The Dark Realm [Signups]

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Man it has been a WHILE since I've even looked at this thread. Hopefully this post might revive some interest. (wink wink nudge nudge)
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Just so you know, any time I advertise Astaeron I include information about this RP <3
Name: Michael Umbrah

Age: 22

Looks: Like This

Species: Human/Conduit

Gender: Male

  • Swordsman- Trained with a sword since birth. Received top of the line training from his father and colleagues.
  • Enhanced Physical Ability- Being a demon's conduit has enhanced his body by infusing their physical conditions. Michael can perform near inhuman feats; via scaling mountains, shattering planes of earth, and moving at blinding speeds.
  • Eternal Youth- Upon receiving the Chaos Demon, Michael's body froze in time and remains at perfect physical condition.

Weapon(s): His father's swords and a bow made from Dark Dragon Bone

Job while in Real World: Mercenary/ Body guard

Personality: Michael keeps mostly to himself, and holds anything that could shift a balance a secret. In fear of his own impulses being a danger to others, he prefers to be reserved and lives alone wherever he finds himself. His constant struggle with imminent danger has measured in his judgement, finding that if he sees a problem, he will be quick to eliminate it.

History/Bio: Michael's mother and father were two of his homeland's finest and strongest of warriors. His mother, a master sorceress, and his father, a master swordsman, raised him far from where their careers would influence him. However six months after his birth, Michael was kidnapped in the dark of night by a cult of blood mages who enacted a ritual that summoned and sealed an ancient chaos demon within him. They would plot to kill Michael and release the conjured deity upon the world; yet his parents were upon them just in time to stop the ritual before it could be finished. Their child was safe, but his mother could sense that something was a miss with her child.

As he grew older, Michael would appear far too different from his mother and father in appearance. Where his mother and father had brown eyes, Michael had red and gold. Where they had a light brown skin color, Michael had a palish brown. Where they had black hair, Michael had pure white. It was considered many time that he was not of their blood, but his mother's magic would resonate naturally with his own spirit. It was while Michael slept that his parents were able to investigate him properly. His mother looked within his spirit and discovered he was infused with a great and powerful Demon, named Salamander. Upon discovering this, the two did their best to cover things up, and this affected Michael greatly in life. His mom and dad did their best to isolate him from the outside world, never permitting him to leave the house, or talk with anyone. As he would grow up, Michael would notice the differences between his mom and dad, and other parents. Where as other kids could go outside, he was condemned to the house. Most of Michael's time was spent training with his father, and learning about magic from his mother.

Michael would sneak out in the evening, always running away to the same place, the park, to play with the other kids. There he would find peace and kindness he never knew until the parents would arrive for their children. They would look down at him with disgust and hatred, and Michael's inner demon would sense it so pontent, like poison. This damaged his vision of the world; he saw it all in a grey, morbid tone as a sad song that instrumented his life.

Upon his eleventh birthday, Michael stumbled upon his mother and father in the middle of the night dead. They had impaled one another on his father's sword, an obvious suicide. After the tragedy, he was left alone with only enough money to bury his parents in the mountains. And from there he would have none to comfort him--none besides Salamander who would speak to him in his dreams and consciousness whenever he suffered emotional distress. Salamander would mostly speak to him in fits of rage, when Michael's aggression would try to overpower him. An outlet came to Michael's side when he was picked up by a group of mercenaries after watching Michael fight off an entire bar of corrupt, fully armored Knights. Ever since, he's had a cap on his Rae and outlets, but Salamander grows stronger inside of Michael as time passes.

Goal: He hopes to one day be accepted, and one day have Salamander removed.

Extra info: N/A
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So far, Michael looks good. Just get those empty spots filled and were good.
Tenchi, this is a sign-ups forum, not an OOC, if you wish to speak with participants in a manner non-related to IC conversation, search for the OOC. Thank you.
Sorry @Tenchi , I forgot to tell you you were approved!
From the Kingdom
Name: Alexzander Young (A 'Chip' off the old block.)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Neko Anthro
Physical Description: He stands at about 5' 4". Under all of his fancy clothing his body is covered in a thin Dark almost black ,grey fur patches of fur seem to be missing. These patches are actually scars ,do to his line of work his body is tone and chiseled. Being feline his body is very lean his tail is three foot long and fluffy. He is very proud of it. He has piercing Violet hues.
Personality: Elegant and graceful Alex is a charming womanizing Gentleman. His parents pounded Shivilre into his mind. Though his uncle was quite the lady killer and often took care of Alex so he rubbed off on him. Alex tends to be reserved and self absorbed. Though if there is an innocent is in danger he tends to go all out to help. Also he seems to hate his appearance explained in history.
Bio/History: (can this be filled in later?)
Other details: Alex is an Assassin build From Assassin creed.
Picture (if you have on



This is his uniform when on duty.
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