The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 2 - Shapeshift Town

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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


The cat stuck out its tongue at Pirogeth then continued onwards, head and tail raised high. It was sniffing the air, scenting for a trace of Myrnodyn, and when none was found it sat down and licked its paw... contemplating...

Then one of the side-doors swung open as chefs started coming through with plates and trollies for the feast.

"MROW!!!!"the cat yowled as he was almost crushed. He broke into a run, darting between the legs of the servants and into the next corridor. With swift and slinky movements he got to the entrance of the Infirmary, where his way was suddenly blocked.

"Hey look!" said a young child in a Porg costume, "A pretty kitty-ca..."

"HISS!" Asmodeus clawed the child as it reached out a hand. The boy ran away in tears and Asmodeus trotted through into the infirmary. Creeping under the beds and between the bandage-bowls, he eventually fou...

Was that a mouse over there?

Asmodeus shook his head.

Creeping under the beds and between the bandage-bowls, he eventually found the person he was looking for.


Doctor Grant grunted as something nudged his foot.


The doctor kicked the cat out of the way and continued tending to his patients.

"MROW!!!" the cat clawed the doctor's leg.

[SUMMARY: Asmodecat goes to get help from Doctor Grant]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The figure—though who are we kidding?—set aside the flask, placing it beside his weathered sedge hat.

His eyes and hair were as gray as the stone bench on which he sat. The former followed the trickle of survivors and volunteers that passed through the castle gates while the latter followed the mild breeze.

"You came."
The old man's leathery skin creased around his lips as he smiled. "Firstly, let's get rid of this text color. Contrary to some rumors, there are times I actually don't want to confuse anybody."

"Faramond was—"

"Actually right, somewhat. I don't normally cut people off so much, but I'll be doing that a lot in order to avoid hijacking. I'll also be monologueing a lot too for that same reason, so... Put on your hard hats."

The old man, "Mr. Tea," rose from the bench. It seemed to age and erode the instant he'd left contact.

He left the twins' responses open in order to keep his word, then resumed speaking after they'd done whatever it is that they'd later be described as doing.

"Aya, you've pondered my identity to distraction, but don't apologize. This really isn't my true face. I'll let you keep trying anyhow," he said, pointing toward his forehead as he strolled past. "It's good exercise for your abilities. I could be called an 'agent of fate'--though that oversimplifies things. "

He turned around, walking backward as a light drizzle began to fall.

"You two probably wondered why I told you the things I did when last we met. It was for perspective. I wanted yours… I collect them. They're my real 'magic,' stronger than anything! Any of the major forces that compose this world all originate within a perspective! Powerful stuff, it is. With the right ones you can work miracles. Without them? Well, you may find yourself wondering what to do next. Do you know what you'll be doing next? Besides getting out of this rain?"

The three looked up, then at each other, agreeing silently to find shelter. The twins hurried ahead while Mr. Tea followed them with a casual gait. When he finally caught up to them, the drizzle had become a downpour, yet he was suspiciously dry.

"An example," he explained, meeting them under a covered walkway. "of the most common type of Reality Bending—distortion of cause..." He pointed upward, then tugged at a dry and ragged sleeve. "…and effect. The perspective of someone who either honestly didn't notice the rain or just didn't feel like dealing with the consequences of it. You probably already know that some people in this world have made an art of it: Projecting their perspectives to shape the world; acting as gatekeepers of consequence... Would you like to meet one?"

Summary: Coffee--still in his Old Mr. Tea incarnation--tells the twins why he let them go earlier and explains his interest in perspective. He gives a primer on Reality Bending and Confluence and asks if they want to meet a celebrity burnout, now a cute wittle keetom.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Asmodeus haughtily made his exit, in a dramatic display of temperament; Sakura quietly slipped out behind him. She was growing weary of their continuous arguments and decided to leave the politics to them to figure out while she put her efforts to use elsewhere.

It wasn't long before she was faced with quarrels in the kitchen. At first, it was only a couple of chefs complaining about large portions to be cooked. Before she could even mediate this small dispute, a storm of people came rushing in asking for orders.

Sakura blinked blankly at the rowdy crowd that burst through the doors, calling her name. "I'm in charge of cooking...?" Sakura asked, a little confused. When one chubby woman explained that 'the Angel' had commanded that they all report to her for the food preparations, Sakura felt herself rolling her eyes. Asmodeus-sama, you're not very organized, are you? She nodded, leaning back against the counter behind her, putting her elbows on the surface she pulled herself onto it and stood up, facing the multitude of kitchen workers.

"Okay. Listen up. We can do this! It's cooking, right? It's what you're all here for, anyway. Cooking a little extra should be easy peasy..." She looked around at their faces. They seemed so anxious, so nervous about something so trivial as cooking for people. All they had to do was enlarge their portions, really, but she supposed this thought hadn't occurred to them.

After figuring out what ingredients they had from a couple of the more reliable chefs, Sakura pulled out a paper and pen from her backpack and turned around to put it against a cabinet and make a list. It took her a few minutes as she figured something out on the paper. The people watched, occasionally murmuring to one another.

Finally, she whirled around excitedly, nearly slipping off the small counter as she held out the paper, "There we go! We're all set!" She exclaimed with a smile. She felt this rush of emotions piling through her. She was actually helping all these people in their confusion. By helping these cooks make food, she was indirectly helping the injured-- she'd come here just to do so she was going to give it her all!

Even though she knew it was a little risky on so many people at once, she used her SoulArts: Luminous Voice to pass on her feelings to this crowd; to relieve their tension and make them feel slightly excited. "We'll use the eggs for omelet! Make sure you throw in some onions in that. Use the left over chicken from this morning and mix it up with some plain rice. And I'm sure you can whip together the vegetables into some kind of broth for the injured. Add some herbs for healing purposes & try not to use too many spices--"

She jumped off the table and landed on the ground with a flourish. She paused and looked around at their faces and smiled encouragingly, "Don't worry, we'll manage! Main kitchens for the rice and for the omelet & the broth can be made in the medical kitchen..." She grinned and flashed them a thumbs up cheerfully. If only they could look at the situation like she did.

She started to walk out of the room; the crowd stepped aside as she walked. Maybe they were stunned or maybe it was the excitement she'd poured onto them. They had started to smile, she noted, that was a good sign. "I'm going to ask the Doctor what's best to put in the broth~ I'll be right back."

Twirling around, she skipped off into the hallway towards the Infirmary. She was running, a rush of air brushing past her at the speed she was going at, dodging people and chefs as she ran. It felt good to run. It felt like she was on a mission and the clock was ticking on her. As a result, when she burst into the infirmary, she was out of breath and her cheeks were flushed red.

"Doctor! I have to ask you something~" she explained, breathless. Despite having run like some kind of crazed maniac, Sakura still looked very much like herself; disshelved, but alive, her eyes twinkling and a big smile on her face.

As the doctor treated his patient, Sakura decided to wait for him to finish so he could speak with her. She looked around at the people, waving cheerfully at them, even if they didn't seem like they wanted to wave back. At the sound of a strangled 'meow', Sakura glanced down at the little cat that was clawing at the Doctor's foot.

"Mr. Doctor-sama, is this your kitty?" she asked with a giggle; the cat was just so adorable. It looked a little spoiled, though, Sakura thought with a snicker, who knew Doctors made their cats little brats. "Here kitty, here kitty," she extended her hand slowly, beckoning to it with a smile.

She was oblivious to the similarities Pirogeth had seen in the cat that reminded him of Asmodeus. She held out both hands to take the cat into her arms, "Aren't you adorable? Are you hungry, little kittycat? Sakura will get food," she smiled, tilting her head to one side.

[Sakura is faced with the kitchen mob & gives them a plan for the dinner feast with what food they have. She tells them she's going to check with the doctor for broth for the patients & runs all the way to the infirmary, where she finds Asmokitty with Doctor Grant.]
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Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


I stare at the girl for a moment, taken aback by the aggression. It's been a very long time since anyone has spoken to me like that; I'm not a small, weedy doctor who doesn't believe in violence anymore, after all, I look like the sort of man who would kill you as soon as he would help you.

It intimidates people sometimes, but it's pretty useful.

Suddenly, I start to laugh, smiling at the girl.
"Yeah, I was a bit rude there, wasn't I? Forgive me, I'm Doctor Grant--" Then Uriel appears, speaking to the girl a little more hotly than I would consider polite, though I know why. I see the look in his eyes; he sees Rieme in the girl, too. I look at Uriel, and point him over to the office in the corner of the infirmary. "Of course. Just let me check up on the patients quickly; I'll meet you in the office in a minute."

I move back over to the patient nearest the girl, about to start my checks. Then I look up at her again, opening my mouth to speak.

And of course, at that moment, a cat appears and begins to pester me.

I nudge it out of the way, but it begins to claw my leg. As I'm about to administer a proper kick to the irritating little feline, however, the girl from Myrnodyn's Private Quarters appears, the one Asmodeus called Sakura.

"Mr. Doctor-sama, is this your kitty?" I stare for a second, taken aback by the situation, then stammer,
"I, uhh, no, that's not my cat. No idea where it came from."

Grant is surprised by the girl's reply, but finds it amusing. He replies just as Uriel appears, and says he will meet his fellow Knight in the Infirmary's Office. He is about to speak to the girl again when Asmodeus appears in cat-form, followed by Sakura.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Crunch...Crunch...Crunch...CrunchCrunchCrunchCrunch...Crunch Crunch, Crunch Crunch-Crunch, Crunch-Crunch, Crunch!

The gravel path made satisfying onomatopoeia as he galloped onward, arms pistoning. Behind him, the worm, a loose term, dragged itself along behind him.

Fight! Stigmata demanded.
Khang shook his head.
"That..." He wheezed, "thing, too strong."
Weakling! It hissed at him.
"No...Mortal.." He hissed back.

He felt even his disease-fueled body lose momentum. He was meant for power, not speed. He slowed to a jog, then stopped. He would fight, like a true beastman, not run like a coward. Stigmata agreed, the blood-stained mace sucked in the blood covering it, ready to be wet anew. The worm slowed, rearing up on it's split tail. It was a hideous creature, spawn of the mad clay of the warp. It didn't look anything like a worm, it gained the name from the way it could teleport via tunnels through the other world. The beastmen used them as shock troops in their raids, but sometimes a Alpha would emerge. The beastmen had to put them down quickly, before it could subdue a flock for itself.

This one was big, even for one of their usually large kind. It was shaped somewhat akin to an arm, the front splaying out into seven fingers, tipped with talons dripping acid. The "hand" was a mass of rotted flesh, covered in thick fur. Its "wrist" a split tail lined with teeth, that could act as a single body to slither and writhe, or tentacle-like legs. It's mouth was located on the palm, a ovular orifice lined with canine-teeth, all the way down the throat.

Khang hefted Stigmata, who gleefully began to scream, a shrill, piercing sound that had no effect on the worm. It distended it's talons and let out a gurgling roar in answer. Khang himself gave a chirpy grunt, and charged at it, Stigmata raised. It mashed it's tail together, and brought each of its talons together, a half-formed fist, intending to smash him into the ground. Letting out a warcry, he stopped.

It hit the floor, jarring Khang almost off his feet. The talons had missed him by mere inches. He casually grabbed one, and hoisted himself onto the top of the worm, holding Stigmata in one hand. Grabbing a tuft of hair, and raised Stigmata.

"Ride!" Khang yelled triumphantly.
Bash it's brains in! Blood!!
"I'm having fun!" The worm bucked beneath him, attempting to raise itself underneath Khang's weight. He slung Stigmata up, using both hands to hold on, whooping wildly. It settled down, gurgling furiously.

"Haha! Onward, ne-" A deep cracking sound interrupted him. Khang cautiously peered over the "knuckle area", and regarded the now reversed joint talons staring back at him. Before he could leap off, they shot forward, embedding themselves deep into his arm. He growled in pain as the acid touched his skin. A normal acid would have done nothing to his already-tainted skin, but this stuff was pure warp, defying reality to scour his flesh. He almost had time to yell the plea to Nurgle, before the two talons lifted him into the air. He was swung over, and hung upside down, as the talons reverted to their original position. He was suspended upside down, with two acid-drenched claws stuck through him, Stigmata berating him for not killing the thing while he had the chance. The worm lifted itself, and tossed Khang into its parody of a mouth.

Teeth scraped along his armor, helmet. He tried to punch, kick, but the throat was constricting, trying to deprive him of air, so it could pick him apart at it's leisure. Khang tried to speak the words of the Plea, but saliva dripped thickly all about him. He couldn't move, couldn't breath, couldn't speak. Stigmata screeched as the claws rent the leather binding its shaft to Khang's belt. It slipped and tumbled further down the beast's throat. A red fringe encroached on his vision. His mind started to go, random thoughts crossing his brain as it screamed for oxygen in sync with his lungs.

A pulse went through the worm, and the constriction stopped. His sense of balance was disrupted as the worm rolled, nausea invading. The worm body juddered violently, as if impacting, and rolled once more. Khang almost lost his lunch. The rolling stopped but the movement continued, in a sliding motion. A final bump, and it came to a stop.He breathed in the fetid air, his head thudding after being starved for so long. was tightly packed, but the throat was still, the saliva dripping in thick strands. Gripping one of the teeth, he began to pull himself back up, somewhat awkwardly, as he was doing it legs first, but there was no space to right himself.

The dead worm lay palm up, rain pattering against it's slick gray underbelly. The talons jutting into the air, throat spasming slightly as Khang levered himself out of the cursed thing. He gulped in the non-monster throat back draft air greedily. Taking a second to clear his mind, he looked around. It was raining quite heavily, the neat tiled floor covered in puddle. Several ornate fountains(one of which was smashed to bits by the worm's fall. It must have fallen at an angle, smashed the fountain over, and skidded to a stop against the next one in line) were lined up in rows, each almost overflowing with water. That was another thing, this was not the Chaos Wastes. The rain was not blood, as Stigmata underlined with a dissatisfied hiss. He turned around, and a large, sprawling castle curled around the courtyard.

Khang bent over the dead worm, reaching into it's throat. He grabbed one of the fore-teeth, a thick specimen, covered in dry gore from it's last meal. He gave a tug, and it came free with a wet tearing sound. Picking at the gore on the end of the tooth, and palming it into his mouth, Khang started towards the castle.

(Summary: A lovely atrocious slaughter of prose, as I had no idea how a mace was going to hurt a giant demon hand from the warp, and an awkward idea with clippy sentences of a fight scene. A warp ride later, with unimaginative sentence begins, like a broken record, and funky descriptions and segways, Khang is in the courtyard! Deus ex plotdevice! Not my best, but I stopped procrastinating and churned out a post without inspiration. My last posts took too long for me to get to the Cult Quarter and required posts in other threads, so I decided "Eh, Chaos gods, destiny, n' shit." and BLAM! Straight to the action. End Summary almost as long as the post!)

(Summary Summary: Khang fights a Warpworm chasing him. He's swallowed, and ported through the warp to Iwaku. Lands in the courtyard, destroying a fountain in the process. Tears off a trophy and starts towards the castle. Not my best.)

Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

As they stopped near the bench and its lone occupant Aya slid off of Aki's back. She stood a little apart from her brother and studied the old man intently eye eyes reflecting a little more than the world around them for a second. A mere shimmer of something not there.

Aki then pointed at the castle and started to speak but was cut off and hes eyes fell to the rapidly aging bench.

He didn't respond instead he moved closer to Aya and put a hand on her shoulder, while she continued staring into Mr. Tea's eyes, her own again reflecting a little of what wasn't there, then they closed and she put a hand to her temple. "I have a headache." she declared quietly. before opening her eyes to listen again.

It wasn't long before they were running to get out of the rain followed by the dry Mr. Tea. Shivering slightly the twins watched him approach.

"What do you you make of him?" Aki asked jerking a thumb at the figure.

"Theres something here I'm not seeing but every time I try...." She put her hand to her temple again.

They turned to the old man as he came under the overhang.

"I wish I could ignore the cold." Aki said half jokingly as Tea went on and when he finished they looked ta eachother.

"Haven't he already met one" Aki said pointing at Tea's dry sleeve.

"Hes talking about the guardians of fate. Though fate isn't the right word..." she paused, and the twins looked into eachother's faces then after a second they both nodded, then turned to Tea and nodded again.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Musical Score: Heroes return - Hammerfall

All around the castle, leather jackboots pounded against stone and lasguns were laoded and checked, leman russ battle tanks started their engines and the balconies facing the courtyard quickly filled with a platoons worth of guardsmen, all of whom had their weapons pointed at Khang and the worm.

"big fleshy thing ten round fussilade, FIRE!" the lieutenant screamed, and his men each fired ten shots into the worm, the lasrounds scorching, burning and blistering its flesh
"Chaos mutant, fifteen rounds rapid fire, FIRE!" he yelled and the men aimed at Khang, their fingers squeesing the trigger and unleashing the first rounds of their deadly salvo.

but the bolts stopped in mid air, and a figure, tall and clad from head to toe in thick armor, over which is a tabard embroidered with winding, moving patterns and symbols of Tzeench, strode towards the beastman of Nurgle, and Khang knew that this was the figure that had stopped time
"another servant of our dark masters?" the figure purred, his voice dark and sinister adn dripping with fell magicks.

so you serve the plaugefather, interesting, the warmaster will want to meet you, should you wish to survive the plaything's fussilade, you would do well to come with me" Sindri, Sorceror Lord said, extending a guantleted hand.

ooc: Khangs apeparance is noticed by the guardsmen inside the castle, who unleash a torrent of lasfire at both khang and the worm, though Sindri, the Cahso sorceror compatriot of WMD, appears, and offers to save Khang's life if he meets the warmaster.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Lysha smiled and ushered her husband into the room before closing the door. "I don't know what kind of guards you are used to, but the guards around here are usually disciplined, well behaved men who would certainly not arrest anyone for loitering around or treat the prisoners any more roughly than is necessary." She frowned and tapped her chin.

"Well, I thought they're well disciplined too, except for that...." Faramond mused. Megane-kun looked at Faramond as if to ask "What are guards supposed to be like?" but kept his silence.

Lysha went on, "The access to the castle is not restricted right now. In fact it's opened up for refugees from the recent outburst of violence."

"But I thought..." Faramond began asking himself when megane-kun whispered, "Was it? I, we didn't pass by any refugees though, or was it?"

Faramond shrugged, and listened what Lysha has been saying, "If you want you can go towards the main hall, which is to the right and down the stairs once you leave this room. The other option is that the two of you help me and my husband get to the bottom of this situation. If the guards have been misbehaving on their own accord out of stress or simple boredom, we will soon find out, and they WILL be disciplined accordingly."

Faramond and megane-kun looked at each other. The two probably thought of the same thing, that too many things had already happened to them to....

"I don't know," Faramond began, "I am of the opinion that, despite their eccentricity, the guards didn't do anything that bad. As for that thing about the castle being open to refugees, I didn't know about that until now."

Megane-kun tugged at Faramond's shirt, as if to contest something. Faramond looked at megane-kun, but neither said anything. The silence was broken by shouts and sounds of gunfire coming from the castle courtyard. Faramond's face turned pale with alarm and rushed towards the windows. He couldn't see where the noises were coming from, but he began worrying about the twin's safety.

"I...." Faramond turned to Lysha, I am sorry but I think my other two companions are in serious trouble at the moment. I must help them. Thanks for your help, but I must really go."

Even before megane-kun could grasp what was happening, he found himself being dragged down the stairs by an extremely agitated Faramond.

" Can't you at least tell me what's happening?" megane-kun asked as they reached the main hall of the castle.

"I'll explain to you, if I really have to, later." Faramond answered, without slowing down his sprint towards the exit.

Faramond raced out of the castle doors, and into the castle courtyard where he thought the sounds were coming from. He was about to go look for the twins in the castle courtyard when megane-kun stopped him. He was pointing towards the wide open castle gate.

" WHAT NOW?" Faramond yelled at megane-kun. Megane-kun didn't answer, he kept on pointing at the castle gate. It was Faramond's turn to be dragged. Megane-kun dragged a confused Faramond across the damp castle courtyard, towards the gate.

"I must ask you many questions after this. But..." megane-kun smirked, "for now, there's your twins, chatting amiably with some dirty old man."

Megane-kun pointed to a shed just outside the gate, next to the castle wall. There, the twins were talking to Mr. Tea. The three seemed not to have noticed them yet. Or so Faramond thought.

"You came just in time," Mr. Tea slightly bowed towards the two, "would you two come here, or you might get soaked in the rain."

"Rain? What rain?" Faramond asked as he raised his hand and turned his palm up to check if it was indeed raining. It was. Megane-kun nudged Faramond and went ahead to the shed. Faramond disorientedly followed suit.

Lysha explains the situation to Faramond and megane-kun, and asks for their help in investigating the guards. Faramond was about to answer when he heard gunshots and shouts from the castle courtyard. Faramond (with megane-kun) rushes out thinking that the twins were in trouble. The two find the twins chatting amiably with Mr. Tea in a shed outside the castle.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

She was startled by the appearance of the other girl; dear Goddess, just how many people were here to try and talk to this guy? As if he was the only doctor here! But then nearly everyone's attention was drawn to something else- and for all that the new girl's cutesy behavior made her want to curl her lip and roll her eyes, she was no more immune to the kitten on the floor than the girl was.

But come on. It was a kitten, not a pink stuffed toy.

"I think you're gagging it with 'cute'," she said, crouching quickly and lifting the cat up by it's sides before the doctor could manage to land a kick (seriously, who kicks a cat?!), and placing it on one of the smaller counters as she stood up again. "Seriously, baby talk? That's not even good for real babies, why you gotta treat a cat like..." Pausing in the act of scratching it's back, Psychosis tilted her head, peering into those bright blue eyes. Terribly familiar blue eyes, in fact. She knew she'd seen them somewhere before. "Hey doctor," she called, not taking her eyes off the cat's. "If this ain't your cat, you know who's it is?" she asked.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2


The cat stared intently into Psychosis's eyes, its whiskers twitching. Then it butted her hand with its head. Leaping from the counter, the kitten hopped onto her shoulder then onto the floor again.


It ran to the doorway, stopped, looked back at her, then jumped up and down. "Mrow mrow mrow!"

It edged towards the door, an impatient look on its face.

Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Psychosis stared at the cat. She then turned and looked at the doctor and Sakura. "Okay, seriously? Lassie-cat? Tell me one of you guys are gonna follow?"

Doctor Grant, still looking absolutely stupefied, turned and looked at his patients, who waited for his help. Sakura's face lit up with glee.

Psychosis' face fell.

"On second thought, kiddo, you just stay here with the good doctor and get whatever you came down here for done. I'll play 'Follow the Leader' with Puss here." Shaking her head, Psychosis moved towards where the cat was still waiting by the door, only for the little beast to meow again and then promptly run out and around the corner. Cursing, she ran to keep up.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Umm...Hey~Wait.." Sakura pouted as Psychosis ran off after the little cat. She looked over at the Doctor, crossing her arms. So not fair. She's mean to me and then she chases after the little kitty. She thought it would've been fun to play with such a clever acting cat. It seemed like royalty the way it walked around and meowed. She sighed and shook her head, she had to concentrate on her responsibilities first. If she didn't, she'd be running around chasing that mean girl and the kitty and DynDynkun would be disappointment. She stuck her tongue out, "Poooo~" she murmured, a sound of complaint.

And it was cute, too. There's nothing wrong with calling something cute, cute. She didn't like that girl one bit. She was so mean! Sakura didn't think anyone had objections against babytalking to cuddly little things, but now she'd met the very first person. She didn't want to come across that girl again for sure. She could've cried.

"Doctor-sama," she asked, shuffling her feet, "I needed to ask if you had any specific suggestions for the patients' dinner..." She told him cheerfully, pushing away the thoughts of the girl who'd insulted her so blatantly and the cat she was so intrigued by. "The chefs are starting to prepare for the feast so I came over to ask you." She added brightly.

Maybe DynDynkun knows about the kitty! I bet he can even smell kitties! I'll wait for the Doctor to explain and then tell the cooks and then to go DynDynkun! I can find out if the politics over the battle plans worked out, too! She grinned at the idea, immediately brightened up by her own optimism.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Khang stood, stupefied by the bits of metal suspended in front of him. He gaped slack jawed at the silent beasts of metal aiming their trunks at him. They had spat fire and stone and completely obliterated the worm. Such magic was beyond him. Surrounding him where humans, but they weren't the disorganized rabble Khang was used to eating. They stood, faces defiant, pointing their long metal staffs at him, the ones that shot light that burned. He stared at one, and the human matched him, swiveling his staff to point at Khang.

The sorcerer motioned, and they dropped the staff points lower. From his armor Khang saw he was one of the Change God's, but he wasn't a sniveling oracle for a beastman tribe. He stood taller, and was clad in massive, thick plates of some substance Khang knew of not. Laid across his breastplate was a tabard bearing the Change God's Mark.


"Should have known! Tzeentch botherer's. Where is this place? What does the mage god want with me?" Khang demanded answers.

(Summary: Khang is amazed by the Guard and their machines of war. He narrowly avoids being blasted when the Tzeentch sorcerer Sindri stops the incoming rounds. Khang asks Sindri what he wants with him.)
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Before Sindri could answer, there was a slight creaking sound from the other side of the courtyard. One of the cloister doors drifted open, and hanging on the inside handle was a cat. It had its paws around the brass knocker and was hanging there, tongue stuck out in concentration.

Sindri stared silently, pondering how a simple cat could still be moving though Time itself had been stopped. The cat dropped to the ground and blinked back at him, slightly wide-eyed. It looked at the beastman, then the sorceror, then the circle of time-frozen lasgun-wielding troops.


"Mrow..." it said, somehow sounding apologetic.

Then it dashed off across the courtyard, away from the castle and towards the main street.

A second later, Psychosis appeared in the cloister doorway, a little short of breath. She also stopped when she noticed the standoff between the beastmen and the frozen guards.

"Sorry," she said, also managing to sound apologetic. She smiled at the Beastman and then rushed off after the cat, remaining on the edge of Asmodeus's Confluence field.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Sindri's guantleted hand grabbed Khang's shoulder and as the two faded into swirling nothingness, the sorceror cackled as time resumed and the guardsmens lasbolts struck the courtyard pavement, scorching the pavement.

the stunned guardsmen looked to where the cat and the girl had gone, their puzzled and angered expressions making their confusion clear.

OOC: khang and sindri teleport out.

theyn are headed for iwaku castle.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

The sorcerer reached out and grasped Khang by the breastplate. The world turned inside out.

A second later he was standing in a broken-down cellar of some sort. The cobbled floor was scattered with various debris, smashed crates and cobwebbed barrels packed into corners. Sindri released Khang and stepped back. Across the room stood an immense figure clad in the same substance as Sindri, back turned to them. He was looking down upon the broken, mutilated form of a girl. A deep rumbling laugh resounded from the figure, and he turned around to greet them. His armour was ornate, and united only in Chaos. There seemed to be decorations for every god -regardless of the feuds between them- somewhere on his armour. Pinned limbs, arcane sigils, foul cracks leaking pestilence, his rich cape of the darkest black. He smiled wolfishly at Khang.

"Look what the tide dragged in." His voice was as imposing as the warp itself. Smooth, like velvet, with an undercurrent of such evil. It was both ambrosia and filth.

"A servant of the Plaguefather. This is unexpected, the warp is not often disturbed by something other than our own Barship. Where is your craft?" Sindri responded before Khang could.

"It seems he was ingested by a daemon, then brought here in it's stomach. Perhaps his presence set it offcourse during its travels, or the Change God saw fit to bring him to us, Warmaster." The man laughed again, a booming, racous guffaw.

"A daemon's stomach?" He broke off, laughing, hand on his breastplate, bent over with guffaws. "That... the most amusing thing I've heard in a while, whew, oh..." He shook his head, still chuckling. Khang looked on, a crooked smile on his face.

"And what is your name, Nurglite?"
"I am Khang, of the Beastman tribe, Anchay-Ra. A champion of Nurgle, and a devoted servant to Khorne. You are?"
"Not many men would look me in the eye and ask me a question, Khang. I am Warmaster Death, and there may be a profit to reap from our co-operation."
"How is that?"
"The city we are in is called Iwaku. A mostly peaceful land. We," He indicated Sindri and himself. "Intend to change that. Unfortunately, another faction thought the same thing. They acted faster. Iwaku is being invaded, and while I would not stoop to protecting the citizens, the land is valuable, and ripe for the taint of Chaos. Slaves are always useful. As are meatshields." The Warmaster grinned maliciously. Khang smiled as well.

"And what is that?" Khang pointed at the broken body of the girl.
"The enemy. Most symbolic, I'd say." With another cackle, he turned and crushed the girl's skull beneath his iron tread.

"I have a feeling we're going to be very good friends." Khang put his hand on Stigmata.
"I was thinking the same thing.

(Summary: Khang teleports with Sindri to a unknown locale. There he meets Warmaster Death, and they begin a long and fruitful friendship. Warmaster informs Khang of the invasion, and his plans prior to it. He want's to protect his rightful land from the Elder threat. Some epic Villany later, Khang agrees to help him.)
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

"Hey, wait up! Damn cat, not all of us have four legs ya know!"

Psychosis hated running. She'd be the first to admit it- her human form was woefully out of shape. That was why she was a shapeshifter, so she didn't need to use her human form when something demanded activity. So it was that she was nearly gasping as she chased the feline through the streets, dodging rubble and leaping over obstacles. Where were they going? She was starting to wonder if this was a waste of time, but this was Iwaku, and really, how often was it that a cat asked you to follow it? If nothing else, it gave her something to do, right?

"Slow down you blasted flea-bag! So help me I'm gonna throw you in the river!"

Okay, yes, she loved cats. But she hated running more, so this was completely justified. Besides, it wasn't like she meant it. Mostly.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Haji sits on the roof watching the people move around when:

"Slow down you blasted flea-bag! So help me I'm gonna throw you in the river!"

intruded in Haji's thoughts. Quickly Haji scanned the rubble and building to find the girl. Haji finally spotted the panting girl that was chasing after a small cat. Haji jumped down to follow the girl.

What is she doing and why is the cat running? Is the girl being mean to the cat? The cat... is it a kitten? Maybe something entertaining will come from this.
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

It almost made him sick, pretending to be Asmodeus' little fanboy, prancing around like the fallen one was the absolute of everything. But, for once, all of Iwaku was at stake. And, for once, Asmodeus was right.

The zilla man sighed under his breath, again running his hand in his short beard. Since Asmodeus had left, he had too, and he had found himself behind the castle, beyond the hustle and bustle of the feast and the packing of those who had lived there for these long eighteen years and more.

And so, Fel was reflecting. How did he get himself in this mess? Was it worth it? Even if he tried to steal the spotlight, or if it was given to him willingly, he would probably come out as a pompus ass like that damn angel.

The rain poured down, drenching everything that should be dry for the patients that had to be evacuated – and for everyone who had to ride in a cart or walk, for that matter. The technians and those on the Bar ship were lucky, in his opinion, all they had to do is fly and use windshield whipers. -funny how he knew what those were, now that he thought about it, New York was nice...

Again he sighed, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain. pitter-patter on the roof tops, we can listen to... the rhythm of the raindrops. I wish that the sun would come and stay, this is a song for rainy days.

[SUMMARY: Fel sits outside and thinks in the rain, some comes out about where he was the last eighteen years since the war.]
Re: Shapeshift Town - CHAPTER 2

Through twisting backstreets and cobbled squares, the cat led Psychosis and Haji onwards. They crossed over crowded roads where wagons and carriages were being prepared, dodging wizards who were waving Teknikan ships into place with glowing staffs. The shops were being emptied of goods left and right as people packed whatever provisions they could muster. The cat didn't even slow down, darting under the legs of horses and running along alley walls.

Psychosis was gasping for breath by the time she caught up with Asmodeus. The cat was waiting for her at the entrance to a paved square, watching her impatiently as she put her hands on her knees and sucked in mouthfuls of air.

By the time the redness had faded from her cheeks and she had found the energy to straighten up again, Psychosis realised they were close to the river. The babbling stream that coursed from Anirune Forest ran through the center of town, crossed here and there by stone bridges. In this particular spot the river was winding through the middle of the square, looping slightly to avoid the building at its centre.

Psychosis blinked as her gaze fell upon the gothic architecture of the mausoleum.


The cat darted off again, heading straight for the crypt, and with an exhausted sigh Psychosis followed once more. With the evacuation being prepared, no one was guarding the mausoleum and Asmodeus was able to get his head in the crack of the door and nudge it open. Then he slipped inside.

By the time Psychosis had caught up she could already see inside the tiny chamber, where evening light fell upon the single ornate relic within. It was a mounted coffin, the lower half made of stone and the lid carved into the shape of a robed werewolf.

The inscription read: Here lies the Lycan Queen, forever in our hearts.

The cat had jumped up on top of the coffin and was pawing at the lid. And as it did so, it was yowling furiously.


[Asmodecat leads Psychosis and Haji to the Mausoleum of Lycan Queen, former leader of the Shapeshifters]
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