The Easterling Army

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She shook her head gently and looked up for a moment before looking back down. she took a few steps to the side and then decided to walk in a circle while she thought about, well, anything that came to mind. She wondered if her father did trip over while he was running back into Mirkwood, smirking at that she continued of thinking of random things, still walking in a circle.
Valtir pulled up a reed and began to twirl it through his fingers absently. He was now considering the journey ahead. If he was correct in where he thought they were, they were still a short distance off from the Emyn Muil. They could walk along the western side of the Anduin until they reached it, and then he wasnt sure what they would do from there. It was a very difficult area to navigate, and he had become lost in there multiple times before. He considered completely avoiding it by going through the Eastern Emnet, which was nothing more than a plain, but that might take too long, and there was no way that they could just go with the flow of the river, considering the Falls of Rauros.
Freya continued in her circle, wondering absent minded where they would be heading after this. That thought lingered in the back of her mind with all the other things she was thinking of. She stopped and tilted her head, then shook her head and started walking in the circle again. When you had seen so much, it still amazed her about all the little things she remembered from moments where she overlooked them. Like when she climbed a tree for the first time. Turns out, she had almost fallen because the branch she had her foot on snapped, but, she had overlooked it. Mentally laughing to herself, she looked up again, more so in paranoia than anything else.
The water darkened once more... It would seem that the Balrog still wasnt going to give up. He was flying downstream now, so Valtir decided to risk taking a breath. He brought his legs underneath him and kicked of the river bed, swimming back up to the top and taking a breath. he looked downstream and saw the Balrog fly out of sight, still following the river. He knew it would be back, so he took one last big breath and dived back down with Freya. He wasnt sure how long she could hold her breath for, but knew it was long than he could. He reached the river bed once again and sat down, grabbing the reed he had been playing with before it floated away. He looked up at Freya, who was still pacing around. She didnt seem to worry too much about conserving breath, which put a bit more confidence in him.
Freya started to slowly move her hand and a small circle, making a small bubble. The bubble however, was air that she pulled down from the surface. On the surface, there would be no indication of anything. She held the bubble of air in her hand and continued in her circle before stopping in front of Valtir. She had an idea. She didn't know how long they would be down here, so, creating little bubbles of air would probably work. Besides, she didn't need to breath yet. But it was a reassurance that she thought would help.
Valtir stared at the bubble in Freya's hand with a look of wonder. He then had an idea. If she could do that, then maybe she could create one so big that they could attach it to the floor and both sit in it. He didn't know how he could get that idea across, however. Instead, he stood up and slowly swam over to her, getting a closer look at how she was creating the bubble.
Freya held the bubble between them so he could see. She tilted her head and held it in both hands, she looked at the bubble with a look of pure concentration. The bubble got a bit bigger, swirling slightly as it did. She looked at Valtir, holding the bubble in one hand again, she indicated that she might be able to get it bigger to surround them. Freya tilted her head slightly in question.
Valtir nodded, then took a step back. He figured he would be out of the bubble once it was created, at least, then make his way in. He was unsure what it would feel like to be in that situation anyway. He let go of the reed, allowing it to float away, then waited patiently for Freya to attempt creating a human sized bubble.
She held the bubble between both of her hands, it hovered between them, spinning as it grew larger. Freya tilted her head at the bubble, allowing it to grow, she moved her hands with the bubble. It slowly grew bigger as it went. She nodded and let go of the bubble, allowing it to grow as it willed. It then moved to surround her. She took a breath and grinned, happy with her work, she made the bubble big enough for Valtir to step into it when he was ready.
He floated of to the side, staring at it with amazement. He then had a weird little idea. he swam over to the top of the bubble and went in feet first, dropping onto the slightly damp river bed. He looked around him, then back at Freya.

"This is brilliant! How did you learn to do this? I'd never imagine being inside a bubble at the bottom of a river before. It's so bizarre! But I love it!" He laughed and spun around, looking at the now slightly disfigured underwater world around him.
Freya chuckled at his enthusiasm before answering, "It's actually a simple training exercise. Making the bubble bigger it more advanced. You basically just gather air into a ball... You can do it with water and other things as well." She tilted her head before punching his uninjured arm. "That, is for tackling me." She nods once with a slight smile, "but, thanks. Because if you hadn't, i probably would have been seen."
He rubbed his arm, then chuckled. "You're lucky I showed up when I did. And I wouldnt have tackled you if we had a bit more time... Sorry about that."

The balrog's shadow passed over them once more, heading back north. Hopefully, that was the last time.
She nods, "I know. Was still rude.." She chuckled and looked up, let out a huff and then, in an attempt to make her hair not so heavy, started to wring the water out of it. "I know, this is kinda pointless now, but its a pain."
He chuckled again, then sat down on the damp floor. "Do as you will. I'm not sure how long we'll be down here for anyway. Now that we have this bubble, however, we won't have to risk leaving once we're out of breath. We'll wait here for a while longer until we're certain that it's gone." He said, looking up at the roof of water above him.

"...How hard are you focusing on keeping this bubble going?"
She continued to wring out her hair until she was satisfied it wasnt going to be a nuisance. She looked up at the top of the bubble, "honestly, i could go to sleep and still keep this bubble going. It was harder shifting the earth to get you out of it." she nodded and then tilted her head, "But, the longer i keep it up, the longer i will have to rest and the more it takes out of me." She looked the Valtir.
"Alright... so it's not gonna collapse on top of us or anything?" Valtir had suddenly felt claustrophobic, but now was feeling reassured. He stood up and stretched, allowing his hands to break through the top of the bubble. The way it defied gravity and how water normally acted was mystifying.
She shakes her head, "No, it wont collapse on top of us...unless i willed it to." She sat on the river bed and played with the wall of the bubble, drawing little patterns, without disturbing the structure of the bubble
Valtir raised an eyebrow, unsure if that was a threat, then continued playing with the bubble. it was oddly captivating, as he took small handfuls of water from the wall. He could see the bubble swaying in the current, which made it even more strange to think about how it was holding it's shape. He shrugged. "Magic." he thought to himself.
She tilted her head, continuing the trace patterns, she started humming softly to herself. She then stopped and looked up at Valtir, "Actually, while im thinking of it..." She stood and had a closer look at his forearm and tilted her head.
'Ah yeah... That. Can you do anything about it? I've only lost a bit of skin, so it's not too damaging." Now that they were out of the water, technically, the blood had come to the surface again, coating the wound.