The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 3 - Anirune Forest

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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Tain winced slightly at the mention of Moonwings burning. Then he gently pressed the side of one of his pistols to his forehead and grimaced, not having a free hand at the moment. "Look, it's a long story. But you really are a hobo sometimes, even though you don't mean to be-- WHOA!"

He suddenly approached him heavily and quickly, thrusting an arm out and grabbing his wrist, wildly shaking his arm in a bro-handshake. "Good to see you! It's nice seeing a familiar face. So, uh... What are
you doing here?!"

After being jarred around slightly like a small child, Tain thought it best to safe his pistols and re-holster them. He took a moment to do so after Seiji released his arm, sighing deep from within his diaphragm. "I'm on my way to Iwaku with a payload. AFTA-aid, as it were. But that's neither here nor there." He finished clipping the button on his shoulder-harness to secure his pistols in place, looking around conspiratorially to ensure that none of his crew were close enough to hear.

"You saw what happened here, didn't you? What did this? Was it friend or foe, or should we just be worried either way?"
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Seiji nodded quickly and leaned in a bit, whispering.

"I saw the tail-end of it, but for the most part, it's these giant... spider-things. Not sure if they're alien, or some kind of ancient mystical sentience, but... Yeah. There was also this army of, uh... Noobs, I think they're called? Yeah, they got ripped and shredded to bits like it wasn't no thang by those guys," he pointed at tank wreckage, "and that guy," he pointed to the giant inert blue robot.

"I caught bits and pieces of the death of one of the giant spiders. As soon as it was on its death-throes, it seemed to summon more of them. They crashed in and did a bunch of ass-kicking before heading off in..." he slowly spun in one direction before stopping.

"That direction." He pointed, incidentally, in the direction the airship was going in: Iwaku City.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Iwaku is always under some manner of attack...or so it seems," a tired voice answered the captain. "ISAF was involved, no surprise there...but sure as hell your…spider and n00bs sure ripped them a new one."

The voice issued from the forest, Jack Shade stepping out from under the low hanging foliage and surveying the wreckage with a frown. The devastation was almost absolute, trees torn from earth as even rock was split in twain...nothing lived here and not even nature dared try to begin taking back this blasted landscape.

So familiar.

The land between forums was pockmarked with the desiccated corpses of the lands that once were. Abandoned sites and worlds have completed...rusting at the core and falling to the sand which overcame all. None stood vigilant upon these rotting roofs and names none knew nor cared to understand adorned the crumbling castles. So much work and effort...washed away by time. Those who had once populated these lands had gone in search of fertile pastures, of places with color and activity...LIFE. Sustenance was rare in these wastes of the Banished Lands and few were the visitors...twisted creatures of no reality mourning over the loss of what was and would never be again.

There was...a spider.

"Jack Shade," the wanderer introduced himself, extending a hand toward Tain and nodding at Seiji, "I...once lived in these lands...a long time ago." He didn't let it sink in too deeply, everyone was a wanderer in their own right and history was best left buried.

"There may not be an answer here, but I know two places that may explain the circumstances...Scrap Iron City in the desert of Dystopia...or if you're looking for a friendly welcome..." At this he winked, remembering his time spent idling in that so strange a kingdom, "Shapeshifter Village is known for its honorable treatment and fine spirits."

Holding up both hands almost on reflex, the winged warrior grinned disarmingly "I assure you I mean no harm, I arrived quite recently and am as mystified as you both." It took some getting used to…speaking that is. With not much to converse with for more than a decade, Jack had almost forgotten the finer points of socialization. How fortunate he'd taken lessons from Asmodeus in the art of speaking. Those days were long behind them, but the old mentor had left him with a memento of his presence, the ability to lead. Where was he now? Was the war over? It had to be at this time…Chaos had been the victor in their battle and Jack had left the lands. Asmodeus has planned to surrender to Rory so it must mean he was the current king of the lands.
What a disappointing era of peace…the Emerald Iwaku he had fought for in the Admin war was being destroyed before his eyes. Out of solitude and into another war. Thus fate kept turning its slanderous wheel and Jack would grind away beneath it. It was a disturbing thought and Jack banished it immediately. The time was now and he had acquaintances to make, information to understand.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Tain's gaze followed the direction that Seiji's arm pointed for a moment, then paused to stare into the distance. Frustrated, he combed his fingers through his hair and whirled on his crew. "A mistake. Big fucking mistake..." He murmured, before raising his voice. "You lot, forget the tank! Call up to the ship and tell them to make ready for departure."

He turned back to Seiji to explain. "This isn't good. If what you're saying is true, then whatever did this is making it's way to Iwaku... if it's not already there. I think we're too late." Tain's expression was grim, and clearly hurt by the prospect of his mission being an utter failure. All that wonderful time they made up by taking advantage of the air stream... a waste.

Behind Tain, his crew was already dragging what they had laid hands on onto the elevator, making ready to ascend back into the belly of the vessel. He didn't know if their 'cargo' would make a difference in helping Iwaku now. It didn't matter... he'd do the chivalrous thing this time and do his part anyway.

"Iwaku is always under some manner of attack...or so it seems," a tired voice answered the captain. "ISAF was involved, no surprise there...but sure as hell your…spider and n00bs sure ripped them a new one."

He jumped with a muted hiss at the newest introduction. Hadn't he just wished that he wouldn't get ninja'd again? He idly pondered replacing the man at tactical...

After regaining his wits, Tain regarded the man with an air of caution, deceptively youthful eyes glaring with uncertainty. He gave a suitable pause then took Jack's hand, careful not to extend himself much further within the man's reach. He had a big fucking sword. "You've got a big fucking sword. My name is Tain, and this is my friend Seiji."

"Hello!" Seiji said with a wave.

After listening to Jack, he sighed heavily. "All I have to take you on is your word... and I'm short on time. Well played..." He looked Jack in the eye. "Whichever location is closer. If you can guide us there, you're free to ride aboard the Red Raccoon Dog... Seiji, you too. Just do me a favor and... take a shower before we get there. You smell horrible."

The last statement was sympathetic rather than critical.


Summary: Tain responds to Seiji's explanation and abandons further salvage efforts. Jack sneaks up on Tain. Tain gets mad at his crewman. Tain greets Jack. Tain hears him out then invites Jack and Seiji aboard the RRD.

((The post backtracks slightly due to the fact that I originally posted about a minute after Jack did, so rather than rewriting the whole thing I interjected his segment where it would have been if everything else had happened first. Hope that works!))
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Not my fault!" Seiji exclaimed in an exasperated whine. He had gotten that line before, but really, he had been trying earnestly recently. For a long while recently.

"Anywho, I like the sound of Shapeshifter Town!" he said, putting emphasis on the name of the location, Shapeshifter Town. He splayed out his fingers and wriggled them around as he said it, making it sound like a city with neon lights surrounding the sign with the town name on it. "And I, er, promise it's not just for the 'fine spirits.' They treat folk honourable! Right, eh, Jack? I can call you Jack, right?"

"Oh, and before we get going, I got this, uh, thing that nearly died on me. Mind if you get a few guys to haul him along? He's over there, behind that rock. Also, I got this guy I just pulled out of a burning wreckage-- literally! I don't see him, but, uh... I think he's a master of stealth or something, I don't know. He might want to come, too. Hell, he could be on the elevator over there already!"
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

A lasbolt scorched the earth next to Jack, and from the wreckage tumbled a figure, clutching a laspistol tightly
"ISAF?" he weezed, clearly suffring from broken ribs and a broken arm, pushing himself to his feet using his good arm, the guardsman shambled towards the armed group seemingly intent on taking away the wreckage of the command tank.
"Thats Captain Vienneman's crate you heretic bastards, and I'll die before I let you steal it" he managed despite his injuries, though he paused several times between words to suck in air with an unhealthy gasp.

"In the Name of the Emperor of man and Warmaster Death" he slurred, but the words left him as he saw the big blue Robot
he slurred something unintelligable, lowering the laspistol and made to sit down, the effort of confronting the heretics sapping vital energy, by this stage, the Guardsman, a Luitenant judging by the rank pins on his eppaulets, was almost bone white from blood loss and exaustion.

the salvage party is confronted by a wounded guardsman, who calms down only when he notices Soldato.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Tain drew one pistol reflexively, raising it in a clean motion to train on the guardsman's head. The safety came off with a soft click. He listened to the man's nonsense for a moment, then watched him sit down... and turned red in his attempt to keep himself from shooting the would-be ambusher in the face.

Turning, he screamed up at the airship overhead. "Three times? THREE?! You're FIRED! Do you hear me?! You'll be lucky if I don't KICK YOUR ASS out of that FUCKING-" Tain began gesticulating wildly in anger as he rattled on.


Meanwhile aboard the Red Raccoon Dog, a smaller monitor displaying a video feed of the situation below went unnoticed as the tactical officer partook in a game on Headbook. He swore as the 1000 ton weight fell on his cursor once again. He had to beat that bastard's high score!


Back below, Tain had finished his tirade and was scowling at the Guardsman. "You shot at us... you know what? We're not taking the 'crate' anymore. The whole world's fucked while we're playing around here in this forest. We're-- well, I'm leaving, and you're staying." With that, he safed his pistol and turned away to board the elevator.

Over his shoulder, he called to Seiji. "Get your friend if you're coming."


Summary: Tain gets ninja'd for the third time and is very cross about it. He responds to the Guardsman then turns to board the elevator.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Warmaster Death...that was was a name Jack hadn't heard in awhile. The energy blast went wild, and as the soldier collapsed Jack strode to his side. Perhaps Iwaku was in danger once more, but this man had seen it first hand...lived to speak of it. In the past, Jack might have followed with Tain. Years of wandering the wastes had changed him however...and he'd seen the ruin of empires. A kingdom did not start with a king, but a single person. Reaching down to assist the Guardsman, Jack glanced over his shoulder at the retreating Tain.

"The man was defending his own, Captain, try not to be so unforgiving." Jack was by no means a large man, and yet picking the Guardsman from the ground seemed easy...strangely easy for one so slight. "We'll remove his weapons if need be, but I won't leave a wounded man behind." Glancing at the silent Soldato, Jack turned toward the ship, his wings twitching to remain balanced.

"Besides, his life is tied to Warmaster Death...I believe those in the Shapeshifter Village will know where to find him."

Dragging the soldier toward the ship, Jack twisted his fingers in the basics of arcane movement. Not a powerful mage by any standards, the little magic he knew would begin the healing of the Guardsman and at least ease his pain. "You have a name soldier?" Jack asked, taking care to avoid the shredded bodies at his feet. "I'd like to know what you saw...and the location of your leader would be helpful as well."

Dragging the soldier past Seiji, Jack offered a wink and a smile. "Sure, call me Jack...and may I refer to you as Seiji? Shapeshifter town is a fantastic place as you'll see soon enough...perhaps we can gain more answers there as well...which is always a plus."

Stopping underneath the ship, Jack looked up toward the deck and half hoisted the Guardsman into the air. "Permission to come aboard?" He called up, "This man needs medical attention."
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Answers are always a plus," Seiji said as he lugged a giant slab of rock on one shoulder, the alien (Vay) stretched out on his back on it like a makeshift gurney. "And Seiji's just fine, mate," he said, offering his hand to Jack. "A pleasure!"

Looking down at the wounded soldier, he smiled apologetically. "We're not bad folk. You'll be alright." He then turned and addressed Tain.

"Permission to come aboard, Cap'n! I also have a, er.. thing, requiring medical attention!"

"If you're coming," he called to Charly, "best hop to!"

Seiji didn't wait for a response and stepped onto the cargo elevator. He was ready to get out of here and move towards Shapeshifter Town.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Tain faced Jack began to say 'No he doesn't,' in response to Jack's request for medical aid, but stopped himself and grit his teeth. He took a deep breath. The old Tain, the other Tain, would have already shot the man dead without hesitation. It would have been self-defense. Too many loose ends keeping him alive. Too much hassle to explain why he was carrying a battered and wounded soldier when it was so much easier to blast him and chalk it up to a battlefield casualty.

But that Tain was dead and gone, wasn't he? That was what he had told himself. Jack spoke truthfully, too. Pondering this, he spoke softly as he holstered his pistol. "Permission granted... all four of you."

The elevator lurched slightly and began its ascent into the hold of the RRD. Tain pressed a button hidden on the inside of his coat's lapel and spoke low. "Ops, this is Tain. I have two wounded needing medical attention. One male, mid-twenties, suffering from contusions and possible fractures, dehydration and major bloodloss. Have aid and litter on standby. The second--"

He trailed off as he turned to look at the patient on Seiji's makeshift litter, as he hadn't caught what Seiji said before. His expression went blank. "What the hell is that."

It was not a question.


Summary: Tain and company ascend into the hold of the RRD.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Seiji shrugged as the cargo elevator locked into place in the main hold of the airship. Crew members were ready for them, stepping in and grabbing what few items the ground crew had brought up with them. Most importantly, medical crews were standing by, ready to take both the injured soldier and the strange creature Seiji had brought aboard.

Passing the creature on to the medical crew (who stared strangely before shrugging and dragging him off), Seiji discarded the slab of rock nonchalantly. He craned his neck as he peered all around the inside of the ship hold. It wasn't huge, but it was a fair size. Large enough to house a bunch of refugees, he thought, wondering soon there-after why he'd come to such a thought.

"Nice ship. Where'd you get it?!"
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Nice ship. Where'd you get it?!"

"I found it," Tain muttered dismissively as he gave instructions to the medical team to take their patients into a secure holding area before treating them. The last thing he needed was an alien crawling around the ducts, or heaven forbid a fanatical believer ready to blow himself and the ship up for- what was it he had said? Warmaster Death and the Emperor? You can't get more fatalistic than that, he thought.

The sparsely decorated interior of the Red Raccoon Dog was alive with activity. Crew members uniformed in aqua moved about the hold checking the shrouded equipment that was there with datapads in hand while others rushed pallets full of parts across the span of the ship. Overall there was an air of preparation, as if they were about to commence a tremendous undertaking. Tain made no move to explain any of it, and instead said, "Mind your step," as he weaved between the activity.

A blue-armored cyberknight brushed by Tain, deactivated plasma sword dangling from her belt with a translucent shield strapped to her back. "AFTA" was emblazoned upon one of the shoulder pauldrons. Tain paused in step and looked over his shoulder for a moment. Apparently the RRD's "guests" had gotten bored with sitting idle. He addressed his two new guests, Jack and Seiji. "If you care to join me, just take this elevator or the stairwell to the upper deck and look for operations. Can't miss it. Seiji, showers are one deck up to your left. Try not to get lost, either of you, and if you do... ask someone for directions."

He hesitated for a moment. "And don't open the quarters on deck 4. Cyberknights can be kind of cranky before battle."

With that, he had disappeared up the stairwell.


Further down the hall towards the aft of the ship, the medical team rushed their patients into the secure ward. They had scanned the guardman's bloodtype and injuries, and already set to work on mending him. But the medics were casting questioning looks to the ship's surgeon as Vay laid unconscious on the examination table. He only shook his head.

"For this one, there's only so much we can do," The surgeon said. "Get me some saline; we'll dress this cauterization and wrap the wound. From what little I can gather, his vitals are stable... we'll have to hope he pulls out of it on his own."

Once the medical staff was finished attending to the two injured, they sealed the door behind them and departed. The guardsman and Kroot's equipment lay undisturbed in a locker lining the hallway just outside the secure ward.


Tain passed through the double hatched passage into the bridge like an angry wraith and rounded on the tactical console. He glanced at the screens mounted there, catching the crewman unaware. The young officer jumped slightly after noticing the Captain staring into him. "Close that out. Now. We'll have words later."

Upon a now-dejected tactical closing the distractions, Tain noticed that it had revealed a video recording of him screaming and jumping around like an ant below. He quickly reached over to close the video feed. His cheeks flushed red again, this time from embarrassment, but he turned away without saying anything. "Helm, full power to turbo props. Get us moving towards Iwaku and take us up to five thousand meters. Give me as much speed as you can without breaking Mach 1... I don't want to draw attention to us with all these hostiles out there."

Upon Tain taking his seat, a smirking Lieutenant Weber stopped nearby to him and whispered conspiratorially. "A very fetching portrait of our Captain, by the way."

Tain growled in internal agony and cupped his forehead.


Summary: The RRD with guests and Tain aboard makes its way for Iwaku. The injured guardsman and Vay are taken into a secure ward in the ship's medical bay and locked there. Part of the RRD's cargo seems to consist of AFTA cyberknights...
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The inside of the war sphere was just as he remembered it. He stood in the large vaulted room alone, a cold draft coming from the corridor ahead yet he could his turn away. The air swirled around the young warrior tainted by the smell of rust, lubricants and decay. He lurched forwards falling to his knees one hand shooting forwards to prevent him falling over entirely.

Something about what he saw caught his attention. His claws where different, somehow and something was wrong. He tipped sideways falling to the deck grating and slowly, hand shaking turned his palm to face him. A scream tore itself from his throat as an eye swiveled to look at his within his own flesh and laughter echoed around him. Slowly the scene around him changed to a city, a castle looking over it. The sky was blood red and everywhere he looked fires raged. The he turned around and saw a huge stone spider dueling and equally large metal scorpion while armored figures wielding pistols and axes ran about beneath them. A sound behind him made him turn again and there stood a human, but of a size rivaling the gray marine that had shot him. Malevolent eyes looked down at Vay and the human spoke.

"Your fate is written, you will not die today instead you will help us destroy there stone nuisances. Now awaken."

Vay stirred and his breathing regained strength before his eyes slid open the dream already half forgotten.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Shower! All right!" Seiji clapped Jack on the shoulder as gently as he could manage with his excitement at the prospect of a hot shower. "I'll check you later dude; see you up in ops, yeah?" And with that, he bounded for the stairwell.


Towel draped around his shoulders, wearing the only spare outfit in his backpack (which consisted of a white pair of khakis and a Human Tree tee shirt), Seiji explored the ship. He wandered the rest of the deck with the showers and found only a few random living quarters and a few storage rooms; boring. Especially considering everyone was working double-time. He then remembered something Tain had told him down in the cargo hold:

"...don't open the quarters on deck 4. Cyberknights can be kind of cranky before battle."

I wonder what a cyberknight is, he thought curiously as he took the elevator to deck 4. Stepping off, he peered left and right, shrugged, and swung a right. Very quickly he found himself surrounded by men and women in various state of blue armoured-dress. Some brandished what looked like transparent tower shields, others wielded brilliant energy swords; they all looked like they were preparing for battle. Some laughed, some practiced combat maneuvers alone and with each other and

"Hi guys!"

... they all stopped to look up at him with a scowl.

SUMMARY: Seiji showers and, against Tain's advice, finds Deck 4.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER THREE: The Negative Legion

Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The air on the bridge was thick with smoke, casting a haze that was almost difficult to see through. The gloom was cut by light shining through the cracked viewscreen, which peeked through the trees of the forest outside. Sparks spat intermittently and cables hung from the ceiling like a throwback to a tropical jungle. The crew was slowly coming to their senses. Some had strapped in... some, like Tain, had not. The events played over in his head as he struggled to find his breath...

The ship was almost free of her pursuers, making good time despite the whole of Iwaku seeming to want to shoot her out of the sky at the moment. The dispersal pattern was inadequate, and the plating was holding up to the fire that did manage to strike her... albeit barely. It was going too well. That's probably why the overdrive manifolds gave way to the pressure and bent inward. The added turbulence was a minor annoyance that jarred the entire ship.

He wheezed softly, painstakingly planting both hands on the deckplating and drawing his cheek from the floor. He was vaguely aware of the trickle of blood running down the side of his head, and quickly found that his strength was still being elusive. He was able to redirect his weight to roll onto his back just before his arms gave out, coughing as he fought for his voice. "Report..."

A minor annoyance turned into a major one however, as the RRD suddenly quit under pressure. The overdrive gave up the ghost partway into the acceleration phase just as they had reached the forest, causing a power surge that took the grav repulsors offline and killed all three pulsejets in one go. The haunting sound of a plane caught in a dive filled the entire vessel as she pitched precariously, casting her occupants about.


Everyone else seemed to be coming to their senses. He struggled onto his side, urging himself into a sitting position with some effort. He coughed again, fighting to clear his airway and bring breath to his lungs again. After a moment, he tried it again. "Report! ... Is anyone alive?"

The Aegis had worked as intended, saving them from the initial impact and several subsequent strikes that would have left the RRD unsalvageable. Clear geometric hexagons seemingly appeared out of thin air around the impact area, taking the brunt of the kinetic blow as she careened into the trees. But it only went so far. Experimental technology was apparently still experimental for a reason. The redundancy systems for the RRD's Fenrir reactor triggered flawlessly, cutting off main power to the ship to prevent a serious core breach-- and also subsequently stealing the power needed to run the Aegis. The RRD's fate was left to gravity...

The tactical officer swooned slightly shaking his head to free himself of cobwebs as he keyed up a three dimensional display of the ship on the only console that was lit for him.
"Sir... we've... suffered damage to our outer hull. Decks seem to be intact... the Aegis and grav repulsors kept us from getting completely crushed, but the grav repulsors are operating at a low frequency... our Fenrir reactor is out. We're on emergency power, sir... the techs are working on getting the turbine generator running."

"Casualties, Ensign...?"

"Unknown, sir... but it doesn't look good."

The Captain winced as he drew himself to his feet. "Priority is to ensure everyone is cared for. Get anyone who isn't working on getting the reactor back online searching for survivors. Scour every deck; I don't want anyone left unhelped." He stumbled over to his First Officer to help her to her feet. "We're going to need everyone working together if we're going to get the Red Raccoon Dog on her feet again. And set a watch. Radio if you see anything suspicious or hostile."

With that he limped down the hallway, traversing through the gloom of emergency lighting with purpose. In truth, he was heartbroken. But it wasn't the time; he had to trust that they would be able to get the ship back on her feet again. If not, he might as well be dead anyway.


Summary: Crash landing flashback, Tain starts looking for survivors, and the crew who are able to move around have begun aiding the injured.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The night of the n00b attack on Shapeshift Town. . .

Tegan could not sleep. She tossed and turned, which caused uncomfortable lumps to form in her feather bed; which made sleep all the more elusive. After a few more moments of fruitless battle for sleep, Tegan rolled on to her back to stare at the ceiling. She took a deep breath and let it go.
That was when it hit her, causing her to nearly jump, as if struck.

Something was coming.

It was then that Tegan realized that the night sounds of the forest had suddenly gone silent. With a knot of dread tightening in her stomach, Tegan slowly descended the steps of the ladder to her sleeping loft, cringing with each creak made by her weight. It was as if the unknown threat were suddenly in her little cottage, though she knew better. Silently, Tegan cleared the small room that held more books and trinkets than it should, until she reached the front door. She opened it and stood tentatively in the threshold. The knot in her stomach tightened when she saw the sky, or rather, the blackness that had filled it, blocking out all light from the moon and stars.


Suddenly, a light, so bright and terrible it seemed to pierce the sky itself, cut through the smoke. Tegan let out a frightened gasp, and sank to her knees, clutching the doorframe as memories she did not understand flooded her mind. She did not know how long she stayed that way, but finally, after the flood had subsided, she became of aware of night sounds returning. Tegan opened her eyes and found her cheeks were cold and wet.

The smoke still clung to the air, but the light was gone.
Some unspoken current that still resonated deep within began to call to her, to push her somewhere in the forest. Quietly, Tegan stood and wiped the cold tears from her face and set to work. She dressed herself in her earth colored trousers, long white tunic and indigo cloak that fell just past her knees. She filled her canteen with fresh water from the nearby spring and placed a few food and medicine items into her leather bag. Then, without looking back, Tegan left the comforting scents of her old books and drying herbs and set out into the darkness; only aware of the moist earth against her bare feet, and the tug in her heart that guided her through the night.

After so many lives deluding her true memories, Tegan could not easily read the celestial signs that marked her mind like a brand. She only knew that she was powerless to resist them.
So the woman travelled deeper and deeper into the forest to find whatever it was that was coming. Though she did not know what she sought, or what she should do when she found it.
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The night of the battle, Tegan sees the smoke that drifted from Shapeshift Town, and a strange light in the sky. She cannot explain why, but she knows something is coming, and sets out to find it. Unaware that she will not stumble upon it until early the next morning.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Okami, opened his eyes slowly. He felt a sharp pain on his forehead, he touched it and saw the blood on his fingers. He stood up, but a little to fast and his aching body seemed to collapse in protest. His head was pounding. He looked around and saw the smear of blood and the corner of a doorway. Okami couldn't remember why he was here, he had come this way for a reason, but everything was a blur. He thought about how he got here, He fought hard in the castle, he vaguely remembered boarding the vessel, and walking down the corridor for some reason, and that was all he could remember. He tried standing up again, this time with better results. He noticed that the floor wasn't even. was that how it was supposed to be?"no" he said outloud, this wasn't right, his mind seemed to be swimming, he couldn't concentrate. Blood started dripping off his muzzle, it was flowing slowly down his face and staining the white spots of fur under his eyes. "I need help" he said groggily to himself.
He started to stumble down the hallway. it was filled with others who had been thrown down by the ships "rough" landing. as he walked his mind began to clear. people were busily going up and down the corridor doing one thing or another, He refused care from two or three medical personnel, so they could help those who were in more need. as his mind cleared he began to look for some soldiers, he was a warrior, and he felt the need to help where he could, he often would help someone move debris or a critically injured person. Okami felt that his efforts would be best served with some other warriors

SUMMARY(After the crash Okami wakes up and begins helping others while looking for some soldiers to help)
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Charging down the corridors of a collapsing space station, desperate to reach the safety of the transport at the end. Almost there, when the station gives way, thrown into darkness--

--The shockwave hits the transport, and we're all thrown about in the cramped cargo hold. I steady myself, wincing as my ribs grate again, helping several other passengers up--

--Land, standing back to back with Uriel as we blast away at shadowy figures in crimson masks, two lone figures holding the doors to the temple against overwhelming odds, spitting in Death's face. An explosion rocks the scene again, thrown forwards--

--The ship begins to fall, it's forward motion failing as the ground as it begins to plummet towards the ground. I grab ahold of something, yelling at the others to do the same--

--Lying in the ruins of Iwaku in the Old Universe, Teagen looming over and cackling. The necromancer raises his staff to deliver the finishing blow, only to be hit by a blur of motion, the scene explodes again, the ground gives way--

--"What's happening?" Asmodeus yells at one of the Cyber Knights.

"We've lost the Aegis. Hold onto something!" comes the reply as I hold on for dear life.


--Hit the ground running, pursuing Porg through the streets of Iwaku City. Catch him at the Station, calm him down, try to explain the situation to him, just as the invasion begins and the train is hit by something from beyond this world--

--The drive gives out, leaving the ship spiralling through the air for just a second before it hits the canopy. The sudden motion throws me, and I'm barely able to hold onto the ship. Chaos, sheer fucking chaos, as we burst into the trees. People and objects are being hurled about like ragdolls, I'm barely conscious from the pain and the motion sickness. Fade to black--

--Lie there, in black, unable to move, finished, beaten, broken. The human body can only do so much, be put through a certain amount of pressure before it gives out entirely. Close eyes--

--I return to consciousness briefly, just in time to see the ground rushing towards us. But the motion is to much, and I'm out again in seconds--

--Open them again, as I finally notice the figures standing around me, like candles in the dark. Their faces are faint, hard to make out, but recognisable none-the-less. Rieme and Sebastian stand hand-in-hand, with Officer Sura next to them. MAC stands amongst them, the robot looking thoroughly bored with his surroundings. Gorn looms behind Sura, and directly in front of me stand Doctor Wright and Lamord, my Captain.

Old crew-mates, old friends. Long lost, but not forgotten.

Now's no time to be giving up. There's still too much to be done. The Knights of Iwaku, the Legacy's Eye, we still have to play our part in all this.

Can't stop 'till I'm dead, and I have no intention of dropping any time soon.

Smiling, Lamord holds out a hand, and I grasp it, pulling myself up with his help, with all their help, away from the black, back to...

...I open my eyes.

Grant flits in and out of consciousness as the ship crashes, old memories coming back to him. Finally losing consciousness entirely upon the ship crashing, he's brought back onto his feet by the memories of his old crew-mates aboard the Legacy. Yay, cheese.
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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

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Natalie Rose

The air around her was tense. The lighting was rather strange as she rested her head on a tree branch. Her sapphire eyes penetrated the night, observing the smoke that seemed to well up from Shapeshift Town with the eye of an insane hunter. Moving her light hair from her eyes, she got up, clutching her dagger as she made her way down the tall tree that she had been observing the destruction's billowing smoke from. It's almost time, Natalie, She thought to herself, addressing her weaker personality. I don't want to do this; you don't want to, do you? her meek side asked her stronger side. Yes, I do. power is everything, little girl, Natalie couldn't help but grin maliciously, taken over by her darker self.

Natalie finished climbing down the tree to meet with the pitch-black floor. Her vision was severly impaired in the night's darkness, making her want to stay near the tree in fear, but strangely at the same time kill some prey with reckless abandon. And so, she crept in the night, her once human forme now much more lupine. Her animal had been released by the call of night. Her vision gradually adjusted, her ears becoming much more in tune with the things around her. She had not literally changed form, but this was as close as she would get, for she already had the mentality of one.

That dark smile still remained on her ghostly pale face. Her blue eyes displayed an uninhibited insanity that had released itself. Ah, yes, come closer, she noticed a deer wandering about away from safety. Didn't your mommy ever tell you that there are monsters in the night? Natalie wondered as her pupils narrowed, a truly sadistic look now on her face as she creeped closer, stealthily approaching the beast within a mere few feet. Now! Natalie's mind cried out as she flicked out her dagger, leaping at the unsuspecting deer.

The poor creature struggled in the faint moonlight filtering through the clearing, but it was no use. The girl was too used to hunting mere deer for this one to get away. It fought for a matter of seconds before the girl had trampled the pitiful creature, rendering it unable to escape or fight back. A flash of the girl's dagger lit up the clearing in a mystifying yet horrid way as she took the deer's life. She got up, licking the blood off of her fingers. What were you thinking?!? How are we gonna drag this poor thing home? her weaker entity protested out of line. Shut it, her other personality responded defiantly, only for Natalie to feel the adrenaline from the kill quickly cut off, letting pain flow through. Damn it, Natalie thought to herself as she sat down, clutching her legs in pain as she fell on her back. This'll probably hurt worse in the morning, Natalie thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

And so, Natalie woke up to the sound of birdsong surrounding her. Birds, they're so annoying, Natalie angrily thought as she slashed the air with her dagger out of scorn towards the birds that would not cease their singing. I-i think they're cu-SHUT IT, her weaker personality was yet again forced back into line by her stronger personality. Anyway, come on, we've gotta do what they asked us to. They should be here by now, Natalie reminded herself as she attempted to get up, only to feel pain radiate throughout her body. Damn that dear, Natalie angrily cursed to herself as she lied back down.

Natalie witnesses the smoke coming from Shapeshift Town from a tree before hunting down a deer and killing it. However, in the process of killing it, she is hurt, and now unable to get up since the pain is too much for her in the morning.
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