The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 3 - Anirune Forest

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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Uhh, Seiji? SEIJI!"

As Seiji lept off to the crashed ship, Ian turned to Soldato.


No response.

Ian scratched his head and decided to do what anyone in that situation would do. Walk off. Ian began heading in the direction of the crashed ship, but stopped.

"That is way too fucking far. What should I do? Hmm..."

And it hit him.


Ian forgot all of his new companions and excited ran off to that spot of which he had recently discovered.

"I gotta map that place out!"

Ian's movement changed from walk, to jog, to sprint. He was very excited.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Vay was aware of the human's approach. Hunter's instincts told him the marine had changed direction. He was perfectly still in his leafy hiding place ears in tune with the sounds of the forest, nostrils analising every scent for the familiar smell of the hulking humans.

Instinct, it was all he had, and it took hold of him.


The yell sounded through the trees, a call for aid against an enemy of the kindred, a call for guidance, a desperate sound, unanswered, futile, useless.

Worse than useless as it reached the ears of the grandmaster.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The Grandmaster heard the beast's scream and charged toward it at full steam, barely altering his present course, confident that the shrouding would conceal him until he was close enough to engage it with either Storm-Bolter or, pray the emperor, his Nemesis Weapon.

If he got that close to the beast he knew it would not survive the blades edge, nothing could, he'd sliced through adamantium plates used in Tank construction with it before. it would make short work of this opponent.

He approached the source of the roar, and raised his storm bolter
"Where are you daemon?"
Was all that he said
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

No reply came to the cry, none was ever really expected. Vay gathered his legs under him and sprang out into open air. Claws met bark and the xeno swung upwards higher into the branches in a tree neighboring the one he had been in. Thats when his instincts went through the roof. It was here.... right below him among the falling leaves.

With a movement so slow a vespid would have trouble detecting it he unslung his rifle and pointed it downwards still now seeing the human. Then he saw.. something and fired.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The shrouding had worked, the Xeno's shot missed the Grandmaster by meters, immediately noting the trajectory of the shot he raised his storm-bolter to the air and gave a return volley, his right hand gripping His Nemesis Weapon tightly.

He didn't expect to hit the Creature, but to knock it off whatever branch it was hiding on. Despite the fact that it's very existence was a sin against the emperor, everything, no matter how foul deserved to face it's opponents in the open, and he would grant this creature the same honor.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Vay was showered with splinters and bark as the branch he was on have was with a snapping sound. With the agility and savage grace of his race he landed in front of the marine on all fours near the small smoking crater from the plasma he had fired.

His pale yellow eyes met with the human's and the quill's on his head bristled as a low growl built in his throat. Then without warning he jumped over the Marine's head landing behind him and with a shot at his back disappeared behind a tree.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Fortunately terminator armor, was armored equally on the back as the front, still. in the time it took him to turn around the creature had disappeared again. Growing annoyed he raised his storm bolter and began destroying the forest around him, trying to knock down trees to give him a line of sight and possibly even crush the xeno beneath one of them.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The kroot dodged out from cover running sideways a volley of plasma heading for the Grandmaster as he dodged through the trees. The human has his position now as trees fell hiding was no longer an option and cover was not lasting long. A trunk exploded in front of vay and he threw his hand in front of his face and the tree fell. He had just enough time to see the rush of green and brown rushing closer before it hit him.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Charles shook his head at the man in response. At first when he had been running up he drew his pistol and aimed it at the man. When it became apearant that the man was unarmed he lowered the weapon. It was still facing him, just aimed towards the ground more than the man. The Sealed City had at least tought him enough to not rely on a person's apearance.

Stumbling forward he realized the craft was still there, smoke breathing out of the rear hatch as if the craft was a dragon of myth. He began moving as quickly as he could away from it, dropping to his knees at one point.

"We have to move." He said, looking towards the man as he got closer. "I don't know how much longer till the fuel cells blow, but we don't want to be around then."

Summery: Charly talks to Seiji after almost shooting him when he pops up and starts running away from the dropship possibly going boom.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The Grandmaster cautiously approached the Xeno, noting that it had been Pinned beneath a fallen tree he recognised the creature now that it was still for long enough, and the Legends of the Dameclease Crusade instantly flooded his mind, in vengeance for his fallen brothers he leveled the storm bolter at the beasts chest and fired 1 round through (what he thought to be anyway) it's heart and left it to suffer as it died, as he made his way to the nearest settlement.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Ian's sprint seemed endless, until he finally reached those same bushes of which the city was behind. He panted and fell on all fours, recovering from the long dash.

"How...*pant* people...*pant* this...*pant*...without getting tired?"

He coughed a little, streched, and proceeded to walk towards the bush. AS he did though, he noticed the sound of footsteps. He turned around, to see a big guy in armor (not Soldato) walking through the forest.

"Best not disturb him..."

He pushed through the bushes and entered the small tunnel to the city.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The stormbolter round penetrated, through and dug into the ground under the alien. If it had detonated it would have been the end but for now Vay was spared. Black blood flowed over the ground pooling around him. Even without the detonation it was a grievous wound. He managed to drag himself out of the branches of the fallen tree and a short distance away before collapsing.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"This fucker's about to explode? Oh, great!" Seiji moaned in irritation as he shoved his fingers into the hull of the drop ship. With a slight grunt of exertion, he lifted the entire drop ship above his head. Metal groaned as it hung there for a moment, threatening to fall apart in response to being man-handled after the crash it had just experienced. Suddenly Seiji bent his knees, lowered the hulk of the doomed ship, and threw it straight up into the sky.

He put a lot of effort into that throw. He was pretty sure it would break orbit, at the most.

Then he thought about what would happen with the raining debris.


"Looks like we're safe now!" Seiji said, slapping his hands together in 'job-well-done' satisfaction. "So what's your name, bud? I'm Seiji. Just got here. Well, not just. Been standing here for a few--what the heck is that?"

Seiji pointed at the edge of the treeline, just as a lone figure collapsed.

"Murphy's Law, indeed. Come on, it looks like someone could be hurt. You can walk, yeah?" Seiji gestured Charly to follow as he began to hop to, moving at an urgent-human's speed.

SUMMARY: Seiji throws the doomed drop ship into the sky using his super-strength. After introducing himself, he notices Vay come out of the treeline and collapse. He urges Charly to follow him to investigate, and moves without confirmation.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

A stone sphere dropped from the sky into the forest, It was large, easily 50 feet in diameter. It was brown and covered in a glowing red pattern of lines. It landed not 20 yards from the Grandmaster, the debris would have sent a lesser being flying, but The Grandmaster's Rosarius held out, projecting a faint golden aura around him as the dust and debris was deflected off of it.

He watched as it hovered into the air and began spinning and the top section came apart. He stood as crystals were being formed from a web and deployed as a summoning beacon, calling in a wide assortment of foul creatures, last he noted that the crown pillars became legs and fired a laser at what it must have thought was his location, had the shrouding not concealed him.

The monster was clearly a threat, and likely heretical in nature he raised his stormbolter and gave it a volley that barely scratched the exterior, leaving little but carbon residue from where the bolts had detonated against it's carapace. He hefted his nemesis blade in two hands and charged at it, striking a viscious blow that only just sank it's teeth into the beast. It struck him with one of it's limbs and sent the Grandmaster sprawling, no mean feat considering the sheer mass of both Space Marine and armor. it charged the beam again and fired, and the grandmaster barely scrambled out of the way, He hurled himself at the beast, avoiding the legs this time, he managed a handhold on the creatures carapace it's black, it thrashed around but couldn't shake the Grandmaster off of itself.

It began to Hover again, folding it's legs back up. it flew back into the air at incredible speed, but still the Grandmaster wouldn't let go it thrashed, and spun as it flew through the air but it had no way on knowing that a space marine would never relent, especially not the Grandmaster.

It flew off in a chaotic dance towards Shapeshifter Town, still trying to buck the Grandmaster off.


An Elder Invasion probe landed before the grandmaster, and though he could not kill it, it could not kill him either, and the Probe flew off with the Grandmaster holding on. Leaving the summoning crystals to do their work on the forest.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Seiji's ears quirked as he began to hear a cacophony of noise all at once. Nearby, a crash, and a battle. It sounded like another of those gigantic spiders; there was gunfire, more noise, and suddenly it was gone. Even farther in the distance, more of what had that distinct giant-spider noise, and the screams of horror and battle. People were trying to flee, and what sounded like a resistance... and then a river of voices. He couldn't make anything out anymore. He muttered, focused, and the noise became a quiet humming.

Not waiting for Charly to catch up (He'll catch up, is what Seiji thought), Seiji increased his speed until he finally ended up on top of the figure-- it was a wounded... thing. It had a large hole in its' chest, and was bleeding pretty badly.

"Son of a bitch," Seiji said flatly. He didn't know if it was still alive or not, but in his experience, it was always better to err on the side of caution. Even if it was alive, just a little bit, he had to help.

So leaning in, Seiji focused his vision and begin to emit low-level heat rays from his eyes, cauterizing the wound as best as he could. He finished the front quickly, rolled the creature over, and continued in the back.

Once finished, he settled him back onto the ground as best he could and gave him what little water he had in a canteen dangling at his back.

"Hey buddy, you still in there?"

SUMMARY: Seiji hears the nearby battle and then the sounds of battle and catastrophe out in the distance. He begins to make haste. Using heat vision, Seiji has cauterized Vay's open wound to help stop the bleeding. It's the best he could do with what limited knowledge he has of wounds: stop the bleeding, and you could save someone.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

It began in brilliance. Lights too numerous to count dipped and swirled at every angle, hemming the solitary figure amid their luminescence. Twisted wings of raven black twitched at absent updrafts, gamely trying to grasp what could not be touched. Coiled in a fetal posture, the ragged Angel plummeted through what seemed to be the universe to some place unknown.

There was no time, no feeling of aging. He might have been here for years or moments. Before, only cracked dirt had hugged his heels, an empty world between worlds in an endless march towards...something.

Perhaps redemption.

Had there been air or sound to laugh with, he might have. Redemption...his master would have scoffed at the idea. At one time there had been no need. Justice reigned supreme in a land unchallenged by conflict. But a king passed to the Beyond and former friends squabbled for an absent throne. Who had won? He couldn't say. Cut down, betrayed, offered up and forgotten by the land he served, this warrior had not lived to see the crown be placed.

Did he intend to return? Perhaps. One day when his mind was clearer and heart forgiven...but within this tumult of colors it seemed evident he'd never lay eyes upon the land he'd so loved.

He was too lost in thought to feel the impact, too gone in memory to feel stable earth beneath his shifting body. For the first few minutes, the angel lay upon the ground he'd so sought and lamented his absence.

It was the chirp of carefree birds (Far more carefree then he'd allowed himself to be) that woke him from his waking dreams. Eyes first drank dirt, the rich loam of a healthy forest as scent brought lilac, bark, and moss to tease his incredulity. He could not stand, not yet, and so he knelt and looked above. The sky was as it once had been a summer day too long to bear recounting. The trees hung draping branches he'd seen before and emerald leaves whispered welcome in the playful breeze.

He was home...Iwaku, the land he'd left in disgrace and defeat.

No answer as to how or why simply the knowledge of amazement and joy...a bubbling glee the angel barely could contain.

"IWAKU!" He howled, startling a flock of birds to wing away with chiding chirps. But he needed only say one word.

Jack Shade had come home.
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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

He was driving his car. He didn't know why though. He shifted into second gear and opened up the throttle, redlining the RPMs. The engine coughed and spluttered out a suffocating fume of exhaust as it rolled down hill... then he was standing outside in the grass. The sun was shining, and he could hear birds. A giant butterfly landed in front of him, and spoke sonorously...

"I had to kill a man. He tried to screw me on a... transaction. I didn't like that much. So I'm trying to buy weapons, Captain."

Tain stared. He didn't know how to respond for some reason. Normally he would have given a contact he knew, but he couldn't find his tongue now. He came to find out that he didn't have one.

"Captain? ... Captain, are you alright?"

That wasn't the Butterfly's voice...

"Captain... CAPTAIN!!"

Tain shot awake in his bed, barely suppressing a gasp for air. He really needed to talk to a doctor about these dreams. He rolled to his right and tried not to look like a bewildered man who just got caught in the middle of a lewd fantasy. The heart shaped face of his First Officer, Lieutenant Weber, was gazing back at him with an annoyed-but-unsurprised expression from his desk terminal. The untouched RFID tracker information also stared at him from a lesser corner of the screen. He had really fallen asleep...

"Working hard, sir?" She asked with a hint of irony.

"Yeah? I'm good. What's going on?" He didn't know it, but he had apparently been wrangling with his hair while asleep. It was currently springing outward in all directions.

"I have something I thought you'd want to see, sir. We're coming up on what looks like a battlefield... you should probably come out here." Tain rolled out of the bed. "I'm on my way, Ell-Tee."

Despite the urgency in his voice before, he glanced at himself in the mirror on his way out. Thankfully he had gone to sleep fully dressed, but he quickly decided to take the time to comb his hair. He then passed through the foyer of his quarters into the bridge, his coat trailing behind him from the length and pace of his stride. He still sounded commanding when he raised his voice, despite knowing full well that his Lieutenant Weber had caught him sleeping on the job. "So what's tactical got to say about this?"

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The crewman tensed a little when Tain walked up behind him to look at his console, quickly clicking away some of the windows that had been open a moment before. "Uh, looks as though some sort of battle occurred here, sir. I'm picking up faint traces of sporadic small arms fire. But have a look at these readings. They're--"

"What the fuck is that... any hostiles?" Tain murmured under his breath, leaning forward to read the tactical console now.

"That's what I said, sir... and no, they appear to have vacated the area."

Tain studied the readings for a moment, his lack of understanding for what he was looking at clear on his features as he did so. Finally, he turned to his First Officer. "How are we doing on our timeline?"

"We made good time riding the crosswind on our way out of AFTA. We're up by three hours."

Tain gave a nod and turned away from tactical. "Alright then. Helm, make a heading for the coordinates that tactical is relaying to you ri~ght... now. Give me full propulsion and begin our descent; I want to make it there and have ample time to get to Iwaku city." He strode over to his chair and hit a quick sequence into the keypad on the armrest. "All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Battlestations. I repeat, battlestations. This is not a drill, this is not a drill."

The whole ship came alive to the sound of barking klaxons. The ship trembled slightly as the fusion reactor compensated for the increasing demand for energy that the pulsejets were placing upon it. The crew whispered softly amongst themselves, unsure of how the vessel would take to her refit on her maiden voyage... they had not had time for a shake down. The sound died down, and the trembling ceased as the massive vessel reached cruising speed. Minutes passed by like hours with the deafening silence. The Captain's expression was grim when he finally spoke over the hushed whispering on the bridge.

"We're close enough. Cut the cruise engines and deploy airbrakes. Down trim fifteen degrees, flare on my mark."

All at once, the vessel lurched as she was enveloped with tremors and the violent noise of wind rushing by the flaps that had deployed around her base. She careened in on the clearing, filling the surrounding area with the violent whine-roar of her cruise engines powering down and the air she displaced with her sheer size. "Gravity repulsion field on maximum! Tone back the power once we level out and maintain 35 meters altitude. I want our ground gun crews on standby, and put the Phalanx on full alert. ECCM's to full power."

It sounded impressive, but in the grand scheme of things it was really only enough to keep them alive long enough to run away. The Red Raccoon Dog was not a full on military vessel, even though she could be handled in such a way. Tain prized her too much to put her in serious risk. However, when there was substantial profit involved...

The Red Raccoon Dog nosed up off of the clearing and thrummed deeply as the repulsion field took effect. The trees swayed and bent from the air that swam off of her hull. The massive ship gradually leveled off and came to a relative halt, straying slightly for a moment as she steadied herself. She was surprisingly agile for a vessel of her size.

Inside, the First Officer gave her Captain a look. "That was a little over dramatic, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, well. You know. Make a snazzy entrance and all that. Alright, scanners on full! Let's find some battlefield salvage that looks like it'll be worth some good cash!"

"ALL THIS WAS TO SCROUNGE FOR JUNK TO SELL?!" The First Officer snarled.

The Captain betrayed no outward shame as he looked back at her, speaking very quietly in a strange 'midget' voice. "Yis."

From the clearing below, the Red Raccoon Dog loomed overhead. Turrets and spotlights arranged on the belly of the vessel swept over the landscape, searching for signs of life and hostility. Up top, spotters gazed outward from the observation deck of the ship with telescopes and binoculars. After a moment, a hatch opened in the mid-belly, and a heavy duty elevator slowly began lowering. On it was a contingent of crew members armed with rifles, including Tain, who was gazing down at the battlefield and pointing at a particular tank wreckage that suffered relatively minor damage.

"There it is. Call up to the bridge and tell them to make ready with the Claw. We're taking that tank corpse with us, for certain. Ignore small arms, keep a look out for crew served weapons and ammunition crates. Let's try and make this quick, but keep your wits about you. No telling what's still out there, much less what's going to cook off when we're not looking. Basically: be safe."

With that he hopped off the elevator just before it touched the ground. In truth, there was no telling what this tank would sell for to budding militias or mercenaries. But his true goal was to survey the site for himself. He gazed down at the scorched earth surrounding one of the less fortunate tank hulls. He hoped that whatever did this was on their side. Nagging pessimism told him that it surely wasn't.


Summary: The grand entrance of the Red Raccoon Dog and her (somewhat) faceless crew. Tain detects the remnants of the battle with the Elders and investigates. The Red Raccoon Dog moves to and is currently hovering over the clearing, and Tain is exploring the battlefield below with armed members of his crew.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Seiji could only blink in wonder and surprise as he saw the fairly large (well, mostly medium-sized) airship-battlecruiser-thing idle above the forest clearing-turned-war zone. Just moments before he had saw this creature-thing come stumbling out of the treeline with a wound the size of a large orange in it's chest, and before that not too long ago this guy came stumbling out of a downed drop ship that he took upon himself to chuck into orbit to avoid a breached fusion-reactor explosion. And before that he saw a giant robot kill a bunch of things in skilled and gruesome fashion. Then it shut down, and hadn't moved since. It was still somewhere on the other side of the field.

Oh, wait. There was that one guy I met when I got here... Where did he go? Ah, crap. I hope he didn't die!

"Okay, uh... dude-I-met-from-the-crash?!" Seiji called loudly, "I'm going to go see what that is! You, uh... keep doing your thing!"

Being as sneaky as possible (and being quite successful at it, cockroach scurrying to and from various chunks of battle-crafted defillade), Seiji approached the now-fully-descended cargo elevator. He noticed several cargo containers on it already, and people milling about. He strained his hearing and noticed foot-steps, which direction they were coming from and...

"Oh, hey! What's up!" He said casually as he approached a man in a long coat. He looked in charge. "That thing up there yours?"

SUMMARY: Seiji approaches Tain and says hi.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Oh, hey! What's up!" He said casually as he approached a man in a long coat. He looked in charge. "That thing up there yours?"

That tactical guy was so going to get an ass chewing later. Not one 'hey, Captain, there's some dude hiding in a bush' or even a 'Sir, I'm getting some funny life signs!' This was total bullshit. He hoped it was the first and last time he got sneaked.

Pistols were pointed at
Seiji with nothing more for warning than a split second rustle of fabric. Tain's coat was still trailing melodramatically behind him well after the weapons were drawn and aimed. "WHOA! WHOA! You can't just-- who the hell're you?!"

A flash of recognition crossed Tain's face, and he withdrew his aim from Seiji to wave off some of the salvage crew that had ran up to train their weapons on him. "No! It's alright. He's not hostile." He paused to reflect on this. "Unless you get him drunk and steal his blanket."

Tain didn't put away his pistols. "She's mine. Her upgrades are on a loan. What the hell are you doing out here, Seiji?"


Summary: Tain says hi to Seiji.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

He knows my name?

Squinting, Seiji took a few steps towards the man with the dual pistols and finally, a look of recognition crossed his face.

"... Tain? Is that you? Well, I'll be damned! How'd you get here? I would've thought you'd have been off across the universe, or something, pissing off battlestar cruisers and giant space-cubes of destruction. Not... here!" He gestured wildly and broadly to everything around them. He almost spun around for emphasis, but stopped himself at the last minute. Consequently, it looked like he stumbled. On nothing. "Especially after watching Moonwings burn like that."

"Er, anyways, not my fault I'm here. I got sort of bored one day and ate this burrito, and next thing I knew--" Again, he gestured all around. No half-assed pirouette this time, though. "Popped up on the other side of this forest, and it hasn't been the same since. I smell again!" He lifted his arm and sniffed loudly. "I've been pretty good about bathing recently. Not used to this... grimy feeling."

He suddenly approached him heavily and quickly, thrusting an arm out and grabbing his wrist, wildly shaking his arm in a bro-handshake. "Good to see you! It's nice seeing a familiar face. So, uh... What are you doing here?!"

SUMMARY: Seiji explains that he appeared in Iwaku because of a burrito (maybe), and asks what Tain is doing in Iwaku.
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