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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I want some of whatever you're smoking.
Just some fine dank reefer.
Though if I add in the variables of a decade of medication, numerous stays at a psych hospital and innumerable amounts of psych-analysis' I've been through, well you get me. The finished product, just another result of modern society walking on two legs, typing with ten fingers and speaking to you from two minds. Or one. Not sure about that other voice sometimes. Gets a little weird in here though. In here being my head of course, or I should say my body in general.

Or maybe, just maybe I'm full of shit. Just some internet persona I put on for whomever I interact with so I can slowly fill out my own little sob story and create an excuse for my demeanor. But really, can somebody be crazy if they're totally aware of it? No. No they can't. Why? Well at that point you're just plain weird.
Or full of it.
can somebody be crazy if they're totally aware of it? No. No they can't. Why? Well at that point you're just plain weird.
Or full of it.
Or the fun kind of crazy. :P
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Or the fun kind of crazy. :P
If by fun kind of crazy you mean: Someone who doesn't have a mental disorder but rather their conscious actions incite madness viewed as fun filled times? While in doing so go on about "oh I'm just crazy" followed by the variant of "you'll get used to it" or "that's just how things happens" then sure.

Hmm. That came out more cynical than I thought after reading that.


Well there is that kind of medicated crazy. Occasional outbursts viewed as comical material of the human tragedies.

I'm. I'm going to go ahead and go back to L.A. Noire. Binge playing. I think it may have temporarily warped my view on life.
I wish I could rate my own posts. I could sure use a bucket of rainbows. That's if rainbows were skittles. Mmmmmmmm. Delicious diabetes delivers death. Mmmmm. This was brought to you by the letter D.

Did you know Dennis Leary is insane? No, it's true. I once heard that Optimus Prime and he were involved in a one on one showdown to the death. In the end Leary used his secret techniques taught by the order known as A.S.S.H.O.L.E. I won't tell you the acronym because I can't think of one which sounds good. But only a few select ASSHOLE's know this technique called the Asshat Bomb Ultra Miracle Fighting Maneuver. The battle took place in Detroit, because who the fuck cares? Leary leered toward Optimus as the giant machine charged his futuristic alien particle cannon, aimed straight at Leary's face. With the power level of roughly eight-thousand did Leary punch a hole so big through Optimus Prime the hole essentially made him not exist at all. Thus shattering the future reign of the superior robot race so that ASSHOLE's everywhere can cut me off in traffic, that dirty S.O.B I'm gonna scream and ram the next car which does that in heavy traffic as seventy-five miles per---

Ahem. Excuse me.
Back to binge gaming. Like I said I was.

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I know you're here. Or maybe I'm hopeful to the degree of insanity. Consistent expectations on a level of being ridiculous. Late days, early days, time unmeasured and blending into a consistent waking dream. A shared hallucination, the idea brings ones hopes up a bit. A shared hallucination which views the world in a similar shade on the other hand is gut wrenching to such an extreme, I can only wonder what it is you see and have seen. In the foreseeable future however I can make a good hypothesis on some time spent, yet too much remains hidden from me, a maddening reminder which haunts me.

Oh. Never mind. I just found the automatic key cleaner in the wall. *buzzzzzzzz*

Note: To any who reads this, I need you to come by and fix the fuse box. Please, don't mind the smell of burnt flesh coming from the upstairs corridor. If you do however, please remove the key wrapped in the fried hand which is inserted in the socket before replacing fuses.

Note note: Disregard this entire bit. I just found the hanger, it's no longer in Italy like that river is.
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I'm not quite sure yet whether @SlamifiedBuddafied is the most brilliant creature I have ever encountered or if he's really just in desperate need of some serious help. Either way, because of him, I have started to question my whole existence and the meaning of life and cheese. I can hear my mind collapsing in on itself as I'm slowly but surely descending into the deep abyss of insanity.

I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

I hope you're happy.
I'm not quite sure yet whether @SlamifiedBuddafied is the most brilliant creature I have ever encountered or if he's really just in desperate need of some serious help. Either way, because of him, I have started to question my whole existence and the meaning of life and cheese. I can hear my mind collapsing in on itself as I'm slowly but surely descending into the deep abyss of insanity.

I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

I hope you're happy.
Not brilliant nor in need of help.


Okay I lied. Probably a bit of column A and column B.

I suppose I'm mad. Not mad as in anger, but slowly losing my mind focusing on subjects and matters which are hardly even conjecture. And yet I find myself focusing so deeply on matters which somehow seem out of reach. Mostly absurd matters though, but some of which are precious and if granted some dreams which I find in my waking moments during the long hours of the day would no longer be so haunting.

The mundane soul rending life I've been born into as any other in this world is the real deal oddly enough. Not much different than being born into an early hunter gathering culture of thousands of years ago. Only real difference is the baseball caps and machine guns. Well that's a poor boundary. The list could go on as to differences, but its repetition is no less grueling.

Then again. As I've stated before, I may be full of that four letter word.
Hmm, should stop typing now and head to work.
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I don't like the dreaded potato girl.
Please tell me this is a photoshop. Even if it is a lie. I can't believe this is true. And yet I know it deep in my soul this has happened.
lol, I have no idea, I found it over the old failblog site. Let´s agree that is not a photoshop and it really happened. More funny that way.
lol, I have no idea, I found it over the old failblog site. Let´s agree that is not a photoshop and it really happened. More funny that way.
Well nothing is original to the universe, subjectively however that is an amusing article. . . . . .there's some weird people out there.

Is it sad I'm curious if the guy at least got off and had something normal to his day to day routine go right?
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Well nothing is original to the universe, subjectively however that is an amusing article. . . . . .there's some weird people out there.

Is it sad I'm curious if the guy at least got off and had something normal to his day to day routine go right?
hahaha, that´s a good question. I hope his dinner wasn't interrupted by the same guy. lol