The Drachensturm

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"The fact that your first idea was to kill him doesn't shake my belief that you're a serial killer. Rather, it reinforces the notion. From now, I'm calling you Killer Rescuer because of it."
*He smiles, yet its not cocky or for glee. He cracks his neck getting a tad annoyed at the man* Well would you like him standing up and alerting them all? Also don't call me that book worm. *he has a lot more insults ready if need be as well*
He shrugged, not scared of the larger man, "I would simply prefer a method of nonviolence. Also, maybe you were wrong about not sticking a dagger in my neck, you seem quite annoyed with me."
You certainly are getting there. *he walks over and lifts the other dead body up. He needed the exercise and luckily these two were light weight* There aren't many options other than death for him since he let you two free.
Adalwolf, orange
Dillan stared into the eyes of his fallen opponent, unblinking and calm. The man grinned showing blood lining his gums and teeth. He coughed once bringing more red blood into his open mouth then manages to choke out a few words. "We are… many and…" the man coughed once more. Dillan lowered his axe a bit and hoisted the man closer to better hear his reply. "…leader… strong." It was a pitiful for last words but haunting just the same. Dillan gently lowered the man to the ground and stood up. He wiped the blood from his weapons before replacing them to their holsters and sheaths. He then bowed his head with eyes closed and said a short prayer asking to be forgiven for such violence and true judgment for the souls he had borne to the afterlife.

Once he was finished, his eyes opened and began to scour the area for Lithia. A stern prod from a bow in his back gave him the indication he had been seeking. He turned slowly and used the bow to guide himself within a foot of her lithe form. His eyes glimpsed the blood on the bow but he would say nothing as the topic had been addressed once. He lifted his gaze to meet hers and smiled slightly. "You saved my life with two arrows, mon femme; tu es ma grace salvatrice [my lady, you are my saving grace =FRE]." He idly reached for her wounded hand to inspect the gash. Her bandage was soaked and quickly removed the old one and wiped her hand clean. He discarded the rag and went into a pocket for his kerchief. He wrapped her wound back up quickly making sure to keep it tight. Once finished he released her from his grasp and found himself wishing he hadn't. A deep red filled his cheeks though it was mostly hidden behind his beard.

As ordered, Dillan fell into line behind Lithia and found the smell of burning death to be quite repulsive. The lingering smoke and smog seemed to cling to his clothes and the inside of his nose. It was a sight he will not soon forget but forced himself to see the twisted expressions of agony on the lifeless piles of ash and bone. He had done this and though he had no remorse feeling the action may have helped spare his life or those of an ally, Dillan did mourn the loss of life. The cave grew dark very quickly and he made sure to stick close to Lithia. When the first bolt thunked free, he crouched and very nearly charged headlong into the darkness hearing Lithia's gasp at being struck. Dillan moved towards her in time to hear a second bolt click but also the twang of a bow string. The sound after indicated Lithia had found her mark. Dillan had to admit pride in the young woman's ability to use her weapon.

Dillan moved near to her along the cave wall and in the bleak light of the torches, he could see the cut on her face and the dark shimmering of blood on her side. His eyes filed with the pain of empathy and his face grew long with sadness. It was quickly diluted with a bit of overprotective anger that managed to deflect itself onto the young maiden. Dillan drew the corner of his shirt from under his armor and tunic and ripped off a piece of the white fabric. He gently wiped away the blood from her cheek being careful to not interfere with the coagulation. "Prinzessin! [princess =GER] You cannot be so reckless." Dillan's voice was soft but held a stern trace of his baritone which somehow managed to carry weight inside a whisper. He planted his gaze squarely on the ocean-like orbs revealing his concern. "Your father would flay my flesh from my bones if he knew I had left his only-" Dillan's eyes widened as he caught his clumsy tongue. He cleared his throat and reduced the excitement that had grown in his voice. "…daughter in harm's way." Dillan looked away and shrank back from Lithia. A haunting thought just ran through his mind and its truth sucked the color from his face. He placed the piece of cloth in her hand so she may continue to nurse her wounds.

Dillan picked up one of the crossbow bolts and moved cautiously to where he had heard the man die. His eyes had grown more accustomed to the dim light and he found this to be not so difficult. He retrieved the weapon and a quiver of eight more bolts making his total nine. He pressed onward with the group and hunkered down quickly once he spied the patrols. Dillan marveled at the contraptions and seemed to recognize the far ship as something used in wars long ago. Having his own ranged weapon, he liked the group's odds and picking off patrols; that is, if some of the zealots could be kept at bay. Dillan began to strategize but his mind was constantly wandering to the soul-draining epiphany he had reached inside the cave. Shaking his head and causing the dirty blonde locks to whip about his face, the big kraut fought using will to stow the emotional baggage until he had some time to properly deal with it.
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Lilia stood quiet at the mouth of the cave, drinking in the sight she saw before her; it was like nothing she had ever witnessed in her time, she didn't show the emotion on her face, but the very idea that technology had once been able to make metal float was one she found breathtaking; and let alone float at that, to move, faster than any sailed ship, and to fight as well; what had their ancestors once done to bring them back to this level? What or who had forced them down? Perhaps even...they had unwittingly done it themselves?

She didn't possess the knowledge to answer those questions, but found herself thirsting for it. Her eyes wandered over the sleek body of the once fear-inducing vessel in the water before her; as they did so, she noticed a small nameplate on the slim portion of the body closest to her. HMS Vengeance. S31. The vessel's name? Underneath the name, in smaller writing, was another word, partly unreadable. V-ngu--d. Pieced together, that could only spell...Vanguard. Had this ship been at the forefront of the old Albion's naval defence? That was what Vanguard meant after all, first in to the fight, last out. A part of her wondered though, whether that was the vessel's class. She was no expert, but a sailor had once told her when she was a little girl, that all seafaring vessels are organised into classes by size and configuration.

Shaking her head incredulously at the marvel before her, she turned and headed South, along the shoreline, a right-turn from her current position. Hearing the sounds of others talking, she picked up two voices she didn't recognise, and pressed on to investigate. She arrived in short order, shaking her head again, but this time at the complex she found herself in. How? How was this ever possible? This's so sufficiently advanced I can't distinguish it from that, maybe magic is a result of that technology too...her thoughts strayed about as she attempted to make sense of it all. Shaking it off, she approached Cora, Ullr, and the two individuals she did not recognise. Glancing at the cell and dead guards, she could quickly tell what had happened here.

"Ah...get captured did we? What are you names?"

@Chris Miller
@Conrad Norwood
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Simon groaned as the new woman questioned him like the rest had, "Can't you lot come all at once so I don't have to repeat myself? My name is Simon Marchand and he's William Omakoor. Now then, can we move on? We still have the problem of disposing of these guards?"
Cora shook her head, Ullr was all about killing. Even when they didn't need to. Did he want the danger to follow them all the time? It would only most likely get them wounded or killed at some point. Of course if Bandits were spotted and engaged of course they had the right to fight. But with others they could avoid it seemed the more humane thing to do. Their main objective for now would be to move off and start thier search.
The man was correst, the Bandits would soon find out of the death of thier comrades and come looking for those who had slaughtered them.

"I believe you're right. We should move out to avoid detection. All of us. That is if you're telling the truth and the bandits will be along shortly."

Cora personally was not up for another fight just yet, they had not even begun thier search yet. They should try and at least find a few things before starting a fight again, who knows what injuries would occur if such a thing were to happen.
By this point Catalina had approached the expanding group adding to the conversation and was correct. Though she found it diffcult to make out a few of the words she got the idea of what was being said. Cora had not seen her since the fight and was glad to see her in one piece.

"You're right. We could do with the help of a historian, in return for your help of course the information we discover may be of interest to you."

Keeping slightly aback, closer to Catalina. Not wanting to crowd into a group so much, it wasn't a large space as it was. She didn't want the new comers to feel overwhelmed.

@Conrad Norwood
@Chris Miller
Lilia paused herself, inwardly smirking, but her features showing nothing.

"You're quite ballsy for an ex-prisoner, aren't you?"

She let her smirk show on her face then, grinning at the man.

"Name's Lilia Kjaernestejd. A pleasure, or somesuch social convention I can't be arsed to spew out. As for these many are there on this side? Do you know?"

@Conrad Norwood
[BCOLOR=#000000]Have any of you seen my belt? He asked while looking around. [/BCOLOR]
Simon returned the smile, "A pleasure to meet someone else who doesn't care for social conventions, and no, I'm simply irritated with having to repeatedly introduce myself. However, that's not important right now." He began to pace around the room, the movement meant to help him recall his memories of the guards. While he certainly hadn't met every single bandit patrolling the deteriorating site, he had been counting the number of guards in rotation over the last few days. He stopped and turned back to Lilia, "I would say roughly twenty based on the number of guard shifts, Miss Kjaernestejd. Can your group handle that many?"
Simon returned the smile, "A pleasure to meet someone else who doesn't care for social conventions, and no, I'm simply irritated with having to repeatedly introduce myself. However, that's not important right now." He began to pace around the room, the movement meant to help him recall his memories of the guards. While he certainly hadn't met every single bandit patrolling the deteriorating site, he had been counting the number of guards in rotation over the last few days. He stopped and turned back to Lilia, "I would say roughly twenty based on the number of guard shifts, Miss Kjaernestejd. Can your group handle that many?"
"We handled more outside the main cavern. These shouldn't be too concerning."

That was not to say however, that one false move wouldn't end up with one or more of them dead or seriously injured. Moreover, the bandits had nowhere to run here, they would all be forced to fight bitterly to the very end.

"However we can't be too careful."

Lilia's thoughts were expressed on her face, giving her a slight frown as she wrung the scenario out in her mind.

"In any case, they have to be dealt with before we gather up any artifacts from here."
"Right, but before we can do anything else, i need my belt! Has anyone seen it?" Will asked while looking around. He had not seen where the bandits had taken his precious belt. "Its black leather, and has three knives, and a sword on it." He stated, while bending over to search under something. "Also, i need my chain mail shirt. its your standard Chain mail shirt... nothing special, but i really need it."
"Oh yes, your supplies. They were by my bag last I saw them, Mister Omakoor," Simon gestured to the area where he had found his things.
Catalina grew annoyed at the man for so quickly dismissing her earlier. "I am désolé my bilingue is affectant your convénient." She purposely scrambled the words and hid her smirk. "I am only a woman." She knew her last sentence would be what most men wanted to hear from her, and she figured he would enjoy it since he thought of himself above her. Then she couldn't help but add in, scrambling all of her words in all of the languages she knew just to annoy him further. "Et siento you have gotten levantado ce matin para encontrar quelque chose crawled up el culo et mort." The sentence rushed out, and it wasn't hard for her to think about combining all of those words before they happened, making her feel more confident about her intelligence. Then she realized he had just been a prisoner and felt a little ashamed. She hoped he didn't understand what she had said.


She bit her lip, crossing her arms over her chest and brushing against Cora's shoulder. Catalina wasn't sure if Cora knew enough Spanish to piece together what she had just said, but if she did, Catalina hoped they could share this laugh together a bit.

Then, Catalina turned to the prisoner she recognized as Will. "No, sir, I haven't. Perhaps-"

Suddenly, a shrill sound cut through the air. You heard laughter. "Ey, look at what I found!" A guard stepped out, playing with an old, rusted, metal object. It had a strap on it that was long enough to hang loosely like a... Necklace? No, that couldn't be it. The guard put the object to his lips again and blew once more, laughing. The noise was loud, imitating the sound a bird makes but a lot shriller. Maybe it's one of those artifacts your supposed to find! Oh, well, never mind- the guard spotted you guys! And it looks like he's bringing some back-up.... 8 guards and 6 people spotted? Well, it sucks that not everybody's a fighter...

@Chris Miller
@Conrad Norwood
Simon growled at Catalina, "Your gender be damned, it does not affect your intelligence or fighting ability, Spaniard! Besides," he backed away from the path the enemies were taking towards them, "all that matters right now is if someone has spare weaponry for those of us who didn't bring such things." He knew he wouldn't stand a chance in a drawn out fight even with a sword, but it was better than being empty-handed and dead.

@MrDubWubs @Xibilation @Laurioshock @Chris Miller
Catalina raised her eyebrows from his mini speech about how gender doesn't affect skills. Since human development had basically reset after the mass-almost-extinction, many men had made sure Catalina knew that they were better than her for some reason they never made clear. Her respect for Siron, Simone, or whatever his name was grew a tiny bit, just the tiniest, but that was it.

Catalina was a stubborn ass.

But anyways, the fact that there were bandits advancing made Catalina forget about their conversation. "I have a knife and a needle, but that is it." Catalina paused as she drew her dagger, her fingers enclosing the handle tighter. "I get the knife." She was scared a tiny bit- after all, her father hadn't felt the need because of the gender difference to teach her self defense, despite loving her very much. Her mother was out of the question, and Catalina had to wrack her brain to think of what she had learned when she and her friends went to watch the scribes learn how to fight. (A key reason as to why she was there was because they were shirtless, which made her have a harder time concentrating on remembering their fighting techniques.) She knew not to expose her neck and how to punch without tucking her thumb into her fist from her own medicine woman training.

Well, the bandits surely weren't giving her the needed time as they rushed towards them.
So there really were guards, huh? No matter. They will die regardless.

Drawing his sword without another thought, Jan took a breath as he stepped forward. "If you're not confident in your ability to fight and you'd rather live, I'd suggest you stay back. I'll handle this," he spoke firmly, "That necklace looked mighty fine anyway..."

I hope the blood will clean off easily.

@Conrad Norwood
"Fine then, back to the cell with me and anyone else who doesn't have a weapon," Simon spoke as he made his way to his destination. He was fine with the idea as the group looked strong enough to handle itself. Though he didn't like the cell, Simon rationalized that he wouldn't have to stay there much longer.
*Ullr drops the bodies that he was carrying* Well that was for nothing. *he drew his axes ready to fight, but his face did not sport the cocky smile it use to.* Ya'll bout to have a bad day. *Now he had people to protect. Even if this Simon guy was annoying he seems to be very useful and worth protecting. His eyes darted around the bandits looking for weak points. He quickly spotted them and charged in head first to attack. He wanted this over with and quick. He has killed enough people today*