Tell me a few random things about yourself!

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i love science
i am 5'11 and counting
i like grapefruit
i like sony systems
im new to rping
im quiet and i have bad anixety attacks sometimes.
•I love wolves
•I love to RP
•I love to draw
•I am a girl
•i have a few gifts God-given (believe me or not idc), i can see spirits, heal, read emotions and calm others,
•i am bi and my parents found out DX ..though they are ok with it and everything's good ^^""
•i am bored.
Lol :P just a few things in list form. Sry if I bored u XD
hi i'm new here
i've been creative all my live.
i draw i write...
i mostly roleplay with my niece but i wanted to do it with other ppl also
i like to find some friends
Uhm.. hi
Well I'm pretty shy at first but I open up with time
I love to draw
New to rping
I'm weird
And random
Im short 5'3
Hi. I'm old, play games mostly RPGs, some strategy, I read well used to, odd, I say odd things. Don't make friends easily.
I'm an endangered species. I'm Telekinetic, the doctors think I'm schizophrenic, so I have to live in a hostel till I get a job again, but I have been trying to write a book, though I am going to have to get a job afterall I think...
Hai All. My name is Lillyana and i was roleplaying on JP Comm until it was moved to facebook, twitter and Pinterest. I have been actively roleplaying for about 5 or so years. I hope to bring all my JP Comm mates onto here. I am deathly afraid of spiders and LOVE anything purple.
-I'm from NC to sista! 8D
I am Lauren.
I am 18.
I never thought I would like working in a hotel, but I do. (I tried to go into nursing but absolutely despised it, although my fascination with medicine and anatomy has not left me.)
I absolutely love plants, but I suck at keeping them alive. I suck at keeping most anything alive and one of the reasons I am a cat person is because I don't have to take very much care of them.
I am a leo.
I am just a white chick, nothing special.
I play like I'm nice and sweet but really I'm a total beyotch... oops.
I am hella weird.
I like to make people feel awkward or uncomfortable.
I am not a team player because I can do the job better by myself.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like everyone else on the internet, I am 100% in love with cats. Like if I had 1 wish granted to me it would be that I was a cat.
You can call me Lea.
-I'm fifteen turning sixteen.
-I like purples and blues.
-I listen to most musical genres.
-I'm learning to roleplay.
-I'm allergic to milk but I still drink it. I have no problem with dairy products though.
-I'm also allergic to drinks with artificial coloring, especially red coloring like Kool-Aid.
-I need to learn how to stop busting my gut for people who don't care.
-I don't like cats.
That's me in a nutshell.
Hello, I am Raina Marie. I am 23 years old 5'4 and new to role playing.
-Most favourite colour is Purple
-I like icecream sandwiches
-When I was little I always thought stripers were prettier than Disney princesses (don't ask, it was all in innocent mindset)
-Rping is a thing I do
-Worked at a dollar store
-Monster girls are a thing
-Digital artist

Uhhhhhhhm. Yeah
Welcome to Iwaku! ^^
Hope you enjoy your stay here
Hello, I'm Sam. I've been role playing for a long time, I started off in forum rps but gradually switched to RP by chat so I figured I'd try going back to forum based RPs for now.. Excuse my improper grammar cause outside of the RP I'm very lazy. XP. Let's see what else... I'm very nice, and unique I guess. I love Kpop, Jrock, American rock, pop and rap. I'm also a big fan of Batman and other DC comics (Boo Marvel!)... I'm not sure what else to put here..
I'm 5'6"
I love the color blue
when I'm bored I think of ways to defeat zombies
when I get married my wedding dress will be a dark blue or an awesome cosplay
Woo haven't done this yet so... here we go!

I am 5'1 or .. 5'0.. haven't measured myself in a long time..
I am Asian, also know as a vanilla wafer. Yellow on the outside, super white on the inside. xD (Please don't take that offensively =P)
I enjoy making super cute plushies and sending them to strangers, so if you want one, I would be happy to give you one!
I am a Sophomore in college, trying to get a degree in business, and librarian science.
Video games are my life, my favorite game is Baldur's Gate II. Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!
Merp. I'm random, myself. I love junk food. Penguins. Any animal.

I can't sleep with any doors open.

I think way too much, it's weird O.o I even question life it's self.
In RP I go by Judgement, cruel but fair, but you can call me Raul if you want.
- Im a Nice 5'11, so I seem to tower over a bit of you guys. :P
- I play guitar and the ocarina, the latter being my strongersuit.
- I don't have too much experience in roleplay.
- Proper grammar is always key to me.
I want to make a fanfic RP based on the endless, i'll post more on that later.
•I'm a 5'9.5" girl
•the internet has shattered my once innocent eyes beyond repair
•I hav guyish tendencies
•when I'm lazy,I kinda act like a kitty
I used to have imaginary friends, in an imaginary world. I had a diary in which I updated daily about what I did in that world.

It was awesome.
Hola! Hey everybody, whats up? I am the wonderful DroolingOverBookBoys, DOBB for short. You can also call me Hannah. If you want. So, I am new to this site, but not new to roleplay. Group or one on one, it dosent matter. I can adapt. I'm very creative, a bit stubborn, I like to use big words, and I really enjoy romantic aspects of roleplay. Umm, I like to read, I like to write. (Fun fact, some think its weird but I like to read yaoi...) I enjoy manga and anime, and I enjoy having fun. Oh, and I can be a bit narcissistic. :)
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