The Airvenger

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Wasp walked into the training room and watched unnoticed. The two were so engrossed in there fighting they didn't see him enter. He walked over slowly to where the practice weapons were and chose a long wooden sword, and then, the sword's blade resting on his shoulder, he swung at Akira's shoulder and before seeing how she responded, he dropping down and kicking at Seriah's ankles to see if she would dodge.

Hmm... Extra training, huh. I should gather the young ones, he thought as he did this. It would be a good chance to test the new ones' skills.
Aack!! Nooo! Ivin floundered and got sprayed quite badly as he twisted the nut the wrong way. He found the nut somewhere close to the stairs, and tried again, coughing and spluttering up horrible tasting oil! He now knew what oil tasted like... it was NASTY. He cursed a few times before turning the nut the other direction and voila! No mishaps!

sighing in relief, Ivin was now dripping with oil, and a bit tired. "Sorry Ryu. Give me 15 minutes alright? I'd better hit the showers and throw these clothes in the laundry. I'll be right back." Ivin chuckled, hurrying up the stairs to go to the shower-area and wash off. Oil was definitely -not- his friend! However, when he'd showered and changed clothes, he headed right back to the engine room. A real sucker for work he guessed.
'' Library, huh ? " Aladdin muttered, keeping his gaze lowered while twiddling with his thumbs. " Where I come from we ain't got things like that. The rich. The rich have it all, bloody all of them are " he sneered. Fixating himself he walked around the room, occasionally glanzing at his room mate's actions.
Abruptly walking over to one of the room's corners he bent down and picked up his bag and a smaller satchel, sliding the zipper he reached in and took out a small carving knife accompanied by a piece of word as he sat back down onto his newly corresponding bed. "
You seem like a smart guy " he commented while watching the kid work and connect wires, " You should teach me one day " he added nodding at his work with wires, sliding the knife hard enough across the wood various times he smiled.

You a fighter or crew member ? " Aladdin asked, throwing his carving of a small dove onto his bed and walking towards the door. " Either way, doubt you enjoy being in this room all day. Help me explore ? " He said with a grin.
Caught off guard, Akira stumbled after being hit. She put a hand on her shoulder and looked to see who had done it. She saw that Wasp had done it and was now going after Seriah. Now what? Akira wondered. Who to attack now, Wasp or Seriah? Akira took a moment to think.

After about three seconds, Akira made her decision.

She lifted her leg and delivered a strong kick directed at Wasp.
There really was no need to apologize, in Ryu's opinion anyway. It had been his own faulty memory that had led to Ivin getting a face full of engine oil; Ivin had followed his instructions perfectly. The problem was that Ryu had been thinking about another piece of machinery one which the nuts screwed on to the bolts in the opposite direction as the engine. Silly mistake~ It made the tech chuckle softly, his eyes glazing over as he thought about that little invention of his, waiting back in his room, to be finished.

It was a fully five minutes before he noticed Ivin was gone and he assumed it was to go change, though people often disappeared on him out of frustration when he dazed off. Shaking the fuzziness out of his mind, he finished off his work and just in time for one of the cleaning crew to show up.
"Tag," he said with a smile, patting the man on the shoulder, accidentally adding oil to the poor man's shirt. He gathered up his items, grieving a little for the apple that had gotten caught in the crossfire and splattered with inky, gooey oil.

Then he left the engine room, only to meet Ivin in the hallway.
"Oh, the job's done." Friendly, closed-eyes smile. "Thank you for your help. I should go wash and then eat. My head feels as though it would float away if it weren't attached to the rest of me." He emphasized the oddness of that sentence by gesturing 'floating' with the hand that held the apple. "Goodbye for now." Then he gave a little nod and continued on down the hallway toward the stairs and his room.
"Well you pretty much got all access, as long as you don't piss off a librarian." Gavin took a bread-board and stuck a couple of pronged pieces into some of the slots and connected a battery to make a completed the circuit. He tested the current with a pronged device and turned a knob "Definitely going to need a bigger battery." he muttered to himself but suddenly laughed briefly and hunched back over his little project. "First time anyone besides a teacher told me that, thanks. Yeah most of this stuff is pretty simple, you just gotta remember it."

Gavin listened to the sound of the guy carving the wood while he switched around some wires and switched out some pieces and checked the current with the multi-tester again, but there really wasn't much more he could do with what he had. "I'm a fighter." Gavin said, holding up his pendant which hung from his belt; level with his hands when he was standing. Letting the pendant drop back down he started walking to the door "Sure I'll come with you." he said with a friendly somewhat smile on his face as he held the door open.
Seriah was so focused on plotting her next move, that she didn't see Wasp until he struck Akira. She barely had time ti think before he took a swipe at her ankles, she dodged his attack and stepped back.

She glance at Akira and saw she wasn't after her so she turned her full attention to Wasp, she wondered how to approach. She made a quick move to strike his stomach.
Wasp couldn't respond fast enough to Akira's kick, and it hit him in the shoulder as he stood. He did see Seriah's kick and managed to lessen the blow by grabbing her leg.

"You two are good," he said, releasing her leg. "Strong legs, too." He moved his shoulder and winced a little. "But always be prepared for a new danger to jump in. Focus on your opponent, focus on your surroundings." He gave them both a pat on the shoulders. "I shall be gathering your classmates. I want to see how all of you are with your weapons later.

"You may continue your practice, but don't wear yourselves out. My training class will be easy today," Wasp told them before walking out, the hand connected to the arm that wasn't connected to the injured shoulder was rubbing his stomach. They really did have strong legs. It had been awhile since he had actually been in a fight...
Akira grinned. She patted Seriah's shoulder in a friendly manner. "We actually hurt the guy," she said, still with the satisfied grin. "Anyway, shall we continue practicing or should we wait for the others?" Akira put the wooden sword on her shoulder in a casual way and stood there. Although she was quite pleased with herself...She couldn't help but scold herself. Pay attention to your surroundings, she told herself. She'd be reminding herself of that for a while now.

Now, she was pretty pumped. She wanted to see how the others fought too. Akira really wanted to challenge all of them, but she'd have to pace herself. She reminded herself that some of them were probably more experienced and that she should train more before challenging anyone else to a practice fight.
" Nice to be on board with ya'. Names Romeo Soto" He said while shaking Gavin's hand in a more friendlier way than earlier, " Call me Aladdin, you know like the Arabian Night' stories. My names feels like its composed of stories, pretty funny I guess" shaking his head in amusement he let out a heart filled laugh. Seeing as the kid has stepped in front and opened the door he nodded in appreciation and stepped outside making sure to take in all details of his surroundings. The ship was clearly well built and all crew members worked eagerly and with much dedication. Not much of sound or more of noise had he heard yet, frankly the scenes dulled him quite much. Calm clouds could be seen floating peacefully through the sky, no worries just freedom. Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted Wasp's figure stepping out of a room.

Oye ! " Aladdin shouted making sure to grab his attention. " Ya' think the food will be ready any time soon ? " Turning back to Gavin he grinned as he walked closer to a door leading to what seemed to be a Training Room, " Fighter, eh ? Why don't we test it out ? "
"Hah, no problem Ryu. It was fun. I'll be back tomorrow." He agreed pleasantly, before going up to his own room, and for the first time, he saw Aki, sprawled out on his own bed, asleep. How innocent this guy looked! Naturally, Ivin didn't buy the innocent look for a moment, and hid a grin, before going to his own bed to try and sleep just for a few hours. He intended to make introductions in the morning... when he felt a little less groggy.~
"Sure. What ever floats your boat." He clapped Aladdin on the back as they left the room and Gavin closed the door behind them. Gavin kept his hands in his pockets and was quite for the most part, occasionally greeting a cry member passing by. They walked a ways and Gavin stopped in front of a window and stared out at the clouds until Aladdin started yelling. Gavin turned around and waved at Wasp. "Food should be ready soon" Gavin intoned. Test it out? he was afraid he was going to say that. He breathed out an "Okay" as he held the door open for Aladdin.

Staring down at his obvious roommate, Aki wondered if maybe it was dead. The guy hadn't moved a muscle since Aki had woken to find him there on his bed and it was just a little bit creepy. He reached out and poked the stranger a second time, quickly retracting incase the guy bit or something.

"You alive, buddy?" he called in a sing-song voice, bending over to put his face about an inch or two away from the face of who he hoped was "Ivin" and not some random person. Well, at least he could tell the guy was breathing?
Rargh--! "I'm fine..." He said, grinning as he instantly bonked his new roommate with a heavy pillow. "Eh, you're the new roommate then? I'm Ivin... and you are?" He asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Normally Ivin was pretty serious, but since he'd been spending more time in the engine room with Ryu, it definitely helped his mood stay at least a fraction lighter than normal. Ryu just had that affect on people, even after getting sprayed with oil.
Lyra nodded, taking the information provided to memory. The stresses and events of the day were taking their toll on her and she began to feel quite drowsy. She let out a jaw splitting yawn and flopped back against the pillow, letting her arms fly above her head. She hoped that her laziness wouldn't offend her new roommate but her body protested any effort to move.

Sighing, she muttered ruefully, "Hopefully the men have better manners here..." as she reached to retrieve and examine her necklace she still carried.
" Aye, then lets do a quick practice battle, I need to blow off some steam " Aladdin laughed, while walking into the training area. Once inside he spotted two member lying on the floor, probably got beat-- They didn't look familiar, probably crew members trying to act as fighters. Cocking his head to the side he took a good view of the quite spacious area, You game ? " He motioned signaling Gavin " A brawl sounds fun, last man standing. "
Gavin shrugged his thick shoulders. "Sure." He then proceeded to take his boots off and tossed them aside. Gavin thought he recognized of the others but he focused his attention on Aladdin. "No weapon?"
Aurore scanned the expressions of her audience. The patrons in the inn fell silent, eager to hear what happened next. Man, Woman, and child were hanging onto her words and yearn for more. The daughter of the inn keeper stood in closer to the front of the group of people that assembled themselves around Aurore. With a smile, she leaned forward and so did her audience as if she was about to tell them a dark secret.

"You see, these eight men of poor origin dared to test their mettle against mine. Their eyes laid upon mine with malicious intent. They believed themselves to be the lion stalking his prey; oh how obscured they were of this thinking." she paused to scan her audience once again. She laid eyes on the young beautiful inn keeper's daughter. Aurore offered her charming smile which made the barkeep's daughter blush and giggle slightly. "You see, no matter how intimidating they thought themselves to be, I had one thing on my side that helped me resist such temptations of fear." her hand smoothly gestured to the inn keeper's daughter. "Now men you know the vigor that a damsel in dire need of rescue could bestow upon her gallant knight. One quick glance at this fair maiden and I felt my courage increase ten fold. The ravenous band of outlaws advance towards me with their swords craving my sanguine. I ready my rapier and said to them 'Have at me if you wish for an early grave you berserk knaves!. Allow my blade to show your folly!' And so my blade did. Their rugged swordsmanship was no match for the graceful and precise strikes of my rapier. Each parry and dodge was wearing on my stamina but defeat was not an option. The men backed me into a corner thinking that surely their victory was assured. Though Fortune only smiled on me. Their leader left himself opened with his wide swing of his sword. I took the opportunity and deftly dodged his assault and attempted a counter attack. My thrust strike true. The grizzly man dropped his weapon as the life in his eyes escaped him. His fellow ruffians routed. And here I stand now in your company with the damsel saved."

The crowd erupted in cheers and praise. Aurore waved her hands in front of her, telling them that she was not worthy of such respect and praise. Though the crowd disagreed and many of the patrons offered her meal on their tab. She politely declined their generous gestures. The inn keeper's daughter approached, her long blonde hair waving so naturally.

"What can I give you, Lady Knight, for you valiant rescue?" the inn keeper's daughter asked in a sheepish voice.

"I don't need to be rewarded for the deed I performed my lady. However I see in your eyes that you wish to so eagerly reward me. Then may I ask the mademoiselle for her hand?"

The inn keeper's daughter blushed profusely as she extended her hand towards Aurore. Aurore gently held the girl's hand then lightly kissed her hand. "Thank you mademoiselle. Truly you are gracious." The girl's blush grew even more intense. Aurore turned to the rest of the patrons with a broad smile on her face. "I sadly must depart of your company you good and gentle folk. Take care and please enjoy the rest of your evening." she turned back to the inn keeper's daughter. "I bid you adieu, fairest maiden."

She left the inn still being cheered and praised by the patrons. She looked up at the sky and saw the sun was about to hide for the night. The remaining light of the sun made her pendant, in the shape of a rapier, glisten. She took in the array of colors that composed the sky. She let out a sigh, thinking on how beautiful it was. Though she realized that she hadn't been around the Airvenger even since they had landed in this town. It would be rude of her not to make an appearance after such a prolonged absence. With her destination in mind, she made her way towards the Airvenger. Luckily she remembered where the ship was docked and had found her way easily. The sun was close to taking its curtain call for the day. Aurore approached the ship and went aboard.

Once she was inside, she decided to make her way towards the captain chambers as to apologize for her absence.
With an arm thrown up quickly, Aki knocked the pillow aside and grinned. He hadn't been expecting an attack, which of course was stupid and probably one of the reasons why he had failed his final test. He should have listened more in class but class was so boring. Aki had no interest in boring things and people.

It was his quick reflexes that saved his face a beating from a heavy pillow. His reflexes were one of his best attributes and vital to his survival as a wielder of a pole arm. It was difficult to defend in close combat with such a weapon as a halberd, so dodging was narutally a big part of his fighting style.

Standing up straight, he stepped back and leaned against the wall, still grinning with amusement.
"Ah. So you're Ivin after all. I'm Aki, nice to meet you." He held out a hand for Ivin to shake, though the moment their hands clasped together, he gripped tightly, yanked Ivin toward him, and caught him in a headlock. "Let's see what you've got!" he snickered. Forget the training room! Aki needed practice fighting in uneven terrain!
Before the words fully left his mouth Gavin ducked his head to the side to avoid a punch and threw his shoulder into Aladdin's body to send him sprawling. The fight was on, apparently. Gavin waited for Aladdin to get back up, smiling at Gavin as he did so. When Aladdin was up Gavin began his assault with a leap and a flying knee. And so they exchanged blows back and forth. Gavin implemented elbows and knees, focusing on an offensive-defense making his strikes hard and precise. He dodged and blocked, pulling or pushing Aladdin off balance and then knocking him to the ground. He wasn't always successful in evading an attack though, he'd have a couple bruises showing up later. They continued on until the announcement for dinner sounded.