BY INVITATION ONLY The Brides of the Flower God

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the eye of the beholder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
  2. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Most days, most hours
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. No Preferences
Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.

The Brides of the Flower God

Hundreds of years ago, the gods ascended to the stars. However, a few remained, revered by humanity. Magnificent temples were built for them, where they dwelled lavishly, surrounded only by their temple priests or maidens. One such god was Ambrosios — often called the god of flowers, despite his many domains. Every 100 years, Ambrosios takes a new wife. Provinces far and wide send hopeful candidates to his temple. Many are immediately sent back, judged unworthy by the temple priests. The remaining few are granted the honour of shrine maiden, where they are able to display their talents and worth, earning opportunities to bond with Ambrosios, with one eventually becoming his bride.

Players will play as the prospective brides, each from a different province. Provinces are autonomous and akin to small countries.

Rules, or whatnot
1. This roleplay involves pitting player characters against each other. Whether your characters make friends or enemies is up to you — but there can only be one Bride. Please don't join unless you're sure IC drama won't get to you OOC.
2. Don't be a dick. Don't god mode or metagame. Don't make me regret this. :D
3. Aesthetically, this roleplay is taking inspiration from Ancient Greece. But it is first and foremost a fantasy roleplay set in a fantasy world, so there is plenty of room to make unique characters/provinces. Technology levels need to stay within the realm of Antiquity, however.

Character Sheet
Name (your character's name)
Age (18+ but shouldn't be too old)
Appearance (semi-realistic artwork or written descriptions, please! include height)
Personality (you can keep it brief or be detailed)
Provence (a bit of background on where your character is from and what it's like)
Background (personal background, it doesn't have to be long)
Additional (anything else you want to add?)
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Character List
It's empty! D:

The World
The year is spring of 500, as marked from the day when the gods ascended to the stars. The location is the Temple of Ambrosios, located in the province of Kettadae, a small, diverse province adjacent to the sea. Kettadae boasts farmlands, orchards, and rolling hills. And fortune smiles down upon the people, where the harvests are always bountiful and the sea always full of fish.

Like all gods, Ambrosios is an enigma. The only people who have contact with him directly are the shrine priests and maidens, who perform a wide variety of duties for him. An exception is his festival, held every ten years, where he is paraded around for the people, with a second exception being his weddings, which are grand affairs. Often called the God of Flowers for his strong connection to wildflowers and particularly hyacinths, he however has many domains. Weather, the flow of fresh water, the growth of wild plants, disease, and fate and fortune, being primary ones. While a variety of sacrifices are made to him, his favoured ones are fresh fruits, wine, and jewellery. He is not fond of live sacrifices.

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Reactions: Nemopedia
Alright, we're doing this old school. No Discord, if you have any questions, ask them below.​
No questions but this is definitely appealing and an interesting concept that I find appealing.
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Reactions: MaryGold and Dusk
No questions but this is definitely appealing and an interesting concept that I find appealing.
Hello, unfortunately, this is currently invite only. But if I decide to open it up, I'll message you.
Hello! I'm rather new to Iwaku so I'm not quite sure how invitations work… Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but would I be able to join this?
Hello! I'm rather new to Iwaku so I'm not quite sure how invitations work… Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but would I be able to join this?
By Invitation Only means that the roleplay is only accepting people who have been specifically invited. If I end up opening it up to other players, I will be sure to let you know.
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Let's gooooooo! :3
Reactions: Dusk
Dusk bb! I am here c:
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Reactions: Dusk
Hello! I'm rather new to Iwaku so I'm not quite sure how invitations work… Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but would I be able to join this?
By Invitation Only means that the roleplay is only accepting people who have been specifically invited. If I end up opening it up to other players, I will be sure to let you know.
Alright, thank you very much. Sorry for bothering you!
Hello! I'm rather new to Iwaku so I'm not quite sure how invitations work… Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but would I be able to join this?
By Invitation Only means that the roleplay is only accepting people who have been specifically invited. If I end up opening it up to other players, I will be sure to let you know.
Alright, thank you very much. Sorry for bothering you!
Not a bother at all. And feel free to DM me if you have any other questions or need help with anything. c:
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