Super Troopers: Life in the Empire (OoC)

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So the show continues. I've had plenty to do the last few days so it was a blessing in disguise.
The 'black shirt' character is mine, right? I just wanna be sure before posting something completely erroneous. I hate having to edit my posts after the fact.
I totally wasn't thinking that initially when I wrote it, but yeah it can be xD

Or I can edit it and have your character also referenced if you want?
Alright, I'll take care of it as soon as possible ^^
By backup do you mean everybody? When you follow up with "Oh shit. thought Maar as her group stormed in" it makes me second guess that's it's only Nira and her men.
I kinda just have my sniper tagging along. Will post when I see a chance/cause.
I meant everyone, my bad! I meant from Maar's perspective a group of troopers (both her squad and everyone else) showed up.
I meant everyone, my bad! I meant from Maar's perspective a group of troopers (both her squad and everyone else) showed up.
Okay, and don't worry about. It only concerned how 111 helps out. =P
Let me know if my post needs changing, my mental picture of the rooms and corridors atm is a bit in shambles.
There still interest in this? I'm not sure what's expected, but I assumed you were to post next @mr_pibbs. Though if there is no posting order then am I expect to update the rebel escape attempt as I'm the only one with a prisoner character?
No I was posting next, I was gonna get something up on Friday ^^;

Sorry about the delay everyone.
No I was posting next, I was gonna get something up on Friday ^^;

Sorry about the delay everyone.
Fair enough. Just wanted to know specifics. Thanks =).
Now that the update's over, I'll get a post up ^^
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