The Depth Online - [OOC & Signups]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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This one's hard... TBH I sorta like Savage. Plus it's probably easier to say Calice was working on his crafting and bring him in later like that. Ultimately it's up to you, though.
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Okay so my computer is I'm using my phone. Yay. It might make my posts a little shorter...
Well, welcome back site. And here's a WIP-something as a... Present? idk. Ima call it present.

Character NamePlayed byClass ComboProfession
Litari LightsArius LaVariCleric/ElementalistClothworker
Ruins ArcherArius LaVariRanger/Bard-
Leviathan Penultimate PiDesperado/EngineerTinkerer
Rissa RayChelScout/ThiefBlacksmith
Sir Lancelot RayChelKnight/MonkMiner
Tecumseh Conrad NorwoodDesperado/EngineerTinkerer
Roland Daws CombineDesperado/Medic-
Nadia Atlas ChildCleric/Sage-
Vivy ValericBerserker/Knight-
Kuroibara Kae'os DaemonWarlock/Weaver-
Barong KestrelRanger/ThiefForester
Pulse KestrelCyborg/EngineerMiner

Also, reminder;
As for everyone else without a party, do join up with each other. We've got enough people to make groups.
Hey guys, guess who survived Pneumonia!

That's right, it was me! I can actually move and think again! Isn't that fantastic!?!

I have no idea what I missed while something was slowly devouring my soul, so i'll catch up and try to get posting again.
Hey guys, guess who survived Pneumonia!

That's right, it was me! I can actually move and think again! Isn't that fantastic!?!

I have no idea what I missed while something was slowly devouring my soul, so i'll catch up and try to get posting again.
Oh hell. Last thing I heard was 'something came up' and not a word after, so I figured it was pretty serious. Good to see you're alright now.

We pretty much had a cast 360. So there's been some more messing around while I would figure out how to do missions, cause there wasn't a lot of interest in leading many of 'em. Still, here we are.
Things came up and I'm afraid I won't be able to be on here as often. I will come back when time allows me. As for my characters, just say they went off to work on their professions or went solo. Either one will be fine.
Things came up and I'm afraid I won't be able to be on here as often. I will come back when time allows me. As for my characters, just say they went off to work on their professions or went solo. Either one will be fine.
Aight. Cheers for the heads-up. Good luck with the thing.
So what's up guys. Don't wanna poke you every time we're waiting for posts, eh.
Still catching up on the last few pages of OOC, but it looks like Azymus and Reaver are still where I left them IC. I might have something up soon.
Notifications were failing me. I thought this rp was dead.

Will post soon. I'll be soloing for now.
Still catching up on the last few pages of OOC, but it looks like Azymus and Reaver are still where I left them IC. I might have something up soon.
Notifications were failing me. I thought this rp was dead.

Will post soon. I'll be soloing for now.
You can join Pulse and Tecumseh. I was just hoping someone else would take some initiative there, but hey.

And pfft, dying. I thought you'd know me better than that by now ;p

Half a week later...

@Atlas Child
@Daws Combine
@Kae'os Daemon
@Penultimate Pi

We need you guys to do something here. Otherwise I'm just going to move on without you. While I'm pretty easy-going as a GM, I'm not the kind that will poke you guys for every new round to post. If I'm expected to do that, my impression of you will be that you're not enjoying the RP. I need people in this RP to show initiative. Here, I'm not planning on taking everyone by the hand, I want to see player ideas and give them form together. If that's not your cup of tea, let me know and we'll be good friends all the same, but with or without your inclusion I do want to move forward with the people who are interested and motivated enough not to have to be reminded to post.
Sorry, sorry... I had to deal with something and could only concentrate on a few RP's at a time.
I'm going to withdraw, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier when I first had the intention of withdrawing, honestly I took the RP of watch list and forgot about it. It's an interesting RP and I liked yalls characters, but i bit off too many RPs to chew.

Sorry Kestrel for the neglect to tell you my intent to withdraw.
Ahg. I am so sorry. I had unexpected issues...I will try to be on more frequently.
Ahg. I am so sorry. I had unexpected issues...I will try to be on more frequently.
Sorry, sorry... I had to deal with something and could only concentrate on a few RP's at a time.
That's fine, guys, just let me know next time, alright? Just a quick heads-up so everyone knows what to expect.

I'm going to withdraw, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier when I first had the intention of withdrawing, honestly I took the RP of watch list and forgot about it. It's an interesting RP and I liked yalls characters, but i bit off too many RPs to chew.

Sorry Kestrel for the neglect to tell you my intent to withdraw.
Aight. Thanks for letting me know, and good luck with your other RP's. Maybe I'll see you in lor2 at some point, eh?

EDIT: Reply is up. I've decided to push forward a little on Barong's party. I'm sorry for it all taking so long, @Conrad Norwood I'm just trying not to get too far ahead of the others. We really need to add someone to that party of ours ;p
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Lancelot is free, it seems. And I really, really want to see what happens when him and Pulse are put together.
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