The Curse of Ellismire IC

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Anya looked away from the woman. Girl or not, she was still a stranger. "Daddy said I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..." she stated bluntly.
Darvian was unleashing his anger toward Dylan, but he is the literal bane of annoyance. It's like he was put here JUST to be a nuisance toward Darvian. and what he says just keeps adding to the fire, "Bloody hell, Darvy. Got a little pent up anger there?" He then threw Darvian off himself, managing to get free. As Darvian got up, he was kicked, forcing him backward. Darvian was then attacked by numerous amount of unusually fast punches at him, finally ready to taunt him a second time, he said, "What? I too slick for you to keep a grasp on? That it? Is mama angry that I escaped. I'm soooooo sorry, Darv. Is there any chance you could forgive me?" Darvian laughed. "Now YOU think she's your mama? Sad." he threw a punch at Dylan, and missed. Dylan's turn. His punch hit Darvian hard in his snout, so hard that it started to bleed severely, Darvian covered his snout and pulled himself backwards to where he couldn't see Dylan. But Dylan was smart, he knew where Darvian was, and pulled himself on his back and grabbed Darvian in a headlock, and proceeded to choke him out, He was NOT going to fail twice to the same, intolerable idiot. He started to choke on his own blood, and he bashed his back to the wall, hard, one time, two times, three times... and he managed to get Dylan off, he punched him square in his chest. Hard. He made Dylan out of breath, so he then scratched him with his claws,and threw him to the floor. He opened claws, bent on using them to end his miserable life by ripping his throat out...but something in his mind told him to not do it, maybe Conscious perhaps? He stopped mid-swing. He loosened his grip on Dylan.
"Yes Dylan, I forgive you." He solemnly got up, and lowered his head and leaned up against a wall, and stared at the pitch darkness.
"You may end me if you wish."

Malik frowned as he thought of Demiel wandering off and finding Zelena. Would she betray them? Moving would be smart. Max said it, "Let's go." Malik watched her take off. While Max was beautiful and intriguing to watch on a regular basis; watching Max fly was a gift to the beholder. Malik had witnessed the flight of hundreds if not thousands of animals and birds. There was no creature past or present that reflected the beauty and grace that Max portrayed in the air. Malik secretly stored images of Max in flight because these would be the things to get him through hard times.

He leapt into the air after finishing his thought. Malik had a significantly larger wingspan than Max and caught up with her in a relatively short time. He loved to fly but flying with Max made everything seem right in the world. Malik swooped and rolled and made the occasional jab or foot grab. No one else in the world would ever see the genuine smile on Malik's face. Max was the only one; Max and the clouds.

Max pointed down at a clearing. Malik nodded. During his descent, Malik spied a few trees that seemed like they could use a good trim. He pulled his wings in and curled them around his broad shoulders. Malik began to spin through the air like a bullet. He crashed through the tree and as soon as he hit the ground, he balled up and rolled away. He rose to his feet and shook off the twigs and leaves. His landing site was full of plenty of small firewood. It was enough for a night. Malik began to gather it up and build a fire. Max crept up and put her hand on his back. He shivered a little. He ached for Max but she insisted on bringing that elf along and now, it seems that the other elf has betrayed them.

Malik's cheeks went a deep rouge when Max whispered into his ear. It was simply the way she did it more than what she said. He was hungry, though. He smirked at her suggestion. "The way we used to?" He grabbed her waist and pulled her in close to his chest. "Are you sure you remember how?"
Sapphire waves crashed against the sandy shore. The sun beat down overhead, its rays only intensified reflecting off the white sands, causing James to squint. "So this is Florida." he said, kicking up some sand. He felt out of place, donning armor amidst crowds of people wearing naught; everyone seemed to be dressed in less than undergarments.
"This is a land of perverts. I daresay I won't miss it." he stated, tugging Calvin along. "I suppose this is our cue to turn North, eh Yiktak?"
Yiktak peered curiously at the individuals who were dressed in strange and scantily clad garments. Yiktak then peered upwards at James, "This Kingdom must be where the deviants are all exiled to." Yiktak glanced at the strange people wearing little armor. Yiktak nodded at James, "Yes, from here, according to the map of the realm we go north." Yiktak glanced down at the sand, "At least this place has some interesting sentimental feature." Yiktak gazed up at the sun, basking his scales in it. "And it is warm up here. Yes, this place is nice and warm, just like the hot gases that burst sometimes burst through the rock... Ah, that nice warm chamber we diverted water to. I miss that."

Yiktak glanced at James, "Anyway, let us head northward. I don't trust these scantily clad deviants, they were exiled from their kingdom for some reason..."
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Angellus smiled. "Smart girl. You know, I miss home. I was ripped away from Ellismire a few days ago, and have been trying to find a way back ever since, a way back to my wife. Don't you miss your daddy? Where is he? Where is home for you? " he said, hoping the drop of Ellismire would spark something in the young one. Zelena knew he couldn't resist a helpless child, but if he fed on another Ellismiran, she would have his head.

When Darvian asked if he though the witch was his mother, he scrunched his face. "Eeew no, I was referring to her as YOUR mama, dimwit-" he didn't get a chance to finish, as he was jammed into the wall and thrown off of the draconian. Darv managed to land a punch so hard it knocked the wind out of him. As Darvian finally stopped beating on him, he stopped midswing. Of course he took his mocking seriously. Dylan spat in his face. "I don't want your forgiveness. But we can call a truce as to not kill each other. Deal?"

((Working on Max post :P))
Max chuckled as he grabbed her and pulled her to him. She treasured these moments, for as a birdkind, you don't know when your life will end. The next breath could be your last. She started to reminisce, to the time when their family was Max suggested they go hunting, she smiled slightly as she saw his cheeks go bright red. "Are you sure you remember how?" she matched his smirk with one of her own. "Like I'd forget. Do YOU remember?" she taunted with a slight laugh in her tone. She slipped out of his embrace and took off running deep into the woods. She laughed as she ran, Malik chasing her and doing random little things. Pretending to be a monster, trying to push her into a stream. Classic friendship.

When Max thought there were deep enough into the woods, she slowed to a silent walk. She nodded to Malik. They walked together in friendly silence, eyeing the woods for game. She spotted several deer. She tapped Malik's hand twice, and he nodded. They spread out, Max took off silently, her wings creating only the slightest noise as they lifted her in the air. Malik quickly, but silently, stalked around the deer. The plan was for Max to sort of herd them towards Malik, so he could kill as many as he could, or as many as he thought they would eat. Flying up high to see Malik, he gave her the signal.

Max smiled. Descending into the woods, she hovered about 10 yards for the deer. As if they were one head, the entire herd started moving at once, but not in the direction she wanted them to. She flew along side them, making as much noise as possible, guiding them to where she wanted them to go. All but a few headed straight for Malik. The rest was up to him. Malik would probably only kill 2 or 3, what they could eat and carry with them was all he would take.

Max smiled widely. As she waited for Malik to finish, she allowed her mind to go back....back to the night she lost them.
Max was 15, as was Malik. Angel was 7, Nudge 11, Gazman 9, and Iggy 14. They were all camping out in the woods, on the run from Erasers. This was the night of the attack....the attack that killed the majority of her family. Malik, Nudge, Gazzy, and Iggy were all sleeping around the fire. Angel was curled up next to Max, fast asleep as Max stood guard. Her baby, figuratively speaking. Although Angel was a brat at times, she was still a little girl. Absently running her hands through Angel's hair, Max let her mind wander. She was thinking about when the flock had first escaped that Institution. The lab where they had been 'born'. Angel was only 23 months, Max was 10. They had been helped by what was then the father figure of Max's life, Jeb. They were all staying in his big mansion, where he taught them how to survive. He taught them how to fight, how to clean animals when you kill them, how to salt meat so that you can take it with you on the run. Everything they know was taught to them by this one man. And then that man disappeared, only to be found working for the same institution. It was later found that Jeb was in fact Max's biological father, and her mother was a vet working in Virginia.

Max sighed, content with her life. She had a family. That was all that mattered, that they stay safe, and alive. It was then that they had attacked. She had never noticed them coming, it was because she was deep in thought. By the time she realized they were there, it was too late. She started screaming as they erupted from the bushes. The others woke instantly, and started fighting for their lives. There were too many. So many Erasers, so little of us. Nudge was the first to be killed. Max remembered the moment clearly, when an erasers claw erupted through her chest. The look on Nudges face would stick with Max for the rest of her life. Screaming with rage and grief, Max became very deadly. She must have taken down 10 erasers on her own before Gasman. Angels agonizing scream at the death of her blood brother was heard clearly over the clamor of the fight. Tears flowing freely, Max caught Malik's eye, and he nodded. He knew what she wanted him to do. He automatically started fighting his way to Angel, to keep her from getting killed. Iggy was next, it was a wonder he lasted this long, being blind. Blood squirted from the wound to his neck, as he stared lifelessly at the sky. There was no way they could have done an up and away, even when the fight began. Angel was wounded badly. Max and Malik managed to fight off the rest of the Erasers. As the last of them retreated, Max turned her full attention to healing Angel. It was too late. Angel, her baby, breathed her last in Max's arms. Max's scream was full of grief, anger, and pain. Agonizing pain. She had just lost her family. The family she had grown up with, so many memories, so many laughs. Gone. Gone in an instant. The worst part? It was all her fault. If only she had paid more attention like she was supposed to. She was supposed to keep them safe, and she failed.

Max was broken. For about an hour, she sat there cradling Angel's body in her arms, rocking back and forth. Murmuring that it was a dream that it wasn't real. She was in shock. Malik, who had taken off, needing to be alone, finally came back. He pulled Angel out of her arms, and hugged her firmly. A tear slipping down his already wet cheek. Laying Angel's body down gently, he gathered Max to him. They stood like that for what seemed like hours, Max sobbing into his chest, with Malik crying silently. After they pulled apart, they agreed it was best to bury them. They dug in silence, only having time for shallow graves. Max broke down once more, as they lowered each of the bodies into the graves. She was drowning in pain and sorrow. Max and Malik left the gravesite and flew. Flew until they couldn't anymore. Max, knowing he was suffering the same as she was, brought them down in a cave off a cliff. She embraced him. They comforted each other the best they could, but they both knew it wasn't enough.

They spent a week, mourning together. It was then that Max decided to split. She couldn't look at him, it reminded her of the life before the attack, when her heart was whole, her family was alive. She embraced him, knowing this would hurt him even more, but it had to be done. Malik certainly didn't agree, but didn't fight it either. That last embrace, that last touch would be all they had of each other for what would be 5 long years. Max never stopped loving him, no matter how hard she tried.....
Max was jerked out of her flashback at the sound of branches snapping, fast. She jumped and climbed a tree to avoid the stampeding herd of deer heading her way. Tears were flowing freely down her face. The familiar pain, the grief was there. She didn't force it down as she normally did, but she welcomed it. This was the first time they had hunted since the attack. She sobbed until her chest hurt, careful not to let Malik hear, for he would certainly worry. She loved him so much that it hurt, and she still had a hole in her heart, one that would never be filled. Her family was dead. It was her fault. She could totally understand if Malik blamed her, for she blamed herself. She stayed like that, up in a tree for about an hour, letting Malik do all the work. She couldn't move, the grief was so strong.
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Anya shook her head and continued sobbing. "Waaah! There's a stranger here!" She stood up and pointed at Angellus. Tears rolled down her face and her wails seemed to grow louder and louder.
Angellus smirked. Children will be children. He quickly grabbed her, covering her mouth. He picked her up, wrapping his arm around her arms so she couldn't struggle. He was getting ready to drain her. He really was curious, he wanted to know where she was from. "Yes, we got the point that I'm a stranger. You really are a smart girl. But when an elder asks you a question, you answer. Now, where are you from?" he asked, his fangs making the words sound a bit slurred, and slightly scary.
Anya squirmed around, kicking and punching her way out. She made out muffled screams through Angellus' cold vampiric hands. The girl was trying to break free. Her eyes were closed and she was very afraid. Her father had warned her about such people. Anya came to realize this "Angel" was no angel, but what her father referred to as a "pedophile".

Pushing her jaw foreword, Anya tried to grab as much skin as she could with her teeth. She attempted to bite the flesh off of Angellus's palm hoping that he could, in pain, let her go.
Angellus laughed and just held tighter. "Pity." he sunk his teeth into her exposed neck, he would just have a taste. He would frighten her into telling him. He took one sip, and then removed his teeth. "Maybe if you would answer me, you wouldn't have to die. But now you know what I am, don't you? Just tell me, sweetie, and no more pain. I think I may know a way to prevent you from becoming like me, if you would tell me." he said, knowing the myth that if you get bit by a vampire you become one. When in reality, a vampire would have to drain its victim until the guy was close to death, and the guy would then drink the vampires blood. This would turn him into a deadly creature of the night. He hoped this would scare the girl into telling him. Or he could just drain her right here, her blood was sweet. The sweetest blood he'd tasted in a long time.
"Judging from the smell of that pier, many restaurants serve seafood." James commented. "No doubt the fish is caught locally. We weren't able to fish much near where I lived, so I've never had the chance to eat some prepared well."

"I think New York is near the coast. Perhaps I'll treat Anya to some local food after I find her." James continued, as his eyes adjusted to the sun. "Still, we've a while yet to travel. If this new world accepted our currency, I feel we would've hired a faster vessel. Those horseless carriages must have powerful sorcery to move so quickly."
Yiktak pondered for a moment, "Hm, fish huh? We could use a meal." Yiktak nodded, as he glanced around at the strange deviants. "I wonder what sort of sorcery is used to propel those peculiar carriages... I see a black smoke produced from it. Perhaps those horseless carriages are powered by the souls of the damned." Yiktak pondered, "But I can not determine for certain what those strange devices could be powered by, other than a form of strange and powerful sorcery. Maybe it could be a great torch..."
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A loud snap could be heard as the neck of a guitar broke over Angellus' head. Staring directly forward, obviously horrified, was a 20-something-looking hippie, holding the now broken Martin in hand. "Let that little girl go!" He cried, brandishing the broken guitar as a stake of wood. "Or I'll stab you in the heart! I know how this shit works!" It was quite apparent that the poor guy actually had no idea how this shit worked.
((oooh nice intro, but you may just regret that. Remember Angellus is ruthless..but I won't make him kill the guy, just rough him up a bit :P))
"Run away, and you will become like me, but I can stop it." he whispered when the guitar snapped over his head.
Snarling, Angellus let the girl down and turned to face the newcomer. Blood was still on Angellus's lips as he grabbed the intruders hand, snapped his wrist, and yanked his arm behind his back, wrenching it hard. At the man's cry of pain, Angellus snarled at him "If you don't turn around and walk away right now, you'll have something far worse than a broken wrist and a sore arm for a problem." Angellus teased the man, placing his fangs on the mans neck, but not biting down. "Or I could just do this." he added as he tossed the man off, his head hitting the wall, knocking him unconscious. Angellus hated hero wannabes. He turned back, only to find the girl running away. Growling, Angellus chased her down, and managed to grab the end of her shirt, yanking her back to him. "Now. Where were we? You're obviously not scared of becoming like me, so maybe some pain?" he suggested, and bit her on the arm, where it would be a significant amount of pain, with tendons ripping and all. He didn't drink, just bit her. He felt her squirm, and he smiled. He liked it when they squirmed. Angellus pulled away, and looked into this girls eyes. "Just tell me what I want, and I promise I'll let you go." he said sincerely, his deep voice sounding very convincing.
((Apologies for time span this took))
Demiel turned to face her 'sister' having still been lost in thought. Thinking about how magic worked puzzled her greatly, unable to think about the way that it could affect someone. The concept of resurrection, to her entire life, was foreign to her.
"Forgive me if I seem off centered. I'm feeling fine Zelena, if that's your question. What do we have to discuss?"
"I'd rather have a normal torch." James stated. "Fire is comforting. Reminds me of the campaigns. Good times, those. You learn important life skills vital for any man. Things you wouldn't learn further into the country. Like, say, how best to torture imprisoned officers. Foreign execution methods. And where a horse's tendons are located."

James stared off a thousand yards.
((You know, you godmodded me twice without my permission. This is breaking your own rule you know.))

As Angellus briefly relinquished his grip, Anya took a deep gasp. She coughed a little bit and tried to run before turning back to Angel. By then, she was fully aware Angel could not be trusted. "NO!" STAY AWAY!" she yelled as loud as her tiny lungs would allow her to. As the vampire grabbed again, Anya could only scratch and bite in response. She attempted to even draw blood to make up for her own blood loss.

"STOP IT! STOP IT!" Anya thought. "PEDOPHILE! PEDOPHILE!" she screeched, drawing attention from the neighborhood. "AH!" she cried but to no avail. Her tears were dry by then. "Stop it..." she pouted "...stop..." Her little body keeled over as she fainted from exhaustian and blood loss.
Yiktak glanced at James, "Oooh, yes, the sound of war. Watching a Dwarf as he is consumed by the cave rats, from the inside out..." Yiktak spoke with nostalgia. "Ah, war, it brings out your true-self. Say, what officers did you interrogate?" Yiktak asked with an innate curiosity.
James snapped out of it, bringing himself back to the present. "Eh, officers, mostly. Messengers. Anyone with useful information. The lower ranked were generally executed, but if they seemed important we'd hold them for ransom sometimes. Attack the enemy right in their coffers."

"Of course, it was more pluck and grit that mattered in the end. You ever been in a castle siege? I was in one, lasted seven weeks."
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