The Drachensturm

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Catalina nods when the man corrects her.
Hearing the spanglish pronounced by that woman sounded a bit painful for him. "You mean to ask us if we'll be travelling together, yes?".
"Ah, yes. It is harder to speak than hear." She was a little ashamed of herself that she had given up on trying to find the right word for travel so quickly. She could understand English just fine when other people spoke it, but for some reason, she still had a hard time speaking it herself. She could speak French fluently, and English was a new language she had been trying to master. She got embarrassed when all of the other people around her were speaking it perfectly, despite a few French accents, and a light pink coloring found its way near her cheekbones.

Catalina felt awkward when a bunch of seasoned warriors found their way to the table, all menacing and fearsome. She rubbed the back of her neck. The dagger on her belt didn't seem to be the right way to defend herself, with all of these humongous swords and bows hanging off of people's backs. What a jolly table.

Andre looked around, trying to get a good luck of everyone. "Well, I guess we should all define on everyone's function on the travel that will follow, right?"
"Medicine," she piped up, "Plant identification. I am a good ambassadeur." The word came out sounding more French than English. She didn't really mention how her looks and status were what helped her become such a great one. She paused for a moment before adding, "Only in French or Spanish." The corner of her mouth rose cheekily.
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Catalina nods when the man corrects her.

"Ah, yes. It is harder to speak than hear." She was a little ashamed of herself that she had given up on trying to find the right word for travel so quickly. She could understand English just fine when other people spoke it, but for some reason, she still had a hard time speaking it herself. She could speak French fluently, and English was a new language she had been trying to master. She got embarrassed when all of the other people around her were speaking it perfectly, despite a few French accents, and a light pink coloring found its way near her cheekbones.

Catalina felt awkward when a bunch of seasoned warriors found their way to the table, all menacing and fearsome. She rubbed the back of her neck. The dagger on her belt didn't seem to be the right way to defend herself, with all of these humongous swords and bows hanging off of people's backs. What a jolly table.

"Medicine," she piped up, "Plant identification. I am a good ambassadeur." The word came out sounding more French than English. She didn't really mention how her looks and status were what helped her become such a great one. She paused for a moment before adding, "Only in French or Spanish." The corner of her mouth rose cheekily.
*Ullr sighs getting bored after finishing his sandwich and beer. He always loved peanut butter. He walks over to the women and man with a stretch cracking some bones* I never understood how one could know more than one language. Too difficult for m at least. *he scratched the inside of his ear. He just wanted to interact since he would be stuck with these people for a while*
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They were quiet mostly. Perhaps unsure of how to react to one another, she'd certainly brought together a rather...unusual mix of individuals here.


She hoped negotiations were going well; Jorik was at the bar with the man from the Flykirate, discussing their first job offer. If it was the Fylkirate, it would probably have something to do with old artefacts or maybe a mission against the Catholic Church. They were on good terms with the Protestant Church, so despite them seeing other as heathens, neither bothered the other as part of an agreement to unify their forces against the Catholics, whom they saw as a greater threat.

For now though, until Jorik was done, it seemed that she would have to entertain her crew. She leant forward and placed her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands as she spoke.

"Welcome to you all; we still appear to be waiting on some people, but we can start now. As you know, I've canvassed all of you into this little Company we're forming. We accept any and all jobs we feel that we can complete; the idea being, as I'm sure you know, that we're safer to do this as a group rather than individually, our name will also become reputable, meaning others will seek out our services."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

"As you know; I am Lilia Kjaernestejd, another member of the Company; Jorik Holmgeirr, is currently discussing work with a man from The Northern Celtic Fylkirate, you may have seen them on our way in. While we're here please order as much food and drink as you wish, I have a substantial tab to cover it." A poor business decision and she knew it, but it was a good social decision, and she knew that to be far more important.

@Zloglasniot Fasada
@Allina Auburn
@Undivided Belakor
@The Gil
Cora listened intently to Lilia as she addressed the group and explained what was going to happen from this point. For now they were free to interact and order food and drink. Relax a time before the real work began.
Cora though was already itching to get to work, though she had come a long way she couldn't wait to get started on whatever task the group would accept.

Ushering over a maid Cora thought it best to have a little something to eat and drink before they would begin on buisness. Who knows what would befall the group. She might require substansial energy. For which she needed libations and food to gain.

"I'll have a...water if I may. And maybe a slice or two of bread, please." A simple order, nothing fancy or huge. She was used to small meals, bland at that. Her stomach was not used to rich foods so it would be best to stick to what she knew best. She didn't wish to be poorly on the first day of the job.

The maid nodded in her direction before heading off. Returning not a few minutes later with what she had asked for.

"Thank you."

Cora gave the maid a smile as she retreated away to more customers that beckoned her service. Picking up the mug she had been given she took a sip of the water. Cold and fresh, thirst qwenching. Placing her mug back down she broke a corner peice off the bread she had on a small plate and chewed on it as she surveyed the group once more. As people ordered, ate and relaxed. Waiting for thier adventure to begin.
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*Ullr sighs getting bored after finishing his sandwich and beer. He always loved peanut butter. He walks over to the women and man with a stretch cracking some bones* I never understood how one could know more than one language. To difficult for me. *he just wanted to interact since he would be stuck with these people for a while*
Catalina laughs a bit, smiling at him. "It is very hard. Too hard." She turned to her body to face him, so she could speak to him more directly. "I am Catalina. And you are?"
Catalina laughs a bit, smiling at him. "It is very hard. Too hard." She turned to her body to face him, so she could speak to him more directly. "I am Catalina. And you are?"
My name is Ullr. *He says with a smile his name sounded like one of the names that teacher doesn't learn till the end of the year. It sounded very foreign to any one who heard it* It is very nice to meet you mam.
Pyrelithia Veronica, red
Lithia sighed in relief to be out of the rain as she walked towards the large table that looked almost half full already with a variety of strangers. 'I hope this is worth it...' hesitantly she approaches the table. Seeing most everyone had taken a seat and was talking amongst themselves she slides into a chair beside a silent man. She really had no idea what to say to the small group, her shyness was getting the better of her and it didnt help that she wasnt use to talking to such crowds. Flipping back the hood to her green black she lets her slightly damp dirty blonde hair out so it fell in loose curls to the small of her back. Her grey/blue eyes slowly look up at the man beside her (Jan) giving him a small shy smile. "Bonjour, umm, how are you this evening sir?" She asks softly, her voice had a thick French accent, her tone was smooth and deep tho very much feminine. Lithia fidgets with her cloak beneath the table in a nervous habit as she waits for the mans response

Jan looked at the young woman beside him. He examined her features briefly, taking a small note of her habits. "I'm quite well, thank you for asking," he responded to her, "I'm Bray. Jan Bray. And what might your name be?" Jan asked curiously after introducing himself.
My name is Ullr. *He says with a smile his name sounded like one of the names that teacher doesn't learn till the end of the year. It sounded very foreign to any one who heard it* It is very nice to meet you mam.
Catalina began to reply, but she was interupted when a burly man and his companions approached the table. "Aye!" The biggest one shouted, his voice deep. He had biceps the size of her head, and was addressing Ullr. "The wench is yers? Mind if I use 'er, mate?" He laughed, his companions howling with them. Catalina frowned and bowed her head. Since it was back to medieval and early times, women were considered lower than men. After all the hard work, a nuclear war brought them back down to being considered lower. Why? Egos, I guess. Catalina's fingers began to close around her dagger, just in case she needed to use it against the men.

"Aye!" One of his companions bellowed. They were all clearly drunk out of their minds. "Wud about dis un?" He grabbed a slender girl by her short dark hair, yanking on it. Cora couldn't help but gasp as he tugged harshly on her hair.

Oh, geez.

"The Falkirate, is it?" Andrew growled, his voice carrying across the table to Lilia. "Lovely of you to leave that out of your invitation letter, that I'd be asked to work for heathens and heretics who've fought and killed those I've loved since I was a wee lad" He pulled off his heavy chain backed gloves and lay them on the wood of the table before him, leaning around to snag a server by the sleeve "Ale, and meat. Cheapest you've got" He wasn't working for Lilia yet, and he wasn't going to infringe on her hospitality too much.

You never knew what people expected of you once you ate their meat and bread.

@Reaper Jack

EDIT: (Xib posted at the same time as me, so I'll add a reaction in here)

He completely forgot about his own troubles, though, when a commotion started. Walking over from their own table a bunch of drunken louts had begun running their mouths. It was normal for men, but this was business, and as a knight - no one got in the way of his business.

His hand landed on the haft of his axe and he stood up, his full height and the clinking of chainmail giving him greater presence "Step away from the lady boys, or I'll have to remove those hands of yours"

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Catalina began to reply, but she was interupted when a burly man and his companions approached the table. "Aye!" The biggest one shouted, his voice deep. He had biceps the size of her head, and was addressing Ullr. "The wench is yers? Mind if I use 'er, mate?" He laughed, his companions howling with them. Catalina frowned and bowed her head. Since it was back to medieval and early times, women were considered lower than men. After all the hard work, a nuclear war brought them back down to being considered lower. Why? Egos, I guess. Catalina's fingers began to close around her dagger, just in case she needed to use it against the men.

"Aye!" One of his companions bellowed. They were all clearly drunk out of their minds. "Wud about dis un?" He grabbed a slender girl by her short dark hair, yanking on it. Cora couldn't help but gasp as he tugged harshly on her hair.

Oh, geez.

*Ullr's eye lid twitched a bit in anger. He hated others disrespecting women. Even if they were bigger* Yes she is mine but she is not a wench you thick skulled brute. *he places his hands on his axes ready to kill the man and his friends* I also suggest putting that lady down. Now!
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Catalina began to reply, but she was interupted when a burly man and his companions approached the table. "Aye!" The biggest one shouted, his voice deep. He had biceps the size of her head, and was addressing Ullr. "The wench is yers? Mind if I use 'er, mate?" He laughed, his companions howling with them. Catalina frowned and bowed her head. Since it was back to medieval and early times, women were considered lower than men. After all the hard work, a nuclear war brought them back down to being considered lower. Why? Egos, I guess. Catalina's fingers began to close around her dagger, just in case she needed to use it against the men.

"Aye!" One of his companions bellowed. They were all clearly drunk out of their minds. "Wud about dis un?" He grabbed a slender girl by her short dark hair, yanking on it. Cora couldn't help but gasp as he tugged harshly on her hair.

Oh, geez.

Cora hunched over slightly, hanging her head. Trying to make herself smaller, or what she hoped was invisible to the drunken men that patroled the inn. Clearly looking for a good time. Cora was not into such things. She managed to avoid such situations as this, but since they were in a new place and had to be here for reasons of the group she had no choice but to try and evade such drunken leers.

Shifting along the seat slightly she moved away from the men that approached the table. Making such remarks to the other female at the table, who she thought she heard was called Catalina.
Cora had heard that there was such a time when women were equals to men, in stature, wealth and place. If only such a time had continued. It would made the world such an easier place. Yet unfortunately the males and thier egos took over once more it seemed. Beliving women to the small and beneath them.
Cora believed that women could do just as much as men, it was one of the reasons she joined this group of people. To better herself, to gain more skills in life. More than just a maid.

Try as she might have, unfortunately the men had spotted her and had taken an interest. Without time to get up and walk away to another seat her hair had been grabbed and yanked harshly, hauling her backwards and almost off her chair with a stangled yelp. Her hands flew to the brutes hands and batted at them, her own small delicate ones trying to pry the grip from its hold on her.

Being yanked so harshly backwards her chair tumbled to the floor as she scramlbed to stand, panicked by the sudden arrival of the men. She hadn't seen them approach so closely to her. Many men did not notice her, today clearly was not her lucky day.

"Un-hand me you brute!"
She said, her voice picking up an octive as her hands clawed at the man with a grip on her hair.
*Ullr's eye lid twitched a bit in anger. He hated others disrespecting women. Even if they were bigger* Yes she is mine but she is not a wench you thick skulled brute. *he places his hands on his axes ready to kill the man and his friends* I also suggest putting that lady down. Now!
The man laughed, and he flexed his arms. The other one was holding Cora by the hair, cooing at her mockfully. "Awe, t'e li'le princess doesn't like it. Her 'air is a li'le short to tie to the bedframe. Maybe 'er 'ands." He laughed, massive hands starting to drag Cora away.

The other brute who was eyeing Catalina looked backwards and laughed. He looked at the other woman sitting at the table very -er- thoroughly. "Ye have enough woman fer yerselves already- we should have one too!" He let out a deep bellied laugh.

I mean, it was only fair, right?

They were quiet mostly. Perhaps unsure of how to react to one another, she'd certainly brought together a rather...unusual mix of individuals here.


She hoped negotiations were going well; Jorik was at the bar with the man from the Flykirate, discussing their first job offer. If it was the Fylkirate, it would probably have something to do with old artefacts or maybe a mission against the Catholic Church. They were on good terms with the Protestant Church, so despite them seeing other as heathens, neither bothered the other as part of an agreement to unify their forces against the Catholics, whom they saw as a greater threat.

For now though, until Jorik was done, it seemed that she would have to entertain her crew. She leant forward and placed her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands as she spoke.

"Welcome to you all; we still appear to be waiting on some people, but we can start now. As you know, I've canvassed all of you into this little Company we're forming. We accept any and all jobs we feel that we can complete; the idea being, as I'm sure you know, that we're safer to do this as a group rather than individually, our name will also become reputable, meaning others will seek out our services."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

"As you know; I am Lilia Kjaernestejd, another member of the Company; Jorik Holmgeirr, is currently discussing work with a man from The Northern Celtic Fylkirate, you may have seen them on our way in. While we're here please order as much food and drink as you wish, I have a substantial tab to cover it." A poor business decision and she knew it, but it was a good social decision, and she knew that to be far more important.

@Zloglasniot Fasada
@Allina Auburn
@Undivided Belakor
@The Gil
"I apologize, but I still have some questions who are rather important, I'd say. Little do we know about what we are really going to do here, I know you need me for my functions, but why are you gathering this group just now? I mean, if I may ask, is this solely for the dough?", Andre asked, despite not being really interested in his question. He had a mission and it would be better for him to accomplish it. He had already taken the job after all.

A few people answered his questions about what each one of them did, but before anyone could say anything else, a few men approached, drunks as street raccoons saying stupid things for the women and grabbing the hair of one of the ladies. He had enough of that nonsense, they were there to make business, not to start senseless fights. He felt like punching one of those men, thinking that the other warriors on the table would happen him if he were to start a real fight. One had already stepped up and threatened the drunkheads with an axe. Sounds good. But Andre didn't wanted to cover his weapons with blood of those people.

"Gentlemen, if you don't start to act like real men, I beg your pardon, but me and the gentleman with the axe there are gonna have to take... Let's say 'defensive measures'".

@Undivided Belakor @Xibilation @Laurioshock
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"Aw, feck ye ya wee cunt" Andrew rumbled. He slammed his axe into the wood of the table and vaulted himself up onto the surface. With a running leap he tackled the man carrying Cora, his heavy chain wreathed body smashing into him forcefully, knees first into his chest - he probably snapped his collarbone with that first strike. The heavy knight slammed his heavy raged fuelled fist hard into the man's face, blood and teeth exploding from his mouth until one of the drunkard's friends kicked the Northman in the face. He fell off to the side, rolling to try and regain his feet

"Mere then ya boozed up fuckwit, moan taste some steel ay mine!" Regaining his feet, he stepped forward with his fists raised - he wouldn't tolerate these dullards winning any fight...especially after having fought worse in his time "Anyone want tay help, just jump right in" Andy muttered, his eyes glancing at the big axeman - he hoped he wouldn't draw those'd be a bad idea to kill in this place.
The man laughed, and he flexed his arms. The other one was holding Cora by the hair, cooing at her mockfully. "Awe, t'e li'le princess doesn't like it. Her 'air is a li'le short to tie to the bedframe. Maybe 'er 'ands." He laughed, massive hands starting to drag Cora away.

The other brute who was eyeing Catalina looked backwards and laughed. He looked at the other woman sitting at the table very -er- thoroughly. "Ye have enough woman fer yerselves already- we should have one too!" He let out a deep bellied laugh.

I mean, it was only fair, right?

Cora was panicked, her heart was rapidly picking up speed as the men who approached them spoke. Though her hands claws at her captors hand, it did little good for her. It was probably mildly irriating at best. Her nailed were sharp but she had no brute strength to free herself.
Her stomach dropped like a tonne of bricks as man mocked her, speaking of such things in his slurred and deep voice. Where she had come from she had never had someone physically grab her in such a manner. It was a shock for her to witness or even be a part of this.

"N--no. Let me go!"

She shrieked, her voice high pitched and shaking as she was pulled backwards forcefully by the hair. She had no choice but the move back as her hair was tugged at, causing a sensation of pins and needles to wave over her scalp.
Lashing out with her hands she tried to reach behind her and get in a hit to the man who held her hair. Though she couldn't quite spin enough. Instead she kicked back with her foot, with a good force behind it towards his groin. She always found that you always gain more strength and force when you feel yourself in danger or trouble. The drive to fight. Since Cora couldn't escape the hold she might as well try to fight her way out of it.

Women were not toys, they were not there to pick and choose from. Just because one table has a few females at it does not mean they are fair game to take because that table has enough already. It was cruel and not as all pleasent for the ladies--unless they were into that sort of thing. For which Cora was not.
These such actions frightened her so, leaving her no option but to lash out like she had.
The man laughed, and he flexed his arms. The other one was holding Cora by the hair, cooing at her mockfully. "Awe, t'e li'le princess doesn't like it. Her 'air is a li'le short to tie to the bedframe. Maybe 'er 'ands." He laughed, massive hands starting to drag Cora away.

The other brute who was eyeing Catalina looked backwards and laughed. He looked at the other woman sitting at the table very -er- thoroughly. "Ye have enough woman fer yerselves already- we should have one too!" He let out a deep bellied laugh.

I mean, it was only fair, right?

*Ullr had enough. Maybe these guys deserved to get castrated. Or loose a a finger and shove it up their ass holes. He quickly un-sheaths one axe and throws at to the man who is draging Cora away. It should hit his spine if he doesn't move. He then quickly takes the other axe out and swings it at the man holding Cat hoping it hits his arm or rib cage area*
Suddenly Cora was flung to the floor. The hold on her hair released suddenly. Landing with a hard thump she groaned at the landing. Gazing up from the floor as she crawled up onto her knees did she see that the Scots man had intervined. For that Cora was very greatful.
There were few men left who would fight for a woman, who would stand up for those who could not fight for themselves against such drucken behaviour. Thank goodness some of those men did exsist.

With shaking hands she picked herself up and backed away towards the women known as Catalina. Smoothing down her hair and her crumbled dress she tried to calm her ever quickening breath. She couldn't bare to think what would have happened if no one had intervined on the situation. It made her sick to think of what could have unfolded if they had taken her away. But she had no reason to think of such things, there were a few men at the table willing to help. It made Cora happy to think she would be safe within this team.

This was defintly not what she expected of her first day in Avalon. Hopefully it would get better from here on out. This was just merely her being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Watching as the Scot swung at the drunken fools she noticed others joining to his aid. Cora hoped that those men only acted in such a way because of the alcohol. Though part of her thought they were like that in general with or without the booze.
It truely was a sad world they lived in, reverting back to this after such great things. Or so she had heard. The history of this world seemed so great, comparred to this life anyway.

@Undivided Belakor
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//I go answer a phone call and this? wahhhh
"I apologize, but I still have some questions who are rather important, I'd say. Little do we know about what we are really going to do here, I know you need me for my functions, but why are you gathering this group just now? I mean, if I may ask, is this solely for the dough?", Andre asked, despite not being really interested in his question. He had a mission and it would be better for him to accomplish it. He had already taken the job after all.

A few people answered his questions about what each one of them did, but before anyone could say anything else, a few men approached, drunks as street raccoons saying stupid things for the women and grabbing the hair of one of the ladies. He had enough of that nonsense, they were there to make business, not to start senseless fights. He felt like punching one of those men, thinking that the other warriors on the table would happen him if he were to start a real fight. One had already stepped up and threatened the drunkheads with an axe. Sounds good. But Andre didn't wanted to cover his weapons with blood of those people.

"Gentlemen, if you don't start to act like real men, I beg your pardon, but me and the gentleman with the axe there are gonna have to take... Let's say 'defensive measures'".

@Undivided Belakor @Xibilation @Laurioshock
He bellowed in laughter again. Okay. Woah. WASTED. He was about to remark when suddenly-
"Aw, feck ye ya wee cunt" Andrew rumbled. He slammed his axe into the wood of the table and vaulted himself up onto the surface. With a running leap he tackled the man carrying Cora, his heavy chain wreathed body smashing into him forcefully, knees first into his chest - he probably snapped his collarbone with that first strike. The heavy knight slammed his heavy raged fuelled fist hard into the man's face, blood and teeth exploding from his mouth until one of the drunkard's friends kicked the Northman in the face. He fell off to the side, rolling to try and regain his feet

"Mere then ya boozed up fuckwit, moan taste some steel ay mine!" Regaining his feet, he stepped forward with his fists raised - he wouldn't tolerate these dullards winning any fight...especially after having fought worse in his time "Anyone want tay help, just jump right in" Andy muttered, his eyes glancing at the big axeman - he hoped he wouldn't draw those'd be a bad idea to kill in this place.
The man dropped Cora, falling to the ground with a big "UNMPH!" The two collasal men both fell to the floor, causing the whole tavern to shake. The force of Andrew's knees slammed into the drunk man's collarbone, breaking it. His nose was broken, teeth were broken- he looked pretty bad. When Andrew raised his fists to a new companion, the man raised his hands in defeat, eyes wide. Apparently, you've cornered the only sober friend! Punch his face for not making sure he didn't stop his friends from becoming drunk when they did, or leave him be.
*Ullr had enough. Maybe these guys deserved to get castrated. Or loose a a finger and shove it up their ass holes. He quickly un-sheaths one axe and throws at to the man who is draging Cora away. It should hit his spine if he doesn't move. He then quickly takes the other axe out and swings it at the man holding Cat hoping it hits his arm or rib cage area*
Well, you hit his arm, alright- and it fucking hurt. "IEEEEEE!" He yelled out in pain, letting go of Catalina instantly. Your other axe missed your target after Andrew tackled the man. If anything was strapped on Andrew's back at the time, it surely would've been hit.

Fueled by rage, all of the warriors in the group begin to get up, wanting to attack, until....

Lilia was mad. Her blood was pumping, and she was wanting to slice someone's head clean off of their body.

"Aye! These men are too worthless to get their filthy blood all over the tavern's floor! Get them out!" She walked over and grabbed a big, burly man's ear, dragging him to the entrance- or, now, exit- of the tavern. She was furious at these men. Trying to ruin her meeting? GAH! The tavern owner would be mad about the little "bar fight". Oh well.

She looked over at the others, seeing them start to get rid of the drunken hooligans. She took a deep breath and rested her hands on her hips. After realizing her actions, she felt the embarrassment settle in. The adrenaline was ebbing away.

She hoped the matter was settled.
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The knight pushed Cora back just a little, his eyes narrowed as he watched the drunken men. The one who'd kicked him was smiling, the smile of the stupid and intoxicated. "You" Andrew growled "are gonna regret that, you pig-fucking whoreson!" When the last sylabble of the insult left his mouth he made his move. A quick advance and a straight cross had the man reeling - alcohol had made him slow. The punch he sent flying back in frantic was deflected by the knight's armoured forearm. A brutal uppercut to the gut was all the reply the drunkard got, before Andrew stepped past him and slammed a heel down on the side of the man's right knee. He screamed as the joint snapped, dropping down onto his knees. "May the scars be a lesson to you" Andy Growled, his shoulders shaking with rage.

The knight made sure he wasn't screaming long, crushing his face into the floor with a stomp to the back of the head. He could feel the crunch of a nose through the sole of his boot. "If anything, Lady Lilia, this just proves our martial skill to you! This is why you hired me is it not?" The scotsman shouted - the elated high of adrenaline surging through his blood had set a grin across his mouth and an excited tone to his voice. He kicked the man on the floor again for good measure, then turned to Cora.

Resting his hand on her shoulder, and leaning in to look her in the eye, he did a quick once over "Are you alright miss? Anything hurt? I'm sure I got to him before he managed to damage you but its always best to make sure"
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Well well well miss Cat. I guess you can handle your self well. I hope to not anger you one day. *He smiles and goes to retrieve his axe after the matter was dealt with. He walks back to her and looks her over discreetly* As a precaution though. Are you alright?
Suddenly Cora was flung to the floor. The hold on her hair released suddenly. Landing with a hard thump she groaned at the landing. Gazing up from the floor as she crawled up onto her knees did she see that the Scots man had intervined. For that Cora was very greatful.
There were few men left who would fight for a woman, who would stand up for those who could not fight for themselves against such drucken behaviour. Thank goodness some of those men did exsist.

With shaking hands she picked herself up and backed away towards the women known as Catalina. Smoothing down her hair and her crumbled dress she tried to calm her ever quickening breath. She couldn't bare to think what would have happened if no one had intervined on the situation. It made her sick to think of what could have unfolded if they had taken her away. But she had no reason to think of such things, there were a few men at the table willing to help. It made Cora happy to think she would be safe within this team.

This was defintly not what she expected of her first day in Avalon. Hopefully it would get better from here on out. This was just merely her being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Watching as the Scot swung at the drunken fools she noticed others joining to his aid. Cora hoped that those men only acted in such a way because of the alcohol. Though part of her thought they were like that in general with or without the booze.
It truely was a sad world they lived in, reverting back to this after such great things. Or so she had heard. The history of this world seemed so great, comparred to this life anyway.

@Undivided Belakor
Catalina was astonished. She had winced at all of the wounds as they happened, the ways to fix them immediately popping into her head. When the other woman who was being harrassed walked over, Catalina turned to her. "Êtes-vous bien ?" She immediately fixed herself. "Are you okay?" Catalina had been talking in French from the shock of the events happening. Wow...

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