Teen Titans: A New Dawn

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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*Sings to everyone and then turns into the Nostalgia critic.*

Post. Now. Feed Chev with posts so that he may be inspired.
*Sings to everyone and then turns into the Nostalgia critic.*

Post. Now. Feed Chev with posts so that he may be inspired.
Stop being hungry for posts, you're making me hungry for posts X3
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*looks shocked from being smacked, then looks to Chev with an agitated raised brow*

... How Dare You...

*pulls off a white glove from my left hand and slaps Chev in the face with it twice, once on both cheeks*

Good Day To You Sir!

*puts on a top hat and walks away after putting the glove back on*
*Turns into Charlie Sheen and pulls a Bazooka out of his shoe*

FROZEN! It's whats for dinner!

Wake up everyone! We need posts!
Posting now. Hopefully I have more free time now.

Also, where the hell is everyone?

*Slams his hand down on the ground and a blue wall of energy appears.*

Drakel/Mina/KKL/Stryder/ Summoning!
*salutes* Mina present!
My post got destroyed by maintenance, thanks iwaku e.e
They did warn you to save in time xD
Yeah they did sweetie ^3^ it was in big, bold red lettering at the top of every page ;3
And cool you got a new phone ^^ I really need a new onw too, with a bigger storage
A piece of the world is missing!

*Disappears in a burst of static.*

*Viran looks over and sees Chev disappear.*

Aw crap. Once again, I'm a creation of his mind so-

*Viran disappears in a burst of static.*

I am an outer God. That was created by a Pokemon game.
Name: Adam Kane

Hero/Villain name: Voltage

Age: 19

Race: Human

Alias: (do you mean other than his real name or hero name?)

Appearance: th (2).jpg

Powers: a living rechargeable battery - Adam is able to generate energy by moving his body. he can generate energy and re purpose it all over his body, making him faster, stronger, more agile, even a little tougher. He is able to fire bolts of energy but it uses a lot of energy.

Skills: Adam knows how to Box as well as a few counter moves and Parkour that he learned from other heroes.

Weapons: modified gauntlets/Gloves. They are light weight but feel like a sledge hammer (he prefers to hit things.)

Gear: Just loose fitting black basketball shorts, a black Hoody with the sleeves cut off and black sneakers with a black bandanna around his head an a pair of purple goggles.

Personality: Adam is a fun loving guy he loves to use his power to jump high in the air, he always wanted to fly. He loves cracking jokes but knows when to get serious. He is always alert even when not in hero mode, he tries to live his life as an example to the youth around him on how to behave as a positive member of society.

Background: Adam was an orphan, he never knew his parents. he spent his entire life in an orphanage, until one day a man in suit came to the orphanage and adopted him. Adam thought it weird that this business looking guy wanted him, but he was happy he finally had a place to call home. They drove in silence for a long time, when Adam finally worked up his courage to ask a question the man pulled the car over and waited till the road was empty. He opened the back of the car and threw out Adam's belongings and tazzed him.

When Adam woke up he was in a glass box, he was in a white outfit with the words experiment 213 on it. The room was filled with this purple smoke as Adam fought hard to stay away from it, it was no use the smoke chocked him. the researchers pressed their faces up against the glass watching to see what would happen. As the smoke cleared they saw an unconscious Adam in the middle of the room. Adam opened his eyes as a shot of purple energy shot out cracking the glass cage. The researchers started to congratulate each other when Adam's vitals dropped. He wasn't moving and his heart rate was really low. they entered the room and tried to revive him but he wouldn't respond he was declared a vegetable and sent away.

The researchers paid some bad people to make Adam's body disappear. They drove his lifeless body to the middle of nowhere and started to dig a child sized hole. The men moved Adam twords the hole, but being the jerks they were they decided to mess with his lifeless body moving his arms around like a puppet. When the time came to throw Adam in the hole his heart started beating faster, and faster until he grabbed onto the man's arm and squeezed with everything he had breaking his arm. As he doubled over in pain Adam looked around confused and scarred the other man drew a gun and aimed it at Adam. Adam turned to run and ended up several hundred feet away in seconds. He didn't understand what happened at that research center but he knew he didn't want to go back. He felt a sudden surge of energy and strength he returned to the men and clumsily thrashed them.

Adam drug their unconscious bodies to town and told the police that they kidnapped him from an orphanage. The police chief who was a widower took pity on the boy and decided to adopt him. Adam learned about his powers slowly and hid them from his Adopted father, he knew what he wanted to do he wanted to be like the heroes he saw on the news. He wanted to grow up to use this curse as a gift for saving people.

When the Heroes disappeared Adam took up the mantle of Voltage fighting to keep the streets safe from anyone who would threatened the City he grew up in.

Other: Although he can recharge his power using energy bursts drains his powers rapidly. He prefers to fight with his fists and saves the energy bursts as a trump card, since it leaves him weak and powerless until his body is moved again.
Name: Adam Kane

Hero/Villain name: Voltage

Age: 19

Race: Human

Alias: (do you mean other than his real name or hero name?)

Appearance: View attachment 71045

Powers: a living rechargeable battery - Adam is able to generate energy by moving his body. he can generate energy and re purpose it all over his body, making him faster, stronger, more agile, even a little tougher. He is able to fire bolts of energy but it uses a lot of energy.

Skills: Adam knows how to Box as well as a few counter moves and Parkour that he learned from other heroes.

Weapons: modified gauntlets/Gloves. They are light weight but feel like a sledge hammer (he prefers to hit things.)

Gear: Just loose fitting black basketball shorts, a black Hoody with the sleeves cut off and black sneakers with a black bandanna around his head an a pair of purple goggles.

Personality: Adam is a fun loving guy he loves to use his power to jump high in the air, he always wanted to fly. He loves cracking jokes but knows when to get serious. He is always alert even when not in hero mode, he tries to live his life as an example to the youth around him on how to behave as a positive member of society.

Background: Adam was an orphan, he never knew his parents. he spent his entire life in an orphanage, until one day a man in suit came to the orphanage and adopted him. Adam thought it weird that this business looking guy wanted him, but he was happy he finally had a place to call home. They drove in silence for a long time, when Adam finally worked up his courage to ask a question the man pulled the car over and waited till the road was empty. He opened the back of the car and threw out Adam's belongings and tazzed him.

When Adam woke up he was in a glass box, he was in a white outfit with the words experiment 213 on it. The room was filled with this purple smoke as Adam fought hard to stay away from it, it was no use the smoke chocked him. the researchers pressed their faces up against the glass watching to see what would happen. As the smoke cleared they saw an unconscious Adam in the middle of the room. Adam opened his eyes as a shot of purple energy shot out cracking the glass cage. The researchers started to congratulate each other when Adam's vitals dropped. He wasn't moving and his heart rate was really low. they entered the room and tried to revive him but he wouldn't respond he was declared a vegetable and sent away.

The researchers paid some bad people to make Adam's body disappear. They drove his lifeless body to the middle of nowhere and started to dig a child sized hole. The men moved Adam twords the hole, but being the jerks they were they decided to mess with his lifeless body moving his arms around like a puppet. When the time came to throw Adam in the hole his heart started beating faster, and faster until he grabbed onto the man's arm and squeezed with everything he had breaking his arm. As he doubled over in pain Adam looked around confused and scarred the other man drew a gun and aimed it at Adam. Adam turned to run and ended up several hundred feet away in seconds. He didn't understand what happened at that research center but he knew he didn't want to go back. He felt a sudden surge of energy and strength he returned to the men and clumsily thrashed them.

Adam drug their unconscious bodies to town and told the police that they kidnapped him from an orphanage. The police chief who was a widower took pity on the boy and decided to adopt him. Adam learned about his powers slowly and hid them from his Adopted father, he knew what he wanted to do he wanted to be like the heroes he saw on the news. He wanted to grow up to use this curse as a gift for saving people.

When the Heroes disappeared Adam took up the mantle of Voltage fighting to keep the streets safe from anyone who would threatened the City he grew up in.

Other: Although he can recharge his power using energy bursts drains his powers rapidly. He prefers to fight with his fists and saves the energy bursts as a trump card, since it leaves him weak and powerless until his body is moved again.
I like your character, I really do, but I already created a hero called Voltage. I can switch some of my character's powers around and maybe change the name if everyone is okay with that since this one is quite a bit more detailed then mine is.
I like your character, I really do, but I already created a hero called Voltage. I can switch some of my character's powers around and maybe change the name if everyone is okay with that since this one is quite a bit more detailed then mine is.
It's up to you guys I can change the name that's no problem as far as powers go i can make another character sheet if needed
I like your character, I really do, but I already created a hero called Voltage. I can switch some of my character's powers around and maybe change the name if everyone is okay with that since this one is quite a bit more detailed then mine is.
Not to be rude or anything kuro guy but i feel like you really beat the hell out of the experimental hero bio, and it looks like you took from separate bios including my own
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