The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 3 - Anirune Forest

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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

The two ate their dinner in silence. Faramond staring at megane-kun and megane-kun avoiding Faramond's stare. Neither wanted to be the first one to break the silence.

After their dinner, megane-kun immediately went to sleep. Faramond stayed awake and watched the sleeping megane-kun.

"He who is supposed to be me, but isn't."

Faramond massaged his forehead and leaned against a tree trunk just behind him.

"He isn't me anymore. But wasn't he supposed to be me?"

Faramond resisted the urge to come closer to the sleeping megane, but he badly wanted to.

"He who is supposed to be my avatar in this world. He who is supposed to reflect my character, my worldview, my wishes, everthing that I wanted to say in this game."

"Who is he supposed to be? What am I thinking when I began participating in this game anyways?"

Without thinking, Faramond stood up and moved closer to megane. He stood near a sleeping megane-kun and reached out to touch his face.

"Is he that person I thought he would be?"

Faramond bended down and sat just beside megane. He could no longer stop himself and started carressing megane's face.

"I... no... We?"

And then a hand stopped him.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" it was megane's voice. Faramond's hand was tightly grabbed by megane, pinning it to the ground.

"I... I was..."

"You were... what?" megane-kun asked, but with a tone Faramond never could have anticipated. Something he couldn't explain.

"Who are you and what are you doing following me around?" megane-kun asked as he dragged Faramond towards him. Faramond fell over and his face stopped a few inches short of touching megane's face.

"I... I don't have..." Faramond stuttered.

Megane-kun pulled Faramond closer, their faces, lips, touching for a brief moment. It was Faramond who had to pull himself up so that he can breathe.

"No, you won't even understand even if I told you the reason..." Faramond mumbled, turning his face away from megane-kun.

Megane-kun grabbed Faramond's face and turned it towards him."Look at me. Isn't that what you've been doing earlier?"

Faramond's face turned deep red, "You..."

Megane-kun sat up and grabbed Faramond's collar, "Do whatever you wanted to do with me. Whatever it is that you wanted. Anything." Megane-kun stared directly into Faramond's eyes.

"Yes!! But no! I might think this way sometimes, but you don't get it!" Faramond wanted to say, but all he could do is turn his to avert his eyes from megane-kun's stare.

"I got it! Maybe this can buy me some more time... I hope."

Faramond sniffed megane-kun's neck and grimaced, "You stink. Now I am no longer in the mood."

"Yeah, let's take a bath..." Faramond suggested.

"And what? Leave me alone then?"

"Maybe. Now get up so that we can get moving."

megane-kun catches faramond staring at him and angrily asked him what he was doing following megane around. faramond knew that even if he explained, megane-kun wouldn't understand it, let alone believe it, and decides to buy some time.

the two then set out to find somewhere they could take a bath.

another senseless post whose only purpose is to develop the characterization of my two characters.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Musical Score: Astronomy - Metallica

The legacy wreck was a potent site for Uriel, smells, sensations and emotions from the past flooded through him and as Myrnodyn spoke, he felt something sinister fill him, as if from his ears to his brain, then to his every fibre and ounce of being from there.

Knight commander? bah, you barely handled the position of sergeant! you are a pathetic excuse for a necromancer, and an even worse soldier

"fuck off"

and why pray tell, would i do that? I AM you, the best, smartest most sane part of you, if any part of you could be called any of that

"you are nothing more than doubt, i crushed you on the torment, i'll do it again here"

will you now, but you crushed your intelligence then because of HER and she is not here Uriel, she. is. DEAD. because of you.

"you are
NOTHING, she, i,"

thats right you imbecile, she is not her because she is dead, you will NEVER hold her, you will never say ANYTHING to her, now embrace reality, submit

"submit? submit to what?"

why yourself of course

as the voice whispered in Uriel's mind, he dropped to his knees, his hand gripping the holster of his pistol, his knuckles white and his entir body trembled

draw it. USE it, and you can be with her again

Uriel trembled and the pistol slid out of its holster

"N-no, i wont do it"

oh but you will Uriel Verasius, you will because you know you should, because you know she awaits you...or does she?

the voice in Uriel's head laughed darkly as the trembling pistol was leveled to his head, the muzzle pressed tight against his temple

do it, do it. do IT DO IT!

the voice was practically screaming now, and a low moan of dismay fell from Uriel's lips as his finger tightened on the trigger


even as Uriel's finger tightened, he felt something within himself stir, and he felt the mind numbing misery melt away slowly, yet his hand was still ice cold and it would not be long until the pistol fired but even as the hammer reached the the hight of its rise, Uriel felt something white hot surge through him like a firestorm and the gun tilted upwards, slowly but surely.

(Musical Score Firestorm - Sabaton)

The Pistol fired, the bullet surging upwards into the sky even as Uriel rose, his entire body wreathed in black-green flames, smoke bleching from his eyes, nose and when he opened it, his mouth

"I will NOT submit" he growled to himself, his voice low and bestial.

his skin crawled, and had Grant looked, he would have seen how Uriel and Balthazar* were clearly brothers, for it was as if worms crawled beneath the Knight-Commander's skin as he moved to support Grant, further blocking the passage of the others

We are the Knights of Iwaku, you WILL answer to us" he delcared, even as the hulking form of Mizzdogg moved towards them

"git out of da way umie, or oi'll give ya a thump!" the Ork said simply, his Powa Klaw snapping open and shut as he did so, But Uriel would not move, and the Ork's blood red eyes met that of the Knight-Commander, and he stopped mid stride, as if the two were communicating through just their eyes, the Ork relented

"Orite, but dont yoo be mukkin about umie!" the ork muttered as it lowered its weapons, though its face remained stuck in an angered griamce.
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Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Walking in the darkness of the night wasn't exactly the brightest idea that entered Faramond's mind, but what can he do? Megane-kun already has suspicions, suspicions that Faramond wasn't sure he could answer to.

Megane-kun walked ahead of Faramond, a few steps or so maybe, but Faramond could feel that even megane-kun found it difficult to forge ahead. From time to time, he looked back at Faramond.

"What... What are you really after?" megane-kun stopped dead on his tracks and asked.

"Would you really believe if I told you?" Faramond replied, stopping just inches away from megane.

Faramond put his hands around megane's, "Would you really believe that...."

"That?" megane-kun asked, looking directly to the only thing he could see in the darkness: Faramond's eyes.

"Never mind," Faramond pushed megane-kun away, "I'll explain it to you once we're in better circumstances."

In his hurry, Faramond didn't notice a fallen tree trunk blocking their way and he fell tumbling down several meters into the unknown below. Megane-kun, panicked, followed suit.

Faramond caught a glimpse of megane's worried face before losing consciousness. The two, Faramond and megane-kun, fell on top of a heap of dried leaves with megane-kun falling on top of Faramond. Near them was a settlement that developed around what could be ruins of a spaceship.


"The same room yet again, huh?"

"So you're here..." a by-now-familiar voice commented, "Sorry for that little something, but I need you here."

Faramond's eyes squinted a little, adjusting to the strong artificial light that covered the entire room. Looking out the window, Faramond guessed that it's already evening. City lights pierced what was supposed to be the darkness of the night.

"What for?"

"Well, it seems to me that you don't know what to do," the voice said, still not turning away from his computer, "I don't know what to do with the two of you either."


The owner of the voice, the same fat guy Faramond encountered before, faced Faramond with a serious face, "megane-kun will become part of a bigger story. A story bigger than I had originally intended. Whatever happens, you must let him fulfill his destiny."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Faramond asked.

The fat guy began typing furiously, "I don't know. I just want to let you know that he has a destiny waiting for him. A destiny that you might not be a part of...."

"But?!" Faramond interjected. Something dawned upon him that he was unwilling to accept.

"Good luck. Don't worry, I'll see to it that you'll be part of the action too," the fat guy said as he typed more furiously. The frantic pace of his typing began to lull Faramond into sleepiness, and nothingness.


Faramond was waken up by the light peircing his eyes, and megane-kun drooling into his clothes. The words of the fat guy echoed into his mind though: "Whatever happens, you must let him fulfill his destiny."

"What the fuck is he saying?!" Faramond thought, "More importantly, I need to get this guy off my clothes or I'll end up being soaked in drool!"

"Get up! GET UP YOU!" Faramond violently pushed megane-kun away from him. With megane-kun no longer blocking his sight, Faramond saw the ruined spaceship and the community that has gathered in it, or around it.

"C'mon!! There seems to be people around here. We can ask if they have a bathroom or something," Faramond sat up and shook megane-kun.

"Anyways, you not hurt anywhere?" Faramond asked while checking for his own injuries. Megane-kun nodded lazily.

"Let's go then," Faramond stood up and put megane-kun's arms around his shoulders and proceeded towards the ruins. There was some shouting and quarreling, but for most part, most of the people gathered were silent, too silent. It is as if they were simply waiting for their own deaths.

"Where are you taking me?" megane-kun asked.

"I don't know," Faramond shrugged, "but somewhere is better than nowhere."

"That's true," megane-kun agreed, "Anyways, I can walk alone now, thanks."

Megane-kun looked around the people around him and saw nothing more than a congregation of sheep waiting for slaughter. Such a depressing sight. Among these depressed sheep, however, was a face he's sure wasn't supposed to be there.

"GRACE?!" megane-kun gasped, "Isn't she supposed to be....?"

Faramond wasn't able to stop megane-kun from running to this Grace person, and has no choice but to follow him.

"Is this the start of his destiny?" Faramond wondered.

faramond and megane-kun stumbled upon the legacy ruins. amongst the mass of people there, megane-kun saw grace and suddenly ran towards her.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Aaagh!" Feral yelped upon seeing Megane come running into the clearing.

Next to him, Natalie scowled and Feral quickly adjusted his umbrella. "Er... I mean, Aaahello!" He breathed a sigh of relief as Megane ran past him and started talking to Grace. Then he narrowed his eyes at Faramond. "It's so... lucky you found us!" He put on a smile.

Faramond looked at Feral's dress. "Er... hi. You're from the town, right?"

"Yeeeeees," intoned Feral, still holding his grin and glancing at Megane. "And what are you doing with the le..." Natalie kicked him in the shin. "OW! Er... I mean, what are you and that other stranger doing here?"

Behind them, there was some kind of argument going on inside the Legacy as the other survivors crowded one of the corridors. Feral ignored them and continued smiling intensely at Faramond.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

A sudden yelp yanked Faramond out of his thoughts. He turned around only to be greeted by a boyish guy with cat ears.

"... I mean, Aaahello!" the catboy greeted. The catboy then narrowed his eyes, "It's so... lucky you found us!"

"Found whom? Does megane-kun know these guys?" Faramond thought as the catboy put on a smile.

"Er... hi. You're from the town, right?" Faramond uncomfortably replied. He tentatively reached out his hand, for a shake, but he was unsure if this fellow shake hands when meeting people for the first time, and thus decided not to go for a shake.

"Yeeeeees," the catboy intoned, still holding his grin and glancing at Megane. The catboy seemed to have said something else but was kicked by his companion in the shin even before he could complete his sentence.

"Huh?" Faramond asked, wondering why the catboy was eyeing megane-kun in a strange way.

"OW! Er... I mean, what are you and that other stranger doing here?"

Faramond cocked his head as if completely not understanding what the catboy said, "Eh? 'Other stranger' you say? I dunno his real name, but he calls himself megane-kun. Anyways, he said he is supposed to be living in this forest for as long as he could remember. As for myself, it's a long story, but I am stranded here for the time being. We met by accident in Shapeshifter's castle prison by the way."

The catboy continued smiling intensely at Faramond, a smile that any normal person would see as suspicious. Without thinking, Faramond reached out his hands, "Oh, Faramond here, and you are?"

faramond, who was following megane-kun as he ran towards grace, was intercepted by feral.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Feral's eyes were flicking from side to side, his cat fangs showing as he mulled things over. Then he noticed Faramond's hand. He placed his hand in Faramond's and courtseyed, lifting the skirt of his dress.

"I'm Feral, the new lea... er... the I'm errrrrr... HELPING!" he finally found the right word and smiled again.

He was holding his hand out delicately and horizontally, making it hard for Faramond to shake it.

"And your friend sounds crazy. He must be a crazy person. You get them all the time in these parts - y'know, all crazy and stuff!" He nodded excitely and kept his hand in Megane's while twirling the umbrella with his other.

Somehow, Megane got the feeling that he was expecting his hand to be kissed.

Beside him, Natalie continued scowling.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Ah! Megane, you're okay!" Grace smiled as he showed up, giving him a excited wave.

"I got a bit lost while looking for you...after everything started getting messed up, I thought I might have lost you for good..but! It's nice to see you're fine!"
Feral began a line of questioning, but was cut off suddenly.
"Oh! Feral-sama! I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but Megane's forgotten about everyone. He was actually pretty suprised when I said I was looking for him!"

Well, a small bunny was the monster. Arachnion did not trust the creature...there was no telling what horrendous powers it hid under it's fluffy white exterior. She gently stroked it's ears, wary of the souless evil that lurked behind it's black, beady eyes.

Myrn took charge, with the peptalk of the century.
"Asmodeus shot me in the back and killed hundreds, if not thousands of people...forgive me if I do not draw inspiration from him. And weren't you the one who helped him leave, anyways?"

He's right though. Asmodeus was the best of you. And now he is gone.
I will ask him about that, there's got to be an explanation for his actions.
You're not much more help than a faceless mook, yourself.
Excuse me?
When Shapeshifter Town came under attack, you didn't destroy a single spider. You didn't even try.
I was a bit busy, with the hordes of monsters and all.
You were scared.
You're afraid, and you try to hide it with a mask of crazy. When Asmodeus lost it, you didn't try to fight him or save anyone, like a hero would have. You ran.
Shut up. I'll show you what I can do.
Do go ahead, great one. Show me how incompetent you actually are.

The catgirl walked up to to the wreck's entrance, and the Knights blocking the path.
"Hey. I need to get parts so that ship can be up and running again, so...not standing in the doorway would help."

((Archy fails a will save Vs. Manipulation By Psychic Virus and asks the Iwaku Knights to move aside. Grace greets Megane, and mentions that Feral was the one who sent her to look for him.))
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Almost as soon as Archy started speaking, a large calibre pistol was whipped almost right into her face, behind the gun, Uriel snarled as he drew back the hammer on the pistol
"no. one. enters. until. we. say. is that understood girl" he spat, his skin still writhing and the black green flames in his eyes seemed to double in intensity.

even as he did so, a humongous machine gun was thrust towards him, its barrel resting inches from his chest
"do it umie. see wat appenz. oill fill ya so full o' lead dat yoor entoir ship will be torn ta shredz" the large ork's threat was not idle, but Uriel stood firm
"when Grant and I give the okay, then you can enter, and not one fucking second before" he said, lowering the pistol though he kept it gripped tightly in his hand, the threat of violence everpresent, Mizzdogg stepped back, though he kept the shoota pointed directly at Uriel.

Uriel responds with violence to Archy's words, drawing his pistol, though this in turn incites Mizzdogg to point his shoota at Uriel, though Uriel and Mizzdogg step down from this emxican standoff, the tension is high and a shootout seems almost inevitable.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3


I love how everyone always gets along during disasters.

"Alright, guns down, all of you!" I yell, moving between the warring parties whilst still trying to make sure no-one slips into the ship with my arms outstretched, "We're on the same fuckin' side here!"

Something's not right. Everyone's on edge, you can see it in their eyes. Myrnodyn was acting strange before he vanished into the ship, and Uriel's being far, far more aggressive than normal. Ever since that little speech the leader of the Shapeshifters made.

And now everyone's out to kill each other, it seems.

I turn to look at Uriel and whisper, "What the fuck's wrong? We can't just go pulling pistols on people when they ask to enter the ship!" Still keeping myself between the two warring parties, I turn to regard Archy. "I understand. I'm wanting to get in there and get the parts we need, too. But something fuckin' weird's going on here, so let's not go charging into unknown territory, where any number of things could be waiting to ambush us, before we properly check it out, alright?"

Sighing, I move back in front of the door. "Now can you please lower those fuckin' guns, before someone gets hurt?"

Grant moves between Uriel and Mizzdog before they kill each other, and attempts to talk them down and calm the others using IRON FIST. He then explains to Archy why there's a hold-up.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Ah! Megane, you're okay!" Grace smiled as he showed up, giving him a excited wave.

As soon as megane-kun reached Grace, she led him towards Feral and the others. Grace went on while walking, "I got a bit lost while looking for you...after everything started getting messed up, I thought I might have lost you for good..but! It's nice to see you're fine!"

"Yeah, and it's good to see you doing so well," megane-kun laughed, "For a while back then I thought you were a goner. The guys in that castle were really something to have fixed you up despite everything that happened back there."

"But really," megane-kun went on, "they thought I killed you!" megane-kun laughed louder, making Faramond scowl at him.

It was only momentary, as Faramond was more concerned as to what the heck Feral is up to.

Feral's eyes were flicking from side to side, his cat fangs showing as he mulled things over. Then he noticed Faramond's hand. He placed his hand in Faramond's and courtseyed, lifting the skirt of his dress.

"I'm Feral, the new lea... er... the I'm errrrrr... HELPING!" he finally found the right word and smiled again.

"The what of the what?!" Faramond wondered, "Uh, nice to meet you, I guess..."

He was holding his hand out delicately and horizontally, making it hard for Faramond to shake it and making him wonder what Feral was expecting him to do. To dance perhaps?

"And your friend sounds crazy. He must be a crazy person. You get them all the time in these parts - y'know, all crazy and stuff!" Feral went on, nodded excitely and kept his hand in Faramond's while twirling the umbrella with his other.

"A fruit doesn't fall far from the tree..." Faramond murmured, "Which makes me wonder from which tree you fell from. More importantly, however, why am I getting the feeling that you are to kiss my hands?"

Feral's companion continued scowling, perhaps at this inane exchange.

Grace moved closer to Feral, "Oh! Feral-sama! I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but Megane's forgotten about everyone. He was actually pretty suprised when I said I was looking for him!"

"Forgotten about what?!" Faramond let out, "He...." Faramond realized what he was saying and shut up, "Nah, never mind. But really, forgotten about what?"

Grace led megane-kun to where Faramond, Feral and Natalie were talking and informed Feral that megane-kun forgot about 'them'.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"He's forgotten everything?" Feral blinked, before twirling around with his umbrella. "THAT'S FANTASTIC!"

Natalie kicked him again.

"I mean, er.. that's um... poor stranger person." He patted Megane-Kun on the head, sympathetically. "Don't worry. I'm sure if you've forgotten it then it wasn't worth remembering! Most things aren't!"

There was shouting from inside the wreck of the Legacy and Feral peered over Faramond's shoulder. "Well anyway, we're all going into the ship now! You should come with us and we can all have milk and cookies! Yes! Let's go!" He put his umbrella in his suitcase before grabbing Faramond's hand, then Megane's, and trying to skip with them towards the Legacy.

Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Natalie continued to scowl. Her body was tense, and she was not happy. Feral, why don't you just shut up? It works out for me, Natalie thought as she glanced over at Feral, Megane, Faramond and Grace, her blue eyes displaying the innate insanity that dwelled within her. But somebody's gotta keep this idiot in check, Natalie thought as she kicked Feral whenever he was about to say something wrong. She now felt no pity for the gender-confused neko, nor torwards Megane who had lost his memory.

"He's forgotten everything?" Feral blinked, before twirling around with his umbrella. "THAT'S FANTASTIC!"

Natalie kicked Feral once more, making sure that she looked away from the other people. If one were to make eye contact with her, it would seem like her eyes were ringing with a discordant variety of dark emotions.

"I mean, er.. that's um... poor stranger person." He patted Megane-Kun on the head, sympathetically. "Don't worry. I'm sure if you've forgotten it then it wasn't worth remembering! Most things aren't!"

Natalie calmed down. I guess that wasn't too bad of a response, Natalie's stronger personality let some of her weaker personality's pity through for an instant, allowing her to calm down. Natalie was about to relax her body when Feral's carcophonous voice rang into her ears, making her tense up again and clutch her dagger once more.

"Well anyway, we're all going into the ship now! You should come with us and we can all have milk and cookies! Yes! Let's go!" He put his umbrella in his suitcase before grabbing Faramond's hand, then Megane's, and trying to skip with them towards the Legacy.


Natalie watched as Feral put his stupidity on display for all of the world to see once again. Natalie was sick of this. She already disliked working with people for starters, but she had to work with an idiot which just made it all the worse. Ugh, why can't we just freaking do this now? Natalie angrily thought in her mind as she trudged after Feral, Megane, and Faramond.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Where are you taking us?!" Faramond asked, "And you haven't answered my question yet! What was it that megane forgot?" However, Feral seemed to not have heard anything and had grabbed Faramond and megane's hand and began dragging them towards a spaceship.

"That's supposed to be my line," megane-kun couldn't help but spit out, "and why do you care about the things I forgot?" Megane-kun turned towards Feral, "Before dragging us towards whatever you call a spaceship, can you at least tell us what's happening here?"
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"mmm...that's pretty reasonable."
Arachnion looked thoughtful for a bit, before making up her mind.

She slammed her fist into the ground, and there was a sudden blast-to those outside the immediate area, it would look like the catgirl just exploded.

Closer in, Grant and others could see that while in the center of the blast, Archy was herself unharmed by the magical attack. The dust had only just begun to clear when she started to move.
In the confusion from the blast she slipped past Grant and Uriel, and ran headlong into the Legacy's depths.

((Archy pretty much screws everything up forever in her desire to save the day. She uses an explosion to disorient the knights before heading straight into the Legacy.))
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Well don't die on us any time soon Pal please"

As the mist cleared the group looked up from the small row boat. they appeared to be in a cave, the only opening seemed to be a crack at the top of the stairs. In the gloom light was provided by a small set of lanterns which now lined the jhetti and the pathway up the cliff.

"Interesting, I've never seen it come out in a cave before." Jack commented as the boat thumped up against the wooden jhetti.


The explosion shook the surrounding area a little and Tegan let out a little yelp as the tree she was in trembled and she lost her footing, tumbling backwards from her perch. She closed her eyes and waited for the pain the floor a few feet away would bring but opened her eyes in puzzlement when the impact seemed not to come.

What she saw terrified her so much her spell broke, the invisibility dropped, but she was already about 5feet into a huge hole she swore had not been there a second ago. She watched as countless stone steps seemed to rush upwards away from her and she began to scream.


There was an explosion and then a scream "Oops!" Jack said as he saw the falling figure. He was tying the boat onto the jhetti as the others got out of the little boat but dropped the rope and rushed over, his hands outstretched to catch the falling woman.

As Tegan landed in his arms he crumpled and ended up sprawled beneath her. "Ugh.. I didn't think that through" he croaked, prompting a small giggle from Obskeree, who was flying towards them. "Y-you ok miss?" Jack said, groaning a little under the new person.

Tegan groaned a little herself, and Palonis approached. "This happen often?" He asked, bemused. Looking at the two crumpled on the floor.

"Women falling from the sky on to me? I wish" Jack groaned from under Tegan.

[The explosion knocks Tegan out of her tree and falls into the Brigadoon which had appeared behind her. Jack tries to catch her but not being very strong ends up crumpled beneath her instead, where his companions watch on.]
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

Obskeree smiled. "Hurray! Another new friend." She flew up and held out her tiny blue hand to Tegan, not waiting for her to get up. The Neake lumbered after her and swatted her out of the way, while the ninja looked up to see where the woman had fallen from.

"Let them be a moment," the Neake instructed Obskeree, before offering Jack a hand up, ignoring Tegan completely. "Do you often do that?"

While The Neake subjected Jack to more disapproving stares with all four of his eyes, Obskeree was flitting around Tegan, inspecting her, excited at meeting a female instead of another brooding man. Unless she was a brooding female. Surely someone had to be of a happy disposition in this world.

"Hello!" she chirped, "My name is Obskeree, and I'm very pleased to meet you. Um... Who are you?"

Tegan stepped back. "...Tegan..."

"I like that name. That's a pretty name," the little fairy enthused, before spinning around to hover by Tegan's shoulder. "Don't take offence from the god of grumbles, over there, by the way. He's not one for polite social graces." The Neake heard the dig, but didn't respond - too busy wondering how on earth he was going to keep Jack safe if kept running off ahead to allow falling people to land on him. The boy was clearly confusing himself with a cushion and it was not good for his health. Obskeree moved on, "Are you hurt from your fall?"

[Obskeree introduces herself to Tegan, excited about meeting another inhabitant of the world.]
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

While the rest of the group turned on itself, The Grandmaster stood lost within his own mind.

He stood in a room, bare save for a single door covered in more locks, bars, and chains than even the mos secure vault. The entire door was inscribed with protective litanies and adorned with the Black Templar Cross. On this door was a small slit of a window, the likes of which some penal systems use to monitor prisoners. The Grandmaster walked forward and peered through this slit, and saw the raw fury of the immaterium, yet his sanity was shielded, quite literally, by a large grey shield, bearing the symbol of a sword piercing a book. as he looked through the window a voice spoke to him.
"It can be yours you know."
"What can?" Karsikan Replied
"All of that, everything beyond that little door. You could rule the galaxy with that power."
"And why would I want that?"
"Because you are Karsikan Banrae, The undefeated swordsman."
"I am? I was under the impression I lost that title."
"That angel Cheated, used underhanded tricks to defeat you, He could never stand against you in a fair fight"

"There is no such thing as a fair fight, only who is more determined to be victorious"
"oh look who's getting all philosophical with me now"
"I grow weary of your games vermin,"
"Oh-ho,we grow weary of our games do we? But they are so Fun!" Karsikan Lunged at the shade, but his strike simply passed through it like the air before it.
"Seems I hit a nerve," The shade mocked Karsikan, as the Grey Knight lunged at It again.
"What manner of filth are you!?" He half asked, half shouted.
"What manner of filth am I? Why it isn't nice to put yourself down so." The shade taunted him again
"Very well if you must know, I am You Karsikan Banrae.or rather that Sin you permitted to fester in your heart, you didn't think you could get away with believing you were unbeatable and not come away unscathed did you,"
"Sin you say? such things are foreign to a Space Marine" Karsikan replied bitterly
"Truly? even now your pigheaded belief that you are superior to everyone around you is clouding your mind...wait....what are you doing?" The shade's tone switched from Overconfidence to Fear as the Grandmaster turned away and dropped to one knee before the sealed door, He began to pray
"My lord, I beg your forgiveness, I have allowed pride to fill my heart, and taint my judgment. In your mercy I accept any punishment your wisdom deems appropriate"
All the while he prayed, the shade raged, it swore, it cursed at Karsikan, invoking the names of the ruinous ones against him before being shunted out of the room, though it's presence could still be felt.

The Grandmaster came out of his trance in the midst of conflict amongst the group, he placed a single gantleted hand on Acquarina's shoulder, to reassure the frightened girl.

"As the Doctor says,our best course of action would be to proceed forward, I have not been here long but I doubt your forces can afford to take any losses like that of the city yesterday. It would be wise then to remove our collective heads from our posteriors and allow our testiculars to fully develop, for those that have them at least."

Summary: GMK is hit with the Infectious Whisper and it causes him to have a battle of wills with his own arrogance,this round of which he manages to win. He then uses inspiring presence to tell everyone to shut up, pull their heads out of their asses and grow a pair.
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Ooph!" gasped Feral as he, Megane and Faramond were blasted onto the floor along with anyone else who had been in the corridor behind Archy. As the magical pulse cleared there was only dust and the odd survivor pulling themselves back to their feet. There were groans, questions, calls from the Grandmaster and the others who were up ahead.

And then a snarl pierced the air.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!" With feline grace Feral flipped to his feet and dragged his nails across the bulkhead. It caused a screeching sound that echoed through the hulk. "YOU FUCKING MOD-LOVING PRICKS - YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY NOW!!" His voice boomed down the corridor. "NOW! DO IT NOW!!"

The Grandmaster's hand went instinctively to his weapon, as did Grant's and Uriel's. But they were all too late. There was a noise in the depths of the spaceship, metal on metal, like a great switch thrown. And then a charge ran through the air, raising the hairs on the skin, sending the blood cold and the heart aching.

And what the Grandmaster had sensed at the threshold of the clearing returned in full and soul-shattering force...

The quieter members of the group were the first to scream, Sakura dropping to her knees with a terrifed shriek, followed by Pirogeth and Okami, each like a puppet with their strings suddenly cut. Then the effect seemed to ripple along the corridor, knocking out the stronger types like Seiji and Mizdogg. The latter two fell more slowly, the effect clearly visible on their bodies - purple energy charges following the contours of every joint and muscle. The corridor resounded with maddening cries.

JackShade and Tain had stayed in the clearing to speak and so were the nearest to the corridor entrance. On hearing the screams they drew their weapons and moved instinctively for the opening, but only succeeded in being the next to drop. Their pain cut an untimely interruption through Tegan's meeting with Porg and his allies.

"Now what...?" muttered Palonis, turning even as Obsekree and the Neake lost their footing and crumpled to the ground. Then Tegan screamed and dropped between Porg and the ninja.

It was a like a thousand voices at once, building in cresendo, crashing in waves against the heart and mind. Porg and Palonis were the last to feel it come upon them. It was a question... one question... asked in a billion voices... a constant and earth-shattering demand. The voices wanted something. And they would rip apart their bodies until they got it.

They wanted an answer.... a word... And both Porg and Palonis knew had felt this sensation before...

"No..." whispered Palonis, dropping to his knees as he realised where in the forest they were. "Idiots..."

He fell face-first into the soil... the dark, rich, red soil that had once formed the grounds of the Mature Tower.

Deeper inside the ship, Kariskan was falling slowly to his knees, wracked by wave after wave of purple sparks. Behind him Myrnodyn was shouting something about a password, but his voice was lost amongst the incessant psychic whispers. Grant and Uriel had long passed out and so it was only the Grandmaster who would see the shapes coming out of the shadows.

People. Dozens of them. Willowy individuals with lanky hair, many of them Oriental-featured and all dressed in black. They moved slowly but with purpose, their eyes eerily calm as they picked their way between the writhing survivors. As the Grandmaster fell forward onto his face, his last vision was of the mark they all carried, sewn into their clothes or tattooed on their ivory-pale skin.


Back near the entrance, Megane was strangely unscathed. He was trying to get up as he watched the others scream and thrash. Even Faramond was clutching his head and groaning. Megane seemed to be the only one who wasn't being affected....

No... not the only one. As he got to his feet, he found Feral and Natalie watching him. Their eyes were intense, glowing in the shadows, and behind them gathered the black-suited and black-robed individuals. They gathered in the corridor, blinking at Megane from behind spectacles and through the thin strands of their hair.

"Welcome home," sneered Feral, before lashing out and striking Megane on the side of the head. The man toppled over and the others closed in around him.

The Negative Legion had arrived.

[SUMMARY: Feral gives the signal and the Negative Legion spring their trap. Turns out the Legacy was crashed on the old site of the Mature Tower and the tribe has managed to modify the remains of the Password Protection Field. They use the field to overpower the heroes. Everyone but Megane is affected, but even he is now a prisoner of the Negative Legion...
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

"Ugh.. jeez.. what kind of idiot- Obskeree!" Porg opened his eyes and groaned, then blinked, and tried to open his eyes again. All he could see was darkness. A thick murky black, not just dark, not the kind your eyes have to get used to but the solid, impenetrable darkness of a place that had never seen real light.

"Did someone else speak?" A voice sounded.

"What the hell happened!?" Another rang out.

Porg recognised neither of the voices but made his way warily to his feet, worried he may step on someone in the dark. "Yeah, I did." Jack called out, then realised how stupid that sounded.

"Where are you?"

"Screw that where are we!?"

"Oh this is ridiculous!" Jack said in frustration and shook his hand out in front of him, a flame bursting into life in his palm immediately illuminating the gloom.

"Augh! Warning!"

"Ah jesus!? What the fuck!?"

"Gah sorry, got myself too!" Porg called out, holding his other hand to his eyes. Taking it away he blinked, letting his vision clear and then become accustomed to the gloom. Two people were standing up in amongst a small crowd of unconscious others. There were groans from a couple of the prone figures. and a few began to stir. Jack was too preoccupied scanning the floor for the small fairy.

Archy looked at the figure holding the flame "Who the hell are you!? You weren't with us!!" Jack simply waved at the voice as if to say "not now" as he made his way across the small room looking at the floor.

"Porg?" Grant asked, as he watched the young man move about strangely.

Jack looked up in response to this. "Grant? I didn't expect to see you here! Well.. I didn't expect to see anyone here as I wasn't expecting to be here.. where is here? Any ideas? no? Ah well.. I'm sure we'll find out ey?"

The room was small though the floorspace was large enough to fit everybody with little overlap. The walls appeared to be large red bricks, worn and ancient looking. In a couple of places on the wall there were chains hanging, some with open and rusted shackles on the ends of them.

"Ah wait a sec" Jack said, tossing the ball of flame he held at a torch on the wall. "I was getting tired of holding that thing" he commented as the torch flared into life. "Where's Palonis? Sounded like he had an idea what was going on as everything went all squiffy."

"I have no idea" Grant sighed, a little exasperated at the younger man's eclectic speech. "I can barely see my own hands"

"Ah good point… Ah!" Jack said suddenly leaning down and rising with a small figure cradled in his arms. "Heh glad I found you Obskeree, was a bit frightened The Neake had fallen on you" He said to the unconscious fairy.

"Sorry.. What the hell!?" Archy asked again.

[A few of the group wake up in a dark room deep inside the underground remains of the Mature tower.. Only Grant Archy and Porg are awake, everyone else is still unconscious. They have lit the room. Porg is now carrying Obskeree.]
Re: Anirune Forest - CHAPTER 3

In a room not far a part from the rest, Torsty was checking his surroundings.

'Wait....I know this place!'

He had been in the tower previous to the Admin War. For what reason, he didn't remember, but now he knew why the paintings on the wall were so familiar.

'The Mature Tower.'

Said paintings were with motives fitting perfectly to the theme of the tower. The scene looked more like a gentleman's club than anything. Fancy chairs, carpets covering the floor, truely classy, only a slow-jam to set the mood was missing.

And of course, he was alone.

He had woken up about a fifteen minutes earlier with a colossal headache. Last thing he had remembered was being in Shapeshifter Town, fighting among former rivals against an incoming horde, led by giant spiders. Now he was here, inside Mature Tower. How and when he had gotten there was unknown of even to himself. And if it so were to be that he had somehow gotten here on his own free will and had forgotten it, then why would he?

He didn't have any interest in entering this tower before the admin tower, even worse, he used to have a beef with the person that used to run the place around that time.

Even though the room was fully lit and there was no hinders, he wasn't able to open the door to get out. Shouting to hope for somebody to hear it from the outside was a waste of time. Just like in a club, the room was sound-isolated.

[Torsty wakes up in the mature tower without a clue how he got there. He starts checking the place out.]
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