The Age Of Dragons (Plot Discussion) -CLOSED-

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I use Peridot. Black background, green words. Those with a different background color should be able to see the black outline around the dark-aligned characters in the post of pictures. I can't.

I'm at work right now on a slow computer without access to my charts, but I can at least read some of your intros here. I worked through my lunch period, so I figure I deserve a break.
...and I'm watching my typed words show up on the screen after I've typed them.
I guess I forgot to post my character sheet, crap.. oh well, it's closed now. If you guys know any other good fantasy roleplays that are still accepting, please tell me!
Aw, we missed out on a player who knows how to use apostrophes. Those are getting scarce, and it disheartens me.

Oh, that reminds me: if I spot a misplaced apostrophe, I will skip the entire paragraph. It's like boycotting pork because pigs are mistreated, but I care more about apostrophes than I do about pigs.
What languages are there in these lands? Do dragons speak the same language as elves, humans, and orcs?
I feel like such a noob. How is everyone posting pictures of their characters like that in their posts? D:
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simple. use the image command that is next to the smiley button. Hover over it with your mouse and it'll say "image". Post your pictures link there and press OK.
No, like, there were a couple pictures that were melded together like they were in the collage.

Besides. The picture I have is massive. It'd be irritating to have to read and write around it all the time . _.
No, like, there were a couple pictures that were melded together like they were in the collage.

Besides. The picture I have is massive. It'd be irritating to have to read and write around it all the time . _.

Ok well the melded ones were melded by our fabulous AAB who probably did it on photoshop, the post she/he did is back a bit and you'll find your character's picture on there somewhere

And you can minimise the picture you have if you wanna

I can do it for you real quick if you like?
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Hold on AAB might have done it for you anyway, I'll take a look, what page is your CS on?
I've been rolling around in my head all day what sort of reaction Tiernoch will have to Skyvalla. It'll be interesting no matter what.
But does Tiernoch actually know Dhuun?
*excited wriggle*

I do have this idea of him roaring with laughter at her proclamation of living 'many years' when she would seem but a pup to him. Of course though, that's a little too impudent, so he'd likely just chortle softly and keep his composure.
I do have this idea of him roaring with laughter at her proclamation of living 'many years' when she would seem but a pup to him. Of course though, that's a little too impudent, so he'd likely just chortle softly and keep his composure.

Well truthfully speaking, 526 years is a long time to never meet another of your own species ^_^'
But does Tiernoch actually know Dhuun?

I wouldn't think Tiernoch met any of the hatchlings yet. He spent most of his time asleep inside Dinivia, then another several centuries (and thus large portions of your dragon's lifespan so far) just sitting on top of the mountain ranges waking up. Big guy, moves little, very ponderous.

Well truthfully speaking, 526 years is a long time to never meet another of your own species ^_^'

Fair enough, at least from Skyvalla's point of view.
Funny how Skyvalla and Dhuun are almost the same age, both Neutral but, Skyvalla has never seen Dhuun. However, not surprising, because Dhuun has been lurking around in so many years, away from the civilization, but close enough when it comes to Niforia.
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