That Awkward Moment When...

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That awkward moment when no one responds to your second sneeze because it was one of those silent sneezes that seems to light a fire in your nose and then explode in your head somewhere, giving you a really weird and terrible short-term headache that makes you shout "aaaaaghguhguh!"
That awkward moment when someone shouts "aaaaaghguhguh" in the middle of Sex Ed.
That awkward moment when you fart and the class is quiet.

that akward moment when your cuddling with your boyfriend and you fall asleep

that akward moment when your boyfriend sees a REAL orgasm(happens to no one but me >.<)

that akward moment when you cough really loud and the room is quiet

that akward moment when you tell someone your feelings like love feelings
That awkward moment when you put it in the wrong hole.
That awkward moment when the hole is a doughnut hole...
That awkward moment when you bit into a doughnut with nasty filling and you really don't want to waste it but you also don't want to eat it and you can't decide if you should try to convince someone to eat the doughnut you just bit into or not.
That awkward moment when someone eats something out of your hand as you consider eating it. In one bite. Before you finish considering if you want to eat it or not.
That awkward moment when it's not your doughnut you just eat but your most hated enemy. .
The awkward moment when your most hated enemy confessess he wants to eat your doughnut.
That awkward moment when you confess something to someone and they already knew what you were going to say.
That awkward moment when you're trying to talk to someone about your crush and they think it's them and they reject you before you even got to finish what you were saying.
That awkward moment somebody in your class who you hardly know talks to you about their crush, but they seem so excited that you just don't want to tell them you don't care at all.
That awkward moment when your friend in class gets caught cheating off your paper and you both get in trouble.
That Awkward Moment when you realize you've no clue what your friend was talking about and asks your opinion
That awkward moment when you said "Uh huh" to your friend because you are not paying attention and then they slap you.
That awkward moment when you get slap the wrong person.
That awkward moment when the person necks to you farts.
That awkward moment when you think that the person next to you farted and it smells bad but you don't want to edge away from them because they'll definitely notice and be offended.
That awkward moment when you're doing something really romantic with someone you love... and you fart.