the enemy

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Damien explored the building and finally finds the source of the noise. He enters the area just in time to see a girl, covered in zombie guts, much like himself; flinging what seemed like a stomach to another boy. "Ew" Damien said, forgetting that he was looking rather disgusting himself.

"Psst. Hey. I don't want to interrupt your food fight there, but we've got a situation here." Damien called out to the girl.

She let out a small scream, startled by the presence of a talking zombie. After a few moments scrutinizing the filthy creature, she realizes that it was just a boy.

"How did you.... ?"

"Let's just say I've got GUTS." Damien snorted at his own little joke. "Just keep putting on more of those icky things, quick. They'll be in here in no time."
jason jumped out the window following the guy who just cut his chest open. either he was very stupid or very brave. all the sound the guy was making had attracted many mothers and fathers to their location. when jasons feet hit the ground the guy had already knocked down two of the dead. jason hurried to catch up "hey!" he cried out "were are we going?"
(riptide we went up into the building window)
Dj would hear the guy behind him "shhhhh I think their are some in here .. I have some rooms blocked off in the basementfloor level their are signs ... " dj would stop ...packing up his equipment. He would explain the we had to go to the roof first ... Dj would hand him a mini first aid kit.. Loking aroun for the stair
well as jason cleans his wound once done dj would
decide to check the fist floor first headed up the stairs
he woul look oveer the rail noticeing 2 odd undead which look like kids ... "PSSSSST HEY"dj would whisper SEEING ONE OF THEM TURN AROUND .. "JASON ARE THEY HUMAN/AALIVE " DJ WAVES THEM DOWN NOT MAKING TOO MUCH NOISE
(...........Yeah, if that was me, I'm ignoring that any of that happened. My girl don't scream at just anything, all right? Maybe a gaint flying spider that breathes fire, but not a talking zombie.)

Crap! Those idiots didn't even pay attention to her!

"Fine then,"
She muttered darkly, "Have it your way."

With that, Alice turned away from them and began to retreat back down the hallway. She wouldn't die here. Not for these losers.
jason looked out the window. "maybe" he whisperd "should we get a better look?"
yea I think .. But you go first he looks at jason and waits for him to lead the way.
( Am I the only one who has no idea what's happening anymore?)

Alice stumbled out of the exit doors and started to make her way around the massive crowd of adults flooding the entrance of the parking building. She was extremely nervous, but knew better than to run and draw attention to herself. Frankly, she was terrified and probably woulld've lost it except that she knew that that boy was probably still watching and she was far too prideful to let herself die so close to safety.
(Internets been out for a few days, I'll keep it going shadow, I'll make it so we meet up and just continue from there I guess)

"troublesome," he says, noticing that the boys aren't moving very far, "there problem not mine," he sighs with annoyance.
He cuts off his connection to the wire taps, knowing they'l only be a distraction. He scurries towards the horde of zombies, and rounds the corner to come face to face with a zombie.
or at least, zombie entrails.
his eyes widen, and he stares at the figure, not daring to move in case he draws attention to their vicinity.
He signals towards the horde, telling her to continue one as if nothing happened.
Alice rolled her eyes at the boy's sudden lack of confidence and continued to move away from the horde as the moaning reached a deafening volume.
jason walked back outside through the way they got in. "hey!" he loudly whispered

(i dont have any idea wuts going on anymore)

( How's this?)

Alice walked quietly down the dark, enclosed alleys, alert to the slightest noises and movements. Man, she hated patrol, but that boy she teamed up with shortly after this started said it was absolutely important for him not to be disturbed while installing the new security system in their hideout. Not that a squat old house can really be described as a hideout. Her hand lingered over her machete, her black jeans, shirt and jacket blending in almost perfectly with the shadows. These alleys were always the most dangerous.
(nice, now we actually have an, erm, set place. You can describe the robot if you want, just thought he'd be cool.)

Slade glanced away from his anime for a second to check on the camera's.
To tell the truth, he'd finished ages ago, but if Alice knew that she'd have a temper tantrum over him "lazing about".
he sighed, in all honesty she is right, he shouldn't be doing this. He pauses it, and decides to start working on his new toy he's developing. before he does that though, he better get to the food.
"Hey Alice, I'm uploading a map to the nearest food place in this vicinity. Check it out, take Bro with you."
He smiles at the thought of Bro, a robot he programmed.
It has protective measures set on both him and Alice, so whenever anything is deemed a threat he prepares himself to fend off whatever is there. In order to prevent problems, he can only attack when a command is given, or when either one of our lives in in serious danger.
Hence we named him Bro.
Alice glared at the nearest camera, annoyed. "Bro doesn't exactly scream 'stealth mode', Slade." She turned around anyway and started heading back to the base. Bro always stood guard on the first floor, near the stairs, so that he could stop any adults who got past the other security measures. After avoiding a few of the traps on the lawn, she went inside and approached Bro. He was a little tall, like an adult, but it wasn't hard for her to tap him twice on the shoulder to get his attention. With a whirl, he seemed to come to life. His red eyes lit up behind the dark mask he'd been given to protect them. His body was hard, cold, and mostly black. They had voted for fast and lethal over big and powerful. Plus it kept him from making too much noise when they would have to take him places. Alice gestered towards the open door and led him out of the house. She shut the door with a sigh and started to plot a route based on the map Slade had given her. This was going to be a pain.
(Artificial Intelligence Security System. Also nice robot description, I like it.)
Slade sits back, finally relaxing.
"Alright, let's test this, AISS activate"
some whirring sounds occur, before he hears a voice,
"All systems green, Master, checking for possible enemies, cataloging set allies, is their anything you wish me to do?"
"Yes, I'd like you to test the Scouts I created."
"Sending out rats now master."
A video pops up, showing footage of the drones in action. A couple of nifty little metal rats with camera's attached, one of the only things zombies don't attack.
"Rat systems appear to have no errors, cataloged allies, anything else master?"
"That is all for now," I say, feeling quite accomplished.
Wait until Alice sees this, I think with a slight smile.
Alice walked down a few streets, more relaxed now that Bro was following close behind her. The adults were becoming less active as autumn rolled in, the only reassuring thing about the coming cold she was sure would cause massive problems. In a very /small/ way, she knew she was jealous of Slade's skills. The only thing she knew she was really good for were the small scraps that she and Slade got into or these stupid patrol/scavenge missions she kept getting. Strength, speed, and survival skills were about the only things she'd thought were going to be important to know for life or death situations, but now they were the only thing she had. Alice sighed again as she exited a small alley that led to the food store's street.
(sorry I took so long :3)
"AISS, locate Alice," Slade says.
"Alice is not within the vicinity," the Ai replys.
Good, he thinks as he pulls out the objects he stole from Alice's bag.
"The last two twinky's," he says with a grin, popping one in his mouth. She's going to kill me later, but it's so worth it, he thinks as the twinky melts in his mouth.
"Three walkers detected within the vicinity of the house, master."
Slade spins around in his chair instantly, "contact Alice, tell her to come back immediately."
"yes master. Two more walkers have been detected."
This is not good, Slade thinks, I don't have any offensive security measures up.
And I didn't get to eat the other twinky.
( I forgive you, because I'm a nice person. :3) ( Right, so I just finished reading the rest of your post, you scumbag and I no longer forgive you. Rot in the dark hole you call a base.)

Alice was just pushing open the musty old doors of the McDonald's when Bro flashed the warning signs. "Return to base immediately," Bro translated,"Enemies detected." Now Alice was severely annoyed. She walks all the way down here to get dinner and Slade decides to chicken out, now? What was the point of a security system if she couldn't leave him alone for two seconds!? Of course, deep down, she was pleased. It felt good to finally be needed.....or rather to finally get to use her skills. "Emergency Mode: Code Rabbit Sprint," She told Bro, shifting her machete's position from her waist to across her back. She launched herself forward, running back down the alley with the sound of Bro's heavy feet pounding after her. She racing up the streets leading back to the base, bracing herself to tear apart the adults. Something told her she wouldn't have much of an appetite tonight.
(I took ages again :( doing so many things at once :O and heh, I left the last twinky to be nice :) but...maybe I should eat it now...)

This shouldn't be happening, Slade thought to himself. The zombies didn't just happen upon this place; they're co-ordinated, all moving in an attempt to get inside to him. They never exhibited intelligence before, which means there's only two explanations.
Or mutation.
Either one is not good, and it means he's going to have to start documenting zombie behaviour in order to calculate the growth.
More work.
There goes his anime nights he's been setting aside.
"AISS, initiate protocol cave-in and notify Alice of the situation" he says, determining the threat too imminent to wait for Alice.
"Initiating protocol cave-in, Alice notified master."
protocol cave-in is just a fancy way of saying blow up the entrances to the building. it should provide some time while they figure out another way to get in, time for Alice to get here.
He starts sighing over Alice's insecurities. She undervalues herself a lot, but they're a team. Just as she wouldn't survive without him, he wouldn't without her. Intelligence doesn't just extend to knowledge.
shaking his head, he comes back to the matter at hand.
"Hurry up Alice," he mutters.
( You know, there's a special place in hell for people like you.)

Alice slowed from her full out sprint, take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. "Bro, Combat Mode: Level Multi-Tasking." Alice pulled her machete from across her back as the adults took notice of Bro's loud tromping. "Okay, Bro," Alice said, steeling herself,"Battle Cry!" Bro ran forward on command charging into the group of zombies, his fists of cold metal flying. Alice joined him a few seconds later, slashing open a mother's stomach. As the intestines slid to the ground along with the mother, Alice turned to behead a father that was trying to pull off Bro's head. It was only moment before all of the adults were dead. "Bro, stand down and look out," Alice commanded, breathing a bit hard. Bro moved back into his standing position and began to move around the house looking for more enemies. "Hey, Slade, you alright?" Alice called up, "You're not dead in there, are you?" She quietly tried to steady her breathing, but it didn't help that she was covered in the adult's sticky blood or that she was standing on their corpses.
(I decided to start talking in first person, it just feels more natural. And I'm introducing side characters, so we'll have our main character's and then we'll do these side character's as well. WE can separate them with a
And then the character name? just a thought. You can take this one's character side up if you want, or I can do it. I've also decided to set this as our main place, now we'll develop the story around it. Should make it more orderly and interesting. You know, a cool base we develop :D I didn't write that much, but I put a lot of thought in it! That should make it for me being slow right? :( )

"Hey, Slade, you alright?" Alice says from outside.
Something was wrong.
I could feel it, and my gut instincts have never been wrong before.
"Alice, get in here, something's off."
I glanced arund, feeling for what's put me off.
There it is, a sound. This time I could really hear it, something is here.
"AISS, activate Bouncer, send East."
"Activating now master."
Bouncer is the last of the robots I designed, and was created in order to restrict movement. This was in the event that a zombie slipped past, or something else ever headed towards them.
Boucer immediately headed towards the noise and grabbed the object hiding in the darkness-
"Ouch, what the fuck man."
A human. I facepalmed, this might be a problem.
"get this thing off me, man, this isn't right."
"I wouldn't be worrying about that, but rather your life. Hold him there Bouncer, until Alice gets in here."
I turn on my speaker,
"hey Alice, we've got a drifter."
A drifter is the term me and Alice came up for the wandering thieves. They're individuals who survived the original epidemic by living off the hard work of others. Some are violent and can kill, but most generally hit and run.
ignoring his cry's, I head back to my computer and set up a note to start cataloging zombies. I have a terrible memory, something Alice likes to poke at a lot.
I think about it, something was really off today.
It wasn't so much their intelligence, because they didn't get any faster in determining they have to find another entrance. Rather, it's as if they're being co-ordinated by someone else.
A human? I doubt it, but maybe a zombie that's evolved.
Zombies do have a tendency to stick to groups, so if there was a dominant zombie it is quite possible it could turn into a master and his herd.
I'm going ot have to find this zombie and get data on him, I'll have to make him priority 1B.
priority 1A will still be given to the security systems.
I haven't told Alice yet, but I'm thinking of making this our base. I've discovered not only a basement, but a safe room with escape passages. Whoever lived here must've been very paranoid.
On Alice's food trip, I'll get her to start searching the area to see if she can notice any odd zombie behaviour.
"Please man, help me out here."