The BAN Game!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Banned for having me give you the benefit of the doubt you weer potentially of the number who did.
Banned for thinking that I intentionally stopped your arguments. Your way of squeezing them in were just poor.
Banned for being right about my arguments. I will agree they were not put in very well. :)
Banned for not admitting the error of your ways before I pointed them out. You'll get better at this ban thing. I've only been here three weeks now so it shouldn't take you long :P
Banned for not considering that maybe I wasn't lecturing but jut tossing words out there on a whim to sound intelligent.
Banned for having intellectual intelligence, aka smart
Banned for feeling shy
banned for not having a gender
Banned for banning a noob who has no knowledge of this previous ban.
banned for responding in such an epic way
Banned because you never got the chance to be banned for being epic. And I'm a girl :P
Banned for banning my wife
Banned for saying I'm not protecting my wife enough when I'm trying so haaard Dx
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