I can help you find something, Its the least I can do."
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Emily blinked. She shook her head no.
"I haven't."
She sighed a bit. She continued.
"But I also haven't given much thought about anything until i met you tonight."
She actually gave a faint smile that time. She suddenly blinked upon remembering that last part of what he said.
"Tomorrow night? Does that mean you're sticking around a while?"
She was honestly curious. She was polite enough to wait for his response after that. She was also patient enough to do so. She moved some hair out of her face when a breeze blew by.
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"Well considering this is my clans territory I wont be going anywhere for awhile." Jakob says with a smile. "Though if your going to be around for a bit perhaps you would consider meeting my clan. That way they will know you and not think your a spy or something." He says starting twords the door. "Though it not be any rush I will tell them about you so they will at least know there is a guest in the area."
Emily blinked. She was not sure what to say at first. She thought about it for a moment or so. She took a breath and spoke.

"Sure. I suppose."
She didn't know his last name or the name of his clan. She hoped that his clan was as nice as he is. She didn't want to walk into serious trouble.

However, Emily had a bad feeling. She didn't know what it was. She could not seem to shake it off. She hoped that it wasn't anything that was actually had and that it was something very minor. She looked at Jakob. She managed a faint smile.
"There is no rush of course, but eventually the elders will want to meet with you. At least if you plan to stay around for awhile. If your only going to be a short time though then there probably wont be any trouble from them." Jakob says though he wanted her to stick around for awhile. She seemed like a nice woman and he kind of wanted a chance to get to know her a bit more.
Emily took a breath. She was hesitant about that. She answered after a moment.
"Very well. I suppose I'll have to meet with them then."
She gave a slight nod. She didn't sigh or anything even though she felt the need to do so. She looked at Jakob and spoke again.
"When should I meet with them?"
She continued to try and be as polite as possible. She tried to be respectfull as well. She found herself actually wanting to get to know the young looking male better. He seemed nice enough. That was what she thought. She gave a faint smile.
"That I am not sure, when I get back I can get something set up. I will try and make sure they let me come so you at least know someone there." Jakob says with a smile glad that Emily was planning on staying around. "How about we head out and see about getting you a place to stay the day. The sun will rise soon and we dont want to get stuck somewhere."

"You know I think there is an empty place right near where my clan house is if you would want to stay there." He offered.
Emily nodded and shrugged. She gave a faint smile.
"I suppose we should do so as soon as possible then. I'd hate to be caught in the sunlight like that."
She gave a humorless chuckle. She looked at him as she spoke and kept making proper eye contact. She shrugged when he made the offer about an empty building.
"It could work I suppose. That is, if you think it will work. I am not going to be picky about it."
She was sincere when she said that. She meant it. Emily wasn't going to be picky. She could not risk it anyway. She had to have a place to stay and sleep during the day. She knew that much.
Jakob started to the door, "do you have any belongings you need to pick up?" He asks not sure if she would have left anything behind where they had fought the hunters. "If you dont have anything I can get you some clothes and things to borrow until you get on your feet." He offered still trying to think of a good way to repay her for saving his life.
Emily took a breath. She shook her head.
"I didn't travel with very much."
She hated having to admit that and the next thing that she was about to say.
"I a bit of a hurry to leave at the time."
She tried not to sigh or anything. She looked at him. She forced a faint smile. She hoped that he would not feel bad or anything. She didn't want him to feel that way at all.
Jakob nodded, but thought about her words. "Are you in some form of trouble? If you are my clan can protect you." He says his curiosity getting the better of his manners a little. They could grab some things on the way by the clan house and maybe it would give Emily a chance to meet a couple of the others.
Emily quickly shook her head. She denied it.
"It's not that...exactly. I was just in a hurry."
She took a breath. She looked at him. She spoke somewhat honestly. In truth, she had left for more personal reasons. Anyway, she managed a faint smile.
"It's alright though."