The boy.

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He looked for his keys in his pocket, they weren't there. Charles let out a loud sigh of annoyance. "...Jesus." He said to himself.
They weren't in his jean pockets but in his jacket. "Jesus!" He shrieked.

He ran outside to see if she was still there.
She felt the pocket of the jacket and pulled out a key. She looked to it then looked back. She was half way out of the naborhood until she finally figured it out. "Ah Shit!" She stopped the car and turned around heading back, and rolling down the window. "forget something?" She asked holding out the key to him.
He skipped over to her car, shivering but happy. " thanks!" He said huffing out air and grasping it. "I owe you one big time!" He said about to run back to his building, stopping to smile at her.
She smiled and waved to him, before vanishing off to home. When she actrally made it, she opened the door. "the hell?" she said jumping to the phone ringing. She answered it.
" hello?.." she heard breathing that's all. The voice wasnt farmilar . She looked around the room, and hung up the phone. There writing on the walls that said," go die,"
Charles arrived to his apartment and turned on the lights. His phone kept having a one tone alert for messages, he didn't want to answer them. He froze still looking at his wall. "Faggot pig" It read.
"does someone think this is funny?" she spoke to herself. If she didn't have someone already in her life, she wouldn't appear into the world again. Perhaps she would. She just covered her mouth and back up to the door, a couple tears streaming down her face. She slid down the door and put her head on her knees.
Charles fell to his knees and cupped his head in frustration. He looked up at it again with a large breath to keep from breaking down.
He pulled out his phone, calling Jade. Charles could feel the lump in his throat already balling up.
She looked at her phone, seeing it was His number calling her. She cleared her throat, wiped her eyes and answered with a slight crack in her voice. "hello?"
"Hi...I just needed to hear someone right now." He squeaked. "You okay?"
"there's a writing on my wall.". She said. "I really don't want to live alone anymore."
Shocked by the answer she gave him, he looked back at the wall. "I have writing on my wall too...It's no fun living alone either."
"I think im going to a hotel tonight. " she says walking into her bedroom and turning on the light. Every word possible, names you could hurt a girl with, writen along her wall. "for the next few weeks I should say." she crackled again. She felt like she was going to cry.
"you don't sound to good.. Want to join me?" she asked him, voice still crackling abit.
"No, I'm fine." He says clearing his voice. " You can come to my apartment, I have a spare bed." He says rustling through his cleaning supplies, looking for something to whip off the writings on the wall.
"Is that okay?" She asked him. She didn't want to intrude but she also didn't want to stay home and stare at all the names writen on her wall.
"Yes, It's fine." He said throwing a bucket of water on the wall.
"Okay,Im comming then." She says grabbing her keys. " See ya in a few." She said walking to the car.
"Stay safe." He hung up.
Charles looked up at the wall as the words dripped down. He got a towel, violently rubbing it off, but they were still there.
The words taunted him like his dad.
She arrived soon after. The snow was piling down like it was rain in april. She knocked at the door and shivered. It was really cold out.