That Awkward Moment When...

when you find out you're on fire and realize no one else is on fire and they aren't trying to put you out.
That awkward moment when your fire alarm goes off in your house when your mother begins blow drying her hair.
That awkward moment when you arrive at a fourth of july celebration wearing jeans when everyone else is wearing khaki shorts.
That awkward moment when there are two people and you fart, then try to blame it on the other person.
That awkward moment when someone blames you for something you didn't do, but you saw THEM do.
That awkward moment, when the cat licks your foot and you kick it on accident.
That awkward moment when the cat scratches you for the first time for kicking it on accident....
That awkward moment when the cat scratches you on the face and you have to explain to people who ask that you accidentally kicked the cat after it licked your foot so it came after your face...
That awkward moment something came for your face....
That awkward moment when you took the last cookie, but have no one else to blame for it.
That awkward moment when you blame yourself and get all emo about it later.
That awkward moment when an emo tells you they love you but they want to kill you.
That awkward moment when the emo is about to kill you, but kisses you instead.
That awkward moment when you're talking to somebody about how awful or stupid this other person was earlier today and you find out they're related.

That awkward moment when you find out that the stupidity runs in the family.
That Awkward moment when you go to build a Dispenser, and realize you're a pyro.
That award moment, when the cat pees and your like "awww" only to take a whiff, scrunch up you nose and go "WHAT THE HELL CAT!"
That awkward moment where you're watching something pee with something they're NOT supposed to have.
That awkward moment when you've been out of the shower for an hour but still haven't gotten dressed because you were distracted by the internet.
The awkward moment you were watching your dog chase her tail and think *wow she's easily entertained* then realise you also have been watching her for the past ten minutes....