The Cairn War OOC [Closed]

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Well, it's fixed for the meantime, and I'll have the ic up by tomorrow.
I will be working from noon to 5 pm mountain time, so I will try to post either before or after.
Alrighty :)
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I just died of laughter.

I really don't think my heart is ever going to be the same after reading that xDDD
Poor Adam. He never gets any respect. >_<
I'm sorry, but it was too damn funny to pass up. Wouldn't you say?
I was super confused when I first looked at it. :O
.. You had your background on white. that's why haha
It's okay :D <3 I still love ya the same lol
Pyre. Who blackmailed Kalar? I'm assuming it isn't Daemon. Hell, He doesn't even know how to deal with himself! lol
A random person. I am thinking it was a local who saw the chance to get free stuff.
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