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I wouldn't be so sure if I was you, dear.

Maybe eating ice cream during winter messed with my head somehow and I can no longer write anything worth reading. .o.
Too late, 'cause I am. ^^

XDD Nahh..
Too late, 'cause I am. ^^

XDD Nahh..
Well, damnit....

Don't brush it off so easily. Ice cream might just be the evil overlord controlling everything from the shadows and brainwashing us all. Beware of the evil deliciousness!

*Kicks himself out to cool off*
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Well, damnit....

Don't brush it off so easily. Ice cream might just be the evil overlord controlling everything from the shadows and brainwashing us all. Beware of the evil deliciousness!

*Kicks himself out to cool off*


Haha.. "Cool off". I get it.
Should I go ahead and post? It's been a LOONNGGG time. XD
If you want to.

You're like a mind reader though, I almost posted here yesterday as I had a nagging feeling this might be slowly withering away. :p
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If you want to.

You're like a mind reader though, I almost posted here yesterday as I had a nagging feeling this might be slowly withering away. :p
Lol! XD Don't worry; I won't let it die. I was just waiting for @Foxtrot , but I can go ahead and reply.
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dang it always forget lol i'll post now
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okay done, also can i make another character?
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thinking from Panther and Hawkeye, just not really sure how to do the black panther character lol
do you have any suggestions of how to make a character for BP? I have no clue haha
well i want to make a character that has the abilities of Black Panther, but since most of his powers are formed from Wakanda i am not sure how to make an oc from that

Lemme see what I can offer for advice on that. XD
Sorry I'm taking so long brainstorming..!

On another note, I'll try to post ASAP. I've got one started, but I've got sooooooo much to catch up on.. >_<
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