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The Angels, the Horsemen, and the Sins Redux

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The Apex of the World
This is a resurrection of a roleplay where we are The Seven Deadly Sins, The Seven Virtues, The Four Horsemen, or the Archangels. Please note: Some roles have been reserved.

The story: Once, God created seven angels to watch over man's sin. The angels did as they were asked, and were given names to represent the sins they watched. but, names have power, and the angels became corrupted by the sin they watched. God cast them out of heaven and into Earth. Now, they were scattered around Earth. God sent the Four Horsemen to track them down so that they wouldn't meet up. God then noticed The Horsemen causing Chaos and assisting the Sins, so he sent the Seven Virtues, who were created as opposites to the Seven Sins, to hunt all of them down, and sent the Archangels to assist them. Now, it is the year 2015, and everyone is in New York City. A city 8.406 million people. How will they find each other and put an end to the sins once and for all?

The CS:


Appearance: (Anime or real doesn't matter)

Age that you appear to be:

Job: (Horsemen must be something that is almost the opposite of what they represent i.e Famine is a
grocery store owner.)




Roles taken:
Please PM me for roles that are not taken. I have to talk a bit with others.

Credit to: Someone on a different forum for giving me the basic Idea. (MagicTheif from Planet Minecraft. The Original was great.)

If you have an interesting Idea for a role, please PM me, or post on my page so we can discuss it. If I am in a Group with you, don't hesitate to tell me there.
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Here's my CS as an example:

The CS:

Name: Aaron White

representation: The Horseman of Pestilence


Age that you appear to be: 27

Job: Head of the CDC

Personality: A brave Horseman, He was always the first to do anything. He was the first horseman to go into battle, He was the first horseman to cause chaos. He is impulsive, and has an infectious sense of humor. His best friend is Death, and they meet for coffee often. He has an Infectious sense of humor, and is known for spreading disease. He loves his job, and sometimes messes with the other agent's heads. He is smart as well.

Supplies: HAZMAT suit, VISA Black Card, Cell Phone, Notes on disease.


Other CS:

Name: Michael Peterson

Representation: Archangel


Age that you appear to be: 24

Job: Medical Student

Personality: Although an angel, He was the warrior of the Four Archangels. This means he's brave, Strong, and sometimes wants to fight. The other Archangels have to watch him to keep him from hurting himself or anyone else. But Michael is still kind and caring. He is the eldest Angel, and is assigned to watch over Uriel. He respects God and other Authority figures above him, and will protect you with his life. However, he is OCD, and wants things in a proper order. He is the one who is adjusting the hardest to his human form.

Supplies: Notebook, Paper, Pencil, Backpack, Lab coat, regular credit card, Cellphone

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I reserved the Sin of Sloth if I'm correct
Gonna work on it
Wait for sins are their jobs the same or opposite of their sin?
Name: Lucius Alfaro
Age: 18
representations: Seven deadly sins (Wrath)
Personality: Short-tempered and a bit disrespectful at times. Lucius enjoys fighting and doesn't care for pain. It doesn't take much to annoy or irritate him.
Job: Cashier at fast food restaurant
Supplies: nothing but the clothes on his back and a pocket knife

Name:"My name? Cadance Matthews, but you can call me Candy for short."

Representation:"I represent the virtue of Humility."

Appearance: (Anime or real doesn't matter)

Age that you appear to be: "I look about 18 I guess."

Job: (Horsemen must be something that is almost the opposite of what they represent i.e Famine is a
grocery store owner.) "I work as an Assistant Teacher at the local high school, those teachers can use all the help they can get."

Personality: "The teachers say I'm very helpful to them and the students say that I keep my calm when they are being annoying. I wouldn't say they're annoying, just have too much energy with no where to put it. I would say that I'm a calm person, pretty easy to talk to, and never judging of others. I'm not much different from most people, I'm pretty boring sorry."

Supplies: "I carry around books, papers, pencils,pens, rulers, bottle water, snacks and tissues, you know school stuff."

Other: "Like I said, I'm pretty boring. One thing I can say about me would be that I love reading, yeah that's it I guess."
Name: ((Lillian is on the left and Livia is on the right))
"You want to know my name~? Oh whatever for~?"
"It seems they seem to be cocerned about something in particular."
"Oh Livia~ Don't act so cold~ Let me warm you up~"
"Get off me."
"But Livia~"
"Lillian Madeleine Thatch. Get. Off. Me."
"Okie dokie~ Madame Livia Jade Thatch~"
"...Now they know our names."
"Is that a problem~?"

"Maybe we can hang out sometime~ I like cutie pies like you~"
"Do not allow your Lust to overcome your other feelings."
"And do not allow you Envy of me paying attention to someone else overcome your other feelings dear sister~"

Age that you appear to be:
"Now now~ Isn't it rude to ask a lady for their age~?"
"Maybe you know James."
"Ah~ James our cutie~"
"We are younger than him."
"Around 3-4 years younger than him~"
"Especially with appearance I would say."
"Ah~ Yes yes sister~"
"But I am older than you."
"Ah~ that is right~ I am around 19 or 20 I would say~"
".... True... very true..."
"We have a big age gap sister~"
"Yes sister we do."
"Around~ I would say 4 or 5 years~"
"Yes sister that is right."

"Together we help those who are finding and losing love~"
"It isn't very fun."
"But dear sister~ Nothing is ever fun for you~"

"Our personality~? Well maybe you got a bit of a clue from reading all the rest~ *giggles* Maybe sometime you can come over and meet me somewhere to get to know me better~"
"Just calm down. That Lustful attitude of yours will be your downfall Lillian."
"And your Envious attitude to many things will be yours~ You can't help be rather possesive of your things~ I sometimes feel bad for them~"
"You are one of those things."
"Oh I know~ But I enjoy it~ I like our relationship~"
"You are rather strange sister."
"Oh I know sister~ But isn't everyone a little strange~?"
"... Agreed sister agreed..."

"We have the money from our job."
"Ah yes~ All those poor souls coming in and out with broken hearts~ The poor poor things~"
"We can survive with that... and with James."
"Yes yes~ We have James with us~ Our lovely James~

"I guess we should give a small amount of info on our abilities~?"
"We could."
"Livia is able to bring out negative energy in others and can bring lots of trouble with her~ If she wants~"
".... You make me sound like a bad guy."
"Maybe we are sister~"
"I see."
"Well I have the ability to bring out the lust within everyone and change my form into the way that it appeals most to someone~"
"Yours is more evil than mine."
"Hehe~ Maybe sister maybe~"


"Why hello there, and who might you be? Oh what a lovely name! My name is Elina Chrystaline Rhett it is a pleasure to meet you!"

"Ah I represent the Virtuous of Kindness,

Age that you appear to be:
"Ah my age...? Oh you mean what age I appear to be? Oh why I guess I would say that I look rather young... Maybe around 16...?

"I don't have a job but I do help out at the kindergartens around where I live and I do love hanging around the children around me. Aren't children amazing? They are able to see all the amazing wonders of the world and they are not worried of what is different. they want to find out more about it... It is amazing..."

"Many of the children say that i am very kind and patient with them and they love the way that I always hum to myself as I clean up the room. They also say that I am able to make sure that all of them are okay... and goodness it sounds like I am boasting! I am sncerely sorry! What? I do not? Well I am glad for that... Well I don't think there is much else to say though... I might leave it at that."

"I don't normally hold many things with me but I always have a plentiful of hugs and many lovely flowers for you all."

"Many people have different abilities and powers. I don't like violence... It isn't they key to solve anything... More violence just causes more harm... But of course we all need something to protect ourselves. For me I have this simple ring... It holds the strong bonds of friendship and kindness. The way I can harness this power.... I just won't share it yet..."

Here's my CS as an example:

The CS:

Name: Aaron White

representation: The Horseman of Pestilence


Age that you appear to be: 27

Job: CDC Agent

Personality: A brave Horseman, He was always the first to do anything. He was the first horseman to go into battle, He was the first horseman to cause chaos. He is impulsive, and has an infectious sense of humor. His best friend is Death, and they meet for coffee often. He has an Infectious sense of humor, and is known for spreading disease. He loves his job, and sometimes messes with the other agent's heads. He is smart as well.

Supplies: HAZMAT suit, VISA Black Card, Cell Phone, Notes on disease.


Other CS:

Name: Michael Peterson

Representation: Archangel


Age that you appear to be: 24

Job: Medical Student

Personality: Although an angel, He was the warrior of the Four Archangels. This means he's brave, Strong, and sometimes wants to fight. The other Archangels have to watch him to keep him from hurting himself or anyone else. But Michael is still kind and caring. He is the eldest Angel, and is assigned to watch over Uriel. He respects God and other Authority figures above him, and will protect you with his life. However, he is OCD, and wants things in a proper order.

Supplies: Notebook, Paper, Pencil, Backpack, Lab coat, regular credit card, Cellphone

Mmmmmmm~ Michael~ *grins*

Lillian: Who is that~?

*throws her back to the room with other awaiting character to be RPed* Stay there until you are allowed to come out~!

Lillian: *muffled* okay......
[BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Gregory James Smith(Greg)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Representation: Horseman Of War[/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent]Age that you appear to be: 30[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Job: Director Of The Peace Corps.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality: Real Personality: He was the second horseman to arrive, he went around causing havoc and chaos. He is hostile and a forceful person. He takes no prisoners, even if you look at him wrong, he will punch you across the room. He is mean, vindictive, has a blood lust for blood shed and loves to cause people fear and paranoia. Fear and paranoia are the build ups to an all out war. Which is what he came here for...an all out War! Even though he butts heads with the other Horseman, he will stand by them no matter what. That's the loyalty of brothers in arms, in which war stands from. Out of all the sins, he likes Wrath the most...since he sees a lot of himself in the boy. He also has a war like mind...thought out and planned actions to enact war and destruction...most of time it's planned out, sometimes he just can't stand it and gets reckless and wild.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fake Persona Personality: Gregory James Smith or Greg, is a kind and charming person. He loves to help people and care for the one's who can't help themselves. He is the Director of the Peace Corps...which means he is the reason that volunteers go around the world spreading kindness and tolerance of others. (Deep down inside, he hates it.)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Supplies: His Sword|His Horse(He keeps in a stable enclosed near his house.)|His no limit Red Visa Credit Card|His gigantic book of Wars and War Tactics(Only he can see the pages, if any other supernatural being sees it they see blank pages. If a human sees it they are filled with anger and recklessness.)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Other: His Powers to cause paranoia and fear. He has the power to enact wars and anger on humans and to cause people to fight each other till the death.[/BCOLOR]
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If anything is spelled wrong or looks wrong, I will have to fix later tonight. Have to get ready for work.

Name: Geo Farce

Representation: Chasity

Age that you appear to be: Around 21

Job: CEO of a Computer Company

Personality: Geo is calm and collected. She thinks logically, and is always prepared. She keeps her hair tied back constantly, and when she let's it down, she sees no other choice but conflict. She is always honest, almost brutally, lacks humor, and she is very uptight. Always maintaining schedule, always punctual, always knowledgeable.

Supplies: She basically has anything at her disposal, being a CEO that is. Though she does carry spikes in her heels, and pepper spray in her pocket just in case.

Other: She has a tenancy to run her hands though her hair when she gets tired.


Name: Ruby

Representation: Healer Archangel

Age that you appear to be: Appears to be around 15

Job: Doctor

Personality: Ruby is a kind and caring soul. She looks out for others, and is well trained in earth medicine. She is a vigilant little girl, and can become angry, but her anger is more adorable than scary. She seems like an unlikely threat, but she can use small knives and a little magic to hold up her own.

Supplies: Small magic, bandages, and medical supplies.

I feel lie Aaron needs a promotion. Since we have The LEADER of the Peace Corps, and a CEO.
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