The Angel Experiment

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Jessica thought for a moment. "I'll tell you what. I'll teach you when we get somewhere safe. My name is Jessica and that's Maddie." She nods to Maddie who smiles and waves. As they neared the town, the two landed. She set Coral on the ground. "Alright, we need to hide your wings so the normal people don't think we look funny. Maddie, give her your backpack. Try and hide your wings under them alright Coral?"

Maddie takes off her backpack and slips on her coat. She smiles and our the backpack on Coral.
"be careful. My pet is sleeping in there." She said cheerfully as Jessica tucks her wings into her coat.
"Yay! I can't wait I wanna fly so badly!" Coral said as she jumped up and down "Okay got it!" Coral started to fold up her wings you could see a feather or two pointing out at the sides of the bags but nothing to many people would notice. "Your pet? Ohhh what type of pet is it? Is it a fishy? I use to have a fishy his name was goldy!" Coral exclaims as she walks in circles "So what are your names hehe"
"I'm Jessica, or you can call me Jessi, and she's Maddie. Now, there a little game we have to play. It's called 'lead the blind'. We have to play it cause my eyes are a funny color and everyone who's normal needs to think I can't see so we don't get attention." Jessica smiles and points to her white eyes.

Maddie takes Jessica's hand and Jessica looks straight ahead like she's blind.
"it's a pet owl! I saved her from the building we escaped from. She can't fly either."
"Okay!" Coral grabs Jessica's other hand and gets ready to go "So an owl? Isn't she lonely in the bag I mean It's just like the cages we came from" Coral thought to deeply into this and looked at Jessica to see if they where ready to go
Maddie starts walking and Jessica follows the two of them. "No, she's fine. Besides, it's morning so she's only sleeping. She's nocturnal and is most active at night. Her names is Alexa." Maddie spoke cheerfully, smiling brightly.
Ariel watched Jessi fly away. She knew they would meet up and she knew she did it to keep Maddie safe. Struggling to hold Paris she had watched the monster destroy Aliah in half. Gasping as she saw the young girl ripped apart. Tears formed in her eyes as she fought the urge to go rescue the poor girl. But she knew the girl was dead and could only hope everyone else was safe. "S-scarlet.." She managed to squeak out, making sure she was at least safe. Turning her head away as her tears fell to the earth.

Nicky felt sad for the dead girl and he watched Maddie fly away with Jessi, he hoped he'd see his young friend again soon and he wondered what laid ahead for the rest of the flock. Using his wings he kept his balance floating on the air.
Jessica stopped her blank stare for a moment and looked behind them. She tried to spot the flock but being in the ground made it impossible for her to see above the trees. She prayed to whatever damned thing was watching over them that she would be able to find them again and soon. Those little mutated teens were starting to grow on her. But only slightly.
"Oh that's cool! I can't wait to meet him, so where are we going?" Coral talks fast and jumps when she asks. Coral whispers softly to herself "Listen to the big clock, tick tock, tick tock. Look at its hands move, round and round. Listen to it's bells chime, ding dong ding dong." The only thing she could really remember about her mom, but she felt safe with Jessica and felt like Maddie was her best friend already.
Jessica looked ahead blanky again as they approached the town. "Let's see. I'm sure you guys are hungry, right? I still have some money left over, but not much so we gotta go somewhere cheap. Do you know any places Coral?"
"Well I use to always go to Mickey D's before the cages, I liked the free toys there and mommy said she liked the prices, so maybe that's cheap?" Coral says with little to no emotion bringing up her Mom was something hard but she had to tell when she knew it was cheap, right?
Jessica noticed about how she spoke of her mom. She understood. She use to hate talking about hers. Maddie smiles brightly, she's only ever heard stories of McDonalds from Jessi. Maddie has been in the institute since she was a baby so this was her first time out. "Can we Jessi?! Please!" Jessi chuckles and nods.

((Kk we'll stop it there.))
Scarlet answered back. "I'm here, but this is horrible, everyone is scattered. " She was also watched jessica and maddie leave. they were with another girl. More children. That lab probably had thousand of kids. she had hope most o them escape when they did.
Everything happened so fast, at first Cyra was peacefully sitting on the chair while taking care of her wounds, and now they were in midair, flying to wherever the wind takes them. Fortunately, her wounds weren't hurting so bad right now, she was more concerned with the broken rib, she didn't want it stabbing her lung. But it would have to wait, which meant flying carefully until the wound was taken care of.

Cyra watched the girl being slaughtered by the monster, it wasn't a pretty sight, but not that it bothered her. She noticed the tears on Ariel's eyes and wondered if maybe she should cry as well. Was that the right thing to do? You know, people cry when they are sad, or really happy. It's normal. I see. Should I be sad right now? ... Don't worry. I'm crying for you.

"Where are we going now?"
((What. The. Fuck. Since when did we get superpowered people and where are these new characters coming from... at least be realistic people I mean c'mon.))
Kalia looked around as the group scattered, following everyone silently. She looked at Paris and Ariel and towards the sky where Jessica and Maddie had left. She didn't know what was going on, everything was happening so quickly. She turned back to Ariel and spoke to her in a whisper that only they could hear. "We've gotta leave. Like right now. And I'm not so sure if we should trust this new girl. How do we know she isn't really working for them? She gives me the creeps." She glanced sideways at the girl and looked away. She wasn't someone Kalia could easily trust at all. And her gut was rarely wrong.
Ariel nodded "I don't trust her, at. all. I wanna get out of here though" She was starting to feel weighted down by Paris. "Uh Kay I hate to be a bother but uh a little help with him please?" She asked as she held Paris. "I say we follow Maddie and Jessi" She said as she wiped her eyes from the tears and sniffled slightly
Kalia nodded and picked up Paris. She looked down at him. "Your life is in my hands now darling." She smirked. "Any last requests?" She laughed and looked at Ariel. "How are you crying? I haven't even had time to process any of this let alone cry. But I agree. We should head that way and see what we can find. I am not about to fly 100 miles with this fat ass dragging me down. I have falcon DNA. We dive and make cool figures in the sky. We are not delivery people. Let's head out." She got Paris in a better position and extended her wings out to their full extent.
Ariel felt the weight lifted off her as Kalia took Paris. She rolled her wrists and stretched. Her wings beat as she wiped her eyes on her hoodies sleeve. "Because Kalia.. A little innocent 14 year old just got ripped in half.. That's why I'm crying" She said turning away. "Yeah, let's get going and catch up with the others. Paris try to flap a little to help her out or something, you're pretty heavy." Ariel looked around and counted heads. She looked over at Liam and sighed. Maybe she should talk to him.. Maybe later.
Kalia looked down. It wasn't that she didn't care about Aliah or that she wasn't sad about her death. But she was more concerned about getting the others to safety so no one else had to die. She didn't have the energy left to grieve yet. She looked at Paris again. "That's right bird boy. Flap those wings." She lifted herself and Paris off the ground and almost dropped straight back down. "Jesus boy! What do you eat?! Cinder blocks??" She kept muttering to herself as she strained her wings to work harder and went towards Jessica and Maddie.
Scarlet saw Ariel and Kalia was struggling. "i can help if you want" she flew underneath Paris and supported his weight by holding him up by his waist. she did not want to limit his breathing by pushing up on his chest. She was surprising stronger than she looked. Scarlet was lucky not to be there during the killing, but she still cried when she got the news. " when are we ever going to be safe?" she was hoping for a sugar-coated answer, but she knew the future was not even guaranteed to any of them the moment they escaped from the lab.
Jessica sat in a McDonalds. She managed to find one with a play ground for Maddie and Coral, and only had enough for the two of them to get a kids meal, which Jessica was fine with. She much preferred to have the two little ones eat first, and besides she knew how to get more Money. Jessica stood up with her arms outstretched, acting like she was feeling her way around and tripped, falling on a man "shit! Sorry, I'm trying to find the bathroom can you help?" While she trying pulling away she slipped her hand in his picked, taking his wallet and putting it in hers. The man nodded and lead her to the bathroom, leaving her there. Jessica walked to one to the stalls and counted the money.
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