The Debt (Lottie X Zaira)

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Opal couldn't help but smile as she watched him leave her room. She laid down on the bed and curled up as she was slowly starting to fall to sleep.

Ember looked at him and couldn't help but smirk at him. "I know, I know." she laughed as she tucked him into bed and kissed his cheek. "Good night darling." she said before starting to take off out of the room. It was always pretty rare, but every now and then Ember would show her softer side to Oliver, letting him know that she did care about him and his well being. Even if she didn't act like it all the time.
OOC: Hey! I'm back :) Sorry for taking so long!

Lester laid down with a big silly smile on his face. He had no idea what he was doing, because he still knew there was no way things would end up well between them. There were many things, starting with his own brothers and the fact he was a kind of monster, that would make things difficult. Either way, he was damn happy, so he wouldn't do anything for the moment. Maybe he was being selfish, just as he used to be with his former lover, but he just wanted to stuck to Opal's side. It didn't take him long to fall asleep completely.

Oliver smirked back at her, even if he was a bit annoyed by her behavior. Sometimes she acted as if she actually had feelings for him or something like that, and it annoyed him a little. He just wanted to have fun, as with everything he did with his life. The kind of fun he would have now that Lester was all happy with his new maid, and he could bother him in new ways. But not that night, though, because he was actually tired.
(yay I missed you!)

Opal had no problem going to sleep that night either. She was rather happy that night and her dreams were peaceful and full of bliss. She even dreamed of her and Lester getting married in a beautiful church with wedding bells and people throwing flowers. It was early morning when she woke up from that dream. She couldn't help but how silly it was, but none the less she entertained the idea of it as she got up and gracefully moved around her room. Humming to herself as she did so.

Grabbing her working dress she quickly changed, she stopped for a moment as the bandage caught her eye in the mirror. She lightly touched it, a small shiver went down her spine for a moment. Shaking her head she took off out of the room once more and went to get started on her day.
Lester woke up later than usual, but it was still early in the morning. Actually, it was when normal people started to get up. He stretched out and got out of bed, changing into his usual clothes. After getting ready, he left his room, without being sure what to do. Maybe he would go and find Opal. He wanted to see her, but he didn't want to bother her either. She would probably be starting to work for the day. Anyway, he found himself going downstairs, without even taking a visit to the library as he used to in the mornings.
When he got downstairs he would see Opal just turning into the dinning room and was starting to get it cleaned up. She was washing the windows and getting ready to sweep and clean the table as well. She had her hair pulled up into a bun by that time, a single blue ribbon holding it together. Even though she grew up in such a high class herself, she was slowly starting to get use to working as a maid. She didn't mind it as much now, as all she thought about was doing it for Lester. Wanting to keep the house clean and kept up for him.
Lester smiled slightly seeing Opal starting with her work. Even if he wanted to not bother her, he just couldn't help himself and followed her. He watched her cleaning the windows, a bit amused for not being seen. The hair tied up looked really good on her, even though it was noticeable that she wasn't trying to look beautiful. Maybe that was what called his attention the most. He waited until she started to clean the table to approach her silently, but with an amused smile. "Oh, no. You've missed a stain here." told her, trying to hide his smile, pointing at a random point of the table. "Well, it seems you are terrible at this. I suggest you should spend the day doing something else." added, now looking at her with an expression that made clear he was only teasing her. "If you allow me to give you an advice, you could follow around your... master. In case he needs some company, you never know. He might go to town today. Maybe you'll even convince him to finally go shopping." said, really hoping she'd like to spend the day with him.
She was so into her cleaning that she didn't hear him walk in, or did she feel anyone watching her. It wasn't until he spoke that she was pulled out of her cleaning spell and her day dreaming as well. She did jump when he spoke and quickly looked at him and then the spot where he was pointing. "I missed a spot?" she asked with a frown and went to clean it. Her head snapped up when he told her that she was doing a poor job and it looked like she was going to say something smart, until she saw that grin of his.

She tried to force her own grin into a frown as she tossed her rag down and slowly started to approach him as he talked. "Now tell me." she said as she put her arms around his neck and stood close to him. "Why on earth would I want to spend time with such a cruel master that sneaks up on me and makes fun of my cleaning?" she asked with a grin. He could see she was only teasing him back, there was nothing else she would love to do more then to spend the day with him.

"Well as punishment, if this cruel master of mine does go into town, he must buy me what ever I so desire." she laughed before reaching up to kiss his cheek, smiling happily as she did so.
He was still grinning when she answered, and placed his hands on her waist as she approached. "Oh, well, he might be cruel, but he is fairly attractive. Isn't he? Everyone would be jealous if you walk at his side through town." answered, keeping the playful tone. He chuckled hearing her punishment, mainly because it was more like something he'd love to do than a punishment. "What happened? Already missing being spoiled?" asked her and chuckled once again. He then showed her a tender smile and stopped the 'cruel master' role. Slowly approaching to her, he returned a soft kiss on her cheek. "It would be an honor to buy you anything you want, my dear. Let's go." said, on a low voice close to her ear, and grabbed her hand to pull her out of the dining room.
She couldn't help but smile even wider as he placed his arms around her. "Hmm...well he certainly is attractive." she said with a grin, "I don't think I would ever kick him out of my chambers." she laughed as she rested her head against him. "And it's such a shame for them, because he is all mine. And I don't ever plan to let him go. And yes I do miss the spoiled life.' she told him. "No one ever tells me what good work I do, or buys me presents for working so hard." she sniffled. "Look I am going to work myself to the bone." she said as she showed him her hand. Truly there was nothing wrong with her hand, expect that a nail was partially chipped.

When he stopped playing the cruel master, she stopped playing the victim. The smile reappearing on her face when he kissed her cheek. Soon a blush rose to her cheeks with how close he got to her, and from feeling his breath on her neck. It sent a shiver of delight down her spine, holding onto his hand she took off out of the dinning room. "You make me feel like a princess." she laughed as she kept pace with him.
He chuckled at her words. He caressed her hair as she rested her head against him, and was actually glad she was already planning on not letting him go, but didn't say anything. He just smiled. After it, he watched closely her reaction. If he didn't know she was teasing, he would probably fall for his victim-like acting. He wondered if she actually got the things she wanted that way, and it amused him. As she showed him her hand, he gently grabbed it, checking for real if she had something wrong. "Oh, no, what happened to your nail?" he asked, keeping the tease, overreacting.

When she said he made her feel like a princess, he turned to look at her with a charming smile. He was glad she thought that way. "I just try to make you feel the way you deserve." said, keeping his smile, as he took her to the front door. Richard, the man that took her into the Kinlan's house a few days before, was sitting down not very far from there, in case someone needed his services. "Rich, good morning, would you take us to town?" asked, making sure he had enough money in his pockets. The man nodded with a slight smile and opened the door for them. Lester turned to Opal with a smile. "Anything you need before going out, princess?"
She looked back at her nail and shook her head. "I kind of slammed my finger against a door and that happened." she laughed. "But that's alright." she said cheerfully, "It will grow back."

"Well if I deserve that, then you deserve to feel like a prince." she said happily as she kept walking with him. She rested her head against him humming ever so softly to herself as he talked to Richard. When he asked if she needed anything, she simply shook her head. "No I think I have everything, but thank you." she said before reaching up and actually kissing him this time. "This will be a lot of fun. Just the two of us." she said cheerfully.
He slightly frowned about her slamming her finger against a door. But, anyway, a nail wasn't something really serious to worry about, so he didn't take long to forget about it. He kissed her back as she did, and a wide smile crossed his face when she pulled away. "It definitely will. No annoying brothers or deadly doors to worry about." answered, keeping his happy expression. He placed another kiss on her lips. "Just the two of us." repeated cheerfully as she had done. He then pulled softly from her hand and took her outside. He opened the door of the carriage for her and waited until she went inside before doing the same thing.
She laughed when he mentioned deadly doors. "Doors are the leading cause of death you know." she said teasingly as she got into the carriage with him. Opal let out a sigh and looked out her window as she sat there. "It's nice to get out of the house. I feel like I've been in there forever." she said dramatically as she went to lean against Lester. She was relaxed as the carriage started to move forward as they started to head into town. Opal enjoyed looking out the window, seeing as it was town she had never been to before.
Lester laughed at her statement about doors. He was already enjoying their time together, and as she laid against him, he placed his arm above her shoulders. "Try living in there for a few decades." answered her with a slight smile. Actually, he liked his current house, but he knew exactly what she was talking about. As every good family of vampires, they lived quite away from town, so it took them several minutes to start seeing a higher density of houses. "Have you ever been in this town before?" asked, curiously and a bit amused by the enjoyment she had just by looking through the window.
She stayed close to him in the carriage, "No I can't say I have." she told him as she sat there. "You know I do live a whole town away from you, and I didn't get to do much sight seeing when I first came here." she explained. "That's why I arrived at night, or at least twilight I believe it was." she lightly went to hold onto his hand that was around her shoulder, lightly playing with his fingers.
"Oh, well, there's not much you've missed." said with a shrug. It was only a humble and small town, but it had its charm and things to buy that she might be interested in. He played back with her hand during the rest of the journey, just enjoying her company. As they got closer to town, more people and houses started to appear, but as he had said, there were only simple houses. The biggest ones as his were away from the town. Richard stopped the horses and turned around to look at them. "Should I leave you somewhere specific?" he asked, but Lester shook his head. "Here would be great. Thank you, Richard." said as he opened the door, and turned to look at her once again. "Ready for some sightseeing?" asked, with a slight smile, right before coming out of the carriage. He left the door open for her to come out as well.

In that part of the town, there wasn't much else than small houses and buildings with apartments, most of them made of bricks. You could see a few factories far away, but as there weren't many, the black smoke wasn't a characteristic of the town. The streets had a few street vendors selling milk, bread and other primary goods, together with ordinary people walking around or going to work. People of upper classes usually didn't go around those streets, so people passing by fixed their eyes on them and the carriage, but Lester didn't really care. After showing her around, he would take her straight to the main market, where they wouldn't be much out of place as they were in there.
"They you Richard, amazing as always." she said happily as she climbed out of the carriage with Lester. She took hold of Lester's hand once more and was looking around, and just admiring the sights. "It's so cute all these little shops." she said happily, not seeming to mind or notice the eyes that followed their each and every little step. She followed him to the main market and looked even more thrilled to be there. She had slowly let go of his hand and started visit the little stands they had up.

She was distracted more by the jewelry and clothes and dolls that they had for sell. She honestly looked like an child on their first trip to the market. But if it was one thing a person would notice after living with her, she wasn't hard to impress. Everything seemed to excite her not matter how big or how small it might be.
He smiled seeing her so excited, and even chuckled silently. She looked so cute and beautiful at the same time as she looked around, and he was glad he took her there. Even if he was mainly focused on her, he looked around at the things they were selling, but there wasn't anything in particular that called his attention. "Well, don't forget about my punishment. I shall buy you anything you want." told her with a charming smile.
She looked at him grinned. "Okay." she said happily as she picked up a doll that she declared was too cute to pass up. There was a little girl off to the side that was rather dirty and was trying to grab some peoples attention. Opal looked at her and gave a small smile before slowly approaching, "And what are you selling?" she asked her as she knelt down to her level. The girl looked at her a bit shocked, but gave a slight smile. "I have flower crowns, aren't they pretty miss?" she asked her as she showed her the old basket that was on her arm.

Opal smiled as she looked at them, "Wow they are lovely!" she told her. "I'll take two of them!" she told her happily. The little girls eyes lite up and she smiled even more as she was pulling two out of her basket and starting to give them to Opal.
He nodded happily and paid to the doll she had picked. It really was a nice one. He then silently watched Opal talking to the little girl and a wide smile crossed his face. They both looked really cute. As Opal grabbed the flower crowns she asked for, Lester knelt down to look at the little girl. Without asking her how much it was, he paid her, a bunch more than those crowns could ever cost. "It's that enough, madame?" said amused, and chuckled as her eyes lite once again. After it, he turned to Opal. "Well, it seems that my princess already got her own crown. Does having two mean that you are a better princess?" asked her with a cheerful smile.
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